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Well Krogan females are treated like prized possessions, so that's understandable. And Quarians are rarely seen at all. As for the others, yeah you're right. Unless the two sexes are extremely similar lol.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Well Krogan females are treated like prized possessions, so that's understandable. And Quarians are rarely seen at all. As for the others, yeah you're right. Unless the two sexes are extremely similar lol.[/quote]

Like a dwarf, eh? I could see that being a possibility.

The game leaves a lot of questions left unanswered though. Not too surprised since this is suppose to be a trilogy.
[quote name='Draekon']Like a dwarf, eh? I could see that being a possibility.

The game leaves a lot of questions left unanswered though. Not too surprised since this is suppose to be a trilogy.[/quote]

True, but it was nice how they still had a really good story progression, climax, character development, etc. A lot of games or movies these days that are planned to be trilogies just wind up feeling incomplete on their own but I didn't feel this first part of Mass Effect had that problem at all.
Well I started over again since I had only gone past Eden Prime and being higher lvl character I thought the enemies would increase in difficulty but I guess not. Doing it on Veteran now and stupid item management lol I need a merchant to sell my stuff as I've reached 150 items? No matter what I salvage, I still have 150 items, it's weird.
prolly a stupid question that has already been answered but hey im lazy...

just beat the game last night (one of the better video game stories in recent history imo) and wanted to know if there was any way i could continue on with side quests with the same character? I only ask because my last save was before the last boss and i skipped through the credits. thanks
Didn't see this earlier in the thread, call it a lack of looking, but Amazon has a pre-order up for the second Mass Effect book, due July 2008.
[quote name='jrutz']Didn't see this earlier in the thread, call it a lack of looking, but Amazon has a pre-order up for the second Mass Effect book, due July 2008.[/quote]

Comes out July 29th according to Amazon. Guess we'll have mark July as the month to read the first book and play the game again before the book comes out :) Is the second book supposed to bridge the gap between the first two games or is it located during a different time period like the first book was?
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']

Comes out July 29th according to Amazon. Guess we'll have mark July as the month to read the first book and play the game again before the book comes out :) Is the second book supposed to bridge the gap between the first two games or is it located during a different time period like the first book was?[/QUOTE]

I need to know as well.. I read the first book, but haven't played the game yet.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Anyone else think Tali was kind of hot, even though you couldn't see her face...[/QUOTE]

yes. I kinda doubt it, but can you have a romantic relationship with her?

her culture and speach reminds me of arabic or indian stuff.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']yes. I kinda doubt it, but can you have a romantic relationship with her?

her culture and speach reminds me of arabic or indian stuff.[/quote]

I thought her accent was Russian, sounds sexy at least but I doubt you can have a romantic relationship with her though.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']yes. I kinda doubt it, but can you have a romantic relationship with her?

her culture and speach reminds me of arabic or indian stuff.[/QUOTE]
I got the Arabic feel as well, especially since her people are nomads.

Anyway, glad I wasn't the only one who liked her. Thought I was alone there for awhile >.
so im not sure what to level my squad in should i just go with auto level or does each person excel in a specific area(
ashley and kaidan im in the citadel tryin to prove saren is rogue
Depends on your play style. I leveled my Shepard to be a shotgun wielding tank. I maxed barrier, shotgun, and shock trooper. She was practically invincible, and I'd just run up to enemies and blast away.
How is the replay value in this game? I'm about 5 hours into this game and I'm not sure what to make of it as 4.5 of those hours were all walking around talking to people. So far the plot is interesting and the little combat I've experienced is fun, and I'm curious how the combat would play out with a different class (right now I'm a Vangaurd), but at the same time I'd hate to spend several hours talking to people hearing all the things I heard on my first playthrough again. So can you skip most of that with little penalty (as I know talking gives you exp points)? And without giving too much away, how much do your decisions impact the game? Do they just change the outcomes of conversations or are there whole levels/missions/major plot points that change due to your decisions? I mean is it a game where you can basically do everything in one go, or is replaying it like a completely different experience?
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']How is the replay value in this game? I'm about 5 hours into this game and I'm not sure what to make of it as 4.5 of those hours were all walking around talking to people. So far the plot is interesting and the little combat I've experienced is fun, and I'm curious how the combat would play out with a different class (right now I'm a Vangaurd), but at the same time I'd hate to spend several hours talking to people hearing all the things I heard on my first playthrough again. So can you skip most of that with little penalty (as I know talking gives you exp points)? And without giving too much away, how much do your decisions impact the game? Do they just change the outcomes of conversations or are there whole levels/missions/major plot points that change due to your decisions? I mean is it a game where you can basically do everything in one go, or is replaying it like a completely different experience?[/quote]

I am replaying it now, and I can say that the combat is much different depending on your class. I also played a vanguard at first and am now playing as a engineer. The story can be changed some what depending on your decisions, but the game is still relatively linear. There are specific parts in the game that will always happen, and are not dependent on what you say, but then there are parts where what you do changes what happens. The story will be the same through the game, but slight changes can happen depending on what you do, but nothing that will change the conclusion of the game. After saying that, it is fun to see how conversations play out when choosing other opinions ie...Renegade vs. Paragon.

I am going to give the game 2 playthroughs, and then when DLC comes out will give it another go. You will also have to have more then one playthrough if you want to get all the achievements.
I went the pistol route, I have pistol maxed out and now I'm working on shotgun. I haven't really been putting anything into biotics, I'll probably do barrier.
I'm on playthrough number 3 with the same character and you can cut quite a bit out by pressing "X" through conversations. You don't miss much experience because the exp from talking is usually just 125 and many times discussions only result in journal entries. I think I put 21-23 hours into it the first time and still didn't get the achievement for completing the majority of the game. The second play through I tried going through as quickly as possible incorrectly assuming that the major plot lines would get me up to level 60. I think that playthrough only took ~6 hours.

The parts that are frustrating me the most as I play more are the one hit kills and the sucky autosave.

I should add that I played 30+ hours of Two Worlds, so my total playtime is not an indicator of overall game quality.
I am 5 hours in and just played the most annoying part ever!
I just got done fighting Benezia. It was the first mission I took after leaving the Citidel and man it was a bad idea. I bet I played this 50 times before realizing I needed to use my Carnage ability to take down the enemies. It still was hard but I finally beat it.
[quote name='Staind204']I am 5 hours in and just played the most annoying part ever!
I just got done fighting Benezia. It was the first mission I took after leaving the Citidel and man it was a bad idea. I bet I played this 50 times before realizing I needed to use my Carnage ability to take down the enemies. It still was hard but I finally beat it.
Ya I would say
that was the hardest part for me when I played through it, but after that everything was pretty normal on the diffuculty level. Didn't really think the game was that hard, but when you first start off ya they through some stuff at you and you die a lot, but a couple hours into it I hardly ever died.
[quote name='Staind204']I am 5 hours in and just played the most annoying part ever!
I just got done fighting Benezia. It was the first mission I took after leaving the Citidel and man it was a bad idea. I bet I played this 50 times before realizing I needed to use my Carnage ability to take down the enemies. It still was hard but I finally beat it.

Wow, you're speeding through. :lol:

I just left the Citadel and I'm like 9 hours in.
Benezia was the hardest for me as well. What I hated was that I died and had to go through all that cutscene diolague crap 7 times. I tried to get the commandos first which was a bad idea I think so I focused on Benezia first and then took out the individual units. I'm not looking forward to this fight again.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Yea
Benezia was the hardest for me as well. What I hated was that I died and had to go through all that cutscene diolague crap 7 times. I tried to get the commandos first which was a bad idea I think so I focused on Benezia first and then took out the individual units. I'm not looking forward to this fight again.
Not sure if you know this, but hiiting the "X" button speeds up that process greatly.
[quote name='CheapyD']Not sure if you know this, but hiiting the "X" button speeds up that process greatly.[/quote]

OMG I did not, thanks Cheapy! I browsed the manuel.;)
fuck Benezia, but SUPER fuck her little asari commandos who kept knocking me over and one-hit killing me on Normal.
Also, this was before I realize you could use X to skip convos, so I listened to "blah blah YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT IS TO BE A MOTHER blah blah blah HAVE YOU EVER FACED AN ASARI COMMANDO blah blah blah" about half a dozen times.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Ahem,
fuck Benezia, but SUPER fuck her little asari commandos who kept knocking me over and one-hit killing me on Normal.
Also, this was before I realize you could use X to skip convos, so I listened to "blah blah YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT IS TO BE A MOTHER blah blah blah HAVE YOU EVER FACED AN ASARI COMMANDO blah blah blah" about half a dozen times.[/quote]

Yea and I thought they'd autosave after that wouldn't you?
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']Interesting read:

NOTE: Some contents of this link could be considered minor spoilers.[/quote]
Lol, I've never gotten stuck, or gotten a DRE or flipped my Mako. This guy would hate trailers for movies, half that shit never makes into the final and most of the time the trailer is biased since more than half of the movie isn't even done by the time they release them.

So he saw stuff at E3 that didn't make it into the game, big deal, that was obviously a tech demo show and all games have bugs. Hey I just say we've got a lot more to look forward to the sequels. You can't get everything right the first time. In the bonus disc Bioware said they learned a lot working with other studios on this project. Plus when Mass Effect was pushed back everyone whined, now they're still complaining because it was rushed?! haha:applause: Bottom line is the game is Epic, fun, engaging and you should give some of your money to the guys that made it.
[quote name='Danil ACE']what?!?! You can skip convos with the X button?!?! Why didn't somebody tell me this before I beat the game? lol[/quote]

I found this out fairly early on in a desperate attempt of, "Okay, A didn't work...let's mash all the other buttons!" to avoid sitting through the same dialogue scene for the third time.

You REALLY think they'd autosave it just before a battle or something. Only complaint about the game so far.
[quote name='IOnceWasLegend']You REALLY think they'd autosave it just before a battle or something. Only complaint about the game so far.[/QUOTE]
You'd think that people would remember to save before a battle.
I'm loving the game but i have run into some major problems like dialog boxes being stuck on the screen and people in my party disappearing. Not losing them, they were nowhere to be seen in the area and didn't reappear until I went to a new area. Also people jumping around on geometry and getting stuck in geometry sometimes. I also really hate how sometimes geth will just charge your position and you don't even know they're behind you until too late.

It's all so easy to overlook though when the game is so good.
I was able to rent a copy of this earlier tonight..I put in around 3 hours so far. All I can sey is WOW! In-freakin-credible game! Sky high production values. Certainly some of the best graphics I've seen this generation period. I'm gonna try to get through as much of it as I can in the 5 days I'll have with it. But honestly, I'm one of those that likes to do or at least try every side quest so that I've played through as close to all of a game as possible so realistically I'm probably gonna get NO where near close to the end. Will just have to slap this game on the Christmas list.

As for slowdown, yes I am seeing it in a few spots but it's not the nightmare I was fearing after doing some reading and does not in any way detract from or ruin the experience! The cutscenes are running very smoothly. Usually, I struggle a great deal with shooters or any game that has shooting sections but this game has been very fair so far and I've gotten used to that part fairly fast. I think the Codec is a really neat idea..My gosh the detail they've packed into the story and background info is mind blowing.

My only concern is, I'm on 360 number 2. My launch 360 died from the ring of death in Feb and they sent me a replacement VERY quickly. My hope originally was that it would last me long enough to get me completely through Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, as much of this as I can get through, Too Human, Lost Odyssey and Infinite Undiscovery. It's gotten me completely through BD and Eternal Sonata so far..the 3 hours I played tonight my 360 only got mildly warm which has gotta be a good sign as I hear Mass Effect is demanding on the system.

Anyhow, wanted to add my 2 cents. INCREDIBLE game so far. I'm gettin up, doing what I need to get done in the morning and then I think you can guess where I'm parkin my butt :) I can't wait to see how this story plays out.
[quote name='Brak']You'd think that people would remember to save before a battle.[/quote]

Well, yeah. I always try to now, but I was at
the part where you save the female asari who joins your party
and I was forced to sit through the elevator sequence and the dialogue about four times.
If I don't pick a class with tech in it can I never open locked boxes?

Can my teammates open?

If not I might have to restart.

Bah, why do the GFaqs boards have to be down right now.
[quote name='Malkovich']If I don't pick a class with tech in it can I never open locked boxes?

Can my teammates open?

If not I might have to restart.

Bah, why do the GFaqs boards have to be down right now.[/QUOTE]

Yes your teammates can open them. Make sure they have enough skill, and that they have the skill.
My friend let borrow this game. Anybody here know the requirements to get all the endings? Is it the same as Star Wars Old Republic- good, bad or neutral or is it different with this game? I want to know, so I can complete this game as fast as possible with least amount of play through.
[quote name='Calamityuponthee']Yes your teammates can open them. Make sure they have enough skill, and that they have the skill.[/QUOTE]

I'm getting the "Your electronics is not high enough" message when trying to salvage something. I have Tali with me and she has points in it. So basically when high enough Shepard will simply open it himself? Or do I have to somehow direct Tali to it?
[quote name='Malkovich']I'm getting the "Your electronics is not high enough" message when trying to salvage something. I have Tali with me and she has points in it. So basically when high enough Shepard will simply open it himself? Or do I have to somehow direct Tali to it?[/quote]

When it's high enough, you can walk over and activate it as if Shepard had the ability. If it says it's not high enough, nobody in your party has a high enough skill in it.

Just out of curiosity, would somebody mind giving me an idea of how far I am into the game? I've played about six hours, and so far
I've only done the mission where you save the asari girl in the mine, and I've just encountered the insect species in the research lab at Point 15 on the ice planet
. Anybody mind giving me a rough estimate as to how far I'm at in the game for curiosity's sake?
[quote name='IOnceWasLegend']When it's high enough, you can walk over and activate it as if Shepard had the ability. If it says it's not high enough, nobody in your party has a high enough skill in it.

Just out of curiosity, would somebody mind giving me an idea of how far I am into the game? I've played about six hours, and so far
I've only done the mission where you save the asari girl in the mine, and I've just encountered the insect species in the research lab at Point 15 on the ice planet
. Anybody mind giving me a rough estimate as to how far I'm at in the game for curiosity's sake?[/quote]

If you are only doing the main quests then I would say that you are around half-way and one/third done.
[quote name='IOnceWasLegend']When it's high enough, you can walk over and activate it as if Shepard had the ability. If it says it's not high enough, nobody in your party has a high enough skill in it.

Just out of curiosity, would somebody mind giving me an idea of how far I am into the game? I've played about six hours, and so far
I've only done the mission where you save the asari girl in the mine, and I've just encountered the insect species in the research lab at Point 15 on the ice planet
. Anybody mind giving me a rough estimate as to how far I'm at in the game for curiosity's sake?[/quote]

Between every side quest (EXCEPT the stupid collect quests) and the main story and taking my time to explore as I played, it took me approx 24 hours of playtime to beat.
[quote name='Brak']You'd think that people would remember to save before a battle.[/quote]

You can't save while in battle. In the case of this particular battle, you walk into a normal looking room, a cut scene starts without warning and then you're thrown into battle. There is no chance to save after the cut scene. The latest autosave is actually pretty far back, so it is easy to get screwed by this. Even if you know its coming and you save right before the room you still have to watch the cut scene everytime (and there are some portions of cut scenes that you can't skip through).
I just finished my first playthrough as a paragon. I plan to do the next as a renegade.

I didn't really notice how it impacted gameplay / story, though. It still seemed I had all the "renegade" dialog choices, and as such, could make decisions either way at any point. Is there any real impact in commiting to one way or the other? Am I just overlooking something obvious?
[quote name='MeanMuenster']I just finished my first playthrough as a paragon. I plan to do the next as a renegade.

I didn't really notice how it impacted gameplay / story, though. It still seemed I had all the "renegade" dialog choices, and as such, could make decisions either way at any point. Is there any real impact in commiting to one way or the other? Am I just overlooking something obvious?[/quote]

Supposedly some of the side missions you gain access to are based upon your paragon/renegade ratings. I do totally agree with you though... I was a little dissapointed at how little it actually had an impact on the game as compared to KotOR where the game and story literally branched into significantly different conclusions based upon your choices.
Well they made it so that regardless of what choices you made, you were still the "good guy" in some respect. I think I'm getting pretty close to beating the game, last save has me at about 28 hours, so I'm definately getting my moneys worth.
Clocked in at 36 hours at the end of last night, and I had just landed on Virmire. Other than the collection quests (finished half of those) I only have one more side-mission to finish (that's on my list anyway).

That mission where you need to search the tribes of monkeys for a data disc was a refreshing change.
bread's done