Mass Effect - Gen. Discussion & Info - Pinnacle Station DLC Now Available 400pts

[quote name='Ryuukishi']You guys really spent 40 hours on ME1? I've been through a couple of times, picking up Completionist/Ally achievements (so, 75+% of possible quests supposedly), and it's taken me around 16-18 hours to get through the game. Do the collection assignments really add on that much time? I totally skipped those.[/QUOTE]

I'm ashamed to admit that I'm right at 50 hours, and I still have Pinnacle Station, Virmire, and Ilos to go. :roll: But I tend to take my time with games in general, and I did every side assignment and found every bit and bob. The Citadel alone ate up a lot of hours. Plus, you can probably figure in two or three hours of "left the game on but didn't pause and got called away to do other stuff."

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Excellent. I'll prepare a quick Mass Effect 2 Vanguard Tips dossier for you, if you wish. No spoilers, of course, just some gameplay tips and things you need to look out for when making the switch from the ME1 Vanguard to the ME2 Vanguard (which are worlds apart). I can PM it to you or post it in the ME2 thread.[/QUOTE]

Count me among those who will probably try a different class in ME2. The Vanguard as realized in ME1 is precisely what I wanted, but based on what I've read about how the class works in ME2, it doesn't really fit my play style. The "Charge" ability does not really appeal to me, and close-quarters melee combat is not my first choice necessarily.

That said, in RPGs I always picture myself as a magic-user/adept but end up playing like a warrior/soldier, so it's always a game of balancing my desired play style and my actual play style, if that makes sense. It's just a lot easier to master "shoot a gun" or "swing a sword" than it is to master a slate of different defensive and offensive spells.
[quote name='Tybee']Count me among those who will probably try a different class in ME2. The Vanguard as realized in ME1 is precisely what I wanted, but based on what I've read about how the class works in ME2, it doesn't really fit my play style. The "Charge" ability does not really appeal to me, and close-quarters melee combat is not my first choice necessarily.

That said, in RPGs I always picture myself as a magic-user/adept but end up playing like a warrior/soldier, so it's always a game of balancing my desired play style and my actual play style, if that makes sense. It's just a lot easier to master "shoot a gun" or "swing a sword" than it is to master a slate of different defensive and offensive spells.[/QUOTE]I have no doubt in my mind that the Vanguard class is the hardest to master in ME2 (at least on the Insanity difficulty). I wouldn't blame you for wanting to try something different, but I would also suggest that you give it a try at some point in the future. It's a very rewarding experience.

It should also be noted that with Mass Effect 2, classes are way different than their ME1 counterpart. In ME2, my favorite class turned out to be the one I used least in ME1: the Engineer. You just never know until the game is in the disc tray :)
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I have no doubt in my mind that the Vanguard class is the hardest to master in ME2 (at least on the Insanity difficulty). I wouldn't blame you for wanting to try something different, but I would also suggest that you give it a try at some point in the future. It's a very rewarding experience.

It should also be noted that with Mass Effect 2, classes are way different than their ME1 counterpart. In ME2, my favorite class turned out to be the one I used least in ME1: the Engineer. You just never know until the game is in the disc tray :)[/QUOTE]I've been going through the classes guide for ME2 on as a guide to look at, and it's a bit of a brain pain trying to read it over. :dunce:

Right over here:
[quote name='shrike4242']I've been going through the classes guide for ME2 on as a guide to look at, and it's a bit of a brain pain trying to read it over. :dunce:

Right over here:[/QUOTE]I got you covered :cool:

Be sure to have an open spot or two in your PMs at some point today/tonight, as I am almost done with my mini guide for you to getting started with the Vanguard in ME2.
I just started playing Pinnacle station. I've been having problems with survival mode. I have a level 58 or 59 character with top level equipment. Because of this, I can last a while in this mode. When I let myself go down to end it, it locks up. Is this common?
Shrike: I've been referring to that wiki constantly as I play through ME1, and will certainly do my ME2 class research there. In fact, I think that's how I found it: I was googling for class advice as I started ME1.

Hopefully Xecutioner will work up a guide for me as well when the time comes. I vote we officially dub him the "Intergalactic Guardian Angel." :D
[quote name='Tybee']Shrike: I've been referring to that wiki constantly as I play through ME1, and will certainly do my ME2 class research there. In fact, I think that's how I found it: I was googling for class advice as I started ME1.

Hopefully Xecutioner will work up a guide for me as well when the time comes. I vote we officially dub him the "Intergalactic Guardian Angel." :D[/QUOTE]No problem. If you choose to use a different class than the Vanguard, I can amend this current one to fit within the guidelines of whatever class you desire. If you want the Vanguard guide, then I can pretty much copy/paste. If you can't pick between a class...well, I can help with that, too :cool:

I'll probably keep it to PMs, though, as there are much longer/detailed guides than mine out there (BioWare fourms, etc.) and they're hard to keep track of in threads - not to mention less personalized.
[quote name='Tybee']Shrike: I've been referring to that wiki constantly as I play through ME1, and will certainly do my ME2 class research there. In fact, I think that's how I found it: I was googling for class advice as I started ME1.

Hopefully Xecutioner will work up a guide for me as well when the time comes. I vote we officially dub him the "Intergalactic Guardian Angel." :D[/QUOTE]It's decent enough to search through versus a paper guide (which I have), as I was using it off and on to try and see how much time was left in the game compared to where I was at currently.

I ran across it from the Bioware forums over some post I was reading over there and have been using it to do some "WTF happens in ME2 now that I did this in ME1" scenarios, mainly for the people.

Some of it seems like such left-over loose ends that we'll see them resolved in ME3, come 2012. :D
i just started this game yesterday and im about 6 hours in. pretty sweet so far im a level 7 soldier now. im at the part where you just get off the citadel and get to explore planets and the game suddenly got really hard for me. im just progressing the story "Liara's Dig Site" and im getting slaughtered. i upgraded my weapons and skills and my whole crew gets ripped in half. was i suppose to do the spectre training they mentioned once i became a spectre? or am i just sucking at commands and using skills.
im getting killed the minute you come in contact with enemies. they just swarm and shock us and we all fall down and cant get back up. i try using my shield and other powers but i get wasted.
Um... as soon as you get in contact with them inside the dig site? Like, those first few Geth? Because unless the Xbox version is different (I played PC), they shouldn't even have any abilities that knock you down, unlike a certain boss on that planet.

And, uh... bring someone with Biotics. A lift here, a stasis there, etc. really makes your life a lot easier.
[quote name='The Crotch']Um... as soon as you get in contact with them inside the dig site? Like, those first few Geth? Because unless the Xbox version is different (I played PC), they shouldn't even have any abilities that knock you down, unlike a certain boss on that planet.

And, uh... bring someone with Biotics. A lift here, a stasis there, etc. really makes your life a lot easier.[/QUOTE]The Xbox version isn't any different. There's no one on that planet save that certain boss that would knock you down.

If it's that section with said boss, all you really need to do is stay back and keep him from getting in your face to knock you down.
Again, having someone with Stasis is great for that. I know Wrex has it, but I dunno about Kaiden. On that particular fight,
you immediately want to run forward, taking out the rocket (?) guy on your left, then doing a 90 degree right turn and killing the sniper. You and your guys can then semi-safely sort-of hide behind the box thing in front of the forcefield. Once you kill off all the geth, the krogan will charge like a motherfucker. Do as much damage as you can until he gets right in your face, then have Wrex hit him with a stasis and run to the opposite side of the room. Don't worry too much about cover at that point, and spread your guys out.

That's how I did it on insanity, at any rate.
This station is okay for 5 bucks. it was reasonable when it was Deal of the week prior to ME2 coming out. I bought Bring Down the Sky at 10 bucks aka 800 MSP and got about the same ordeal on being reasonable.
i must be just playing horrible then because as soon as i enter theres like 10 robot looking enemies that charge at you, i end up taking out like 3 of them before my whole crew gets wrecked. i hope im not that bad and it was just because i was playing at 2am lol i'll try again after work tonight and see if i dont suck ass. i'll try re forming my crew as well, i was running with ashley and garrus.
Right, going double soldier is kinda redundant. Consider swapping in Wrex for Ashley. And remember to tell your squadmates to use their powers, especially biotics.
a little update. im about 8 hours in now and my combat was just plain stupid thats why i was getting killed. i totally forgot to upgrade my other squad members lol they all had weak ass guns and armor. i also fell under the spell most people do at first play through and treated this game like a shooter and not an rpg, so ive been using my magic and upgrading as much as possible and its become alot easier to play. the loading everyone seemed to complain about doesnt really bother me that much. the mako stuff gets annoying for real though. im going to keep playing after work today, im becoming addicted to this game. i really love the presentation it really does feel like this epic universe.
Finished last night (including all DLC). Ending was very satisfying.

Pinnacle Station was more fun than I was anticipating, though I get the criticism that it doesn't really fit the style of the rest of the game. Still, nothing like three high-value achievements to keep one motivated. Also, it taught me how to sprint, a technique I had not previously (at level 50, no less) been aware of. It's absolutely necessary for completing a couple of the time trials.
And the vacation pad you win at the end was a fun touch.

Virmire wins for prettiest planet, that's for sure. I ended up
sacrificing Kaidan, even though I originally intended to throw Ashley to the wolves. I died a couple times in trying to rescue Kaidan, and in skipping through the dialog on the third go round, I accidentally opted to save Ashley. So much for hard choices! I was more distraught about nuking that lovely piece of beachfront property than I was about sacrificing either of those folks. I cared much more about Wrex and Tali, so saving the former was much more important to me.

Loved all the exposition building up to the ending. It felt right, somehow. I chose to
save the council because I am a goody goody, and recommended Anderson as the human rep, because it seems impossible that anyone would choose otherwise, what with the ambassador being portrayed as the biggest douche in the universe.

For the past week or two, I've been frantically searching for a reasonably priced copy of the ME 2 Collector's Edition for 360. I'd heard it was scarce, and that certainly seems to be the case. Borderline impossible to get an intact copy of eBay for less than $100. lists it as available in 2-3 weeks, but I think that's BS (product comments there seem to confirm that view). Placed an order just in case.

This morning it occurred to me to check Fry's. Web site showed no copies at either of my local stores, but said it was in stock online (!) and ships out same business day. Ordered a copy without a problem. Then went back to the product page and it showed as "Unavailable." So now I'm wondering if I got lucky and got the last copy they had on hand, or their inventory tracking was off and I'm about to receive a "Sorry, backordered!" follow-up e-mail. I guess we'll see. Order status shows as "In Process" at the moment.
Yeah, you're probably not going to find a sealed 360 CE for less than like $120 unfortunately. At this point it's just gone.

Depending on your collection goals, you might consider getting the regular edition on 360 and the PC CE. Depending on what deals you can find and after selling/trading the redundant Cerberus code, you can end up with basically the same stuff for significantly less money.
Tybee, it sounds like you did the same choices on Virmire and the end as I did, for pretty much the same reasons I did. I may make a run through Pinnacle Station at some point, though it's not high on my priority list at the moment.

There's a few CAGs in the Trading Forum that have ME2 CEs for sale, though I don't know how much they'd expect you to pay for it in money or trade. I ended up double-ordering ME2 from Amazon and GS to get the pre-order bonuses, and I traded my extra copy pretty quickly after release. Finding one online is going to be a mess, though random CAGs have spotted them at Target store previously. Not sure if you'll be that lucky or not.
[quote name='shrike4242']Tybee, it sounds like you did the same choices on Virmire and the end as I did, for pretty much the same reasons I did. I may make a run through Pinnacle Station at some point, though it's not high on my priority list at the moment.[/QUOTE]

I'd recommend it. It'll only take you 2 - 3 hours, tops, and you get 150 nerd points. The environments are pretty fun. I may go in there and grind out the assault rifle and sniper rifle achievements at some point. Even though you can't train on those weapons as a Vanguard, you can still get the cheezmints with them, right?

[quote name='Tybee']This morning it occurred to me to check Fry's. Web site showed no copies at either of my local stores, but said it was in stock online (!) and ships out same business day. Ordered a copy without a problem. Then went back to the product page and it showed as "Unavailable." So now I'm wondering if I got lucky and got the last copy they had on hand, or their inventory tracking was off and I'm about to receive a "Sorry, backordered!" follow-up e-mail. I guess we'll see. Order status shows as "In Process" at the moment.[/QUOTE]

Hot damn, I've got a FedEx tracking number! Now the only question is could they maybe be sending the PC CE by mistake? Seems unlikely considering the PC version isn't even listed on their site (as sold out or otherwise). Place your bets!

It's sad that I'm this excited about paying $82 for a game. ;)
[quote name='Tybee']It's sad that I'm this excited about paying $82 for a game. ;)[/QUOTE]Considering the game, you're very much forgiven. I've got the 360 and PC Collector's Edition, so there's always someone worse out there :lol:
[quote name='Tybee']I'd recommend it. It'll only take you 2 - 3 hours, tops, and you get 150 nerd points. The environments are pretty fun. I may go in there and grind out the assault rifle and sniper rifle achievements at some point. Even though you can't train on those weapons as a Vanguard, you can still get the cheezmints with them, right?[/quote]The nerd points aren't an issue, so if I decide I want to take some time off from ME2 (with as infrequently as I've been touching it, it might be post-ME2), I'll give it a look.

[quote name='Tybee'] Hot damn, I've got a FedEx tracking number! Now the only question is could they maybe be sending the PC CE by mistake? Seems unlikely considering the PC version isn't even listed on their site (as sold out or otherwise). Place your bets!

It's sad that I'm this excited about paying $82 for a game. ;)[/QUOTE]Congrats on finding it, since it seems to be near-impossible to find it at retail at the moment.
I FINALLY finished the game a few days ago, and was disappointed when I didn't get any ally cheesies even though I played through the whole thing with Wrex and Tali. Apparently you need to do almost all of the side quests to get the achievements, which pisses me off since I did a shit ton and got nothing.

That's another play through on top of the two necessary to get the hard and insane achievements. I'm not so sure that's going to happen.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I FINALLY finished the game a few days ago, and was disappointed when I didn't get any ally cheesies even though I played through the whole thing with Wrex and Tali. Apparently you need to do almost all of the side quests to get the achievements, which pisses me off since I did a shit ton and got nothing.

That's another play through on top of the two necessary to get the hard and insane achievements. I'm not so sure that's going to happen.[/QUOTE]

That surprises me, since I popped those achievements with Wrex and Tali fairly early (one during Feros one during BDTS, before I'd done Virmire, Pinnacle Station, or Ilos). I did pretty much every single assignment (and found pretty much every mineral deposit, medallion, etc.) but it seems like you should still be able to get them pretty reliably without doing them all.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I FINALLY finished the game a few days ago, and was disappointed when I didn't get any ally cheesies even though I played through the whole thing with Wrex and Tali. Apparently you need to do almost all of the side quests to get the achievements, which pisses me off since I did a shit ton and got nothing.

That's another play through on top of the two necessary to get the hard and insane achievements. I'm not so sure that's going to happen.[/QUOTE]

Did you have Wrex and Tali with you while doing all of the sidequests on the Citadel at the beginning of the game? That can often be the deal breaker.
I've popped four of the ally achievements so far and each time I've only done around 30 sidequests, or less. Most of the Citadel assignments, the optional stuff on Feros, one of the DLCs, and then maybe two or three random-planet missions-- that's all I've needed. So you definitely don't need to do everything. I even popped Liara's cheev, apparently the toughest to get, before setting foot on Virmire.
[quote name='shrike4242']Congrats on finding it, since it seems to be near-impossible to find it at retail at the moment.[/QUOTE]

It arrived today, and it is indeed the 360 CE! They shipped it in a bubble envelope, so it's a touch banged up, but I'm thrilled regardless. And it does look like I got their last one.

Looks like I may need to move on to the ME2 thread. :cool: Might be a little while though. Not sure I'm going to start it just yet.
I played a little bit of Mass Effect 2 and it seemed amazing but I really want to play this game first. Anybody have recommendations for a class to use for the entire trilogy? I probably won't start until I finish Dragon Age which will be at least a month or two :)
[quote name='freshzen']I played a little bit of Mass Effect 2 and it seemed amazing but I really want to play this game first. Anybody have recommendations for a class to use for the entire trilogy? I probably won't start until I finish Dragon Age which will be at least a month or two :)[/QUOTE]

If you want any of the achievements where you have to use any of the skills 75 times, you don't want to go soldier.
I was going to continue my vanguard from ME1, but I didn't like the direction they took it in. So, I've been playing as an engineer this time in ME2. You get a lot of powers, which helps with conserving ammo, and it's been rather fun so far. I haven't tried the ME1 engineer, but I would recommend the ME2 engineer.
[quote name='Tybee']It arrived today, and it is indeed the 360 CE! They shipped it in a bubble envelope, so it's a touch banged up, but I'm thrilled regardless. And it does look like I got their last one.

Looks like I may need to move on to the ME2 thread. :cool: Might be a little while though. Not sure I'm going to start it just yet.[/QUOTE]Good to hear you did end up with the 360 CE. Nice find, especially with some of the prices it's going for on eBay, Amazon, and sadly enough, on here.
[quote name='Tybee']It arrived today, and it is indeed the 360 CE! They shipped it in a bubble envelope, so it's a touch banged up, but I'm thrilled regardless. And it does look like I got their last one.

Looks like I may need to move on to the ME2 thread. :cool: Might be a little while though. Not sure I'm going to start it just yet.[/QUOTE]Congratulations.

If you'd still like a mini-guide for the switch to ME2, I'd be glad to share it with you when the time comes. I've only made one for Shrike and it sounds like it's helped at least a little bit.

Have you decided what class you're going to try out in ME2?
alright ive been plugging away and its getting crazy!!! freaking Vemire was crazy! it was a huge "oh crap" moment for me because my main "go to" people are kaiden, wrex and ashley. so im happy im being a good two shoe paragon and charmed wrex into being cool. but damn
i actually had feelings for ashley and kaiden at the start so i hesitated by sending ashley with captain kirrahe, then kaiden and ashley with the back and go save him, no save her......i decided to save ashley and poor kaiden went out with a bang.

so now im doing a few side missions before heading to Ilos. a quick question, i have every intention of buying the DLC for this game. should i do it now and bang it out before beating the game or do it after?
Do it now.

Also, you are the only person I've ever heard who liked both Kaiden and Ashley. I saved Ashley on my first run, though I didn't really mean to - I was really just trying to save the bomb, and she happened to be in its general vicinity.
I was doing another playthrough and I'm 100% sure that corporal Jenkins,
the guy who dies at the very beginning, is a very subtle homage to World of Warcraft! I completely missed it the first time around. Even his dialogue on the ship makes him seem like the guy who'd charge into a bunch of enemies.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Congratulations.

If you'd still like a mini-guide for the switch to ME2, I'd be glad to share it with you when the time comes. I've only made one for Shrike and it sounds like it's helped at least a little bit.

Have you decided what class you're going to try out in ME2?[/QUOTE]

Thanks! That would be great.

Based on preliminary research, I'm kind of leaning toward Sentinel for ME2. Playing as a Vanguard in ME1, tech powers were the only big aspect of the game I didn't get to touch (other than vicariously through Tali), and based on some of the stuff I've read/seen about ME2, it looks like the tech powers are implemented in a much cooler way. It also seems like, combined with the right weapon, it is a very balanced class that would let me go out with a variety of squadmates (one of the things I'm most looking forward to in ME2 is not being chained to the same squad members for the sake of achievements).

Speaking of achievements, it looks to me like it is possible to get every ME2 achievement in a single play through. Is that so? My only reticence is going with Insanity. Will that kill my enjoyment of the game? I might be willing to skip that particular cheezmint. ;)

If I want to bring my ME1 character into ME2, do I have to play as the same class? Do I get a chance to redo his appearance?
[quote name='Tybee']Speaking of achievements, it looks to me like it is possible to get every ME2 achievement in a single play through. Is that so? My only reticence is going with Insanity. Will that kill my enjoyment of the game? I might be willing to skip that particular cheezmint. ;)

If I want to bring my ME1 character into ME2, do I have to play as the same class? Do I get a chance to redo his appearance?[/QUOTE]
If you play on Insanity and are importing an ME1 character, then you can pretty much mop up everything in one playthrough. Getting to level 30 may be the only one you can't reach depending on the level of the character you're importing. I don't know if the additional experience from the Firewalker and Kasumi missions will make up the difference though. I know that prior to Firewalker and Kasumi, you could only get to level 30 in one PT if your ME1 character was on level 60 and got the biggest possible import bonus.

You can change the class of an imported character, and you can change appearance too-- however, you have to start from scratch, you can't just make a small adjustment to your existing appearance.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']If you play on Insanity and are importing an ME1 character, then you can pretty much mop up everything in one playthrough. Getting to level 30 may be the only one you can't reach depending on the level of the character you're importing. I don't know if the additional experience from the Firewalker and Kasumi missions will make up the difference though. I know that prior to Firewalker and Kasumi, you could only get to level 30 in one PT if your ME1 character was on level 60 and got the biggest possible import bonus.

You can change the class of an imported character, and you can change appearance too-- however, you have to start from scratch, you can't just make a small adjustment to your existing appearance.[/QUOTE]

I'll be importing a level 50 character since I only did one playthrough of ME1. I enjoy doing all of the side assignments, DLC, and minutae, (as I did in ME1) so hopefully it is still possible to get the level 30 achievement. If not, oh well.

Good to know about being able to change class and appearance. I was really worried about the former.

As far as appearance, I'd like to start from scratch anyway. My wife and I sat there for an hour trying to get my Shepherd to look like me, and were never really satisfied. Once I started the game, it looked even less like me. Nevertheless, I bonded with how he looked, to the point that it's hard for me to imagine his voice coming out of a different-looking Shepherd's mouth. Seems like his voice fits his look perfectly, so it really freaks me out when I see video of other folks' Shepherds.

I'm pretty intimidated by Insanity, though. Still, I played Normal on ME1, and that was a bit too easy for the most part (with a few exceptions).
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[quote name='Tybee']Thanks! That would be great.

Based on preliminary research, I'm kind of leaning toward Sentinel for ME2. Playing as a Vanguard in ME1, tech powers were the only big aspect of the game I didn't get to touch (other than vicariously through Tali), and based on some of the stuff I've read/seen about ME2, it looks like the tech powers are implemented in a much cooler way. It also seems like, combined with the right weapon, it is a very balanced class that would let me go out with a variety of squadmates (one of the things I'm most looking forward to in ME2 is not being chained to the same squad members for the sake of achievements).[/QUOTE]Here's a quick page I made that includes the links to every class trailer for ME2. Those videos will give you just about the best idea of which class best suits you. If you would do me the favor of confirming Sentinel class as your choice after watching those videos, I'd be more than glad to get that mini guide knocked out for you :cool:

Speaking of achievements, it looks to me like it is possible to get every ME2 achievement in a single play through. Is that so? My only reticence is going with Insanity. Will that kill my enjoyment of the game? I might be willing to skip that particular cheezmint. ;)

If I want to bring my ME1 character into ME2, do I have to play as the same class? Do I get a chance to redo his appearance?
Yes, it is possible to get every achievement in one playthrough - but I wouldn't recommend playing Insanity if it's your first time. Insanity requires a lot of tactics and knowledge of the game for you to go through it without struggling. Also once you beat ME2, your character (for every subsequent playthrough) receives a 25% XP boost - which really helps boost you to level 30 much quicker than you can in the initial playthrough.

[quote name='Tybee']I'll be importing a level 50 character since I only did one playthrough of ME1. I enjoy doing all of the side assignments, DLC, and minutae, (as I did in ME1) so hopefully it is still possible to get the level 30 achievement. If not, oh well.[/QUOTE]You'll be starting out the game as a level 3 in ME2. That puts you at a disadvantage in regards to gaining level 30 by the end. However, as previously mentioned, DLC may be able to make up for the difference.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Here's a quick page I made that includes the links to every class trailer for ME2. Those videos will give you just about the best idea of which class best suits you. If you would do me the favor of confirming Sentinel class as your choice after watching those videos, I'd be more than glad to get that mini guide knocked out for you :cool:[/quote]

Thanks. That helped. I'd watched a couple of those already (I think for the Engineer and the Vanguard), but seeing them all does help me feel more secure in choosing the Sentinel. Looks very versatile and Tech Armor looks awesome. I was kind of into the little helper battle droid thing that Engineers get, but I can live without that. I want a class that's going to give me a chance to make mistakes and try different play styles, and Sentinel appears to fit the bill.

Yes, it is possible to get every achievement in one playthrough - but I wouldn't recommend playing Insanity if it's your first time. Insanity requires a lot of tactics and knowledge of the game for you to go through it without struggling. Also once you beat ME2, your character (for every subsequent playthrough) receives a 25% XP boost - which really helps boost you to level 30 much quicker than you can in the initial playthrough.

You'll be starting out the game as a level 3 in ME2. That puts you at a disadvantage in regards to gaining level 30 by the end. However, as previously mentioned, DLC may be able to make up for the difference.

I'll probably go with Normal or Hardcore then. That achievement is desirable, but not if it's going to seriously hamper my enjoyment of the game. I can always try for it later, as I feel like I'll be more likely to replay ME2 than I was ME1.
[quote name='Tybee']Thanks. That helped. I'd watched a couple of those already (I think for the Engineer and the Vanguard), but seeing them all does help me feel more secure in choosing the Sentinel. Looks very versatile and Tech Armor looks awesome. I was kind of into the little helper battle droid thing that Engineers get, but I can live without that. I want a class that's going to give me a chance to make mistakes and try different play styles, and Sentinel appears to fit the bill.[/QUOTE]Noted. Don't forget that there is a difficulty between Normal and Hardcore (Veteran). A lot of people forget that these games have 5 difficulties :cool:
For some reason I thought Pinnacle Station didn't scale with difficulty. It was probably because it was a breeze on veteran and hardcore. Boy was I wrong, it took me like 5 hours on insanity at lvl 28ish.
I just finished ME1 last night. What an awesome, awesome game. My character was a Vanguard Shock Trooper, purely Paragon.

My question is, should I jump into ME2 now? I really want to do a Renegade play-through, but I'm worried I may get my decisions/ramifications mixed up between the two runs. Any advice would be appreciated.
If you're already geared up for a Renegade playthrough, I say go ahead and do it.

Also if you do it now, then you have two playthroughs that you can import whenever you begin playing ME2.
Yeah I'd just go ahead and play through ME1 again if you want to.

There's a lot of improvements in ME2 with the combat system, fixing the graphics glitches, getting rid of the Mako sections etc. that would make it hard (for me anyway) to go back and play ME1 again after playing it.
So I just bought me1 and haven't played me2 yet. Should I play through me1 several times and get to level 60 and get all the me2 bonuses or should i just do 1 playthrough and get straight to me2?
bread's done