Maximum Tradelist - GBA/GC/Xbox/PS2/DS/PC/guides - 1/26 update (Game Crazy stuff)

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I'm looking to pick up your:

Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising (N)
Advance Wars: Dual Strike (N)
Advent Rising (B)
Battalion Wars (N)
Burnout 3: Takedown (P)
Call of Duty (B)
Destroy All Humans (B)
Fable (P)(X)
Golden Sun & Golden Sun: The Lost Age (P)
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing (P)
Killer 7 (B)
Killzone (P)
Mafia (P)
Need for Speed Underground 2 (P)
Pikmin 2 (N)
Sid Meier's Pirates (P)
Star Wars Jedi Knight : Jedi Academy (P)(X)
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (P)(X)
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II : Rogue Leader (N)
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III : Rebel Strike (N)

Please click my sig to see my tradelist and PM me back when you can, thanks!
[quote name='Johnny Postman']rywateska - PM'd

Craven - didn't see anything, sorry[/QUOTE]

Would a complete copy of Gunstar Super Heroes get your attention for either of those?
[quote name='Johnny Postman']

Dropout... It's stated that requests to set prices for things are a pain and will generally be ignored - you even acknowledge this in your PM while still asking for a price quote on a dozen or so guides. Now you're gonna bitch because I didn't get back to you right away?

OK, for you I'll make an exception - how about $14.99 per guide plus shipping?[/QUOTE]

You're an ass. Generally is defined as "usually" and usually means "mostly", not "definitely". While I did not ask for an exception, I figured I'd throw it out there just because "usually" doesn't mean "always". I didn't think that I deserved an exception because I'm a regular or somebody "special" either and I addressed that to you in my first PM to you. If you would not have replied to my first PM, I would've been fine with that. You don't have to reply to any PM from anyone. So after you didn't reply to my first PM, it didn't bother me one bit, because unlike you, I know what "generally" means. So after I built up a little bit of an updated tradelist, I figured I'd take another shot at PMing you and this time having something to offer besides asking for prices. It seemed that you "generally" respond to people who provide you with TradeLists to scim through. You didn't. No big deal. You're just awesome at responding to PMs, hence my post in this thread...which you call "bitching". You're either awesome at responding to PMs or you're not....but you are...that's all.

PS: You're an ass. I will buy one guide from you of your choice for $14.99 plus shipping and take a shit inside of that guide...then send it back to you free of charge. Like apples?
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']You're an ass. Generally is defined as "usually" and usually means "mostly", not "definitely". While I did not ask for an exception, I figured I'd throw it out there just because "usually" doesn't mean "always". I didn't think that I deserved an exception because I'm a regular or somebody "special" either and I addressed that to you in my first PM to you. If you would not have replied to my first PM, I would've been fine with that. You don't have to reply to any PM from anyone. So after you didn't reply to my first PM, it didn't bother me one bit, because unlike you, I know what "generally" means. So after I built up a little bit of an updated tradelist, I figured I'd take another shot at PMing you and this time having something to offer besides asking for prices. It seemed that you "generally" respond to people who provide you with TradeLists to scim through. You didn't. No big deal. You're just awesome at responding to PMs, hence my post in this thread...which you call "bitching". You're either awesome at responding to PMs or you're not....but you are...that's all.

PS: You're an ass. I will buy one guide from you of your choice for $14.99 plus shipping and take a shit inside of that guide...then send it back to you free of charge. Like apples?[/QUOTE]

Is that anything like a Dirty Sanchez?
Dropout.. first off, let's establish a timeline here before you distort a few more facts.

On the 26th you asked for a price quote on some guides but didn't really expect a response and didn't care.

On the 28th you sent a PM asking me to check your list.

About half a day later, early on the 29th you made your sarcastic remark in this thread.

Late on the 29th and before I had seen your post, I answered your 2nd PM (about a day after I first got it.) After seeing the post a little later, I answered it and a few hours after that, you went nuts.

So from your initial PM to you being childish to you going ballistic there was an elapsed time of around 3 days - what was the big rush?

That said, I'll be the first to admit I'm not the best about responding to trade PM's right away. I might take some time to consider the deal or check a list or have another offer for the same stuff that came first or even just forget that I hadn't responded yet - I try but don't always succeed.

While I know there are plenty of traders here who do respond immediately to all PM's, name a CAG who hasn't had to wait for a response to a trade offer or even not heard back at all? Isn't it just a part of the trading game that happens to everyone? When it happens to me, I either act like an adult and accept it, or, if it's a trade I really want, follow up with a polite reminder that almost always works at getting an response.

Unfortunately, when it happened to you, you decided to post on my tradelist thread with an unwarranted snide comment. Then when called out for your boorish behavior, you retaliated with crude personal insults. Gee, you're a real class-act all the way, aren't you? Bravo.

As for your latest trade offer - I'll have to pass. While I respect your right to practice whatever sexual kinks you prefer that are both legal and in the privacy of your own home (more power to you for being so open about it), I have to admit to being somewhat prudish myself and not into the real freaky-deaky stuff that seems to float your boat.

What I suggest though is this... You send the money to CheapyD as a donation to the site and I'll mail you the guide for free. You can have as much sick fun with it as you like and perhaps afterwards, start up a contest thread ("Win STD's guide - only used once!") so that if there's any other CAG's like yourself who really enjoy scat play, they can get in on the action.

Thanks in advance for the bump.
[quote name='Johnny Postman']Dropout.. first off, let's establish a timeline here before you distort a few more facts. [/QUOTE]

What facts am I distorting? When did I ever distort one fact? Are you not awesome at replying to PMs or do you just not like apples?

Means you want to turn this into more than you just being awesome at replying to PMs, so be it.
[quote name='JohnnyPostman']
On the 28th you sent a PM asking me to check your list.

About half a day later, early on the 29th you made your sarcastic remark in this thread.
It was more than a half day between the time that I PMed you the second time and the time that I posted on here. Isn't it amazing how when someone rounds up or down, they always round considerably to whichever way is in their favor?

[quote name='JohnnyPostman']
Late on the 29th and before I had seen your post, I answered your 2nd PM (about a day after I first got it.) After seeing the post a little later, I answered it and a few hours after that, you went nuts.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure on the timeline on this part, as I deleted your PM to make space for people who are even awesomer at replying to PMs. Shockingly, some people are even more awesome than you are at replying to PMs! Let's just know that your response was late, less than friendly and more of a "get out of my face, i don't want to deal with you" nature. But you did eventually reply to that PM, proving how awesome you are at replying to PMs. I can't prove to anyone (nor can you), that you replied to that PM before or after seeing my first "went nuts" post in this thread, so that's void as far as I'm concerned.

I don't re-call me ever going nuts. Let the record show that I PMed you one time only to offer some cash for your trade items, then after no reply (no big deal, you're awesome), I PMed you again with an updated tradelist for you to maybe check. After no reply, I posted how awesome you are at replying to PMs. That's when you supposedly responded to that PM before seeing my post in here. Which makes me wonder if that arguement even helps you out any, seeing how your reply wasn't very friendly. Then you responded to my first "went nuts" post and I responded with another "went nuts" post to that response. So just for the folks paying attention (don't know why anyone would be, they should be busy with all of your awesome PM replies), when you refer to me as "went nuts", i "went nuts" in this thread, not through PM. Let them decide whether I "went nuts" or not.

[quote name='JohnnyPostman']So from your initial PM to you being childish to you going ballistic there was an elapsed time of around 3 days - what was the big rush?
Initial PM to what? Didn't you forget another PM in there?'s my job to distort facts, not yours! I must've been "being childish" after the 2nd PM, not the initial PM (again, you not knowing what a word means, yet using it freely). I hardly call giving you a thumbs up on how awesome you are at replying to PMs being childish, but whatever. So anyways, I then went ballistic. Did mommy not give you a hug very often or did daddy give you too many? You've mastered the art of over-exaggerating. Check between your legs and let me know if you see some balls or a vagina.

Ooops...sorry...I was too busy going ballistic to stay on track with my response to the above quote. So 3 days passed and I went "ballistic" because I was in such a rush! No, not really. I was "childish" before you replied to my childishness with your smart-ass jerk post that resulted in my "ballistic" post.

That said, I'll be the first to admit I'm not the best about responding to trade PM's right away. I might take some time to consider the deal or check a list or have another offer for the same stuff that came first or even just forget that I hadn't responded yet - I try but don't always succeed.
Apology accepted. See, now that wasn't so hard now, was it? Noone asked you to respond right away. It's your life, live it how you want. You just have an arrogance about you that doesn't fit well with me. That's fine also, you shouldn't be here to please me. But if you're going to conduct business here, you should consider being a little more customer-friendly and less Best Buy.

[quote name='JohnnyPostman']While I know there are plenty of traders here who do respond immediately to all PM's, name a CAG who hasn't had to wait for a response to a trade offer or even not heard back at all? Isn't it just a part of the trading game that happens to everyone? When it happens to me, I either act like an adult and accept it, or, if it's a trade I really want, follow up with a polite reminder that almost always works at getting an response.[/QUOTE]
All that I said was that you are "awesome at replying to PMs", in hopes of maybe figuring out why you were (from my point of view) ignoring me or just too busy to check PMs at the moment. I didn't come in here and "bitch". Perhaps you could've PMed me (or posted) and said something along the lines of "sorry, but as my TL states, I generally don't reply to price-quote PMs and I just didn't see anything in your TL that sparked my interest." Nope, you couldn't do that. You're a busy man. Understandably awesome at replying to PMs. Too customer-friendly to respond to a PM with more than one word (which is all you used to respond to the second PM).

All of that said, I'm used to waiting for responses to PMs. We all have lives and we're not all on here all the time, every day or more than 3 times a week...etc. My "your awesome at repying to PMs" post was a joke and acknowledgement to you that you haven't replied to my PMs (in my mind, it was a "polite reminder"). Perhaps they're waiting for you or perhaps you just don't care. I only wasn't being friendly after your smart-ass jerk response to that post.

[quote name='JohnnyPostman']Unfortunately, when it happened to you, you decided to post on my tradelist thread with an unwarranted snide comment. Then when called out for your boorish behavior, you retaliated with crude personal insults. Gee, you're a real class-act all the way, aren't you? Bravo.[/QUOTE]

You justify being a smart-ass jerk to my joking reminder by saying my joking reminder was snide and boorish? :lol: You're an idiot. You deserve every comment I've given you. Something tells me you don't get out much. Must be true with you being too busy replying to PMs and what-not.

[quote name='JohnnyPostman']As for your latest trade offer - I'll have to pass. While I respect your right to practice whatever sexual kinks you prefer that are both legal and in the privacy of your own home (more power to you for being so open about it), I have to admit to being somewhat prudish myself and not into the real freaky-deaky stuff that seems to float your boat.[/QUOTE]
Your attempt at comedy has failed, please move along...nothing to see here.

[quote name='JohnnyPostman']What I suggest though is this... You send the money to CheapyD as a donation to the site and I'll mail you the guide for free. You can have as much sick fun with it as you like and perhaps afterwards, start up a contest thread ("Win STD's guide - only used once!") so that if there's any other CAG's like yourself who really enjoy scat play, they can get in on the action.
Your attempt at comedy has failed once again, please refrain from such further attempts and save yourself from any further embarrassment.

[quote name='JohnnyPostman']Thanks in advance for the bump.[/QUOTE]
No problem. It's always a feel good when you help another CAG trader out and earn him some fresh, much-needed publicity.

As a side note and just strictly for might've paid off just a little more if you were more friendly with your trading routine. Seeing how busy you are...a nice PM reply, a nice post response or a PM reply with more than one word would've prevented this conversation/bout from happening. Too busy to respond to friendly PMs, but not too busy to fight with would-be customers. Good job. In the lose...thanks for playing though.

All of this said and done. I have no beef with you. I just know not to personally deal with you. I don't appreciate things about you, but who cares? None of my posts in here were ever intended to scare off potential customers or warn anyone of anything. I'm sure you're a good trader and probably pretty fair. You just weren't too polite in my experience. I don't consider not responding fast to PMs as being impolite. I consider responding to posts and PMs rudely as being impolite. You don't deserve my money. No hard feelings.
STD, you're a liar and a jack-ass. 'nuff said.

Gratz on becoming the sole person in my ignore list, which unfortunately is what I should have just done in the first place instead of this whole mess. I'm done with it now.
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