Me And My Gf Are Breaking Up!!!


24 (100%)
I feel like shit gus :whistle2:(. She said for the past 2 weeks she hasn't been "feelin it". Were going on 6 months now....What should I do? I have no idea please helps guys :whistle2:(. Thanks in advance.
[quote name='mousin']hmm, im in a different position, i feel like my gf is a psycho. and i need to get as far away from her asap.[/QUOTE]

Ha, me too!
whoa mousin... i cant remember the last time i saw a post from you... to stay on topic though, you shouldnt worry about it, my guess is youre fairly young and should have no trouble meeting someone else. you might seem down at first, but itll change
[quote name='mousin']hmm, im in a different position, i feel like my gf is a psycho. and i need to get as far away from her asap.[/QUOTE]

Same. I had to get rid of mine a few weeks ago.. girls these days are crazy. I'm happier single. She would spaz out if I went a few hours without calling her.. way too attached.. and we'd only been together a few weeks! Crazy..
Sounds like the girl I just broke up with. She tried to control me... but I broke free of her reign.

Long live freedom.. until the next woman I fall for. :D
girls can be crazy. so can guys. *shrug*

Best of luck to you, being single is way more fun then being with someone who isn't 'feelin' it'...By Far. So try not to be too hard on yourself~ everyone has needs/wants in a relationship and most people aren't going to just find their match off the bat. Maybe she's met someone new, or maybe her needs/wants have just changed or maybe she just recently realized what they are.

Um, as for what to do? Talking about it might help you figure out what the root of the issue was, but do it honestly and openly, and not when there's a lot of emotional stuff going on, but definately don't pick everything apart and psychoanalize it to death. If there's a way to leave friends/friendly, go for it, if not, it won't kill you, six months is actually not very long at all. ;)
[quote name='mousin']hmm, im in a different position, i feel like my gf is a psycho. and i need to get as far away from her asap.[/QUOTE]

I'm in the same boat, although reading through this thread I can see that quite a few other guys are as well. Don't get me wrong she's a great woman, but I don't want the rest of my life planned out for me.

Oh and OP it's only 6 months, break it up clean and there is a decent possibility you'll get back together in the near future.
sorry to hijack this thread, but this seemed unworthy of its own thread.... i guess i just hit 1000 posts, is my rank double for you guys, or is my computer just displaying it like that for some reason.... "1K posts & all I got was this lousy rank
1K posts & all I got was this lousy rank"
[quote name='iheartmetal']sorry to hijack this thread, but this seemed unworthy of its own thread.... i guess i just hit 1000 posts, is my rank double for you guys, or is my computer just displaying it like that for some reason.... "1K posts & all I got was this lousy rank
1K posts & all I got was this lousy rank"[/QUOTE]

I think it's a system bug, that's happened to everyone who hit a 1,000 after the server switch.

Congratulations by the way.:applause:
I know how you feel, me and my GF were going over a year and a half. We had the whole "take each others virginity thing" going on too, but she finally ended it and had sex with someone else. But now shes wanting me back and it feels good to just say no. We chatted a lot on AOL and I have had her on block for a while now and it makes it easier. The best cure is alot of beer, friends, and other's still kinda hard for me sometimes but when someone does that to you, you can't ever go back.
Sorry to hear about the breakup but all you can do is try to move on. It sucks right now but you'll end up meeting someone else that's better for you anyway.
Be willing to break it off. If you're Ok with it she'll wonder if she made a mistake. If you beg and complain and ask what's wrong, it will push her further away. Girls are attracted to strong men. Be strong and be willing to walk away. Don't treat her badly, just let her know that you respect yourself and respect her enough that you don't have to beg.

If she realizes she made a mistake now or in the future, all the better for you both. If you both go your separate ways, it was going to happen anyway so you're doing both of you a favor anyway.

Begging, pleading, and "trying harder" for someone who is losing interest will only push them away by making you appear less self-confident. If you want to find out for your own benefit if there was anything in particular that bothered her you should ask, but in a "gaining information for my future, which is bright" way, not in a "just tell me what I have to do to make you love me" way.

Confidence always wins out. Whether it has been my turd "friend" stealing my g/f in the past or whether it has been me who won out over other guys who were after the same girl, self-confidence has always played a decisive role in who wins out. My advice...
i'll "hijack" this thread as well...zionoverfire, awesome sig...i totally forgot about empire on atari, but i used to play that all the time...great game!
[quote name='chosen1s']Be willing to break it off. If you're Ok with it she'll wonder if she made a mistake. If you beg and complain and ask what's wrong, it will push her further away. Girls are attracted to strong men. Be strong and be willing to walk away. Don't treat her badly, just let her know that you respect yourself and respect her enough that you don't have to beg.

If she realizes she made a mistake now or in the future, all the better for you both. If you both go your separate ways, it was going to happen anyway so you're doing both of you a favor anyway.

Begging, pleading, and "trying harder" for someone who is losing interest will only push them away by making you appear less self-confident. If you want to find out for your own benefit if there was anything in particular that bothered her you should ask, but in a "gaining information for my future, which is bright" way, not in a "just tell me what I have to do to make you love me" way.

Confidence always wins out. Whether it has been my turd "friend" stealing my g/f in the past or whether it has been me who won out over other guys who were after the same girl, self-confidence has always played a decisive role in who wins out. My advice...[/QUOTE]

Well said.
[quote name='hobocorpses']i'll "hijack" this thread as well...zionoverfire, awesome sig...i totally forgot about empire on atari, but i used to play that all the time...great game![/QUOTE]

Thanks, I'd say it's my favorite atari game.

And I wouldn't worry about hijacking this thread, it's only good for kindling anyhow.:hot:
Must be something in the air this week/last week broke up with my gf as well the girl is/was just confused. Went up to spend the weekend with her last weekend she said she wasn't feeling it told her cool flew back later that day. Guess she had wanted me to stay and "Hang out" fuck that. Got a call, about how she loves, me and how she wants me. She was like so can I come move in with you *laughs* She said take a week to think about it, the answer is NO but I'll tell her in a week. Sure as hell dont' need her besides I enjoy going to the gym and already have other girls lining up, feels damn good to.

[quote name='janglypangly']I feel like shit gus :whistle2:(. She said for the past 2 weeks she hasn't been "feelin it". Were going on 6 months now....What should I do? I have no idea please helps guys :whistle2:(. Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]

smack her in the face and then say, "you feel me now? bitch!"

extra 5 points if you walk away and into her mom's room
I've found that six months is usually a good cut-off point. It's long enough to get over the initial "this is cool" phase and start to settle in. Honestly, the best thing you can do is ask her why, talk about it calmly, and if she has really made up her mind, then move on. It'll hurt for a bit, but you can't have the happy without having some of the sad.
I need to get around to doin somethin similar this weekend...I'm really into this chick I'm kinda seein, but she is drivin' me up the wall, so I'll just have to say "BE GONE!" :)
[quote name='janglypangly']I feel like shit gus :whistle2:(. She said for the past 2 weeks she hasn't been "feelin it". Were going on 6 months now....What should I do? I have no idea please helps guys :whistle2:(. Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]

If she's actually told you this then she's already "feeling" some other guy and doesn't have the guts to tell you becuase she is weak and is easily led by her emotions and hormones.

Dump her before it's too late. It may be hard but you can do it. Doing difficult things is part of learning how to become a man. Plus, once you dump her and ignore her, there is a great likelyhood she will want you even more and you can sex her up one more time before breaking the weak link altogether.

You're young, you don't need someone else to validate your own existence. You need time to figure out who YOU really are anyway. So ask yourself: Do I want to be a whiny, pussy-whipped, self-loathing, dependant, attention-whore loser ?

I didn't think so.
You aren't married, you're just dating, and for less than a year at that. When you're married or together for years, then, yeah, you'll need to work things out. You're still at the beginning, though, when things should only be fun. If it isn't fun, then you should get out from now, because bigger problems will come up later.
Oh yeah, I forgot....

No wonder she's feeling some other guy - It's becuase of your poor grammar. You should change the title to:

"My girlfriend and I are breaking up"


"My girlfriend is breaking up with ME"
A wise man once said that you must first be happy with yourself before you can be happy with another. Yeah, you're bitter and depressed right now, but go out and amuse yourself to get your mind off your troubles (games, sports, clubs, whatever).

Once you've re-established that you can be happy on your own again, you'll find that chicks are just added gravy in your already fulfilling life. Don't think for a minute that your happiness depends on having a signficant other at all times. You can be quite happy without one.
Let's see... this girl... did she play games with you? Did she like all the same movies as you? The same restaruants? Did it bother her if you wanted a day to yourself for games or your friends? Did she get mad if you didn't devote a good chunk of every weekend to her? Did she get mad if you couldn't afford to take her on date, with her standards? Or react to all the things she liked just like she did?

Unless the girl was 100% percent perfect in every way, it's really not worth fretting too much over. (And since I don't recall any mentions here about the gal, she must not have been the perfect partner.) of course, you're gonna feel like crap for awhile- emotions just suck that way. But make sure the logic part of your brain knows not to dwell on this for awhile. And get out there and your own thing- preferably things she didn't like, things you couldn't do too much with her around. It'll feel good to be living your life, not the couple life again. And who knows? A month or two from not you'll be out doing your own thing, and run into a girl doing the same thing, and then we will all hear about how great your girl is :D
[quote name='bmulligan']Oh yeah, I forgot....

No wonder she's feeling some other guy - It's becuase of your poor grammar. You should change the title to:

"My girlfriend and I are breaking up"


"My girlfriend is breaking up with ME"[/QUOTE]

I was gonna say something, but it's nice that you get to be the grammar jerk instead of me this time :)
I still will never figure out why everyone feels it necessary to post a thread when their girlfriend dumps them. I mean I can understand having a tough time with it but don't any of these people have any friends they can just call on the phone?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I still will never figure out why everyone feels it necessary to post a thread when their girlfriend dumps them. I mean I can understand having a tough time with it but don't any of these people have any friends they can just call on the phone?[/QUOTE]

If they had real life friends they wouldn't be posting here all day ... my lunch break is almost over.
[quote name='demomanTNA']Sounds like the girl I just broke up with. She tried to control me... but I broke free of her reign.

Long live freedom.. until the next woman I fall for. :D[/QUOTE]

I have no views on the gf situation, but i love your TiGGGERRRR!
[quote name='Kayden']On a sadder topic... I still live with my gf... :cry:


it's sad that you get food brought to you while you're playin video games, food you don't pay for? And umm..all that other stuff that I do 23/30 days for you :D
:roll: men :roll:
They always want more...
[quote name='bmulligan']I love cheese.[/QUOTE]

:lol: I have 12 lbs of Fresh Mozzeralla, and a 5 or more pound wheel of sheep milk cheese I still don't know what I'm going to do with it all
Gamer's Girlfriend said:
:lol: I have 12 lbs of Fresh Mozzeralla, and a 5 or more pound wheel of sheep milk cheese I still don't know what I'm going to do with it all

Hot DAMN that's a lot of cheese! Have I ever mentioned that cheese is the best thing EVER? Seriously, you need to drop the zero and get with the hero. You'd think by "hero," I would be referring to myself, but I'm actually referring to NFL SuperPro, the short-lived, football-themed Marvel superhero. I still have issue 1, and that makes me the badassest mofo on the planet.
bread's done