ME Supreme Court Rules Transgender Students Can Use Bathroom of Preference

What's your opinion on big, beautiful, fake titties?
I'm a lifetime subscriber to Big Naturals.

If you want a serious answer, if my wife came to me and wanted a boob job, I would strongly encourage her not to. I don't think she would want one, though.
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Are you comparing fake tits on a born female to a penis that has been mutilated (mean) or transformed (nice) into a vagina on a transexual female?
Yes. Both are body mods to enhance ones' appearance to be more consistent with the gender one chooses to portray. Far apart on the spectrum, mind. Then again, I also believe that everybody is a matter of degree in favor with restrictions on the second amendment, which, even when I elaborate on what I mean, most people who think of themselves as pro-second-amendment can't seem to grasp. Your lack of understanding is not my incoherence, however.

I'm a lifetime subscriber to Big Naturals.

If you want a serious answer, if my wife came to me and wanted a boob job, I would strongly encourage her not to. I don't think she would want one, though.
That's not an answer. Well, it is, I suppose, since the implication is that you would grudgingly accept them, and perhaps even enjoy them. We are, in any case, quite a ways away from being "transphobic," now, despite fake titties being gender modification.

Of creating an environment where highschool boys can go into highschool girls bathrooms unsupervised? Were you homeschooled?
You're going to have to walk me through this one. Are your concerns about sexual assault and harassment or teens fucking in the bathroom?
You're going to have to walk me through this one. Are your concerns about sexual assault and harassment or teens fucking in the bathroom?
In a word-yes. In more than a word, the allowance for students of mixed genders to be in the bathroom together with no supervision seems to outweigh the miniscule number of transgenderishcuriouso high school students feeling better about getting to pee with a gender they relate more closely to. Stupid kids running off and getting pregnant at home or at a party is off school grounds. Kids getting knocked up at school opens the school up for lack of supervision and allowing it to happen. Girls feeling unsafe because guys are in the bathroom, the higher likelihood of harassment and assault on school grounds. It's all a possibility. The on school grounds part is the biggie here, because that's who is going to get sued.

Back in the day it was big news that a girl snuck into the boys bathroom to serve up a BJ to some kid. Now if a guy and a girl walk into the same bathroom a teacher would just have to look the other way in fear that they would be charged for harassing a transgender kid who wanted to go potty with the girls.

It's no coincidence that those in this thread arguing against a policy that would allow trans students bathroom preference are the most uneducated w/r/t what 'transgender' means and refers so. Well, uneducated is the best case scenario - "unashamed" vitriol and anti-trans-bias being the worst.

What's disappointing is that the same folks also display a staggering lack of curiosity in remedying that lack of understanding for themselves.

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In a word-yes. In more than a word, the allowance for students of mixed genders to be in the bathroom together with no supervision seems to outweigh the miniscule number of transgenderishcuriouso high school students feeling better about getting to pee with a gender they relate more closely to. Stupid kids running off and getting pregnant at home or at a party is off school grounds. Kids getting knocked up at school opens the school up for lack of supervision and allowing it to happen. Girls feeling unsafe because guys are in the bathroom, the higher likelihood of harassment and assault on school grounds. It's all a possibility. The on school grounds part is the biggie here, because that's who is going to get sued.
Girls feeling unsafe is more a reflection of how we're raising boys that sexual assault and harassment is acceptable behavior, whether it's overtly or subliminally...unless you're saying that males are just naturally uncontrollably rapey. If a school is negligent in regards to assault and harassment, then damn right they should be sued.

Don't get me wrong, I know where you're coming from and since I'm having a girl, it's something that I worry about. But allowing a trans student use a boys/girls bathroom is a completely separate issue. Personally, I think that using the staff bathroom would be preferable because it HAS to be cleaner than a restroom that hundreds of students use daily. That and I like my privacy when I'm destroying the air quality of an enclosed space. But if a trans student wants to use whichever bathroom, then I'm fine with it. If other students harass them, then it's the school's responsibility to provide a safe learning environment and no different than how bullying should be treated.

Back in the day it was big news that a girl snuck into the boys bathroom to serve up a BJ to some kid. Now if a guy and a girl walk into the same bathroom a teacher would just have to look the other way in fear that they would be charged for harassing a transgender kid who wanted to go potty with the girls.
Let's be realistic here. If there was a trans student, I'm sure the entire administration would know who they are. It wouldn't be an issue.
Girls feeling unsafe is more a reflection of how we're raising boys that sexual assault and harassment is acceptable behavior, whether it's overtly or subliminally...unless you're saying that males are just naturally uncontrollably rapey. If a school is negligent in regards to assault and harassment, then damn right they should be sued.

Don't get me wrong, I know where you're coming from and since I'm having a girl, it's something that I worry about. But allowing a trans student use a boys/girls bathroom is a completely separate issue. Personally, I think that using the staff bathroom would be preferable because it HAS to be cleaner than a restroom that hundreds of students use daily. That and I like my privacy when I'm destroying the air quality of an enclosed space. But if a trans student wants to use whichever bathroom, then I'm fine with it. If other students harass them, then it's the school's responsibility to provide a safe learning environment and no different than how bullying should be treated.

Let's be realistic here. If there was a trans student, I'm sure the entire administration would know who they are. It wouldn't be an issue.
Right, so the goal is to make the transgender student feel better, and that's cool, but we all went to school with that fucktard who was just a slimy piece of shit. The guy who was constantly throwing parties so he could get a girl drunk and semi-date rape her. The guy who thought he was waaay cooler than he was, and got a free pass in life cause his parents donated money to the school or some event each year. That kid is going to be the one that is highly trans-curious if it means he can enter the women's bathroom at will and without intervention.

I do have a daughter (preschool age) and when she gets to MS/HS, if boys are commonly allowed into the women's bathroom I would have a huuuuuuge problem with that.

Let's assume 1/1000 kids would genuinely feel better in the anatomically incorrect bathroom. We're going to at best, mildly inconvenience 500/1000 kids to make sure the 1/1000 feel good. Nobody else sees lunacy in that? It WILL be exploited, it WILL expose schools to far greater risks than telling a transgender kid they need to pee with the boys.

In terms of learning more about that community, I have no desire to. I don't care to know why they feel more like a boy or a girl. It's not because I dislike them as people. I still keep in touch with a handful of them from my Philippines trip. They're good folks. On CAG I never read the threads about sales and features of PS+. I don't have a PlayStation and don't plan on getting one, so therefore to learn more about it wouldn't be time well spent.

Jeez this feels like a bloody variant of the "Gays in the Military" issue.  The "deviant"(i.e. the Gay male or Transwoman in the ) is a giant pervert and must be stopped or they'll rape everyone as soon as the door is opened and they're let in.
This idea that any person with male parts has, at any time, an uncontrollable urge to get into a bathroom and get mega-pervy or rape-crazy by any means necessary is comical at best and absurd at worst.  Yes I know they're teenage boys but when I was a teen I didn't grab any mildly attractive girl I saw and try to rape her.

Right, so the goal is to make the transgender student feel better, and that's cool, but we all went to school with that fucktard who was just a slimy piece of shit. The guy who was constantly throwing parties so he could get a girl drunk and semi-date rape her. The guy who thought he was waaay cooler than he was, and got a free pass in life cause his parents donated money to the school or some event each year. That kid is going to be the one that is highly trans-curious if it means he can enter the women's bathroom at will and without intervention.
Dude, this really comes off as upper-middleclass suburban paranoia. Maybe it's because I grew up in the city and went to school in the city that this type of perspective seems really out of touch. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen in the city, but it's certainly not as common by far. Maybe it's because there's always a ton of stuff to do and places to hang out...I dunno.

Trans-curious isn't really a thing either and these kids go through years of therapy. Some rich asshole isn't going to be able to pull it off unless he's a sociopath. A smug jerk like that wouldn't have what it takes to fake it or play the long-game.

I do have a daughter (preschool age) and when she gets to MS/HS, if boys are commonly allowed into the women's bathroom I would have a huuuuuuge problem with that.
Right, but again, this isn't what anyone here is arguing for. We're talking about extreme exceptions.

Let's assume 1/1000 kids would genuinely feel better in the anatomically incorrect bathroom. We're going to at best, mildly inconvenience 500/1000 kids to make sure the 1/1000 feel good. Nobody else sees lunacy in that? It WILL be exploited, it WILL expose schools to far greater risks than telling a transgender kid they need to pee with the boys.
Slippery slope for what? Unisex peep/rape rooms? Sorry, I don't see it. Personally, we should be more concerned with the welfare of the students; not the schools in this case. If the school has an issue providing a safe learning environment for ALL of it's students, THEN we have a problem with the school that should be addressed. The risk comes from not addressing those issues.

In terms of learning more about that community, I have no desire to. I don't care to know why they feel more like a boy or a girl. It's not because I dislike them as people. I still keep in touch with a handful of them from my Philippines trip. They're good folks. On CAG I never read the threads about sales and features of PS+. I don't have a PlayStation and don't plan on getting one, so therefore to learn more about it wouldn't be time well spent.
I know this isn't directed at me, but it's the same reason that people should learn about the history of the Middle East instead of opining ignorantly about how all Muslims are savages as well as Islam being a religion of violence and how we should just turn the entire area into glass. ;)
Why can't trans-whatever people use a designated staff bathrooms? How is that discrimination? 

When they turn 18, and are legally old enough to do whatever they please to their own body then let them have a procedure and use the bathroom they best identify with.

You can see that kids can handle having someone of the opposite sex use their facilities all you want but truth is if one or two feel uncomfortable with that why should they have to be told to "deal with it".

And no one has commented on the parent stating that their son turned daughter knew at two years old they identified as a girl.

You're okay with a parent encouraging their child to identify as the opposite sex at two years old?

And of course it's a stretch to think that people would abuse the system on a regular basis to satisfy some sense of voyeurism but we have people abuse policies made out of good intentions every day. It use to be the only dogs you saw in supermarkets, buses, etc. were seeing eye dogs. Now every middle aged woman that is too attached to their purse sized dog can see a quack doctor and get the dog titled as a "comfort" dog.

Jeez this feels like a bloody variant of the "Gays in the Military" issue. The "deviant"(i.e. the Gay male or Transwoman in the <insert bathroom, locker room, etc.>) is a giant pervert and must be stopped or they'll rape everyone as soon as the door is opened and they're let in.
This idea that any person with male parts has, at any time, an uncontrollable urge to get into a bathroom and get mega-pervy or rape-crazy by any means necessary is comical at best and absurd at worst. Yes I know they're teenage boys but when I was a teen I didn't grab any mildly attractive girl I saw and try to rape her.
That's not my concern. My concern is the horny straight teenage boy who uses this as a loophole to now enter the women's bathroom as they please. I'd still rather not have gay boys in a girls bathroom for middle school and high school aged kids because I think that's too young to capitulate to the desires of kids in lieu of rules, but it's the boys who are just looking to get into a girls bathroom that make this a terrible idea IMO.

Dude, this really comes off as upper-middleclass suburban paranoia. Maybe it's because I grew up in the city and went to school in the city that this type of perspective seems really out of touch. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen in the city, but it's certainly not as common by far. Maybe it's because there's always a ton of stuff to do and places to hang out...I dunno.

Trans-curious isn't really a thing either and these kids go through years of therapy. Some rich asshole isn't going to be able to pull it off unless he's a sociopath. A smug jerk like that wouldn't have what it takes to fake it or play the long-game.

Right, but again, this isn't what anyone here is arguing for. We're talking about extreme exceptions.

Slippery slope for what? Unisex peep/rape rooms? Sorry, I don't see it. Personally, we should be more concerned with the welfare of the students; not the schools in this case. If the school has an issue providing a safe learning environment for ALL of it's students, THEN we have a problem with the school that should be addressed. The risk comes from not addressing those issues.

I know this isn't directed at me, but it's the same reason that people should learn about the history of the Middle East instead of opining ignorantly about how all Muslims are savages as well as Islam being a religion of violence and how we should just turn the entire area into glass. ;)
Yah, my ms/hs life was definitely small city, although exceptionally liberal town (Eugene, OR) so the idea of "out" gay kids wasn't a shock like some of the red states, but I could probably list off 10 kids by name who would have been all over going into the girls bathroom to either get a quickie with their girlfriend, or just be a pig to some of the girls that wouldn't get with them. I dunno, to me, that wouldn't be even a remote stretch, it would be a Day 1 activity. I've also coached that age group for about 15 years, and heh...I'm reminded that immaturity and hormones are what fuel their fire. Anyhoo, our experiences probably shape our views wrt the possibilities.

But you're still assuming (and admittedly, I didn't read the article so perhaps it's addressed there?) that some kid is a card carrying transgender student. Those kids aren't the ones that concern me. It's the dickheads who say they are to be funny, and to get in to the bathrooms at will to prove their point or impress their peers. How can the school intervene and tell one kid that he's allowed to go in, but another isn't. He doesn't seem transgender enough? That's the slippery slope IMO.

To me the welfare of the students is jeopardized if 50% of the population cannot have gender privacy in the bathroom. So would the bathroom be OK, but if the transgender kid wants to use the locker room, semi-public showers, then that's not OK? How do you establish boundaries of what is and is not acceptable, and how do you enforce them?

For the analogy to history of the middle east, that's a region of the world (not religion-specific btw, that's your bias :p) and if one chooses not to study on it because it doesn't interest them, that's fine. I have no problem with that at all. I'm not discussing the merits of being transgendered (the idea that Islam is a violent, horrible religion) I'm discussing the merits of whether or not rules should be in place to make it easier for kids to use whichever bathroom they see fit (altering a school to establish a prayer room for Muslim students). I disagree with both of those policies. Of course if we're comparing to religion, then I would suggest that a fifth of the world is a more significant number of people to willfully choose to learn nothing about than the global population of transgendered people, so there is a small issue of scale as well ;)

Why can't trans-whatever people use a designated staff bathrooms? How is that discrimination?

When they turn 18, and are legally old enough to do whatever they please to their own body then let them have a procedure and use the bathroom they best identify with.

You can see that kids can handle having someone of the opposite sex use their facilities all you want but truth is if one or two feel uncomfortable with that why should they have to be told to "deal with it".

And no one has commented on the parent stating that their son turned daughter knew at two years old they identified as a girl.

You're okay with a parent encouraging their child to identify as the opposite sex at two years old?

And of course it's a stretch to think that people would abuse the system on a regular basis to satisfy some sense of voyeurism but we have people abuse policies made out of good intentions every day. It use to be the only dogs you saw in supermarkets, buses, etc. were seeing eye dogs. Now every middle aged woman that is too attached to their purse sized dog can see a quack doctor and get the dog titled as a "comfort" dog.
If it was about the parents possibly influencing the child, then you should've made the thread about that issue instead of it being about the ruling. From your posts, it really seems like it's about the latter.

Just another disgusting turn of events in Obama-led America.
WTF does Obama have to do with this? It was the Maine Supreme Court that made this decision. Maybe if Bush didn't completely fuck everything up, then McCain would be president, but that still probably wouldn't change anything because half of the court was appointed by a Republican Governor and the other half was by a Democrat during a Republican president.

I'm going to resurrect the old dohdough and say that you're a goddamned loon.
If it was about the parents possibly influencing the child, then you should've made the thread about that issue instead of it being about the ruling. From your posts, it really seems like it's about the latter.
The ruling doesn't bother me. Like you, I don't believe that transgender individuals put on and take of a "transgender hat" depending on how they feel when they wake up.

For these individuals, if the requirement is that they get a doctor's note or something to that effect to grant them admission into the opposite sex restroom then again I'm okay with that.

But how can you be? Your voting base are the same people who think it's humiliating to require welfare recipients to have their photo on their EBT card. To require that they get food stamps instead of EBT cards.....

If I was transgender I'd think it'd be more humiliating to be required to carry proof that I was such then it would be to be ask to used a gender/sex neutral bathroom.

And I think their should be age restrictions too as the mind is still developing. I mean we can't smoke or vote until 18, drink until we're 21, and so on.

That's not to say I think teens who are transgender flip-flop when they hit adulthood but it'd be nice to be uniform about things

And moving forward what ramifications does something like this have on youth sports? Who has the final say, the ME Supreme Court or the Maine Principals Association (MPA, they govern ME HS Sports)?

If a male that identifies females pushes would they be allowed to play sports inter-scholastically as a female? What if a female that identifies male wants to join the swim team? Would they be required to wear a top at swim meets or would they be able to swim with their tits out in just a speedo?

Afterall, they're just tits right?

And if he-she is allowed to swim with her tits out because afterall she identifies as a male... wouldn't want to make her feel uncomfortable by wearing a top.... then why shouldn't all females be allowed to swim topless?

Yah, my ms/hs life was definitely small city, although exceptionally liberal town (Eugene, OR) so the idea of "out" gay kids wasn't a shock like some of the red states, but I could probably list off 10 kids by name who would have been all over going into the girls bathroom to either get a quickie with their girlfriend, or just be a pig to some of the girls that wouldn't get with them. I dunno, to me, that wouldn't be even a remote stretch, it would be a Day 1 activity. I've also coached that age group for about 15 years, and heh...I'm reminded that immaturity and hormones are what fuel their fire. Anyhoo, our experiences probably shape our views wrt the possibilities.

But you're still assuming (and admittedly, I didn't read the article so perhaps it's addressed there?) that some kid is a card carrying transgender student. Those kids aren't the ones that concern me. It's the dickheads who say they are to be funny, and to get in to the bathrooms at will to prove their point or impress their peers. How can the school intervene and tell one kid that he's allowed to go in, but another isn't. He doesn't seem transgender enough? That's the slippery slope IMO.

To me the welfare of the students is jeopardized if 50% of the population cannot have gender privacy in the bathroom. So would the bathroom be OK, but if the transgender kid wants to use the locker room, semi-public showers, then that's not OK? How do you establish boundaries of what is and is not acceptable, and how do you enforce them?
There's a pretty clear clinical diagnosis of what "transgendered" means, so one guy or gal being "not transgendered enough" is not something that I'd be concerned about. It's a long process and not something that every quack on the street can really diagnose.

For the analogy to history of the middle east, that's a region of the world (not religion-specific btw, that's your bias :p) and if one chooses not to study on it because it doesn't interest them, that's fine. I have no problem with that at all. I'm not discussing the merits of being transgendered (the idea that Islam is a violent, horrible religion) I'm discussing the merits of whether or not rules should be in place to make it easier for kids to use whichever bathroom they see fit (altering a school to establish a prayer room for Muslim students). I disagree with both of those policies. Of course if we're comparing to religion, then I would suggest that a fifth of the world is a more significant number of people to willfully choose to learn nothing about than the global population of transgendered people, so there is a small issue of scale as well ;)
It was meant to be a terrible analogy based on hyperbole. ;)

The ruling doesn't bother me. Like you, I don't believe that transgender individuals put on and take of a "transgender hat" depending on how they feel when they wake up.

For these individuals, if the requirement is that they get a doctor's note or something to that effect to grant them admission into the opposite sex restroom then again I'm okay with that.

But how can you be? Your voting base are the same people who think it's humiliating to require welfare recipients to have their photo on their EBT card. To require that they get food stamps instead of EBT cards.....

If I was transgender I'd think it'd be more humiliating to be required to carry proof that I was such then it would be to be ask to used a gender/sex neutral bathroom.

And I think their should be age restrictions too as the mind is still developing. I mean we can't smoke or vote until 18, drink until we're 21, and so on.

That's not to say I think teens who are transgender flip-flop when they hit adulthood but it'd be nice to be uniform about things
It's a clinical diagnosis that has special circumstances. Cases are rare enough that the entire administration would know if they had a transgendered student. There would be no reason to pin a star of David on their shirt. Being transgendered is tough enough and it's not something you can really hide.

And seriously, we're talking about using a bathroom here. If we allow gays to marry, are we allowing people to marry their pets as well?
Query: If we allow transgender individuals to use the restroom of his/her choice, would it not be discrimiation to deny this same right to choose to all individuals? Or will this special privilege only be allowed for a select few?
That's not an answer. Well, it is, I suppose, since the implication is that you would grudgingly accept them, and perhaps even enjoy them. We are, in any case, quite a ways away from being "transphobic," now, despite fake titties being gender modification.
People can do whatever they want to their bodies. If the end result is appealing to others, all the better. I have nothing against people who jerk off to fake tits and chicks with dicks. These things are generally done in the comfort of one's own home.

What I have a problem with is fundamentally changing how society operates based on a mental disorder, and starting the change with children and teens in schools. That's what makes me sick. What I have a problem with is taking elective surgery like gender reassignment and advocating that this is somehow a necessary burden that society must share in, such as when health care plans cover it.

It always has to be forced onto us by a political and academic elite that somehow knows better than us. People don't just do this shit on their own. It always has to come down from the top, like a kind of progressive set of commandments that we all must abide by.

Yes, I believe in the gender binary. I can't believe that this is now offensive to say out loud! A man is a man and a woman is a woman. Soon the utterance of any variation of this phrase will be considered hate speech. I'm looking forward to discovering the first person who lost their job for saying this undeniable fact, if it hasn't happened already.
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I'm not saying there are no assholes in the world who exploit things, I just don't see how it's necessarily this loophole that straight, cisgender boys would exploit to go into the girl's bathroom regularly for nefarious purposes.  It wouldn't preclude boys from being punished if they harassed girls in the bathroom.  It wouldn't preclude boys from having their ability to go into the girls' bathroom taken away if they were making girls uncomfortable.  And it wouldn't even necessarily be a green light for all boys to go into the girls' bathroom in the first place, it's not like there couldn't be any regulation.

Bathrooms now don't have genital-sensing force fields that keep men out of women's bathrooms and women out of men's.  It's not an incredibly difficult feat for a boy to go into a girls' bathroom.  And bathrooms are generally self-regulated, there's not somebody guarding them making sure that the right people go in.  If a boy goes into the girls' bathroom they'll tell him to get the fuck out and if he doesn't they can go to an authority - the same would apply if a transgender guy went in and bothered somebody instead of just pissing and leaving like people generally do.

Everything is exploited, it wouldn't be perfect, and such changes would take getting used to, but I just don't think it's a huge society-shattering thing or that it would lead to some gigantic increase in sexual assault.  Over time it would become normal as everything does.

They changed it to dysphoria specifically because "disorder" has a negative connotation that is not the point of the diagnosis.  Feeling like your biological sex does not match up with your gender identity is a stressful event that people need help with.  You want to help them deal with their feelings and become a happier person within their identity, not get them to change their identity because it's wrong or medicate them because their brain isn't working correctly.

They changed it to dysphoria specifically because "disorder" has a negative connotation that is not the point of the diagnosis. Feeling like your biological sex does not match up with your gender identity is a stressful event that people need help with. You want to help them deal with their feelings and become a happier person within their identity, not get them to change their identity because it's wrong or medicate them because their brain isn't working correctly.
Right. "I don't like words that hide the truth..."

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You want to help them deal with their feelings and become a happier person within their identity
Given the level of fear and vitriol in this thread towards trans folks, I think that there's another group of folks who need to deal with their feelings and become happier with their identities.

I suppose I simply can't understand the venom towards people who are different than most are. I'll never know what it's like to be trans any more than I know what it's like to give birth or be assumed to be a "thug" because I'm not white. That doesn't make me fear people who are different than me.

The persons I fear most are those who think differently than I do, and insist, with aggression and violence, that I must accommodate their mental weakness and incapacity to accept and respect differences - and do so while claiming to love the "land of the free."

Guess what, folks. You've used restrooms next to gay dudes before. Even worse, gay dudes next to other gay dudes. Gay dudes looking at you. Or not - maybe you're really unattractive in real life, I dunno. Now, unless you've seen or been the victim of a random handie from the guy standing behind you at the ballpark, or seen rampant cocksucking all over the place, then your fear of bathrooms becoming "bathhouses" after legal changes are made to accommodate someone like you, then your fear is irrational. Biased, disgusting, vitriolic, unpatriotic, un-American, not based in empirical reality, and dead wrong.

People - all of us - think about fuckin' all the time. We manage to get through the day (on most days, I hope) without groping strangers, without sexually assaulting people we find attractive, and so on. We manage to be civilized individuals to each other, most of the time. So I don't get this "the kids are gonna have sex!!!" paranoia. It's a completely bonkers argument that you use to weakly hide your anti-trans-bigotry. At least whichever one of y'all is "unashamed" about it admits to being a bigot. The rest of y'all are trying to shoehorn some semblance of reason to justify your irrational fears and hatreds.

Y'all grew up, and wanted to (and did) have sex with people. You didn't need a school restroom to get that done. Let's stop pretending that's what you're concerned about. You're afraid your kids will come into contact with someone who doesn't meet your definition of "normal," discover they are, in fact, normal people with feelings, fears, civility, character traits to adore, to question, and to dislike (hey man, just because you're trans doesn't mean you can't be an asshole) - and your world of clearcut hegemony will be called into question when your kids discover that, unlike you, they can see nuance and idiosyncrasies in the world - and, in the end, you're concerned your kids will discover that you're a full of shit bigot, and call you out on it.


Right. "I don't like words that hide the truth..."

So you say it's a mental illness because it's in the DSM and when the people who make the DSM decide to change the language because they don't want to imply that it's something wrong as opposed to a situation people need help with (since people who have no background in psychology pick up the DSM and pretend they know what it means *COUGH COUGH*) it's "hiding the truth."

Not to ruin the joke (the point of which you seem to have completely missed), but PTSD covers far more than combat, hence the more general terminology. You can get PTSD from being abused or being in a car accident. It simply requires a great deal of stress that occurs after trauma (get it? Post-traumatic stress) that has lasting psychological effects.

The most hilarious thing here is that Carlin was deriding bigotry before starting this joke and then you tried to use his joke to back up your own bigotry against transgender people.

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All this talk about how men won't start raping women in the restroom, etc., etc... goes back to the earlier point... why force separate restrooms at all?
Empirical data? The idea is that if you have a penis you use a certain room, if not then you use a different certain room. That is based on concrete, observable data.....basically: facts. I have no real concerns over sexual assault, etc., the idea is that humans have modesty and prefer to not be in the same vicinity of strange exposed genitalia of the opposite sex. How you "feel" is not a verifiable fact like having a penis. I often feel like I don't want to pay my taxes, go to work, or use my turn signals. I do it anyway because it is part of what society expects and demands of me. Either do away with all gender based bathrooms or enforce the penis rule. Equal treatment under the law....

Berzirk how many straight boys will try this once the girls put him in or start a rumor that the reason that he goes into the girl's restroom is because he wears panties?

Myke, I don't disagree that your post is well thought out and puts a lot of effort into it to express your views, but then pushing that opinion on to all of us and trying to assume pure bigotry is driving an opinion that MS/HS kids shouldn't have bathrooms opened up to the opposite gender is way off base. Harassment is a real concern here if all boys are allowed to say, "oh, I'm transgender curious today" and bull right in. Under the current societal norms, if any of us see a person of the opposite gender enter the "wrong" bathroom, we're suspicious (unless the guy is carrying a mop and a bucket). I would hope if a teacher saw boys walking in to the girls bathroom they would prevent it. That filter is removed when trans kids are allowed to use the "wrong" bathroom. This is the kind of thing that benefits such an incredibly small group of people, at the real risk, threat, or inconvenience of a vast majority, that it truly makes me wonder what else can be imposed. This isn't about human rights, or bigotry, or hatred of the unknown. I think most of society agrees-use the bathroom that your plumbing dictates. It doesn't seem like a looney notion.

I mean seriously...what percentage of MS/HS kids identify as transgender. 1/50,000 maybe? How many MS/HS girls would feel uncomfortable with boys in the girls bathroom? I suspect it's going to be greater than 1/50,000. My main problem is with the age that this is being imposed at, with the risks for on-school grounds debauchery, harassment, bullying, really the overall unsafe environment that this could create for a lot of kids.

At the adult level, I suppose I care less. They're grownups, they can make decisions with some life experience behind them. But as I personalize it,  I wouldn't be nuts about 4 dudes entering the women's bathroom after my wife or daughter did, and I'd be standing by the door ready to take action if I overheard distress or something that was concerning (see...because society does not consider it normal, for men to wander into a women's bathroom).

So I guess to those who are claiming that bigotry is the motivation behind being opposed to this, personalize it. Be honest with yourselves. If you had a teenage daughter, or your wife, who went into a public women's restroom, and four guys wandered in immediately after, would you go on about your shopping, meet up with them a few blocks down the road, or would you at least be concerned and alerted that men just walked into the women's bathroom after your wife or daughter. If your answer is "no, I wouldn't care at all and wouldn't suspect anything was up" then chalk it up to you and I having different views on the issue, but sincerely, and whether you agree or not, I don't really care-the DNA/choice/curiosity/whatever that goes into being transgendered-doesn't really interest me, doesn't really bother me. But the consequences of going over the top to accommodate such a small portion of society is where I get my panties in a bunch. know...if I wore them and stuff. Right?

Berzirk how many straight boys will try this once the girls put him in or start a rumor that the reason that he goes into the girl's restroom is because he wears panties?
probably fewer than the number of transgender students in MS and HS. The boys who are going to be brash enough to do this are the ones who have no good intentions in it. Hell, that type of kid is probably the one who wants tons of attention anyway. The unpopular kids who do it to emulate the popular crowd will be ostracized and mocked, IMO.

Women generally do not want to go to the bathroom with men.
Well, yeah. But isn't it one of those things that people would get used to after a while?

To the point that it would feel unsettling to see a group a men enter the same restroom that your wife just entered I guess having genderless bathrooms would just make that an actual worry. Particularly in areas that don't get alot of traffic.

Still, if we kept it how it is now and just allowed trans students to go where they feel comfortable it seems unlikely that there would be enough people willing to exploit that for it to be a real problem.

While we're on the subject of trans people I think this article is relevant.

bread's done