ME vs Fallout 3, question of game play style


30 (100%)
I have never been one to play RPGs, but I tried Mass Effect and Loved it and became addicted to it for 1 week (beat it in 26 hours with most side quests done and Level 44 soldier, gonna to replay with DLC and get level capped for ME2).

Ok so now I am thinking with a FallOut 3 GOTY coming out, maybe I should try it, is it as action like as Mass Effect is?

I liked the Story Driven Dialogue like any RPG has however unlike ever other RPG I have seen or tried was mostly turn based slow gameplay and I stopped 10 ~30 minutes into the game (Lost Odyssey,Final Fantasy(s) and other Big Deal at the time but I can't remember the names PS2 rpgs) unlike Mass Effect's pseudo gears of War more serious 3rd person shooter action. I have to ask my fellow CAGers because all my friends either play no RPGs, or either played Mass Effect or Fallout3 but not both.
try fallout, it is one of my top two favorite games on 360. i loved mass effect, but fallout was much better imo. it does have alot of gunplay, but it is more about exploration. it is a very good game, and is not like most rpg's (final fantasy, tales, and so on.) i dont know if you have tried oblivion, but alot of people say it is oblivion with guns, but i cant say that as i couldnt get into oblivion. but if you cant decide, you should atleast rent/borrow it from someone.

edit: fallout does have a decent size training type thing at the begining that is very boring, but once you get past that is is much better and very enjoyable.
Mass Effect and Fallout 3 aren't even comparable. Mass Effect camera angles were always strange, and the forced 3rd person shooter idea is a real turn off. In Fallout 3 you can switch back and forth through 1st person and 3rd person, which is a big help with some guns I.E. sniper rifles [basically useless in ME]. But to delve further into the game play of Fallout 3, I would say that it is a very smooth, coherent, and finished product. It doesn't focus so much of its time on conversations like ME (Mass Effect) did. On ME it felt like hours sitting there wasting time on conversations, in contrast, however, Fallout 3 has very quick conversations, that are concise and to the point. Fallout 3 uses more realistic weapons [except for the alien blasters], the DLC is amazing, and the game holds high replay value. You can sit there for hours running through the Capital Wasteland blowing off super mutants heads. I would say in most respects Fallout 3 is leaps and bounds over ME, and is a definite buy for any RPG fan. and if it seems like I'm slamming ME, I can assure you I am not. I was thoroughly addicted :D. So my verdict for you: Fallout 3 is a amazing game, loads of fun, and tons of side quests. The story mode is good, but lacks some minor details I.E.; More of a background story. Other than that, I say to you sir; BUY IT! :D

Hope this helped.
The sniper rifle didn't work on Mass Effect? News to me... that was my preferred weapon.

Personally, I loved Mass Effect, but just couldn't get into Fallout 3. I'd say pick it up and try for yourself though, it dropped in price fairly quick.
[quote name='Bloodbooger']The sniper rifle didn't work on Mass Effect? News to me... that was my preferred weapon.

Personally, I loved Mass Effect, but just couldn't get into Fallout 3. I'd say pick it up and try for yourself though, it dropped in price fairly quick.[/QUOTE]

I will say unless I was doing something wrong with maxed out sniper rifle attribute as a soldier the Sniper rifle sights were all over the place, I never used the Sniper rifle in ME...They needed like a "hold you breath" or "Prop Rifle on ground" type deal to steady the sights. Thanks for all input/opinions so far an future input/opinions, I am leaning towards getting the GOTY edition of Fallout 3 after it comes out....
Fallout 3 is a FPS with RPG statistics and branching storylines. That's pretty much the best way to describe it. I'm beyond addicted to Fallout but I could never get into Oblivion and I strongly disliked Mass Effect.
I liked Mass Effect much more than Fallout 3, but I don't think they are really that comparable.

I don't consider Fallout 3 to be an RPG, more like Scorch said; a FPS with RPG elements. I liked Fallout 3 from what I played, but I wouldn't expect anything like Mass Effect going into it.
I loved Mass Effect. I played through it twice, with my first playthrough running around 40 hours, and around 20 more on my second.

I *love* Fallout. I just finished my second playthrough on that, and my first playthrough took me 140 hours, and my second took 210 (however I had the DLC for my second playthrough).

If you enjoy spending time exploring every square inch of a map, looking for side-quests and new locations, all while working on the main questline and dealing with random encounters, then you'll probably enjoy Fallout very much.

If you focus primarily on the story, and don't concern yourself with additional exploration to try and find other side-quests and locations, then you'll probably like Fallout, but won't feel it's as good as Mass Effect was.

Fallout and Mass Effect are both great games in their own right. Mass Effect does a better job at writing/story, while Fallout does a better job of giving you lots of places to explore in a better-developed 'world'. Both offer plenty of action and are fun games that I've enjoyed tremendously.

Good luck, and I hope you find this information helpful.

[quote name='mercilessming']I will say unless I was doing something wrong with maxed out sniper rifle attribute as a soldier the Sniper rifle sights were all over the place, I never used the Sniper rifle in ME...They needed like a "hold you breath" or "Prop Rifle on ground" type deal to steady the sights. Thanks for all input/opinions so far an future input/opinions, I am leaning towards getting the GOTY edition of Fallout 3 after it comes out....[/QUOTE]

After two completed runs maining it I can confirm there is definitely nothing wrong with the sniper in ME other than its ridiculously high overheating rate and the amount of attribute slots required to steady it. Especially if you've maxed it out because after a half second the sight will right itself and barely move. Anyone can achieve that affect after dedicating around 5 - 7 slots to it whether crouched or standing.

Anyway... Gorget hit it right on the head. Fallout 3 is one of the best RPGs the 360 has to offer but its story honestly fails in comparison to MEs. To counter this its combat system is leagues ahead of MEs with plenty to do and explore. I'm pretty sure my first run has me clocked in at over 150 hours after achievement hunting w/ DLC so rest assured you WILL get your money's worth and then some. Since ME was the first game capable of providing me a world so irresistible I couldn't help being immersed in it I'll always prefer it over just about anything else.
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