ME2 or FF13? vote if you've played both


CAG Veteran
Hey CAGers,

Please let me know your thoughts on both games. Which is better overall?

I only want to buy one and rent the other. I want to know which game is a keeper and have better replayability/story/gaming experience, etc..

I hate to say this but ME2 is better than FF13. And this is coming from a guy who played every numbered game in the series. FF13 is a different experience from previous FF's and while that can be praised for making the game different, I found the damn thing too linear.
It's tough because these are two of my three favorite franchises (Kingdom Hearts being the 3rd). But, I must say, ME2 is what I've called a "disc-based 40 hour religious experience."

I've been gaming for over 25 years and ME2 is one of, if not THE, best games I've ever played. So, it gets the nod.
Have you played Mass Effect? If not, start there. It can be had for cheap these days. If you like the story and the setting (which are both fantastic), then just realize that Mass Effect 2 is drastically improved in the gameplay department.

Haven't played FFXIII myself, but ME2 is one of the most amazing video games I've ever played in my 20+ years of gaming.
I was really looking forwards to both, I've actually played through both, and I must say that Mass Effect 2 was much more enjoyable.

I wished that Mass Effect 2 was longer and I wished that Final Fantasy 13 was shorter, that about sums up my feelings on the two.

And as BingoBrown suggested, if you haven't played the original Mass Effect, then you should definitely begin there. You get SO much more out of the second game if you've played through the first. It's a bit of a chore, but definitely worth it in the end.
I've played every single FF game made, though I felt it went down hill after #9. #12 was ok. #13 I'm not sold on. I'm gonna wait for it to drop in price.

Played Mass Effect 1 & 2. 2nd tops the first.

I vote Mass Effect 2, especially if you played through ME1.
Story, gaming experience, all that stuff is very subjective. As is said in every opinion thread, we don't know your likes and dislikes. One's a WRPG, the other's a JRPG. If you're interested in both, I'd assume you know the difference. I'd also assume you know which genre you prefer over the other. That said...

ME2 has had a steady stream of DLC since release. New missions, new characters, new weapons...most of which will be free if you own the game. FF13, on the other hand, has no DLC, and I haven't heard a single thing to indicate that it ever will. So, ignoring all personal preference, FF13 would make more sense as the rental and ME2 as the buy.
I wish I could vote one or the other but honestly they are completely different kinds of RPGs I mean besides the obvious Western Eastern. Which I mean may be what it boils down too. There are things I love about both and things I hate about both. Now if these two games could simply have a sweet sexy love child that would be the anti christ because simply nothing in this world would ever be that perfect again but I digress. Both great games should not be put up against each other in a simple Up/Down vote like this thou it needs to be taken into a much deeper discussion
One is a JRPG and the other is borderline RPG/TPS. But as a RPG experience nothing really comes to close to Mass Effect 2.

By far the most expansive and engaging RPG since Suikoden 2. No one can make me believe other wise.
i love both to death, but id say go with FF13 personally. ME2 was all centered around getting your teammates and that felt like pretty much it. yes it had some core missions to the story but it still felt kind of empty experience personally. to be honest still a tough choice, you have to ask yourself do you feel like more playing a shooter or a semi-turn based rpg.
Thanks to all who replied quick. I forgot to mention in my original post that I've played both ME1 & FFX/FFXII and loved both. I just wanted to save some money. Can't afford to spend $120 on both.

But you guys just made my day as ME2 is on sale this Sunday @ BB. So, kudos to saving me $ 80 bucks. I'll just rent FF13.

-Peace out
I haven't played either, but I still voted for Mass Effect 2.

My wife is currently playing FF XIII, and after watching it for a while, I'm glad I've left the series. To me Final Fantasy died on the PS1. I don't know if the games changed, or if I changed, but this newest FF game is way too light and fruity for me. The character are annoying as hell, and I couldn't see myself caring for them in any meaningful way.

Just the way the pink haired girl runs in the game makes we want to throw it out the window.
I voted Mass Effect 2, but only if you've played Mass Effect 1 first! Otherwise, it's a toss up. I'm enjoying FFXIII now, but the overall level of experience and depth was greater in ME2 because I was so connected to everything that was going on. And that comes from playing the first one.
Final Fantasy is a gamble. The first half of the game seems to be running through linear corridors and learning about the characters and silly story. If someone like the characters they will probably like the game, if not... I can't imagine they would enjoy playing it. It's long, so it would be a good gamefly rental.
Well, if you want a true traditional RPG... well actually they both arent. But Mass Effect 2 has really crossed the line to Shooter/Action Adventure. The RPG elements are extremely watered down and both games are very linear experiences now.

That being said, Mass Effect 1 and 2 are in my top 5 games of all time.
Good luck beating FF13 on a rental.

Mass Effect 2 was a good game, but it was in no way the "GREATEST GAME I'VE EVER PLAYED IN MY LIFE!!!!!!" In some ways the first Mass Effect is better. The story in ME2 is completely retarded, grinding consist of scanning planets for minerals, and, as has been previously stated, more than half the game is just you collecting your crew members. You can also beat the game in about 20 hours.

Final Fantasy 13 starts off really slow. Matter of fact, I hated the game at first. I'm about 40+ hours in the game now and like it a lot. You definitely get more bang for your buck (in terms of hours spent playing) with FF13, and that's without any DLC or stupid Cerberus Network. It's quite nice to get everything on the disk without such things.
"I want to know which game is a keeper and have better replayability/story/gaming experience, etc.."

Well as someone mentioned FFXIII has everything on disc (making it more suitable for rental), and ME2 will definately have DLC.

Haven't played ME2 yet (Waiting to finish FFXIII), but I assume its similar to ME1 and has multiple classes for your primary character, and an option to play the dialog a few different ways.

I think ME2 will be more replayable (or at least there will be more reason/variation in the replay) than FFXIII, and with the DLC there will be more reason to own rather than rent. I think the first DLC was just announced.

Didn't vote since I haven't played ME2 yet. I own both.
I am on Chapter 13 of 13 in FFXIII, and I have no desire to play through the game again. It's an enjoyable experience, but playing through it a second time will not add anything new. It will be the exact same experience.

I haven't played ME2, but I have played ME1. If ME2 has anywhere near the replayability of the first one, then you should definitely go with it. As soon as I finish FFXIII, I will be getting ME2.
[quote name='aheineken']I am on Chapter 13 of 13 in FFXIII, and I have no desire to play through the game again. It's an enjoyable experience, but playing through it a second time will not add anything new. It will be the exact same experience.
that's what I said I thought to myself I'd lose money keeping this game and not selling it during the 50% deal at GS
ME2 for sure. Both are good games, however.

You will want to replay ME2 at least once (perhaps more) to try a different class out, or try out a different amount of paragon or renegade. Final Fantasy is definitely a one time through game for me.

Plus, if you buy ME2 (new), you get a code that gets you a chunk of free DLC. If you rent it, you will not have this.

And, ME2 is probably going to roll out DLC for the rest of this year at least, if you are interested in such things. I'm pretty sure that I read somewhere that FFXIII is not getting any DLC.

Oh, and ME2 keeps popping up in the $40 range now for new.

Both games clock in at 40+ hours if you do everything.
I have to go with Mass Effect 2, it's a fantastic game. I feel FF XIII should have been called Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest 2.

I just feel Squenix will try playing this game down in a year or two and hoping everyone forgot about it. It's not a bad game, but it's not Final Fantasy xxx material.
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