Mega Man X Wii U slow down problem


I got the game on the Wii U virtual console and the game slows down when you use the upgraded buster X. 

Anyone else experiencing this on the Wii U?

I haven't had problems with  Super Metroid yet but seeing this on Mega Man X is very disappointing.

Did it slow down on the snes like that? I got some serious slowdown playing Mario 2 akin to what you would get on the nes, I guess it's emulating it faithfully.
It slowed down on SNES too. I only remember armadillo stage lagging when you're on the cart and those birds come and fuck up everything.

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As others have pointed out, this is a feature (of sorts), the original SNES would slow down when taxed. Seems the emulator is extremely faithful as I have seen slowdown in NES games too. I've never DLed LoZ on Wii VC, but it seems that the slowdown on that game is present in the 3DS version.

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