Megazell's Free And Legal PC Games List!

Captain Commander

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Science Fiction

Pixeljam's retro side-scroller has you assume the role of the titular Captain Commander who must make his way through an alien planet and rescue captured soldiers from an abundance of uncomfortable probing.

Captain Commander felt enjoyably fast-paced, with each stage offering a pretty refreshing experience. In addition to a flat stage and ladder/multi-room stage (thanks for allowing me to jump onto and off of ladders), Captain traverses two stages in an alien-mauling tank and a spaceship that bruises easily when near the ground (my bad!). Glorious pixels fly throughout the game, as Captain shoots smaller enemies and huge bosses.

Players can toggle between an all-key or key-plus-mouse configuration in-game. The mouse option adds a visible reticle, but the shots still only fire in eight directions. Captain Commander also has some replayability to it, beyond going for the high score. Beating the game gave me access to a Hardcore option, but I decided to write about the game before playing it a second time. -

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP or higher
CPU: 900 Mhz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb

Download it here -

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Hey, just thought I'd pop in and say that Everquest 2's free servers are supposed to open up today! I look forward to trying them after work if they're put up on schedule.

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No

Theme: Science Fiction

Stream is a experimental game project some friends and I have been working on. It sports a some side scrolling shooter elements but the main theme of Stream is time travel. You play as a guerilla soldier who wont stop until he completes his mission.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP SP 3 or higher
CPU: 1.3 Ghz
Memory: 256 Mb
Video: 32 Mb
Hard Drive: 80 Mb

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[quote name='kyosai7']Hey, just thought I'd pop in and say that Everquest 2's free servers are supposed to open up today! I look forward to trying them after work if they're put up on schedule.[/QUOTE]

Sounds good. I will have to check that out another day. After I post these next 5 games I am going to head to a archery tournament!

Single Player - No
Multiplayer - Yes
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Fantasy

A small multiplayer game experiment I made by hacking chatchat. Started as a thing for NanoLD, a 48 minute game jam.

The goal is to collect red crystals and take them to the towns to level up. The first player to collect eight, thereby reaching level 8, wins! My favorite strategy is to wait until someone gets near a red crystal, sneak a screen over, and then pounce!

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP or higher
CPU: 900 Mhz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb

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Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Cosmic

A simple high-score mini-game. Simply attempt to chase down the 'enemy' for as long as possible - the longer you manage to keep them on screen, the more points you score. It's simple, minimalistic and totally charming.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP SP 3 or higher
CPU: 900 Mhz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb
Hard Drive: 2.7 Mb

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Megazell's Top Pick
Megazell's Top Pick

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No

Theme: Informative
Theme: Science
Theme: Science Fiction


It's all pleasant-feeling and squishy and tingly and what-have-you.
Trouble is, if you're not careful about how you go about it, you can catch some pretty unpleasant infections off people, which can make your bits ooze an unpleasantly smelly discharge, or can completely screw up your insides. Delightful!

Thank the stars then for John "Jack" Sterling, worn-down Captain of the oh-so-useless 'Foxtrot Squad'. It's up to you to take charge and lead your squad in and around people's private parts, clearing them of all manner of pesky and dangerous critters, oozes and bosses.


Blast away at various different enemies in all sorts of crazy, sometimes fragrant, locations!

Fully-voiced, funny, silly script!

Five whole levels!


You know how you wouldn't write a history essay based on your experiences playing a World War II shooter? Well, Privates is a bit like that - while the action takes place in and around peoples' parts, the anatomy is in no way biologically accurate. We've had to make loads of concessions in order to make the game fun to play. There's still loads of important stuff to take from Privates. Just be sensible about which bits, eh?

Megazell's Comment - EXCELLENT GAME. Graphics. Music. Setting. Funny. Well Made.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP SP 3 or higher
CPU: 2.0 Ghz
Memory: 512 Mb
Video: 256 Mb
Hard Drive: 200 Mb

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The Lonely Wizard

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Fantasy
Theme: Morbid

Children + Wizard = Morbid Short Game

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP or higher
CPU: 900 Mhz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb

No Heavy Download Needed - Browser Based -



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[quote name='iKilledChewbacca']Half Life 2: DeathMatch is a BLAST !![/QUOTE]

The Love Letter

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Love

Love letters are a bit nostalgic, no? Even so, developers axcho and knivel do a wonderful job of reminding me of my disdain for compulsory school in The Lover Letter, which has been polished up version from a Ludum Dare 22 entry. The title won 10th place in the jam overall and 1st place for theme.

Indeed, The Love Letter is a very interesting take on the "alone" theme. Whereas a lot of the games associated the theme with sadness or negativity, here the player actively seeks privacy to read his love letter. He has five minutes to avoid the crowded school hallways and tuck into various corners to finish reading the letter. Man, do I wish there was an attack button in this game!

See if you can read the letter in time in The Love Letter, while fighting the urge to go postal on all the clingy schoolmates. -

System Requirements

OS: Windows 98 SE or higher
CPU: 900 Mhz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb

No Heavy Download Needed - Browser Based -



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Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Military
Theme: Social/Political

There is something ugly about Molleindustria's newest game. It could be the way it lets the Aryan-looking protagonist flirt with his co-worker at will, the casual way he lies to those around him. It could be the disinterest the cast shows in their work. It could be any number of things. Regardless of what the core reason is, it's hard to deny that Unmanned is an uncomfortable experience, something which is rather unsurprising given that it comes from the lords of provocative browser games.

Structured around the life of an unnamed UAV pilot, Unmanned will have you clicking through a variety of dialogue choices. You'll also have the opportunity to engage in some random chores (smoke a cigarette discreetly, play FPSes with your son, track a suspicious character via radar, etc), chores that will periodically reward you with an odd assortment of badges. I won't talk anymore about Unmanned. Play this one at your own discretion. There may be stuff that rubs you the wrong way. -

System Requirements

OS: Windows 98 SE or higher
CPU: 900 Mhz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb

No Heavy Download Needed - Browser Based -



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Single Player - No
Multiplayer - Yes

Theme: Science Fiction

Co-Op is a small experimental arcade game for two players, made on the DBC game jam with artist Marta Dzikowska.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP or higher, Mac version also available
CPU: 1.0 Ghz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb
Hard Drive: 10.6 Mb

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Forget Me Not Annie

Single Player - No
Multiplayer - Yes

Theme: Horror

Forget Me Not Annie is a first person horror puzzle game. Developed in the unreal engine. Take on the role of Annie as she traverses her mind solving puzzles with here friend and ally, Howard the Bear. Use telekinesis and the ability to swap locations with Howard to solve the portal style puzzles.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP SP 3 or higher
CPU: 2.0 Ghz
Memory: 1 Gb
Video: 128 Mb
Hard Drive: 428 Mb

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The Stairwell

Single Player - No
Multiplayer - Yes

Theme: Horror

Excuse me while I go jump out of my skin. Like Haversine's SCP-087, EZeddy's experimental horror game is based on that well-loved piece of creepy pasta. Unlike the former, The Stairwell is a little more fleshed out. It features an actual prologue, some additional content and the ability to jump, crouch and flip switches. Much like before, I'm not really willing to spoil this for folks so if you're feeling particularly brave today, why not download the game and give it a shot? Just remember the keep the lights on. -

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP SP 3 or higher
CPU: 1.4 Ghz
Memory: 1 Gb
Video: 256 Mb
Hard Drive: 16.1 Mb

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Chak's Temple is actually quite challenging. I am trying to end the game...and I keep getting stuck on this level...


By the time I get all 6 locks down so that I can break the rest of the level the sphere is going to fast that I am unable to keep up with it. When you do lose you must continue from the beginning of that sector in order to progress.

I. Must. Defeat. This. Game!
King Arthur's Gold

Action/Platformer/Real Time StrategySimulation/Management
Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - Yes
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Fantasy

A long time ago, sometime, somewhere in a land of knights in shining armour and burning peasants a war had begun...

King Arthur's Gold - affectionately known as KAG - is a unique build 'n' kill game. Think the creative aspects of Minecraft, plus the fortress-building mechanic of Dwarf Fortress, plus the strategy of Age of Empires 2, plus the fast-paced class-based craziness of Team Fortress 2... with all the unnecessary elements trimmed off, wrapped up in some cross-platform goodness and sprinkled with tasty, tasty pixels.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP or higher, Mac and Linux versions also available
CPU: 1.4 Ghz
Memory: 1 Gb
Video: 128 Mb
Hard Drive: 30 Mb

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Megazell's Top Pick
Megazell's Top Pick

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Fantasy

A fun and challenging puzzle game where you progress from level to level by jumping, grabbing ledges, pushing blocks, activating switches and avoiding level hazards!

Megazell's Comment - This game comes with a level editor. Already there are map packs on the primary website hosted by the author for you to dl and expand on the game already provided. The puzzles go from easy as pie to 'GOD DAMN' real quick.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP SP 3 or higher
CPU: 1.2 Ghz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 64 Mb
Hard Drive: 1.57 Mb

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Space Cabbage

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Humor
Theme: Science Fiction

An 8-bit styled game, in the vein of Space Invaders or Galaga, except with evil vegetables that you have to destroy. It's all lovingly made, although if you aren't a fan of lo-res chunky pixels from the 8-bit era, this one might not appeal to you.

System Requirements

OS: Windows 2000 or higher
CPU: 400 Mhz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb
Hard Drive: 8.94 Mb

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Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Science Fiction

Terav is a stage-based 2D scrolling tank shooter that includes an original powerup system, over 30 varieties of enemies, and several bosses. Originally the player was going to control a stationary base and have the ability to build it up while being constantly attacked, but I accidentally created a very cool engine for the realistic movement of a tank across uneven terrain, and the game transformed.

The graphics are rendered using a greyscale polygon sprite that is used as its own alpha mask and then colorized. Screenshots aren't friendly toward this game-- the screen will get unbelievably hectic and animated as devious new challenges emerge.

There are competitive online hiscores so you can compete with the rest of the world. Better scores will unlock cooler tanks, a hotter difficulty mode, and some other secrets.

Megazell's Comment - Author's site says 1 Ghz for CPU requirement. I was able to get this game to run at 64 FPS on my netbook which has a CPU of 933 Mhz.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP or higher
CPU: 900 Mhz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb
Hard Drive: 4.38 Mb

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Barbie Seahorse Adventures

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Fantasy

You're a seahorse - and you want to go to the moon!

A simple platformer with a bit of Bubble Bobble, Super Mario and a whole bunch of charm thrown in to the melting pot. You're a seahorse and you get rid of enemies by engulfing them in the bubbles that you blow (which you can then jump on to reach higher places before they pop).

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP or higher, Mac and Linux version available
CPU: 1.0 Ghz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb
Hard Drive: 9.56 Mb

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Warlock Bentspine

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

It is the year 2042 AD. The world has gone down the pooper and now, Stinker City, one of the last few cities still standing is about to crumble in the hands of the Jihad Gang, a group of four super criminals set loose upon the city. You are Jacob Bentspine, better known as Warlock, the guardian of Stinker City. It's your job to hunt down and apprehend these criminals.

Megazell's Comment - A little bit of Megaman meets Mario in this one.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP or higher
CPU: 910 Mhz
Memory: 16 Mb
Video: 32 Mb
Hard Drive: 10.2 Mb

Download it here - Bentspine.rar





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Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Fantasy

In Acwabatics you control a centipede with a bear tethered to its rear. Eat sheep with your "bear butt" to grow longer, and avoid the hazardous obstacles. Golden sheep are worth 10 regular sheep.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP or higher
CPU: 900 Mhz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb
Hard Drive: 4.97 Mb

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Megazell's Top Pick
Shoot First
Megazell's Top Pick

Shooter/Top Down
Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - Yes
Netbook Friendly

Shoot first is a co-op Action Roguelike.

Megazell's Comment - A very fun game. Catchy music and co-op...hmm Rougelike....*drool*...Beware The Hunter!

System Requirements

OS: Windows 98 SE or higher
CPU: 500 Mhz
Memory: 16 Mb
Video: 2 Mb
Hard Drive: 6.07 Mb

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Miner 2049er Again

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Fantasy

Miner 2049er Again is an inspirational free remake of Miner 2049er combining some of the great elements used from the original game and brought to life today in pixel-art form.

System Requirements

OS: Windows 2000 or higher
CPU: 733 Mhz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb
Hard Drive: 4.59 Mb

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[quote name='iKilledChewbacca']Hey Megazell I dont know if you have posted this game already but, Hedgewars is super fun ...and FREE !

it resembles the game "Worms" .

Here is the website for more info :[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the tip. I will give it a gander when I have a spare moment :)
[quote name='Megazell']Thanks for your input. I hope you enjoy what you find. Even if you do not, don't hesitate to give your 2 cents about it.

League Of Legends is located in the Strategy section under Real Time Strategy - 3D.

Wow...Blip And Blop is a game I played back in 2008. I will be sure to post that up soon if it runs on modern OSes with no problem.[/QUOTE]

It ran on his Windows XP computer, so I can only assume it should work on Vista/7. Probably since you could at least run it under XP emulation on Vista.

By the way, any thing you could recommend that would be similar to Unreal (graphics wise as well) in terms of gameplay and weapon selection? I missed out on purchasing the Unreal collection last year when it was super cheap at Gamestop.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']It ran on his Windows XP computer, so I can only assume it should work on Vista/7. Probably since you could at least run it under XP emulation on Vista.[/QUOTE]

Yeah - It does run for me on Windows XP SP3. I usually run a modified version of SANDRA to get system requirements from games that don't provide them.

Personally, I only run Windows XP SP3 and Linux. Once XP's wheels fall off I will be 100% Linux.
Mechanic Man

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No

Theme: Science Fiction

The mechanic's jumpsuit the protagonist wears in this freeware game could easily be disguised as Mega Man, but I think the robot created by Capcom was just the inspiration for this new retro gem. If you love simple games as well as an authentic look of the Nintendo cartridge gaming era...You'll like this game. It's also very challenging.

Megazell's Comment - The game comes from a Japanese developer but the game is predominately in English when it comes to game options and controls. It pretty much plays just like Megaman games.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP SP 3 or higher
CPU: 1.2 Ghz
Memory: 256 Mb
Video: 128 Mb
Hard Drive: 14.3 Mb

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Star Fighter 2250

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Science Fiction

Shoot 'em up inspired by Space Invaders. First and last game to be released under the Genetic Software team name.

System Requirements

OS: Windows 98 SE or higher
CPU: 400 Mhz
Memory: 16 Mb
Video: 16 Mb
Hard Drive: 1.62 Mb

Download it here -



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Turn Based Strategy/Action
Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - Yes

Theme: Warfare
Theme: Humor

Hedgewars, it's a Blast! This is the funniest and most addictive game you'll ever play - hilarious fun that you can enjoy anywhere, anytime. Hedgewars is a turn based strategy game but the real buzz is from watching the devastation caused by those pesky hedgehogs with those fantastic weapons - sneaky little blighters with a bad attitude!

Game description

Each player controls a team of several hedgehogs. During the course of the game, players take turns with one of their hedgehogs. They then use whatever tools and weapons are available to attack and kill the opponents' hedgehogs, thereby winning the game. Hedgehogs may move around the terrain in a variety of ways, normally by walking and jumping but also by using particular tools such as the "Rope" or "Parachute", to move to otherwise inaccessible areas. Each turn is time-limited to ensure that players do not hold up the game with excessive thinking or moving.

A large variety of tools and weapons are available for players during the game: Grenade, Cluster Bomb, Bazooka, Homing Bee, Shotgun, Desert Eagle, Fire Punch, Baseball Bat, Dynamite, Mine, Rope, Pneumatic pick, Parachute. Most weapons, when used, cause explosions that deform the terrain, removing circular chunks. The landscape is an island floating on a body of water, or a restricted cave with water at the bottom. A hedgehog dies when it enters the water (either by falling off the island, or through a hole in the bottom of it), it is thrown off either side of the arena or when its health is reduced, typically from contact with explosions, to zero (the damage dealt to the attacked hedgehog or hedgehogs after a player's or CPU turn is shown only when all movement on the battlefield has ceased).

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP SP 3 or higher, Mac or Linux available
CPU: 1.0 Ghz
Memory: 128 Mb
Video: 128 Mb
Hard Drive: 112 Mb

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Blip and Blop - Balls Of Steels

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - Yes
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Humor

A great fun platform/shoot'em up game. Shoot the Smurfs, Lemmings, etc.. (more than 40 different kind of enemies...or targets!!!)

Co-operative game play.

This game contains scenes of explicit violence and is intended for mature audience only.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP SP 3 or higher
CPU: 700 Mhz
Memory: 16 Mb
Video: 64 Mb
Hard Drive: 117.4 Mb

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First Person Shooter
Single Player - No
Multiplayer - Yes

Theme: Horror

Welcome to Transfusion. Transfusion is a remake of the Monolith game "Blood",
released in 1997. The original Blood game was designed to be run in a DOS
environment. As newer hardware and operating systems came along in the time
following Blood's release, it has been increasingly difficult to find systems
that Blood will run on. With Transfusion, which utilizes id Software's Quake
engine, the game can continue to be enjoyed on modern computer systems.

System Requirements

OS: Windows 95 or higher, Linux version also available
CPU: 233 Mhz
Memory: 96 Mb
Video: 32 Mb
Hard Drive: 117 Mb

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Thread Update.

Action section is now complete with sub genres for Single Player Only, Multiplayer Only, Single and Multiplayer and all CO-OP games in that section have been labeled with an underline as denoted by the Legend in the OP.

Action section has a total of 42 CO-OP games listed.​
Thread Update.

Updated the Adventure, Fighting, MMORPG, Puzzle, RPG and Shooter sections.

Simulation is a bit too murky to organize in the format that I have been using for the rest of the games so I make delay that section a bit.

Sports and Strategy next.
[quote name='Megazell']Yeah - It does run for me on Windows XP SP3. I usually run a modified version of SANDRA to get system requirements from games that don't provide them.

Personally, I only run Windows XP SP3 and Linux. Once XP's wheels fall off I will be 100% Linux.[/QUOTE]

Tried the 100% Linux thing for awhile. Just couldn't stand it (this being the Linux of several years ago), so I went back to Windows. Honestly haven't minded at all.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Tried the 100% Linux thing for awhile. Just couldn't stand it (this being the Linux of several years ago), so I went back to Windows. Honestly haven't minded at all.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm just tired of paying anything for OS software, period. I got a free copy a friend got me of Windows 7. Yeah...I know I can always get a copy of MS latest OS for under $30 but I am tired of the MS cycle.

XP is at it's best now. It's been patched and has so many users that it's extremely stable. Then they release Vista *insert womp womp noise*...Then 7 and it just feels like a big beta cycle circle jerk.

While my Ubuntu OS has been growing, changing and improving without having to make a single purchase.

Also my solar panel managing board, security system, multimedia server and HTPC are using Linux to handle all of my home/family needs with little to no issues (actually no issues but in case I forgot one...I'll just put that out there).

Games are the ONLY reason why I still have Windows at all. Linux gaming ain't no where near as great as Windows gaming currently is but it's catching up and with so many games going browser based....I'm having very little reasons to hold on to Windows at all.

Now if it went Freeware for everyone...then I may stay :)
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R.A.M: Saving TPS

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No

Theme: Other

A arcade game that mixes Pacman and Bomberman.

Megazell's Comment - Move your mouse to get the pellets and avoid the green monsters. You have a certain amount of bombs you can deploy with left mouse click but they do you damage also. Power ups come randomly and offer you other solutions or hinder your progress.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP SP 3 or higher
CPU: 1.0 Ghz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb
Hard Drive: 10.3 Mb

Download it here -




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Dig Dug Aftershock

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Fantasy

Dig Dug Aftershock is a pretty good tribute to two of the best drilling games in history, in which you assume the role of Taizo on a quest to rescue your best friend by eliminating all enemies in each of the ten stages.

System Requirements

OS: Windows 2000 or higher
CPU: 600 Mhz
Memory: 16 Mb
Video: 16 Mb
Hard Drive: 5.45 Mb

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Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Science Fiction

I wrote this game after seeing a Geometry Wars video on the internet. I
could not get hold of an Xbox 360 for love or money and I wasn't about
to start paying eBay prices. After many fruitless weeks of searching I
decided that I would just have to write a version of the game as it was
still impossible to get hold of the console. So here are the fruits of
my labours.

System Requirements

OS: Window 2000 or higher, Mac version available
CPU: 733 Mhz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb
Hard Drive: 2.91 Mb

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Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No

Theme: Other

A stylish Snake variant in 3d. Eat the required amount of enemies to move on to the next level, while avoiding the mines left behind by your ever-growing-tail and collecting dots (when all are collected, the current group of mines turn to more dots and so the cycle continues).

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP SP 3 or higher
CPU: 1.4 Ghz
Memory: 128 Mb
Video: 128 Mb
Hard Drive: 8.84 Mb

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Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Horror

Are you afraid of the dark? Well, after this you probably wont be, zombies aren't as scary as they seem. But! They're taking over your hometown and since you're the one with the brains it's up to you to put up the fight. Throw brains at the zombies and turn them back into humans. As you progress you get help from your fellow humans in the fight against the zombies. Can you survive until midnight?

Originally written in 48 hours it might not be the deepest game you've seen, but it should provide some fun on those coffee breaks.

Megazell's Comment - The game installation will ask you if you would like to install a toolbar. You don't need to and it will not have any effect on your game playing experiences. I always say no. You can also be turned into a zombie in this will have to find some brains and your controls will be the opposite of what they were when you were alive.

System Requirements

OS: Windows 2000 or higher
CPU: 900 Mhz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 32 Mb
Hard Drive: 584 Kb

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Real Time Strategy
Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Science Fiction

NUD is a tower defense game that will emphasize patterns in the way you build towers. The towers in the game, called NUDs, provide adjacent NUDs with various bonuses. This means that you need to come up with the optimum pattern of NUDs to maximize firepower. By emphasizing the way you build instead of relying on the usual formula of damage types vs armour types I hope to make the complexity of the game more transparent since no complexity is hidden in the creep stats or behaviour. The smooth undo/reload wave system also allows you to correct your mistakes painlessly instead of having to restart the level/game and waste time getting to the same level.

- Full Undo/Checkpoint saving system that allows you to seamlessly go back and correct mistakes
- Adjacency bonuses. NUDs will provide combat bonuses to other adjacent NUDs.
- Mazing, you can build your NUDs to block the invaders and shape their path.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP or higher
CPU: 1.0 Ghz
Memory: 32 Mb
Video: 16 Mb
Hard Drive: 2.56 Mb

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[quote name='Megazell']Yeah, I'm just tired of paying anything for OS software, period. I got a free copy a friend got me of Windows 7. Yeah...I know I can always get a copy of MS latest OS for under $30 but I am tired of the MS cycle.

XP is at it's best now. It's been patched and has so many users that it's extremely stable. Then they release Vista *insert womp womp noise*...Then 7 and it just feels like a big beta cycle circle jerk.

While my Ubuntu OS has been growing, changing and improving without having to make a single purchase.

Also my solar panel managing board, security system, multimedia server and HTPC are using Linux to handle all of my home/family needs with little to no issues (actually no issues but in case I forgot one...I'll just put that out there).

Games are the ONLY reason why I still have Windows at all. Linux gaming ain't no where near as great as Windows gaming currently is but it's catching up and with so many games going browser based....I'm have very little reasons to hold on to Windows at all.

Now if it went Freeware for everyone...then I may stay :)[/QUOTE]

just do you get windows 7 for $30 ?
bread's done