Men Over 30

I'm the complete opposite. In my 20s I hardly drank and was usual the DD when my gf/fiance/wife and her friends and I went out. If I would drink it was 2-4 mixed drinks. (Martini's or Gin n tonics). But after 2 I'm usually ready for a nap.

Now in my 30s I like to have a bottle of wine every two weeks or so. Just a glass or two a few times a week. A nice merlot or syrrah. It helps me get to bed earlier, and I tell myself it's good for my heart.
I was going to find that old TV show Thirtysomething because I thought it would help me wtf I'm suppose to do when I'm in my 30s... I can't even find it. I guess it wasn't that helpful.
[quote name='nasum']So, when you guys hit 30 did you notice many physical changes? I've been so tired that I could literally fall asleep any time I wanted to by closing my eyes and taking a few deep breaths. I've also noticed a bunch of aches and pains creeping in, I'm no longer resistant to cold the way I once was, decreased libido, daydreaming a whole bunch and really would rather sit around doing nothing than going out with my younger pals who still drink like they're in college. It's like all of the sudden two beers is cool with me and I'm fine whereas I used to be a six-pack a night kind of guy.

This is really weird and it's freaking me out.[/QUOTE]

35 here, sure I might get tired quicker and some aches here and there. But I never take any naps. But I never go bed early, shoot sometimes I go to bed 2:00 to 3:00 am and get up early. lmao :)
[quote name='OrganicTissue77']35 here, sure I might get tired quicker and some aches here and there. But I never take any naps. But I never go bed early, shoot sometimes I go to bed 2:00 to 3:00 am and get up early. lmao :)[/QUOTE]

I used to nap all the time after work, but I don't do it anymore.

One thing in the past few years I've noticed is that if I'm up past 12 midnight, it's hard for me to get to sleep.
I am tired all the time but I'm convinced it is because of my kids and NOT because of my age. I usually go to bed around 11 and wake up around 5-5:30 during the week. I'll stay up a little later on the weekends and sleep in a little (until 7 or so).
[quote name='Javery']I am tired all the time but I'm convinced it is because of my kids and NOT because of my age. I usually go to bed around 11 and wake up around 5-5:30 during the week. I'll stay up a little later on the weekends and sleep in a little (until 7 or so).[/QUOTE]

I usually go to bed between 9-10:30 and get up at 5:45am. When I'm not working, I generally go to bed at the same time and get up in time for Price is Right during the week (9:30am), and around the same time on the weekend.

If I'm around friends, I can go to bed much later, but that isn't too often.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I was going to find that old TV show Thirtysomething because I thought it would help me wtf I'm suppose to do when I'm in my 30s... I can't even find it. I guess it wasn't that helpful.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't "My So Called Life" supposed to teach us how to be teenagers as well?
Remember how the first 2 or 3 seasons of "The Real World" felt like this incredible education in adulthood, now it's basically a reality TV drinking game...

I did an experiment on myself last weekend. I took the phrase "you can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning" to task and decided to do some relatively strong cocktails all day while lounging around the house. At an average pace of 2-3 drinks per hour starting around 7:30am, by the time 8pm rolled around I was completely out of it, totally incoherent, talking like the lovechild of Hunter S. Thompson and Charlie Sheen and shagging an ex that I really never wanted to see again. Oddly enough, while horribly cranky on Sunday morning I was pretty functional and able to get through band practice in the basement without too much desire to kill the others for making too much noise.
[quote name='nasum']Wasn't "My So Called Life" supposed to teach us how to be teenagers as well?
Remember how the first 2 or 3 seasons of "The Real World" felt like this incredible education in adulthood, now it's basically a reality TV drinking game...

Never saw either. Pretty glad about that.
For shame, quality TV in their day.

So even though I've been really focusing on developing more core strength (mostly to help stabalize my lumbar region) I woke up with some majorly messed up muscles this morning. No doubt I'll be laid up again sometime pretty soon.

Also, women folk are awful people.
what do you play and how good are you?

women folk are evil because their intentions are seemingly never direct. This last one acted like she wanted to play house but was actually only looking for a few good shags and then wanting to move on to other options. Very strange. Come to think of it, the one a couple before her hinted at wanting NSA but ended up really wanting to play house, but she wasn't exactly what I want in a lifemate so we went our separate ways, oddly enough breaking up a decade long friendship that I had along the way.
women folk be of the evil, and not the cool Cannibal Corpse kind of evil, I mean evil of the ruinous variety.
[quote name='nasum']what do you play and how good are you?

women folk are evil because their intentions are seemingly never direct. This last one acted like she wanted to play house but was actually only looking for a few good shags and then wanting to move on to other options. Very strange. Come to think of it, the one a couple before her hinted at wanting NSA but ended up really wanting to play house, but she wasn't exactly what I want in a lifemate so we went our separate ways, oddly enough breaking up a decade long friendship that I had along the way.
women folk be of the evil, and not the cool Cannibal Corpse kind of evil, I mean evil of the ruinous variety.[/QUOTE]

I had a vision for Punkno, a fusion of punk and hardcore techno (Think Prodigy or Atari Teenage Riot) in college over 10 years ago, and bought keyboard magazines and a keyboard, and a sampler, but that's as far as it went. I don't have the diligence or patience to do music anymore.

I thought dating chics in your 30s and beyond was easier because you and them know who we by then and already know we have baggage and wear it well.

It's all more boring though.
No, dating in the 30's and beyond is harder as most of the decent one's are married, in serious relationships or have baggage like kids from a prior relationships etc. It's easier if you're in a big city as there are singles bars that cater to the older crowd.

But still, college is by far the easiest time dating wise as you're in a college town and campus with thousands of other people your own age, a huge chunk of whom are single, very few are married or have kids etc.
I'm hoping that I didn't cook my food right last night, and that having raging diarhea all night long isn't some new phase in the hell of aging...
It's not. You just effed up your dinner. I made it until 5:15 last night before having to get up and take a leak. Pretty good although I prefer waking up around 3 so it feels like I still have a ton of time left to sleep. I get up at 5:30 so this morning kind of sucked. Also, I've noticed I no longer need to set an alarm - I wake up on my own between 5:30 and 5:45 - it's kind of scary.
My biological clock is the opposite. I have a ridiculously hard time getting up, and I don't even get up early. Getting up at 9 even has been a struggle lately. Granted I've been working until 10-midnight and not going to bed until 1 or 2 lately.

But if I don't set an alarm say on the weekend etc., I'll go to bed at 1 or 2 and sleep until after noon easily.

But I've always been one of those people who really need 9-10 hours of sleep to really feel rested. 7 or 8 hours I'm generally ok, but feel pretty tired by early evening. 6 or less and I feel pretty crappy.
Damn - I haven't slept past 9AM in almost 7 years. I get about 6-6.5 hours a night. I'm tired but I make it work. If I get 9-10 hours it has the opposite effect on me - I feel like ass. Whenever I go to my in-laws this happens. They don't have a TV in a room with a couch (it's in the kitchen) and everyone goes to bed around 8pm. Around 9:30 or 10 I always say eff it and go to bed and then if I get up around 6:30 or 7 I feel like a bag of sand fell on my head or something.
I rarely wake up to go pee or poop. The only things that usually wake me up are heartburn, asthma, too hot in the room...and that's usually rare. Things are different when I wake up as I have to go to the bathroom bad.
Yeah, people's bodies are just wired differently. Sleep studies show some people are fully functional on 5 or 6 hours of sleep, while most people need 7-8 to be at the same level (measuring things like response time in tests, pupil dilation etc.), while some need 9 or 10 hours to be at that level.

I hardly ever get up before 8am. Pretty much just a handful of times a year when I have an early meeting or early flight etc.

That was a big draw of an academic job to me. I ask to only teach afternoon and evening classes, try not to schedule morning meetings and thus can work my shit ton of hours in from mid-morning through night which is great since I'm as complete polar opposite of being a morning person as possible. :D

As for staying asleep, lately I have had problems waking up every few hours for no real reason. Occasionally I have to pee if it's be 6 or 7 hours since I feel asleep, but otherwise it's just random.

That's no doubt part of my tiredness problems lately, I'm staying in bed plenty of hours but not sleeping continuously or very deeply.
I never have to wake up for restroom needs. (Yet. Wait till my prostate grows)

Sleep can kill me. If I wake up before 7 I just feel dead the rest of the day. Add to the fact that i've worked second or third shift for the past 10+ years and almost never go to bed before midnight I'm used to getting 6-7 hours of sleep a night.

I try tocatch up on my days off or those rare days during the week when one kids in school and the other's in preschool. I still have to get up at 7 but least can go back to bed once they're on the bus.
[quote name='Javery']I fell asleep on the couch last night at 9:30. Awful.[/QUOTE]

problems with the lady Jav? Just kidding!

Yea I slept downstairs too....not because of the GF, but to keep my dog company since she can't sleep upstairs anymore because something upstairs is causing her to stop breathing :(
More like problems with Modern Family. I fell asleep in the middle of it. I was a little annoyed she didn't at least wake me up when she went upstairs though.

You should check for mold or something upstairs - that is an odd problem for your dog to have.
Creepin' up on 30 myself (29 at the end of July). Only signs of aging I feel are regular heartburn and about 10 extra pounds I'd like to drop. I was just thinking this morning whether I should be disappointed it's so hard to drop them or impressed that I didn't weigh much more when I wasn't watching my diet at all. Then again I've been told that the body will get used to a natural weight level and it would take a radical change to fluctuate.

I skimmed the topic and I feel flaky asking, but what do you guys do to take care of your face.. I never used to do anything but seeing as how I'm at a point where I have no intention of settling down, I'm weary of showing my age down the road. I've been dabbing a bit of unscented lotion I had leftover from my last tattoo after I've been shaving because it gets really dry if I don't and I figure it will catch up to me. I'm not talking facials, cucumbers and Patrick Batemen like routines, but does anyone else have any lotion recommendations? Since I've been doing this, I think the perpetual darkness under my eyes has faded a bit as well.
Creeping up on 30 in about seven months. Aside front a knee problem, I'm okay...though I could benefit from dropping 20-30 lbs. I plan on popping the question in a few weeks. I would hate to think that she wouldn't want to put out once we're married with children as I can't keep my hands off of her and haven't been able to since we started dating 3 years ago. :cool:

Anyhow, regarding face cream, I too get dry & rosy cheeks if I don't out something on it. People at work though I used to wear makeup on my cheeks because of how rosy red they got when I didn't wear the right cream and it was cold. At first my gf got me to try Aveeno facial cream and it worked for about 6 months but then I started having the same problem. Now, I use every man jack and have been for the last 2 years; it works like a charm! I use e one with SPF not the regular one.
[quote name='Ed_']
Anyhow, regarding face cream, I too get dry & rosy cheeks if I don't out something on it. People at work though I used to wear makeup on my cheeks because of how rosy red they got when I didn't wear the right cream and it was cold. At first my gf got me to try Aveeno facial cream and it worked for about 6 months but then I started having the same problem. Now, I use every man jack and have been for the last 2 years; it works like a charm! I use e one with SPF not the regular one.[/QUOTE]

I have this problem. People think I am blushing or overly flustered, when it is just that my face skin is weather sensitive. I'll try EMJ. I googled it, hoping it was a product and not what it sounds like. I wasn't looking forward to giving myself facials of that variety.
[quote name='dothog']Holy shit, I thought this was supposed to be the MEN over 30 thread. Suck it up, nancies, if you're not getting the sleep you need, you're not drinking enough.

Try punching something or someone every now and then. And since when has consuming a 32 oz steak RAW ever hurt anybody?

Here's one of the manliest of the manly to motivate you pussies.[/QUOTE]

Heh, ^ this.

I turned 30 five months ago and I feel better than ever. Of course, the last 5 years of watching what I eat and working out definitely helped...
This is true that men when cross 30 they get many health avoid these problems they should follow the following tips:;)

1. Exercise regularly.
2. Quit Smoking
3. Proper sleep is necessary.
4. Less intake of sugar is necessary.
5. Be hydrated .
[quote name='QiG']Creepin' up on 30 myself (29 at the end of July). Only signs of aging I feel are regular heartburn and about 10 extra pounds I'd like to drop. I was just thinking this morning whether I should be disappointed it's so hard to drop them or impressed that I didn't weigh much more when I wasn't watching my diet at all. Then again I've been told that the body will get used to a natural weight level and it would take a radical change to fluctuate.[/QUOTE]

Start watching your diet and start getting regular exercise. I never used to have to do watch my diet but once I hit around 33 or 34 I noticed that it became MUCH harder to lose weight when I wanted to. I've always been a regular at the gym but I never paid much attention to my diet which was a big mistake.

Earlier this year I found myself at the heaviest I'd ever been (that's what taking a few months off from the gym will get you without altering your diet) and it has taken a great deal of effort to get back in shape. So far I've dropped about 30lbs. (I stopped lifting weights so muscle mass just melts off) but I've had to completely change my way of thinking about food to do it. The exercise part was easy for me but I love food.

I think the stuff about "natural weight" is pretty true - even in the best shape of my life I'd hover around 200lbs. but I'm trying to get down to around 185-190 (since I'm not lifting) and these last 10-15 lbs. are freaking impossible!
[quote name='bordjon']If you don't eat as healthy as you use to you might consider taking a multivitamin or some sort of supplements. ( I actually eat better now than I did when I was in college - me and my wife love to cook (healthy too - sometimes!)) I take a one-a-day and vitamin c/ester c and echinacea when I think I might be getting sick. We have also started taking *gasp* chia seeds. Remember Chia Pets? Yep, same thing. We have a tbsp a day in a drink (usually cranberry or pomegranate and water.)[/QUOTE]

Do vitamins actually work?

Normally, I take around 4 daily. But there can be days or even weeks where I forget or don't take them at all, and I do not notice any difference, I feel just as good as during the days when vitamins are taken. I wonder if it's just psychological - like those placebo studies.

Back to the topic, I notice as I approached my 30's, metabolism, energy level and flexibility all took a hit. Also, I can't sleep as many hours as during my teen years. But for the most part, I feel just as good as during my younger years.
My problem is I need to gain weight. Not sure how to go about it. I eat, it just doesn't pack on. Any wrestlers or boxers on here that have any tips? I'm pretty much lean muscle, but no fat to compliment that, so I just look skinny anyway.

I do smoke, but heard that the act of smoking burning calories might just be an urban myth. The contradiction is I know you can gain weight when you quit smoking (which I'm going to give a go at starting tonight), but why is that? Is it a chemical thing?
[quote name='sabin23']Do vitamins actually work?

I find they help with immune system health. I've gotten sick a lot less frequently after starting a solid vitamin regimen a few years ago.

Also, Glucosamine/Chondroiton definitely helps with my joints. Took a few months to kick in, but my knees don't bug me nearly as much during squats, running etc.

[quote name='crunchb3rry']My problem is I need to gain weight. Not sure how to go about it. I eat, it just doesn't pack on. Any wrestlers or boxers on here that have any tips? I'm pretty much lean muscle, but no fat to compliment that, so I just look skinny anyway[/QUOTE]

The simple answer is you have to eat more calories than you burn to gain weight.

It sounds like you're a skinny guy with a high metabolism like me, that makes it harder to gain muscle.

I've largely given up as I don't have time or interest in it anymore and just work out and eat well to stay thin (I'm 5'9", 155 lbs currently).

I did go from 145 to 165 over a 5 year period or so my last year of college into my first 4 years or so of grad school when I was working out seriously and focusing on diet to try to gain some muscle. I found I had to eat around 4,000 calories a day to really gain any muscle with my metabolism and the 5 days a week of lifting I was doing back then.

Number of calories you'll just have to play around with (meaning track them in great detail along with your workouts and find what gets results for you).

The other key thing is to get the right kind of calories. You'll need a lot to put on muscle, but you don't want to eat just anything. Things like saturated fats and simple carbs (sugar, white bread, white rice etc.) are more readily stored as fat.

So you want a lot of calories, but from clean food. Protein from lean meats like boneless skinless chicken breast and fish and tofu, rather than fatty read meats or pork. Complex carbohydrates--whole grains, brown rice, sweet potatoes/yams and so on. Lots of fresh veggies and fruits.

Supplement-wise avoid those high calorie weight gainer shakes. Get some 100% whey protein (I like Optimum Nutrition's) to take right after working out, and get some slower digesting blend (i.e a casein protein) to take an hour or two before sleeping at night.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, people's bodies are just wired differently. Sleep studies show some people are fully functional on 5 or 6 hours of sleep, while most people need 7-8 to be at the same level (measuring things like response time in tests, pupil dilation etc.), while some need 9 or 10 hours to be at that level.[/QUOTE]

Truth. My wife can get through an 11 hour day with only five hours sleep. I on the other hand, need at least 8 hours of sleep to make it through an 8 hour day. Even then, I could probably still use four extra hours.

Then again... part of my problem is sleep apnea.
Damn you guys are skinny bitches. :D

dmaul is pretty much right - you need to eat more calories than you burn off and they need to be the "right kind" of calories. As for the smoking thing, cigarettes help you lose weight or stay skinny because instead of snacking you are smoking and that "fills you up" - I don't think there is much truth to the whole "smoking helps you lose weight" thing but I've never so much as had a cigarette in my mouth so I honestly don't know.

I wish I had your problems though! I just weighed myself and I'm at 197 (I'm 6') and I really only have about 12-15 more pounds to drop before I start looking sickly (which is the look I'll be going for). I look about average now (not skinny and not fat) and I'd like to get on the skinnier side of average. I've been lifting weights for about 15 years though (on and off but mostly on) and I have a really big (broad) frame so it is tough to keep my weight down (as opposed to just looking thin).

As I come up on my 40s(!) [4 more years] I really want to be sure I'm in the best possible shape I can be in and weight is a big factor. Everything ties into it - stress on your joints, energy level, youthful looks, risk of heart problems/disease, etc. It's best to get yourself used to a solid routine before it is too late.
I haven't worked out regularly in about 10 years and I'm not too bad off. My knees are really giving me trouble though (had surgery on both when I was 20-22). When the weather is cold/rainy (as it has been all spring here) I feel it something awful. I could be in slightly better shape and maybe lose 10 pounds for my knees' sake. I also have to perform with my daughter at her big 8th grade father-daughter dance at her big end of the year dance studio recital (which is pre-K through 12th grade but just the 8th graders do the father-daughter thing). I haven't been this nervous for something since I had to present at a conference in grad school ;). I should probably start getting in shape for that, though I only have about 3 weeks.

The thing is, as old as I feel now, I can only imagine how I'll feel when I have to dance with my 1 1/2 year old daughter when she's an 8th grader. I'm actually a "young" dad for my 14 year-old. But I'll be an old one for the baby. So I'll get both experiences there. And as out of touch as I am with the texting/cell phone culture and current music I'll be hopeless when I'm in my mid-50's (when my younger one is a teen).

[quote name='dmaul1114']My biological clock is the opposite. I have a ridiculously hard time getting up, and I don't even get up early. Getting up at 9 even has been a struggle lately. Granted I've been working until 10-midnight and not going to bed until 1 or 2 lately.

But if I don't set an alarm say on the weekend etc., I'll go to bed at 1 or 2 and sleep until after noon easily.

But I've always been one of those people who really need 9-10 hours of sleep to really feel rested. 7 or 8 hours I'm generally ok, but feel pretty tired by early evening. 6 or less and I feel pretty crappy.[/QUOTE]

I tend to stay up really late (3-5am) and then sleep till about 11am. I work from home so I can do that - I do about half my work late at night when everyone is asleep and it is quiet around here. But I remember my dad being the same way when he was in his 30's and early 40's. He would sleep in really late on weekends and it used to annoy the hell out of me. Now I do that to my wife/kids ;). But then something changed in him when he was in his 50's and now he's 66 or so and does the typical older-person thing of going to sleep at 8 or 9 and getting up super early. That, to me, is a sign you are old - so javery, you have the sleep habits of a 70 year old my friend ;).

But I still have no problem staying up late. I have a hell of a time getting up in the morning and always have. I feel like I've been run over by a truck when I am waking up and it is always so much easier just to stay in bed. I never in my life understood the "cheerful riser" types. I never feel good and ready to go until about 3-4 in the afternoon.

Oh, and I'm getting really annoyed at all the NBA coverage that focuses on how ancient, old, and decrepit Jason Kidd is and how it is so remarkable that at his advanced age he can still play at a high level. The bastard is 4 years younger than me :bomb:. (As a long-suffering Cal fan I am rooting for him to win an NBA title though. While I want Mark Cuban to die a horrible painful death and have no love for anything to do with Dallas and/or Texas, I still want him to win...)
[quote name='io']I tend to stay up really late (3-5am) and then sleep till about 11am. I work from home so I can do that - I do about half my work late at night when everyone is asleep and it is quiet around here. But I remember my dad being the same way when he was in his 30's and early 40's. He would sleep in really late on weekends and it used to annoy the hell out of me. Now I do that to my wife/kids ;).[/QUOTE]

Same thing here. No kids yet, but my wife is the early-riser type - and she can't stay up late worth her salt. I'm happy working into the night, reading a little, rolling into bed around 3am, up at 10 or 11am and have a nice leisurely morning before settling down and seeing what work needs doing. Course that changes when I'm called to work outside the home, 8am call-times and such, which hurts in the early-evening on the first day but is okay for subsequent days.

One thing that bugs me the most is slower recovery times all around, from exercising, injury, having a cold, you name it.

I've also noticed some aversion to driving long distances, which didn't used to be the case. Years ago, friends across town 20 minutes away? No problem, I'm there nearly every night, or out doing something. Lately, quite the home-body. Working from home certainly has something to do with it, though, so forcing myself out of the house with Groupons for music lessons, boxing lessons, paintball, horseback riding and such. I figure if I buy the stuff, I'll use it.
[quote name='io']so javery, you have the sleep habits of a 70 year old my friend ;).[/QUOTE]

I never used to be this way until we had kids - now I can't imagine it any other way. Maybe as they get older and sleep in a little (or a lot when they are teenagers) I'll sleep in a little as well. I get pissed on the weekends that I can't start the lawnmower at 6AM - waiting until 8 is torture.

The variable sleep thing is definitely true. My wife gets about 2 hours more than I do a night and she always seems way more tired than me most of the time... although she is the one getting up in the middle of the night with the kids so... yeah.
I eat more than I burn off for sure. Like 2500 to 2800 calories a day with only mild exercise. I'd see gains of like 0.25 to 0.5 lbs. Over the course of a day or two and then it would drop BELOW what it was before the gain.
you just have to work at it harder... Ive had knee surgery, arthritis problems, and heel problems over the last 7 years since I turned 30... but Ive also had to come to the realization that things like my metabolism have slowed and I don't have the energy I once had... Lost the majority of my hair since 30 as well

That said Ive done things like mud runs and ran my first marathon a few years ago... recently went under 160 lbs for the first time in a couple years... not saying its permanent, because its hard work... it helps though to know I'm in better shape than folks half my age
[quote name='Javery']I never used to be this way until we had kids - now I can't imagine it any other way. Maybe as they get older and sleep in a little (or a lot when they are teenagers) I'll sleep in a little as well. I get pissed on the weekends that I can't start the lawnmower at 6AM - waiting until 8 is torture.

The variable sleep thing is definitely true. My wife gets about 2 hours more than I do a night and she always seems way more tired than me most of the time... although she is the one getting up in the middle of the night with the kids so... yeah.[/QUOTE]

My wife and I deal with the kids in shifts. She deals with the two little ones (1 1/2 and 3 1/2) and gets the older ones to school in the AM while I sleep. I deal with late evening homework help and entertainment (games, movies) and then get the 3 older ones to bed. I can only imagine how things will be when they are all in school - but that's a long way off yet ;). And just when my littlest hits grade school, my oldest will be off to college. That's just straight up weird to even think about (I was an only child myself).

And yeah, it will change when the kids are older. If we just had the 3 older ones (8-14) my wife would be able to sleep in more on the weekends, anyway. My daughter (the 14 year old) will sleep till 1 or 2 pm on the weekend if she had her way. But during the week, she gets up ridiculously early for middle school (it starts before 7). That is so the school district can be cheap and stagger their bus driving routes so they can do middle school first, then elementary school with the same buses. It makes sense but it sucks to have to be a slave to that schedule when we don't even use the buses! Of course with the cutbacks next year there will be like 50 kids in each class and she'll be lucky to learn anything anyway.
This gets odd, though not necessarily related to being over 30, though maybe it is?!

My step brother and I have never been fans of each other. Now that we're both adults (he's 3 years older than me) it hasn't really changed much. I'm civil at large functions when I need to be, but I often avoid family situations. He lives about 10-15 miles away and hasn't stopped by to see the house I bought 3 years ago, or the dogs, or the anything. This is more or less fine as he'd find some way to point out how much better his house is because of reason X. Doesn't bother me.
Well, more family is visiting this week. These are people that I actually like. All manner of family activity is going on this week. All manner of my own personal stuff is going on this week. Step-Brother decided to invite me to a BBQ at his place tonight, but did so yesterday afternoon on my way home from work. This is not enough time for me to sidestep my obligations tonight. He ends up getting all pissy with me on the phone because I don't participate in the family. Even though I'm having everyone over on Friday (and extended an invite) he said he "might be busy" on Friday. The passive aggressive little twat...
Anyhow, I passed on going to his 2nd kid's baptisim because of a very similar arrangement. He called two days before and I was already booked for the weekend. Also, baptism is scary. Also, I just don't really care.

What really gets me though, is that he constantly shits on me to other family members because I don't get along with him. He's a selfish narcissist that will berate you for not going along with his plan. Of course my reasons for not going to BBQ tonight or child drowning are invalid and petty, so says he! It just never ends and that he can't grow up and be a man about it 30 years later is just bullshit.

So, for those of you who had sibling rivalries in your youth, how'd they turn out as adults?
I was never that close with my sister (she's almost 2 years younger than me) - we went to different schools growing up (the only real big mistake on my parents' part) and we aren't super close now. I mean we see each other semi-frequently at family functions and she is the godmother of my son but it's not like we would just get together on a Friday night and hang out. We seem to need an excuse like a family party or something. I wish things were different.
bread's done