Men Over 30

I can relate to a lot of what you say - only with my in-laws. I have two older sisters - 12 and 18 years older than me so we didn't (and still don't) really have problems with rivalry and such. My wife has a sis almost 2 years older than her and that's another story. She's been controlled/manipulated by her sis and mom for as long as she's been alive. They don't really like me because I began pulling her out of all that (well she was getting away from it by moving out of the hometown and going to college.) It's tough because they are family - but I say if they can't treat you with respect they aren't worth your time. Don't bend over backwards or go out of your way for them even if it's in your nature. Nowadays I mostly keep my mouth shut or talk about the weather when I'm visiting with my in-laws (which is way too often for me since they live 1.5hrs away.)
[quote name='cRodz']Sure is grandpas in here

Feels good to be 20[/QUOTE]

Feels good to already have my foot in the door of my career field before the job market gets even worse :cool:
And the tattoos and the piercings. In my day men didn't wear earings unless you were a pirate or gay! (Okay, that's one from my father, not me)
I'm 27. Past three years, been eating the same and occasionally working out and I've still gained 10 pounds. (which is fine, but its the not so good weight) And I try to eat healthy rather than not try at all.

The last two years, I notice my knees are sore/fatigued in the morning. Never had an injury, but notice it more than before. Kinda weird considering I'm only 27. I thought I wouldn't feel "age" until my 40's. NOT 30's!
As I've gotten older, I'm using more dudes and less sirs. I figure, to hell with it, I don't owe this dude a "sir." He's a dude and I'm calling him dude.

Though I have been partial to "padre" lately. I don't go in for buddy or pal, but I like padre. I also like Pedro, I know a guy who's usually Pete but over the past couple months I've been giving him muchos pedros.

Anything spanish has been fun, now that I think about it.
On the topic of sibling rivalry, my brah and I don't even speak! It's been that way for say 13 years. The odd part? We live under the same roof! We both chip in to take care of our mom. It's a weird situation, if I were to pack up and leave, he couldn't support her alone. I was planning on moving out this year but I got engaged last week so it's makes financial sense for me to stick around to save up more $ for the wedding. He's older than me, I made attempts to talk to him but he shut me out. To think this started because of him opening my mail back in high school. That was the first time I kicked his ass...his ego must've been severely bruised. Ah well...we'll see what happens down the road.
I've noticed my recovery time, particularly after sports, is starting to grow. I have trouble playing back to back nights.
[quote name='dothog']Ed McMahon sent that letter to him, not his brother! YOU COST ME MILLIONS BRO![/QUOTE]


It started because of the mail which led to name calling and then he threw something at my lunch which knocked it off the table onto the floor. That led to us fighting, etc.

Anyhow, as I approach 30 in a few months and marriage in a year I have a hard time imagining a life that involves him around; not because I don't want him around but because it's been too long and we haven't been close since elementary school.
Dude - make up with your brother. Life is too short. Easier said than done I'm sure but at some point you may regret it.
Well, what if his brother is an asshole? Why force a reconciliation of sorts when it's just easier to avoid the person? That's what I get all the time from other people. That I should just "accept" that my step or half or whatever brother is just a complete waste of humanity and be cool with that because we're loosely related. Whereas if we had no relation whatsoever it'd be just fine to think that this random guy I bumped into at a bar was just a total dick.

Why does family have to be some giant obligation?
Going for my yearly full-body skin cancer check-up tomorrow. Probably should schedule a colonoscopy sometime this year, too.

Also, I've noticed I no longer need to set an alarm - I wake up on my own between 5:30 and 5:45 - it's kind of scary.
Dude, I've been doing that consistently over the past 2 or 3 weeks. It really sucks. My alarm is set for 6:15, and I get really bummed out when I'm wide-awake at 5:30, but not at all ready to start my day.

I have finally come to the realization that I simply cannot eat red meat any more. I had a delicious steak at my in-laws' house on Saturday, and was burping and farting the foulest-smelling gases for the rest of the night, and suffering still the next day. Each year, I have been eating less steak and no burger at all. Better for me anyways, I guess.
^^^ Lol. Double Cheeseburger, small fries and a small soda... for about $4.xx at Micky-D's... I hit the John usually 30 minutes after consumption.

It's like this with all greasy food now.
Foul man... just foul...
[quote name='Javery']Dude - make up with your brother. Life is too short. Easier said than done I'm sure but at some point you may regret it.[/QUOTE]

I agree that life is too short. You have to understand that we were never really cool after I got to fourth grade. Suddenly he became too cool to hang out with me and every time I wanted to hang out with him I was "being gay." as I mentioned, I tried twice to start talking again but to no avail. It doesn't help that my mom smothers him and thus sides with him up until now. Out of the three of us, I am different than than both of them, I'm the black sheep, lol.

Anyhow enough of that. I'm looking to start running this weekend, I went to the doctor and when I was weighed I realized this is the heaviest I've ever been :(. Time to lose some and tone up.
Does anyone have any of those fitness games for either 360 or Kinect? Looking to try one or 2 of them out, since I have a Kinect now. I don't run because I have shin splints something fierce, and don't want to pay a monthly gym membership. I have a couple 25 lb. dumbbells in the furnace room that I was using for a while. My wife does a couple crazy fitness dvds, but I feel like that's a bit too much for my lazy ass.

She has a jump-rope, too, that I should be using.
Get a dog, walk the dog at least half an hour a day. Good exercise with the benefit of getting to play with the dog while you're inside.
[quote name='shieryda']Does anyone have any of those fitness games for either 360 or Kinect? Looking to try one or 2 of them out, since I have a Kinect now. I don't run because I have shin splints something fierce, and don't want to pay a monthly gym membership. I have a couple 25 lb. dumbbells in the furnace room that I was using for a while. My wife does a couple crazy fitness dvds, but I feel like that's a bit too much for my lazy ass.

She has a jump-rope, too, that I should be using.[/QUOTE]

While I agree "getting out" is the best option, there are presently three possibilities on Kinect:

1. EA Sports Active 2
2. Your Shape: Fitness Evolved
3. The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout

1. EA Sports Active 2
This is an all-around decent workout, especially for the "new" base price of $19.99. (Original MSRP was $99.99!) Comes with a "heart monitor" that straps to your arm at the elbow. Heart monitor is in " " because it's only occasionally accurate and doesn't actually cover...y'know, your heart.

There are pre-set workouts and you can customize your workouts, and they will make you sweat. Oddly, a lot of exercises included in the Wii and PS3 versions are NOT present here and, having played the PS3 version as well, I couldn't think up a good reason why they weren't included in the 360 version.

Body tracking is hit-and-miss, with the biggest failings being anything on the ground - situps and pushups are poorly tracked. A promised patch never arrived and the game went on serious discount.

I played with this for about a month, before moving on to...

2. Your Shape: Fitness Evolved
I wanted to like this one. There's a lot to do, with exercises, mini-games, and even some (questionable) DLC.

Body tracking is on-par-with if not better than EA Sports Active 2 for the most part, but occasionally fails as well (certain yoga and tai-chi poses, for instance - even though I've done both for years and am quite good with my form, I could never appease the sensors in Your Shape). I found these exercises competent, but less enjoyable. But I can see how others may enjoy this one most of the three.

Which leads me to my personal favorite...

3. The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout (TBL)
To me, this is the best all-around package. The exercises and tracking are both very well done, with occasional hiccups on things like squats. Less irritating than EA Sports Active 2's inability to recognize a pushup, which actually won't progress the exercise if it doesn't recognize the required number of reps - so if you're supposed to do 10 pushups and it only recognizes 3, you have to either do 7 more and hope it picks them up or fool it into thinking you've done 7 more (note that both Your Shape and The Biggest Loser KEEP THE WORKOUT MOVING).

There are a lot of yoga-type exercises in the TBL routine and, as I'm partial to low-impact but high-focus workouts, this sits well with me.

The one caveat about TBL is the trainers. They repeat and repeat and repeat themselves often, perhaps moreso than the other two games. If you can tune them out for everything except what you need to hear, this may be your best bet.

There are only three at present. An MMA training game is due at some point, but who knows when. Of the three, you can only download the demo for The Biggest Loser. Start there. If you like it, score, you're done.

If you don't like it or want to try the others, it's really a crap-shoot between Your Shape and EA Sports Active 2. All I can suggest is, if you go with Sports Active 2, buy it new (find it cheap), as you don't want a used arm-strap with someone else's sweat on it.

Frankly, it's a crap-shoot between all three titles. None of them exceeds the other two by leaps and bounds. Tracking is an issue on all three, but worst of all with EA Sports Active 2. If the tracking were solid, I'd give that a hearty recommendation. But it isn't. And I can't.

My personal favorite is The Biggest Loser. Second up would be Your Shape. And last, because of the tracking issues and limited exercises, Sports Active 2.

Anyway, hope this helps choose. Really looking forward to the MMA game - I do some boxing from time-to-time and an MMA training title would be so sweet (IF the tracking is solid). 'til then, we're left with three relatively interchangeable exercise titles - where personal preference will have the most say.
[quote name='nasum']Get a dog, walk the dog at least half an hour a day. Good exercise with the benefit of getting to play with the dog while you're inside.[/QUOTE]

i want a dog
a German Shepherd to be exact

i do not have a patio though :cry:
The whole family thing is a complex issue.

The fact is that parents and siblings can be duches and assholes and there's nothing you can do about it.

Avoid them or make up; it's your choice, but as above poster said, sometimes avoidance is the way to go; otherwise you can try to make up but don't force it.

I'm extremely fortunate not to have siblings and I get along great with my Dad; not so much with my Mom. I do fight with my Dad & Mom about spending money, but you've gotta empathize with their point of view as they were depression-era people (ages in the 70s).
Yeah I hardly talk to my adopted brother and have no attention of doing so. when you're a high school drop out, done some prison time and had 2 kids out of wedlock I have no interest in socializing with you.
[quote name='2DMention']The fact is that parents and siblings can be duches and assholes and there's nothing you can do about it.

Avoid them or make up; it's your choice, but as above poster said, sometimes avoidance is the way to go; otherwise you can try to make up but don't force it.[/QUOTE]

Yep, you can try to make up - which is all the power you have. My sister is 7 years older than me and my attempts to reconcile have fallen flat over the past 20 years. To this day, neither my parents nor I have any idea what stick she's sitting on - we just know it's lodged up further than Everest.

I've been away from home since I was 19. Her parting gem for me, on the day I left for college: "I can't wait until you leave."

At 45 now, she's divorced, has two kids, and lives with my folks. Though she works, she's basically sucked the last 18 years from them - full-time grandparents.

Granted, she did invite my wife and I out to dinner 3 years ago with her then-boyfriend, who I had a bad vibe about, but my wife was sick so we didn't go. Later told my dad I didn't care for her boyfriend, he blurted it out to her after we left (for some reason unknown to me), and she has never forgiven me for "disrespecting her boyfriend."

How I did that remains a mystery. It's one thing to tell him to his face that he's a loser, quite another to tell my father in confidence that I didn't care for him. Even so, didn't realize there was some unwritten rule that I (or anyone) HAS to like her boyfriend, or has to be quiet about it.

The two of them have since broken up in most spectacular fashion. And her, still holding a grudge against me. Yet another mystery.

The latest mystery was over the holidays, hugging her when I got home, asking her if we're ever going to work this out, and her retreating wildly, shaking her head and saying flatly: "NO."


Really bothers my wife (of Latin descent), who is very big on family. But I tired of the dismissiveness, lack of communication, and childishness long ago. The anger of how she lives off my folks' good will, however, has not left - especially seeing how she treats them, like she's some princess up in her room and my folks take care of her kids for her. At this point, they're too far into taking care of them (one finally graduating HS, another has 6 years to go), but once that's done, I'm pretty sure they're finally going to move. Hopefully and finally.
Serious question: How do you put baby powder on your balls without spilling it all over the place? I've started using it because I get chaffed from running all the time and it definitely helps - the down side is the freaking mess on the bathroom floor.
Man, at 28-29 was hovering around 270 lbs. Felt like SHIT!! One day, I had an ephany and lost 70 in around a year. I'm 31 now, and around 200lbs, in decent shape, and feel WAY better... probably then I EVER have! Now, pretty much the only thing that holds me back is lack of time. Man, time is the worst factor of aging! It ain't like what it used to be... and if I do have it available, yeah, I'd probably rather chill, and relax than go crazy, that's for sure, lol! But as far as sex life.... never had more, or lasted longer than right now, baby! Maybe I'm like a female in that I may have hit my peak later in life, heh... Anywho, if your only in your 30's and feel like shit, go out there and DO something about it!!! (no, prescip. Drugs don't count!)
[quote name='Javery']Serious question: How do you put baby powder on your balls without spilling it all over the place? I've started using it because I get chaffed from running all the time and it definitely helps - the down side is the freaking mess on the bathroom floor.[/QUOTE]

you don't use body glide?
[quote name='Javery']Serious question: How do you put baby powder on your balls without spilling it all over the place? I've started using it because I get chaffed from running all the time and it definitely helps - the down side is the freaking mess on the bathroom floor.[/QUOTE]

Got the johnson baby powder and cool water cologne (lodi dodi)

Why not step back into the shower for this part and just give the water a quick blast to spray it down?
For some reason I had left frontal headaches like every day last week. Don't know if it was due to lack of sleep, eye strain, or caffiene misuse.

Now all of a sudden my right heel feel sore and hurts when I walk on it. I didnt do anything to you!

enough with this, I've never had body complaints and I'm not starting now.
[quote name='usickenme']you don't use body glide?[/QUOTE]

I don't even know what that is!

[quote name='QiG']Got the johnson baby powder and cool water cologne (lodi dodi)

Why not step back into the shower for this part and just give the water a quick blast to spray it down?[/QUOTE]

I was thinking about this but I don't want to clog the drain over time. Hmmm... maybe I'll try it and see how it goes.
[quote name='usickenme']it's this gel type thing that runners used to combat chaffing.

People swear by it. I run a lot (50 miles/wk) but I prefer this instead. (maybe NSFW)

yes it is a "personal lubricant" but it is silicone based, lasts forever on a run and works great.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the link. So I gather I'm supposed to rub this stuff all over my junk before I go for a run? It's really the insides of my thighs that chafe (almost to the point of bleeding) and not my actual balls... but the whole area runs hot I guess. I'm not sure why - I guess it's just the way I run. I've got scrawny chicken legs but they still rub together. I wear spandex shorts when I run but that doesn't quite do the trick.

50 miles a week is a lot. I do about 20 (plus I spend about 3 hours on the elliptical) and that is PLENTY for me. I do want to do a marathon one of these days but I've only run 10+ miles in one shot a couple of times in my life and that is tough.
[quote name='Javery']Those are the exact shorts I wear except in black (underneath regular shorts, of course - no one needs to see package at 5:30 AM). They work OK but aren't perfect.[/QUOTE]

truth be told, I use the Target C9 athletic undies (stretch boxer brief) they work for me and I have total old man balls.
I might have to try those. I think I might have old man balls too and it is depressing. I'm not sure how to tell though. Either way, my balls ain't pretty.
Seeing the knee doctor next week. The knees are feeling worse (sore, ache sometimes, and feels numb or needing to warm up when I wake up from bed) weird...
[quote name='shieryda']Skin cancer-free! At least for now. Had a mole removed from my left forearm, and got 3 stiches.[/QUOTE]

Lol. I'm seeing my mole in July. I feel ackward when the doc says "If it's not bothering you, it's fine..." (Whaa???)
[quote name='poopmasterfunky']Man, at 28-29 was hovering around 270 lbs. Felt like SHIT!! One day, I had an ephany and lost 70 in around a year. I'm 31 now, and around 200lbs, in decent shape, and feel WAY better... probably then I EVER have! Now, pretty much the only thing that holds me back is lack of time. Man, time is the worst factor of aging! It ain't like what it used to be... and if I do have it available, yeah, I'd probably rather chill, and relax than go crazy, that's for sure, lol! But as far as sex life.... never had more, or lasted longer than right now, baby! Maybe I'm like a female in that I may have hit my peak later in life, heh... Anywho, if your only in your 30's and feel like shit, go out there and DO something about it!!! (no, prescip. Drugs don't count!)[/QUOTE]

was the other way for me. around 24ish i gave the navy a shot. lost about 80lbs felt like shit pretty much. after i washed out i gained most of it back and felt a lot better. with this current job it has put a lot of muscle on me and even tho im overwieght i just feel like im in much better shape except i know i need to work on my cardo because i know i can't run like i use to. :)

anyways i jsut turned 30 and nto really feeling it. people actually are really surprised when i tell em my age. i usally have to take a nap after work or college for maybe 30 mins but then im recharged. i admit im taking better care of myself compared to what i use to. one weird thing might be is like to read more. :)
bread's done