Metroid Prime Trilogy - Out of Print (Thanks, Nintendo!)

Got my copy from GameStop yesterday because I couldn't find it anywhere else in my area. I had a $25 gift card so I used that. After the Best Buy sale, it was hard to bring myself to spend $50, but by the time I went to the store that weekend it was already out of stock.

I'm in no rush to play the thing but wanted to grab a copy before they're gone.
...seems like I need to send my console in for Repair. Since my copy is not able to be read. :/

I hope this does not cost me any cash (aside from shipping and handling.)

EDIT: It costs me nothing to repair the Wii for this problem. Awesome. :D Sadly, I won't get the Wii back for about 2 weeks or so.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']...seems like I need to send my console in for Repair. Since my copy is not able to be read. :/

I hope this does not cost me any cash (aside from shipping and handling.)

EDIT: It costs me nothing to repair the Wii for this problem. Awesome. :D Sadly, I won't get the Wii back for about 2 weeks or so.[/QUOTE]

That sucks. At least Nintendo is good about getting repairs back fast, I sent mine in and got it back 5-6 days later.
Whoa nice. :D So, hopefully I'll get it back in a week or so. Woot!

I was wondering what the problem with my game was, lol. I decided to let them send me a shipping label, gives me time to play a couple days of the Wii.
Do you think it was wise to buy the game used at gamestop if I didn't find it elsewhere? Not concerned about it being used just about the cost $40 with edge card.
[quote name='mickeyp']Do you think it was wise to buy the game used at gamestop if I didn't find it elsewhere? Not concerned about it being used just about the cost $40 with edge card.[/QUOTE]

I think that's a good deal. Not the CRAZY good deal like selling for $20 new a while back, but $40 is cheap for both the game quality and the collector's value. If I could find a local copy (new or used) for $40 it would be an instant buy.
I ordered the game back when Best Buy had it for 19.99. I could not make it to the store since Delaware had a major snowstorm at that time. Well needless to say, the site never got it back in and sent me a cancellation. I went to my local Best Buy on Sunday (Christiana, DE) and what do I least 5 copies of the game! I called the 1-800 number and they were able to switch the order to a pickup so that worked out well.
[quote name='MasterSun1']I believe Wal-Mart has this for $39.96.[/QUOTE]

Or $60 in Canada... assuming you can find a copy (checked 3 recently with no luck). We got screwed on the lack of deals for this title.
[quote name='MasterSun1']I believe Wal-Mart has this for $39.96.[/QUOTE]
Well that would be good. I guess I'll try the used copy and if I like it maybe I should buy the new copy because mine did not come with the white slip cover.
My son is playing it now prime 3 corruption and seems to like it. He played a little of metroid prime and got to the second boss.
[quote name='PaulDE01']I ordered the game back when Best Buy had it for 19.99. I could not make it to the store since Delaware had a major snowstorm at that time. Well needless to say, the site never got it back in and sent me a cancellation. I went to my local Best Buy on Sunday (Christiana, DE) and what do I least 5 copies of the game! I called the 1-800 number and they were able to switch the order to a pickup so that worked out well.[/QUOTE]

Lucky. I had to go pay double at GS and not get a white slipcover. I ordered before the store opened that Sunday and they 'ran out.'
Used at my local Gameostop, but missing the artbook. I COULD swap the artbook out from the display case for the new copy. But that'd be wrong.

I'm really hoping this clearances at Target. Also by the way, is the normal Best Buy price 49.99?
I've noticed it is no longer listed on Best Does that mean anything? I didn't bother to ask for a scan in store.
[quote name='MasterSun1']I believe Wal-Mart has this for $39.96.[/QUOTE]

Luckily, found someone who can help me out with this. Geez... Those $20 copies sure are looking like a great deal now. ;)
Eh. I'm too broke to be spending money on games now, but all of these games have been in print long enough where they're not going to suddenly become impossible to find or ultra-expensive. I can't say I wouldn't like Fire Emblem, Mario Strikers, or Wario Land, but I also know that if I want to play them in the future they'll still exist somewhere. Besides, I've still got my trusty backlog, and I've never even finished the GameCube Battalion Wars and Fire Emblem. :lol:

At least I already got around to picking up Metroid Prime Trilogy and Pikmin. $35 for the two of them wasn't so bad.

Also, the level of general stupidity in this thread is impressive.

[quote name='Doomed']And for some games, a straight up cheap reprint would be fine. How much money would they really lose on a half height and width white DVD case with no manual?[/QUOTE]

Probably a lot, because those cases are non-standard and (even with the reduced cost of materials) would cost more to manufacture as a result.

Going back a few pages...
[quote name='mykevermin']It's why Madworld is on sale for $13 brand spankin' new.[/QUOTE]

One game does not a trend make. A title that's firmly implanted in a niche genre and stylized to the point where it might be a turnoff for some gamers isn't the best one to extrapolate sales trends from.

[quote name='Kaoz']On subject ... I can't believe how many people are surprised by this. It seems like the game wasn't selling very well, and people were passing on it even at 20-30 bucks (a lot of people bought it then, myself included, but obviously anyone mad about this didn't). I mean, if you can't sell the game for 20 bucks, why would you keep trying to? Especially with the steelbook that's increased production cost. Add on the fact that, like others have said it's a collectors edition. Just because some games print way too many copies of the premier edition, doesn't mean that all collector's and limited editions should.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. The cost of manufacturing a steelbook plus the multiple discs means that Metroid Prime Trilogy costs Nintendo more to manufacture than any title not shipping with a Balance Board or other accessory.
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[quote name='Gothic Walrus'] Exactly. The cost of manufacturing a steelbook plus the multiple discs means that Metroid Prime Trilogy costs Nintendo more to manufacture than any title not shipping with a Balance Board or other accessory.[/QUOTE]

MPT was one disc.

On another note, I like the trilingual full-colour manual in this. More games (especially collector's/limited editions) should have full-colour manuals. My Dragon Age CE manual is black-and-white. It bugs me a bit when manuals are so thin they can't even stay clipped to the case.
[quote name='Lone_Prodigy']
On another note, I like the trilingual full-colour manual in this.[/QUOTE]

I don't. It may save them some time and pennies in the long run, but trilingual manuals are a huge waste of paper. Think 1 language 10pp manual for each of three regions = 30pp. Instead we're getting a 30pp trilingual manual for each of three regions = 90pp. Not very Green on Nintendo's part.

But how about back on track. I finally started Metroid Prime this past weekend. First time I've played it since it's original release. I am totally eating it up like it was a 2009 GOTY contender. :lol: For its age it looks amazing on my HDTV. Like Pikmin though, I think the Wii controls are a wash. Not bad, but no perfect either. I didn't consider the GCN controls broken so Wii controls are more of a lateral move. I never played Corruption, so my goal is to get through all three games this year.
I'm still pissed off that Best Buy screwed me on this (canceled my backorder, didn't answer ONE of the twenty fucking emails I sent them), that I haven't bought it yet. I'm still sort of hoping for another $20 sale, even though I know it will never happen.
I guess I might pick it up when I go to preorder Endless Ocean 2...
[quote name='Lone_Prodigy']MPT was one disc.

On another note, I like the trilingual full-colour manual in this. More games (especially collector's/limited editions) should have full-colour manuals. My Dragon Age CE manual is black-and-white. It bugs me a bit when manuals are so thin they can't even stay clipped to the case.[/QUOTE]

Oh. I haven't opened my copy yet. :lol:

Either way, the cost of making the package is still going to be higher because of the steelbook.
[quote name='Kaoz']Back out of stock again, still says discontinued. They probably just ran into a few extra copies or something.[/QUOTE]

Yeah... I feel scared sending in my copy of the game and my Wii to Nintendo now. They might try and sell off my copy ;_;.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Yeah... I feel scared sending in my copy of the game and my Wii to Nintendo now. They might try and sell off my copy ;_;.[/QUOTE]
Why are you sending in a copy of your game?
[quote name='mickeyp']Why are you sending in a copy of your game?[/QUOTE]

The way he words it I'm guessing it's stuck in the disc drive.
I noticed my local bestbuy went from 2 copys of this game in stock, to about 8 copys..

They also now have about 6! They had none not long ago..
Wow, I'm so glad I bumped into a gamer at Gamestop (Canada) the other day and stopped him from trading in his copy for $17 store credit... I bought it off him for $15 cash instead! :D
Replaying MP1 felt so right; MP2 was hard, but okay; MP3 has taken this storyline thing way beyond reasonable. The scrolling dialogue was the little bit that killed my momentum in playing through the disc.

Does MP3 just have a lot of BS in the beginning, or am I going to have to put up with more of this through the game? I just want a frigging metroid game with crazy maps and lots of doubling back. If I want Zelda, I'll play Zelda. If MP3 shapes up, please chime in.
[quote name='willardhaven']I'm not sure if 2 or 3 are really even worth playing.[/QUOTE]
I don't know if the tongue is in cheek on that one, but I will agree that MP1 is far superior in my view. It's one of those less-is-more cases. Also one of those "why are you putting all this bullshit in a METROID game?" cases.
[quote name='willardhaven']I keep working at 2 and 3 based on my fondness for the first game, I'm having a hard time getting through all the text and bs.[/QUOTE]

An RPG fan complaining about text and writing. Time has stopped around me.
Number three Metroids-up after the initial bit on the ship and the planetary defense thing. Still more dialogue heavy than a Metroid should be, but it remains a damn awesome game.
[quote name='willardhaven']I'm not sure if 2 or 3 are really even worth playing.[/QUOTE]

This is probably the most wrong thing ever.
[quote name='Strell']An RPG fan complaining about text and writing. Time has stopped around me.[/QUOTE]

Would you want platforming in a baseball game? Come on. When I play Metroid I want to shoot aliens and explore, not chit chat. I often complain about useless dialogue and fluff in RPGs, which gets me a lot of flak from purists.

[quote name='KingBroly']This is probably the most wrong thing ever.[/QUOTE]

Why can't I have an opinion or doubts about a game I'm playing?

You guys are so uptight.
Yeah. And after the first fifteen minutes of running around Halo base, you're off to a planet. Then the only voice you hear is the sound of your ship telling you where to head to, with the occasional "we've picked up a reading at X" stuff. Huge majority of the game (MP3) is stark silence.

In terms of load-up, Metroid is notoriously small, and always has been. I picture you people making similar comments about Super Metroid, and start thinking that doomsday devices might not actually be all that ill in thought.
[quote name='willardhaven']Why can't I have an opinion or doubts about a game I'm playing?

You guys are so uptight.[/QUOTE]
Why can't we criticize your opinions without you complaining about us oppressing you or somethin'?
[quote name='Strell']Yeah. And after the first fifteen minutes of running around Halo base, you're off to a planet. Then the only voice you hear is the sound of your ship telling you where to head to, with the occasional "we've picked up a reading at X" stuff. Huge majority of the game (MP3) is stark silence.

In terms of load-up, Metroid is notoriously small, and always has been. I picture you people making similar comments about Super Metroid, and start thinking that doomsday devices might not actually be all that ill in thought.[/QUOTE]

I don't know what you're talking about as far as Super Metroid is concerned, I just got bored with the beginning of Prime 2 and 3. I didn't even say I was going to stop playing them...

[quote name='The Crotch']Why can't we criticize your opinions without you complaining about us oppressing you or somethin'?[/QUOTE]

You're free to do so, it just seems to be such a big deal to you that I had something bad to say about the games.
[quote name='willardhaven']
You're free to do so, it just seems to be such a big deal to you that I had something bad to say about the games.[/QUOTE]
The longest response to your initial statement about the games was mine, which was all of two sentences. For comparison's sake, this post is three sentences. This post is now 50% more of a big deal than anything that has been said on this topic.
[quote name='Strell']Yeah. And after the first fifteen minutes of running around Halo base, you're off to a planet. Then the only voice you hear is the sound of your ship telling you where to head to, with the occasional "we've picked up a reading at X" stuff. Huge majority of the game (MP3) is stark silence.

In terms of load-up, Metroid is notoriously small, and always has been. I picture you people making similar comments about Super Metroid, and start thinking that doomsday devices might not actually be all that ill in thought.[/QUOTE]
"Us people" are talking about MP3 vs. the others. Not Metroid in general. 15 minutes for the so-called load-up is a low estimate -- maybe you're going on about a second or third playthrough?

I've played further into MP3, and while it's become more "metroidy," to snidely suggest that it snuggles into the canon alongside Super Metroid is extremely misleading. I could detail why and how, but I'd rather duck into a concrete bunker. There's a nuclear winter to come because someone stepped on poor little Samus's toes.
[quote name='The Crotch']The longest response to your initial statement about the games was mine, which was all of two sentences. For comparison's sake, this post is three sentences. This post is now 50% more of a big deal than anything that has been said on this topic.[/QUOTE]

Well you said my opinion was the most wrong thing ever. If that's so, would I not be correct by inferring that you considered it a big deal?

This thread is almost as wordy as the opening of MP3.
[quote name='The Crotch']The longest response to your initial statement about the games was mine, which was all of two sentences. For comparison's sake, this post is three sentences. This post is now 50% more of a big deal than anything that has been said on this topic.[/QUOTE]

Well you said my opinion was the most wrong thing ever. If that's so, would I not be correct by inferring that you considered it a big deal? Hyperbole is fine but it can sometimes makes you seem like one of those maniac "hardcore" gamers.

This thread is almost as wordy as the opening of MP3.
bread's done