Michael Jackson Memorial 8/29/58 - 6/25/09

I think any decent michael jackson music game would have to be half sing star and half dance dance revolution. Unless Sing star already has dancing elements to it, I've never actually played a sing star game so I wouldn't know.

... But I'm watching the Dateline interview of MJ (the one where the guy follows Michael around) and man, I forgot how INSANE MJ was. Holy crap.

Saying Blankets mom was black and it was MJ's sperm (although we know that isnt true now). And Blanket is clearly white...
[quote name='Koggit']I did a lot of shopping today and half the places I went to (about 10 out of about 20) were playing MJ... awesome.[/QUOTE]

how is that awesome? If they loved him so much they should have always been playing his music. It is bullshit. bandwagon love bullshit. If Michael was alive right now no one would give a shit.

This is the same type of shit that pissed me off after 9/11. All of a sudden everyone and their fucking mom was driving around with flags on their cars and wearing American pride t-shirts and all that other shit. fuck you people. Bandwagon love/appreciation/pride is shitty. It is just there to make yourself feel better about a situation you wont give a fuck about in 3 weeks.

Troops are dying every day in the middle east. These guys are fucking heroes (whether or not you believe they should be there or not) but since the news isnt reporting on them no one gives a fuck. Pull your heads out of your asses and get a fucking clue.

I was a HUGE MJ fan. HUUUUUGE. The 1988 Pepsi World Tour stop in Houston is still the best concert I have ever been too. I know all the words to most of his songs. Im not sitting around praising his work and kissing his ass because he is dead. All the shit I cared about him doing is done and is still around.

I am more upset about Billy Mays dying only because I currently like the tv show.


More importantly, we need to hear Bubbles' opinion on this tragedy. Hopefully TMZ will have someone get a quote from him. Wait, maybe he's on Twitter. We'll just wait for him to make a tweet.
[quote name='Malik112099']

Troops are dying every day in the middle east. These guys are fucking heroes (whether or not you believe they should be there or not) but since the news isnt reporting on them no one gives a fuck. Pull your heads out of your asses and get a fucking clue.

but he made thriller
[quote name='Malik112099']how is that awesome? If they loved him so much they should have always been playing his music. It is bullshit. bandwagon love bullshit. If Michael was alive right now no one would give a shit.

This is the same type of shit that pissed me off after 9/11. All of a sudden everyone and their fucking mom was driving around with flags on their cars and wearing American pride t-shirts and all that other shit. fuck you people. Bandwagon love/appreciation/pride is shitty. It is just there to make yourself feel better about a situation you wont give a fuck about in 3 weeks.

Troops are dying every day in the middle east. These guys are fucking heroes (whether or not you believe they should be there or not) but since the news isnt reporting on them no one gives a fuck. Pull your heads out of your asses and get a fucking clue.

I was a HUGE MJ fan. HUUUUUGE. The 1988 Pepsi World Tour stop in Houston is still the best concert I have ever been too. I know all the words to most of his songs. Im not sitting around praising his work and kissing his ass because he is dead. All the shit I cared about him doing is done and is still around.

I am more upset about Billy Mays dying only because I currently like the tv show.[/QUOTE]

You really need to go back and read what Strell posted a few pages back.
[quote name='Purple Flames']You really need to go back and read what Strell posted a few pages back.[/QUOTE]

Or he could read something new here.

The whole bandwagon argument needs to go, especially when it comes to the whole "soldiers are real heroes" thing. I'm not denying their contributions to our society at all - far, far from it, because the only way you're getting me in a marine platoon is with Modern Warfare 2. I fully support the soldiers 100%, and count myself extremely lucky to have not been personally linked to the war, because I've seen it ruin lives enough as is.

It's not MJ's fault that he has huge worldwide appeal that would be driven into a frenzy by his death, any more than it is the fault of a dying soldier who doesn't garner that same amount of adoration and grievance. Having respect for one doesn't negate the other, and having cherished someone's music and feeling genuine sadness over the musician's passing isn't some sort of middle finger to all the guys in Iraq. The simple fact is that this idea that we should incessantly strive to mourn every lost person in the war is beyond our measure as humans for a variety of reasons, some political, some natural instinct, and a thousand more even after we discuss all of those.

None of us have the energy, in other words. And if we did and we squandered it on that sort of thing, our lives would be reduced to nothing. That's what you call it when the terrorists win - the people who are so scared and sad and morose about everything that they can no longer function.

This isn't even going into a lot of other things that could be considered here - the government withholding pictures of dead servicemen, whether or not the person agrees to the war in the first place, the idea that not all soldiers are selfless if we take into account things like Abu Gharib, etc.

I've seen other people bring up other people such as policemen and firemen and doctors and teachers and so forth. And yes, those are extremely important jobs to take. But no one is saying that they are sad about MJ and piss on those other people. That's a silly assumption. And to cheapen it further by calling it bandwagon isn't winning you any points.

Most people won't care in three weeks. True. That's about how long it took the entirety of this nation to not care about the war, as well. Where's the outrage on that? At least be level in your rage, especially given the nature of what happened in the Middle East.

There's much more people deserving of disdain than MJ fans. Legions more. People who are actual assholes and jerks and walk around denouncing social groups and rejoicing in the deaths of fellow human beings. Go get mad at them.

Let these other people be sad for a while, integrate the loss into their lives, and move on. But charging them as the reason for so much ill will is ridiculous.
What a freakshow this is. Allegedly, MJ's kids aren't his, he essentially bought them.


LOS ANGELES - Less than a week after Michael Jackson’s sudden death, multiple reports have surfaced claiming that Michael Jackson is not the biological father of any of his children. One report also states that ex-wife Debbie Rowe is also not the biological mother of the two of the singer’s children to which she gave birth.According to a report in Us Weekly, multiple sources claim to the mag that Jackson’s dermatologist (and Debbie Rowe’s former boss), Arnold Klein, is the biological father to Prince Michael, 12, Paris, 11.
“He is the dad,” a Jackson source claimed. “He and Debbie signed an agreement saying they would never reveal the truth.”
When contacted by Us Weekly, Klein would not comment.Access Hollywood spoke with Klein’s publicist who confirmed that Klein was a very close friend of Jackson’s for 20 years. The publicist said that Klein is grieving right now, and that his attorney will not let him speak until the dust settles and the coroner’s report comes out.
According to a report by TMZ.com, the Jackson children’s biological family tree is actually even more of a mystery. The Web site claims that in addition to not fathering his two eldest children, that Jackson did not father his youngest, Prince Michael II, 7, either. TMZ also claims that Rowe is not biological mother of Prince Michael and Paris.
According to multiple TMZ sources, all three Jackson children, “were conceived in vitro — outside the womb,” using a sperm donor and that Rowe’s eggs were not used. The Web site claims she was used as a surrogate and paid well for carrying the children.
As for Prince Michael II, TMZ reported the surrogate that Jackson used was not told to whom the baby she was carrying would go. Three days after the baby was born at Grossmont Hospital in San Diego County, a lawyer for Jackson reportedly picked up the baby and delivered the newborn to the singer.
TMZ has also reported that it is not known if Jackson selected the donors himself or if he was unaware of whose sperm and egg was being used. The site goes on to claim that documents do exist outlining all of the arrangements surrounding the births of all three children.
In addition to claiming that neither Jackson nor Rowe are biological parents to the three children, TMZ also claims that Jackson never filed the paperwork necessary to adopt the children.
Another good post, Strell.

Malik, go away, and take your smug "I'm so above this bandwagon bullshit" bullshit with you. We have heard more than enough times about how insincere we all are.
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hmmm I heard Jackson was a Jehovah's Witness.... hmmm

Could there have been some issue with treatment during his final moments?

This will be surely a mystery for years to come of what happened during Jackson's final years.

There is already another thread in the Politics and Controversy area about MJ... keep that shit in that place and not in here Malik!
Well witnesses won't accept blood transfusions unless it's basically fresh blood i believe. Not that it probably mattered in this case.
[quote name='JJSP']Public viewing at Neverland on Friday.[/QUOTE]

Errr of what?

btw..has anyone picked up the new issue of TIME Magazine featuring Jackson? I heard its out today but most likely I missed it because I woke up late and it's probably sold out everywhere.
[quote name='Malik112099']how is that awesome? If they loved him so much they should have always been playing his music. It is bullshit. bandwagon love bullshit. If Michael was alive right now no one would give a shit.

This is the same type of shit that pissed me off after 9/11. All of a sudden everyone and their fucking mom was driving around with flags on their cars and wearing American pride t-shirts and all that other shit. fuck you people. Bandwagon love/appreciation/pride is shitty. It is just there to make yourself feel better about a situation you wont give a fuck about in 3 weeks.

Troops are dying every day in the middle east. These guys are fucking heroes (whether or not you believe they should be there or not) but since the news isnt reporting on them no one gives a fuck. Pull your heads out of your asses and get a fucking clue.

I was a HUGE MJ fan. HUUUUUGE. The 1988 Pepsi World Tour stop in Houston is still the best concert I have ever been too. I know all the words to most of his songs. Im not sitting around praising his work and kissing his ass because he is dead. All the shit I cared about him doing is done and is still around.

I am more upset about Billy Mays dying only because I currently like the tv show.[/QUOTE]
Calm down man! It's not bandwagon bullshit, it is paying tribute to the man, that is all it is. How much did you want them to play his songs after they have been out forever. Now had they not been playing them, your comment would have been "Oh, they miss him so much, but they won't play his music to pay homage to him or something." His music was being played prior to his death, just not as much as now. Why would they play his music like they are playing it now? I mean, that often, when there are new artists and new songs that deserve the air time. Get a grip.
[quote name='JJSP']http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/Music/06/30/michael.jackson/

Of the body.[/QUOTE]

oh wow..finally...but i thought they weren't done with the body yet :|

That brings up a good question...where should he be buried?? At Neverland Ranch or his birthplace of Gary, Indiana?!?!?

With Jackson so much in debt, I am pretty sure that Neverland will be sold to a land developer and new houses will be built........or who knows it might turn into a Graceland... What do you guys think?
whoever ends up owning neverland would be a fool to turn it into anything besides a tourist attraction. far more revenue will be generated that way than turning it into housing.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']whoever ends up owning neverland would be a fool to turn it into anything besides a tourist attraction. far more revenue will be generated that way than turning it into housing.[/QUOTE]

Well that's true.
I just wish I could go back in time and make a "Michael Jackson is the Greatest Ever" thread and watch everyone shit on him and then have him die just to have the same people post RIP MJ everywhere....

It just bothers me that the general populace doesnt give a fuck about anything until it is gone. If you celebrated something so much why only show it when it is gone?
[quote name='Malik112099']I just wish I could go back in time and make a "Michael Jackson is the Greatest Ever" thread and watch everyone shit on him and then have him die just to have the same people post RIP MJ everywhere....

It just bothers me that the general populace doesnt give a fuck about anything until it is gone. If you celebrated something so much why only show it when it is gone?[/QUOTE]

God damn it, Malik, are you seriously this stupid? Read:

[quote name='Strell']I love the people who pat themselves on the back by talking about the outpouring of people dealing with their personal grief in such a nonchalant "I'm way better than you" sort of way, and how "I can totally tell it's so fake." You don't care so much that you literally walk around loudly proclaiming just how much you don't care.

There's always that group of people who pretend that they are somehow more awesome by pointing out obvious foregone conclusions like "GEE, NOBODY BEFORE HE DIED SAY NUTHIN'." Really. Because someone's death wouldn't alter the mindset of many people? Gosh. I mean I'd sure like to talk about how much more I liked my house before it burned to the ground.

If the sun went out, there'd still be these same people walking around claiming they weren't fans of the sun, it's totally cool it's burnt out, I mean I saw it one day but I didn't think it was a big deal.

If you're that unaffected and don't care, then why are you wasting so much time trying to prove just how unaffected you are? Surprise - other people like the dood and legitimately loved his music. And frankly there's absolutely nothing wrong with what you perceive as faked mourning - it's very real to a lot of people, and your personal objections and opinions just make you look like an ass.[/quote]

Seriously, Malik, have you never heard the saying "you don't know what you have, 'til it's gone?"

You're talking about a guy who's sold, what, three-quarters-of-a-billion albums? Who (I'm guessing) still sold a million records every year. You're sitting there, trying to act like people only just now started caring about Michael Jackson, after he's passed on? Yeah, we haven't been talking about him every day recently, because there really wasn't much to talk about at the moment (though that was all set to change in a few weeks, when the This Is It shows were gonna kick off). He hadn't put out a record in 8 years, and hadn't performed in 12.

You say this idiotic bit about "if you celebrated something so much why only show it when it is gone." Do you think that no one celebrated him when he was active? Do you think that people weren't about to celebrate him in three weeks, at the O2 concerts? Just because there hasn't been much to discuss lately, doesn't mean that he hasn't genuinely impacted all of our lives. And now, with the shocking and sudden news of his passing, we're all surprised, and have reason to talk about him.

Trust me, we wish that we had the O2 concerts, or a new album to celebrate. I really do wish that news of that sort is why we were talking about Jackson. Unfortunately, this is the way the dice fell, so this is the occasion to celebrate him for, sad as it is.

How the fuck is it that you don't understand this?

What were you expecting? For no one to say anything about it? Do you seriously think that everyone is pretending?
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Coffee.you quote Strell like he is the word of God. He is fucking just Strell. You are a moron. I dont think EVERYONE is pretending. I think the vast majority is bullshit though. Although the people who have always been hardcore MJ which are now committing suicide are a whole nother kind of fucking crazy.
[quote name='Malik112099']Coffee.you quote Strell like he is the word of God. He is fucking just Strell.[/quote]
Actually, 99% of the time, I hate Strell, as most know. But in this case, we are of the same mind.

I dont think EVERYONE is pretending. I think the vast majority is bullshit though.
Like I said, we get it, you think we are insincere. Go be jaded somewhere else.

By the way, good job not actually replying to the what we said, and just repeating the same thing about what "bullshit" everyone's grief is, over and over again.
One thing this thread has done has brought some sort of peace and common mind to the waring members in the OT area. We all agree MJ had strange issues in his personal life, but his music was great and was touch by billions of people around the world, who to this day think he's the greatest... no one ever gets the title "King of Pop" for being crappy.

We are not going to have anyone close to what MJ brought to our generation in our lifetimes...maybe our children's, children will have something but no one can replace MJ at this time.

Yea it's true that if someone created a thread about MJ prior to his death, yea there would be a lot of thread crapping. My biggest regret that I never saw him during his prime.

Mal you need a time out in the corner to just fucking chill. You are seriously ruining a great thread by saying shit like this because no one is giving you any attention in real life so you have to come here and huff and puff.... why don't you go back to playing WoW or whatever and yell "MJ Sucks!!" and see what reaction you will get from your fellow WoW players.

I'm done with you....no more feeding attention to your lard troll ass.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Quit embarrassing yourself, Malik. It's unsightly. :whistle2:?[/QUOTE]

Unsightly is a bunch of sheep raving about a dead person whom they talked shit about a week ago.
[quote name='Malik112099']Unsightly is a bunch of sheep raving about a dead person whom they talked shit about a week ago.[/QUOTE]
Where did anyone talk shit on him a week ago?

The media, sure. They were decidedly negative during his trials, but in the end, he was acquitted of all charges and it'd be extremely disrespectful to talk shit on MJ in death. Hell, I suppose with your logic, it'd be pretty hypocritical to talk shit on him period if you'd never met him just like it'd be hypocritical to praise him if you'd never met him. ;)

The only people talking shit on him both then and now are the people who've had their entire viewpoint on the guy shaped by a trial that happened years ago despite nothing ever being proven aside from that he's an eccentric character. If you hold some sort of personal grudge against MJ, sucks to be you.
[quote name='JJSP']Where did anyone talk shit on him a week ago?

The media, sure. They were decidedly negative during his trials, but in the end, he was acquitted of all charges and it'd be extremely disrespectful to talk shit on MJ in death. Hell, I suppose with your logic, it'd be pretty hypocritical to talk shit on him period if you'd never met him just like it'd be hypocritical to praise him if you'd never met him. ;)

The only people talking shit on him both then and now are the people who've had their entire viewpoint on the guy shaped by a trial that happened years ago despite nothing ever being proven aside from that he's an eccentric character. If you hold some sort of personal grudge against MJ, sucks to be you.[/QUOTE]

Well said, well said.

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You: you are like pedophile jesus
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Stranger: hahahaaaaa
You have disconnected.
[quote name='Malik112099']Unsightly is a bunch of sheep raving about a dead person whom they talked shit about a week ago.[/QUOTE]

fuck off asshole. Just fuck off.
What other persona's that the media now hates will there be outcry for when they die? I know MJ is the real deal in the sense of it probably being bigger than anything I can think of. I mean shit any of the recent presidents could get killed and it still wouldn't be this big, but what other personalities would the media flip so easily on?

For instance I am a Tyson fan, I think many discredit him, but the moment he dies it will go down in the history books as a sad day, no where near to this level of course.

Who else would have a big impact like this?
Maybe Madonna? I know she was big shit..but, I don't know. Not AS big as MJ.

I really can't think of anyone else that would be *this* huge.
[quote name='lilboo']Maybe Madonna? I know she was big shit..but, I don't know. Not AS big as MJ.

I really can't think of anyone else that would be *this* huge.[/QUOTE]

David Hasselhoff.
wait , is this the official funeral for MJ or just some big show ? I dunno if I should stay home all day to watch a music concert or go do errands and wait for the dvd to come out later.
bread's done