Microsoft E3 Conference Discussion - Halo 3, GTAIV, Live Anywhere, Lumines Live!

[quote name='shipwreck']probably least anticipated presentation[/QUOTE]

Thanks for that.

After Sony's weak showing yesterday, the MS one just became the most interesting.
Can't wait, I just hope they don't fill it with nothing but portable news stuff

Way to subtly incite a fanboy riot, Shipwreck
[quote name='KaneRobot']Thanks for that.

After Sony's weak showing yesterday, the MS one just became the most interesting.[/QUOTE]

No problem. I was just stating the obvious since they aren't releasing a new console this year. I'm looking forward to seeing what they are going to present though. I'm guessing there is going to be a lot of information about new Live features.
While Nintendos showing was great, it didn't bowl me over with any "Holy shit I can't believe they just announced X" moments. Now that Sony is telling me that I need to sell my first born child on the black market to afford a PS3, I'm really hoping MS comes with the Oops Pow Surprise! shit.
Oh, right.. aren't they supposed to show off Halo 3 today or something at the conference? A teaser trailer or something?
I want to see their xbox branded ipod killer that has been rumored. I also want to see Halo3, xbox live upgrades, and larger hard drive sizes.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Are we having another chat for this one?[/QUOTE]

I don't see why not. AIM chat room "cag". Don't think I can sneak in while I'm at work but I'll give it a shot.
I'd like to see some backwards compatibility announcements, but since all of the main presentations are "forward looking," my guess will be no.

On the plus side, didn't they say they were going to debut the look and price of the HD-DVD adapter?
I better not see those damn break dancer and asian stereotypical guy and hip to be a gamer crap again this year......... But since it's been in the last 2 press conferences I bet we won't be spared.

MS has so far been the worst offender....
[quote name='shipwreck']No problem. I was just stating the obvious since they aren't releasing a new console this year. I'm looking forward to seeing what they are going to present though. I'm guessing there is going to be a lot of information about new Live features.[/QUOTE]

you were clearly acting against MS' best interests and this will not be forgotten. I will now PM you tons of viruses.


anyway, no Ninja Gaiden 2 news this year unfortunately. A tasteless showing of XBV 2 is inevitable.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']that's an overstatement...

it's more like:

Ryu Hyabusa = Jack Bauer[/QUOTE]

Heh in that aspect i'd go with

Ryu Hyabusa = Toshiro Mifune
I don't own an Xbox or Xbox 360 but I am interested in seeing what they are going to present. Sony's presentation was crap and Nintendo didn't give us enough information. Maybe Microsoft will shake it up.
Gamestop doesn't have a live feed of Microsoft's Pre-E3 press conference, they only have a taped one available after it's over. Does anyone know any sites that have a live broadcast of it?
Has it started? Gamespot has been fucked since yesterday, and I haven't been able to get to the videos via their page. Does anyone have the direct link that goes right to the video? That worked when Cheapy posted the Sony one yesterday...
New Live Arcade Titles:

Sonic The Hedgehog
Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting
Time Pilot
Ultra Mortal Kombat 3
New Rally-X
Ms. Pac-Man
Don't read this thread if you don't want to know. I don't think I need to put spoiler tags on news.

Forza Motorsport 2 was just announced.
[quote name='shipwreck']Don't read this thread if you don't want to know. I don't think I need to put spoiler tags on news.[/quote]

I do. Especially since so many were waiting to watch the video feed. Whatever. I guess you can do no wrong, since you're a moderator and all.

I'll just read the text feed.
[quote name='shipwreck']New Live Arcade Titles:

Sonic The Hedgehog
Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting
Time Pilot
Ultra Mortal Kombat 3
New Rally-X
Ms. Pac-Man

Huzzah, CONTRA mother fucker!

Nintendo better have quite a bit available for download at launch for their virtual console because at this rate Live Arcade is gonna be HUGE by then.
I wish that list was something beyond things that are on every compilation, though (besides Sonic, SF2, UMK3 and Contra).

Do we really need Dig-Dug, Pac-Man, Frogger, Galaga, Defender, Ms. Pac Man and Paperboy AGAIN?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Huzzah, CONTRA mother fucker!

Nintendo better have quite a bit available for download at launch for their virtual console because at this rate Live Arcade is gonna be HUGE by then.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't the arcade version of Contra not so great?
[quote name='Scorch']I wish that list was something beyond things that are on every compilation, though (besides Sonic, SF2, UMK3 and Contra).

Do we really need Dig-Dug, Pac-Man, Frogger, Galaga, Defender, Ms. Pac Man and Paperboy AGAIN?[/QUOTE]
No but they do keep selling, so someone is buying them
don't know if I think Lumines is selling out or not:

bread's done