Mirror's Edge - Gen. Discussion & Info - Demo Now On XBLM

Yeah, I want to support this game but not for 60 bucks. Its from EA and so I have to hold back my judgment for a bit.

This has great potential but could easily suffer some game breaking flaws that will board it on the train to shit town.

If there isnt enough levels or the words is not big enough there a couple things I am worried about.

EA tends to mess up random shit so we will see.
[quote name='CouRageouS']Awesome game. I like it a lot but I still can't shake the feeling that I want it in third person. Ever since I saw the trailer, I just thought there was a lot of cool stuff going on and you potentially miss out on some of it being in first person. Probably will buy though.[/QUOTE]

Kind of like real life? Protip: using a mirror in the bedroom is like 3rd person.
Was not interested in this game, but then i played the Demo, silky smooth and as alot of CAG's mentioned already, it plays exactly like the trailers, count me in on a first week purchase
I was quite impressed with the demo too. Beautiful graphics and movements. My girlfriend was getting dizzy watching me play.

I'll probably wait a little while to see what happens to the price.
+ 1 on someone else liking this demo.
However, I have a feeling that this game will indeed get VERY frustrating later on. That right there makes me a bit skeptical on this.
I see this as more of a rental, the demo was pretty fun, but I feel it'll get very old, very fast.

The demo is also much better, once you glitch it and go into free mode on the training center. That made the game twice as fun.
I played this on the 360 and the ps3 and they are pretty much identical. I got bored quickly especially with the time trials. I think the levels need to be much bigger. I really don't understand what everyone is raving about. It feels like a modern fps assassins creed without any depth.
Maybe the best demo Ive ever played on Live. I usually dont get that impressed by demos but this was intriguing from moment 1. Its like a first person platformer more than anything else.

Preordered after one run through on the demo. Seems like there will be lots of trial and error too. I kept missing that jump from the building to the pipe and I didnt mind having to try again.
I like the demo, but I can see it turning into a trial and error memorization game in later, harder levels. Thankfully it has a pretty forgiving restart when you fuck up.

Will try to get it when it's cheaper.
[quote name='Malik112099']also...what is the package and why the hell am I getting shot for it?[/quote]

Don't know what the package is, but the storyline of the game is that , in this country, a totalitarian government has taken over all communication, so everything's monitored. The only way to get information from point A to point B without it being seen and tapped is to hire Runners, like Faith; I think the storyline's going to start getting interesting because it seems that this isn't a typical Runner mission (i.e. Faith mentions the cops normally leave them alone; the voice in her earpiece yells at her that this was supposed to be low-key, and why'd they just start shooting; etc).
I'm liking this game. I think once you get the hang of it and figure out how to pull off moves, the game could be awesome.

I kind of wished the went with the cel-shaded graphics they had in the intro cutscene. It looked really good and appropriate for the game.

I just hope single player has a little more in the way of combat. I don't think I can be amused by jumping and running around alone. And the game felt a bit linear. I haven't tried to find alternate paths in either time trial or story mode yet, but it seemed like there was pretty much a set path of where you had to go.
I loved it. Most demos I play for 5 minutes then quit, but I'll be playing this over and over just to get used to the controls.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']I see this as more of a rental, the demo was pretty fun, but I feel it'll get very old, very fast.

The demo is also much better, once you glitch it and go into free mode on the training center. That made the game twice as fun.[/quote]

How can you glitch it? I'm anxious to play the training course without the frequent pauses.
[quote name='joseraul']How can you glitch it? I'm anxious to play the training course without the frequent pauses.[/QUOTE]

Right at the pipe sequence (after crossing the pipe), if you wall-run, and jump upto the platform, instead of going up and then walking up the stairs, you'll bypass the entire sequence with the instructor, and you'll be able to free-roam around until you fall and die, in-which you'll then have to repeat the process if you want to-do free roam again.


Edit: Apparently, there is an easier way..

The music and visual style of the game are great, it made me a little dizzy playing at first but I'm sure I'd get used to it. Playing that level though, I'm hoping the other levels in the game are a little less linear (though probably won't be the case).
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']Right at the pipe sequence (after crossing the pipe), if you wall-run, and jump upto the platform, instead of going up and then walking up the stairs, you'll bypass the entire sequence with the instructor, and you'll be able to free-roam around until you fall and die, in-which you'll then have to repeat the process if you want to-do free roam again.


Edit: Apparently, there is an easier way..


Easier way: preorder game, use time trial code.
easiest way...go to the ps3 thread on this game and get the link to the site that will give you the code for free

I would put it here but I'm on my iPod touch right now
[quote name='Scorch']Easier way: preorder game, use time trial code.[/QUOTE]

Easier Way: Not everyone wants to buy the game, use this exploit to avoid having to pre-order the game and save yourself $60.00.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']Easier Way: Not everyone wants to buy the game, use this exploit to avoid having to pre-order the game and save yourself $60.00.[/quote]

Preordering costs $5. Pay the $5, get the code, cancel the preorder later.
[quote name='Scorch']Preordering costs $5. Pay the $5, get the code, cancel the preorder later.[/QUOTE]

So, you want me to pay $5.00, to use a Time Trial in a game? How about no.

Unless you want to fully refund me the $5.00, then I don't see a reason I'd pay $5.00, for something I can do for free in the demo.
Man this demo really, REALLY impressed me. It's a fairly fresh experience gameplay wise and it is new IP from EA. I can't wait for this to come out.
[quote name='darthbudge']Doesn't this game actually come out on 11/11?[/QUOTE]

It ships on 11/12 (my birthday), and is in-stores on 11/13.

If you pre-order it from Amazon or GS, they'll probably have release date delivery on this, making you get it on 11/12, as opposed to 11/13.
[quote name='Dro']^So your saying they'll make sure you'll get it in the mail on release day?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, atleast with Amazon, they do - as-long as they have "Release Date Delivery" as an option.

I ordered Fallout 3 for my friend a day before FO3 came out (the 27th), and they sent it out minutes after I ordered, and it arrived at his house on the 28th (the actual day of release).

I have an Amazon Prime trial, so I also got Release Date Delivery for free, not sure how much it normally costs, though.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']Unless you want to fully refund me the $5.00, then I don't see a reason I'd pay $5.00, for something I can do for free in the demo.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Scorch']Preordering costs $5. Pay the $5, get the code, cancel the preorder later.[/QUOTE]
When you cancel a preorder, you get your $5 back.
Gave the demo a shot, went from meh not interested to something to look for a deal on. Felt like a first person prince of persia or something
[quote name='coolsteel'] Felt like a first person prince of persia or something[/quote]

That's probably why I liked it so much. I'm looking forward to the upcoming Prince of Persia game as well, but that is another topic for another time.
I actually didn't care for this game at all, and never watched any videos or read anything except that it was freerunning. I tried out the demo and I was really caught by suprise and I really like the physics and free running, I could definitely see myself buying this now just from playing the demo quite a few times now.
[quote name='pete5883']When you cancel a preorder, you get your $5 back.[/QUOTE]

With GS, no, you don't. They make you either put it on another game, or give you store credit.

They have never given me an option for a refund, ever.
Damn, I finally got around to playing the demo (on PSN actually) and man it was awesome. They really nailed the fluid movement of the game.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']With GS, no, you don't. They make you either put it on another game, or give you store credit.

They have never given me an option for a refund, ever.[/quote]

Then your GS sucks. If you put cash down on a preorder, you can get cash back. If it was store credit, it has to be moved onto something else or you can use it as normal store credit.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']With GS, no, you don't. They make you either put it on another game, or give you store credit.

They have never given me an option for a refund, ever.[/QUOTE]
I guess you've only gotten dick employees trying to increase their numbers.
[quote name='Chronotrigga']Did anyone end up beating the crap out of like the 5 or 6 people in the room when you drop from the vent?[/quote]

I never even thought to try and fight them. I think I might tomorrow.
[quote name='pete5883']I guess you've only gotten dick employees trying to increase their numbers.[/QUOTE]

I assume so then, because I have tried to get a refund on a few games, most recently, GTA IV (someone else was going to get it for me, so I tried to cancel mine), and even though I asked for money back, they said they couldn't, and then only gave me the option to change it to another pre-order (with a few other pre-orders, I've been given the chance of atleast getting store credit instead, but not with this one).

So yeah, I assume it's just my area then, because even if I ask for a cash refund, they won't grant it - damn GS, and their stupid numbers.
So, is the PS3 or 360 version supposed to be "better"? I thought the PS3 had some exclusive content. I tried the 360 demo and enjoyed it. Hvae yet to try the PS3 version....
bread's done