MLB 06 The show (PSP) Review


41 (100%)
Well, I haven't Seen a review for this yet, So I'll make one

Released Febuary 28th, 2006, MLB 06 is one of the best Sport Games out on the PSP right now! If not, the best!

Story- Seeing as it's a sport game, there's not really a story in anywhere but Career mode where You start in the Minors and try to make your way up by interacting with your manager and doing well trying to make it to the Majors. No need to give a score for this part.

Graphics- The Graphics in this game are Simply AMAZING. The Stadiums and atmosphere's are lifelike, just like the players are. You can tell who's who without reading their name. It's THAT ACCURATE. I give this a well deserved 10/10 Pic Below



Sound- The Commentary in this game is simply fabulous. The commentators give a play by play analysis, and are clear and understandable. The sound volume for each aspect of the game (crowd, Announcer, Commentators, Background Music). Also, The music during a game fits in well since it plays after a great hit, a horrible swing, or a Homerun. There is also Batter Walkup music for every player. Overall, the sound is great, and I give it a 9.2/10

Controls- Controls are easy to master. X to swing, O to bunt, [] for a Power Swing (in Veteran, All star, and HOF difficulty), while at bat.
While Fielding, R to Dive/Jump and once you have the ball (while Fielding), Triangle to pass to 2nd base, O for 1st base, [] for 3rd base, and X to pass home. Controls are very easy to master once you get the hang of it, but hard at first. I give it a 8.8/10

Gameplay- There are minimal gameplay errors in this game. It flows smoothly, and is very addicting. It's not very different from the PS2 version of the game since it's basically a port w/ almost every feature that is in the PS2 version. It was easy to play so I give it a 9.4/10


Difficulty- This game has different difficulty levels, Rookie, Veteran, All Star, and Hall of Fame. Rookie is obviously the easiest, making it's way up to HOF which is the Hardest. It wasn't too difficult, but maybe that's because I always play on Rookie
. If it gets too easy, just take it up a notch, and you'll be happy! Because of it's changeable difficulties, I give it a 9.1/10

Multiplayer Options- Like in MLB, this game features AD Hoc Mode, as well as Infrasacture Mode. In Both, you can play a KOTD Mini game, or an Exibition game. It also has a SportsConnect, which is a way to read news content and Baseball scores and stuff like that. There are hundreds of Full Lenghth Articles to read online, or you can read them after being downloaded offline. I myself play frequently online (often against Trunks
) and LOVE it. There is traffic and lag, so I usually play the Mini Games so it's not as long. I give this part a 9.5/10 since It's really fun to play ppl online once ur done w/ Career mode (which I'm still not done with!).

Replay Value- This Game has Exibition games, Career Mode, Season Mode, Home Run Derby, and King of the Diamond. You can also start a Quick Play game. It's full of features that keep you entertained. All are easy to get the hang of, and make the game more enjoyable. It never gets boring with all those features. Also, the online part of the game keeps you playing even when you're done with everything else! This gets a 10/10 for it's great replay value!


Loading Times- Well.. This might be the only part where MLB 06: The Show dissapoints me. After Last year's game, I expected them to fix that problem.. It takes well over a minute...At the LEAST!!! It can get very annoying, especially when you just want to pick it up and play. I gave this a 2.2/10, and maybe even that is a generous score.. It has some of the longest Loading times out on any PSP game, tied w/ the Con, Midnight Club, and Crash Tag Team Racing.

Overall- This is a great game, with simply marvelous graphics, fun gameplay, endless replayability, and great commentary. The Multiplayer options are a great asset as well. It shines in every department.. except Loading times. If the loading times were like 20 seconds, then it would get a much higher score.

I give this game a 9.3/10. Probably a 9.6/10 if the loading times weren't so bad. In other words

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