MLB 2k7 out on the 27th!!!

[quote name='johnmirra']yeah it was originally schedualed for the 6th of march its only a week but i cant wait for this game[/QUOTE]
Do you have news story/link that confirms this? IGN still says the 5th.
[quote name='Pratt75']Is anyone getting the PS3 version over the 360 version? Is there any difference besides some minor use of the sixaxis controller?[/QUOTE]

That's what I'd like to know. I'm no achievement whore, but if there's little to no difference b/w the two, for $60 I'll take the achievements.
[quote name='mykevermin']That's what I'd like to know. I'm no achievement whore, but if there's little to no difference b/w the two, for $60 I'll take the achievements.[/quote]

From Game Informer:

[quote name='The Edge']Even though the 360 version boasts Achievements, the PS3 gets props for its motion-based motions. This mechanic is designed for thrust motions, but I found that you can make true swings once you understand its sensitivity. Both versions offer something great, which makes The Edge a toss up.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='mykevermin']That's what I'd like to know. I'm no achievement whore, but if there's little to no difference b/w the two, for $60 I'll take the achievements.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='IGN']3. Other Differences Between the PS3 and 360

The 360 version simply looks better. The colors pop. The animations, at this point, run smoother. So much for spending $600.

To top it off, while full 30-man online leagues will be available on the 360, right now the PS3 plan is for up to 12-man leagues (although the team is pushing hard to get 30-man teams in the PS3 version as well, but it might be too much to ask).

What do you get if you're a PS3 owner? You get the ability to swing your bat by pushing the controller forward in a motion like you're sliding the soup back to the waiter because you just found a fly in your minestrone. First swing I took with the PS3 controller, I hit a homerun. Does that mean it's too easy? We'll wait and see, but something like this, in my opinion, would be better off left to the homerun derby. If you're preaching authenticity, it seems contradictory to then all of a sudden tell people that they have hold the controller flat out in front of their body then push it forward to swing. At least when you're playing Wii Sports, you're swinging the controller like a bat. Here, something about the experience just seems awkward. You can keep the soup.

For those who dont want to read that, heres a list of reasons to get the 360 version over the PS3 one:

360 version looks better
30 man online leauges(360) vs 12 man(PS3)
PS3 controller has no rumble, so hiding the ball as the pitcher might not be possible on local play(was mentioned on IGN hands on)
hmm.....I wonder what Johnmirra is getting.........:lol:

The ps3 is a wise choice, you won't hear the sound of the xbox 360 running.
haha yep though i would keep that to myself. i dont see the big deal with achievements also i have never seen anythign stating the the 360 version will look better.
I suppose I'll wait for the reviews. I normally don't trust Game Informer, who seem to minimize the differences b/w the two, and IGN makes some interesting points. I can hold off for a few days after release, and after last year's version, I think it's in my best interest to wait for first impressions.
even though last years version sucked i still played the heck out of it so im buying this the minute it comes out, what can i say i become insane the closer to baseball season it gets, being a redsoxs fan and all
[quote name='johnmirra']even though last years version sucked i still played the heck out of it so im buying this the minute it comes out, what can i say i become insane the closer to baseball season it gets, being a redsoxs fan and all[/quote]

Same here, though i go insane for a different reason. I happen to be a Royals fan.
[quote name='johnmirra']haha yep though i would keep that to myself. i dont see the big deal with achievements also i have never seen anythign stating the the 360 version will look better.[/QUOTE]

Thats why i quoted from IGN which did a hands on with both versions and said the 360 version was looking better. I wouldnt pull things out of my ass to have you all run out and buy the 360 version, this is the ps3 boards after all.

All i was doing is simply stating that from what ive read so far the 360 version is the better choice, and that was asked by a few people in the thread :)
[quote name='johnmirra']I guess i also just want another game to add to my ps3 collection besides resistance[/quote]

I feel the same way.
ok, i just played one game and my impressions are its basically last years game with way way way better graphics. I havent tried online or anything but it seems like a solid game all together.
bread's done