Modern Warfare 2 CAG Clan - Wednesday/Friday @ 7PST/10EST

it was fun last night, but it traced my usual pattern of play terribly for a few matches, then recover and play relatively well for a few matches, followed by getting completely powned for the last few matches. i almost threw my headset across the room, but it slipped out of my hand before that happened. the worst was that last game of headquarters (on Karachi i think) we played where it seemed like i could put 5 or 6 bullets into someone and they still wouldn't die.

i think i need to make a few noob tube classes to get some cheap kills every so often. what difference does it make when half the jagoffs on the other team are shooting/throwing grenades all over the place?

good job on getting to that 10th prestige dude.
Yeah,demolition has turned into a noob tubing game. Almost every game I join has atleast 2 people noob tubing the whole place up. I think I am a litttle less than half to the 10th prestige.Congrats dude and I am on the pic!
[quote name='Hostile']It took awhile to fix my crappy play at the beginning but I finally have more kills than deaths.[/QUOTE]

care to share any tips on how others could make this happen?
[quote name='langdon_alger']care to share any tips on how others could make this happen?[/QUOTE]

I doubt I'm the best player in this community to ask but...

Here's some easy tips anyone can follow (this is what helped me personally so no guarantees):

  • Find a primary gun or two that you're comfortable with. I found the Scar-H and it has become my go-to weapon.
  • Same as above for your secondary. I go with a shotgun (AA-12) or pistol (.44).
  • Choose a good killstreak combo for yourself. UAV is a must to situate yourself better and depending on how good you are at getting kills, your #2 should be one where you can get in every 2-3 matches and #3 should happen at least every 3-5 matches. Even more often if you use...
  • Hardline. You might not be good enough to hit that #3 spot all the time but you can certainly get 2 kills for that UAV, which in turn will help you get to that #2 and #3.
  • Hit a good ratio between running around and looking for players to kill and staying in one spot looking for people to run into you.
  • Learn to knife. You'll often run right into someone and knifing kills faster than shooting.
  • Learn when to go full-auto and when to use burst-shots. You usually want to shoot in bursts long-range and full-auto close range.
  • Listen for footsteps if you're alone. Crouch every once in awhile to see if you can hear someone around you.
  • Try not to be right behind an ally... or you'll both die.
Jbrun85 = Jbrun85
Experience: Beginner
Availablity: Any Week Day After 5 PM, All Day Weekends
Timezone: EST
Mic: Yes
Additional Info: Just got the game, looking to get some experience in matches.
bet i won't be able to join again this friday either. i don't understand why i have a nat 3 connection with wired router. my isp is fucking slow that's prolly why. damn it.
The private matches were fun but I liked going out as a group and playing other people more (as hard as getting a match going was). It also didn't help that I totally missed what the game rules and game plans were suppose to be 2 of the 3 matches.
Any suggestions for how to get connected Khefka? I keep getting that damn unable to join host message. Somtimes I can join if I just use the Join Session option and piggy back into a game but I wanna be able to get in these games.

Is there something I can change in my router settings that will fix this?
[quote name='metrognome']Any suggestions for how to get connected Khefka? I keep getting that damn unable to join host message. Somtimes I can join if I just use the Join Session option and piggy back into a game but I wanna be able to get in these games.

Is there something I can change in my router settings that will fix this?[/QUOTE]

reset your router and then try to join.

The problem you're referring to is because kefka is host and you're unable to connect to him. That's exactly why you can get in on a current game (3rd party host) but can't connect directly for a party.

[quote name='Hostile']I doubt I'm the best player in this community to ask but...

Here's some easy tips anyone can follow (this is what helped me personally so no guarantees):

  • Find a primary gun or two that you're comfortable with. I found the Scar-H and it has become my go-to weapon.
  • Same as above for your secondary. I go with a shotgun (AA-12) or pistol (.44).
  • Choose a good killstreak combo for yourself. UAV is a must to situate yourself better and depending on how good you are at getting kills, your #2 should be one where you can get in every 2-3 matches and #3 should happen at least every 3-5 matches. Even more often if you use...
  • Hardline. You might not be good enough to hit that #3 spot all the time but you can certainly get 2 kills for that UAV, which in turn will help you get to that #2 and #3.
  • Hit a good ratio between running around and looking for players to kill and staying in one spot looking for people to run into you.
  • Learn to knife. You'll often run right into someone and knifing kills faster than shooting.
  • Learn when to go full-auto and when to use burst-shots. You usually want to shoot in bursts long-range and full-auto close range.
  • Listen for footsteps if you're alone. Crouch every once in awhile to see if you can hear someone around you.
  • Try not to be right behind an ally... or you'll both die.

I'd add to that list LEARN THE MAPS.

FTR, I much prefer stopping power to hardline. It's probably my favorite perk. Does 1.33x bullet damage and is deadly when equipped with shottys.
[quote name='pogipinoy27']I'd add to that list LEARN THE MAPS.

FTR, I much prefer stopping power to hardline. It's probably my favorite perk. Does 1.33x bullet damage and is deadly when equipped with shottys.[/QUOTE]

Of course. Learning maps is very important.

Choosing the right Perk 2 is the one that is the hardest decision. To me, UAVs is what gets me to the Predator Missile the most, which in turn gets me to the Harrier Strike, Pave Low or Emergency Airdrop. I also choose weapons that don't really need Stopping Power for the most part. I wish I was good enough to run Cold-Blooded and still get 2-5 UAVs a game but I can't.
[quote name='Hostile']Of course. Learning maps is very important.

Choosing the right Perk 2 is the one that is the hardest decision. To me, UAVs is what gets me to the Predator Missile the most, which in turn gets me to the Harrier Strike, Pave Low or Emergency Airdrop. I also choose weapons that don't really need Stopping Power for the most part. I wish I was good enough to run Cold-Blooded and still get 2-5 UAVs a game but I can't.[/QUOTE]

The trick to a Cold-Blooded set up is to have a secondary silenced that you can switch to so that you only show up on the radar when you want to. You'll hear my sniper rifle but you won't hear my G18 lighting up people 10 times as much as my sniper rifle. It's not a power house type perk, it's a perk you need to be prepared and give some thought to actually use. It really is more of an anti-air or S&D type perk, it's immensely helpful though when all their crap is in the air that you don't register on the radar because usually the owner of that Harrier is running and gunning under the cover of their air support.

Cold-Blooded definitely isn't a run & gun perk unless you're rocking a silenced submachine gun, shotgun or an ACOG sniper.
Thanks again to Kefka for hosting last night....that was entertaining...well, until the laggy host in S&D in Highrise. I got sniped the first 3 times out in that in
We may want to split into two groups for game night now... One for private games and one for public games. That is if the turnout is as big as we've seen in the past. Could do it on a first come first serve basis.
so... I went over to my bros last night, and using the same class as I do at home, on his xbox 360 I went 0-3, 25-4, 20-4, and 18-1....

I don't know why.... but I am kinda irritated I did better on the 360 than I did on my PS3
Yesterday was the day I saw people abusing the CP/EAD glitch the most. It's too bad Infinity Ward doesn't ban accounts or at least reset stats.
[quote name='Hostile']Yesterday was the day I saw people abusing the CP/EAD glitch the most. It's too bad Infinity Ward doesn't ban accounts or at least reset stats.[/QUOTE]
I have run into people using this glitch and I always have a stinger with me so i take down most of the things they bring. It also makes it a bit easier because their whole team tries to get the packages and makes it easy kills.
i must have tried the glitch 30 times. and i gotten it to work once or twice. i suck.

grenade in hand, find ledge, push x, r->r, gun!!!
[quote name='snakelda']I have run into people using this glitch and I always have a stinger with me so i take down most of the things they bring. It also makes it a bit easier because their whole team tries to get the packages and makes it easy kills.[/QUOTE]

I think I lobbed a few grenades in the direction of some of those people last night.

If anyone is playing tonight, I'm going to try to make it, but will be late. I'll probably be online somewhere between 9:30 and 10:15 CST.
The care package glitch is easy to do, but I only use it when other people are exploiting it. It doesn't make it right, but sure makes some of the challenges easier.
I know this is a dumb question, but I just got the game this week, and want to participate tonight, how to i get invited to the party? (the group leader has added me already)
[quote name='jbrun85']I know this is a dumb question, but I just got the game this week, and want to participate tonight, how to i get invited to the party? (the group leader has added me already)[/QUOTE]

If Kefka's online, he will find you...Oh yes, he will find you.........
[quote name='metrognome']Any suggestions for how to get connected Khefka? I keep getting that damn unable to join host message. Somtimes I can join if I just use the Join Session option and piggy back into a game but I wanna be able to get in these games.

Is there something I can change in my router settings that will fix this?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='johnnyrocker360']bet i won't be able to join again this friday either. i don't understand why i have a nat 3 connection with wired router. my isp is fucking slow that's prolly why. damn it.[/QUOTE]Try putting your PS3 in a DMZ, or open/foward some ports? If resetting your router doesn't work, there's nothing I can really tell you.

[quote name='Jam424']We may want to split into two groups for game night now... One for private games and one for public games. That is if the turnout is as big as we've seen in the past. Could do it on a first come first serve basis.[/QUOTE]Thought about that, but I don't really like leaving CAGs behind.

[quote name='zenithyoda']so... I went over to my bros last night, and using the same class as I do at home, on his xbox 360 I went 0-3, 25-4, 20-4, and 18-1....

I don't know why.... but I am kinda irritated I did better on the 360 than I did on my PS3[/QUOTE]My money's on that he/you are always the host.

[quote name='snakelda']I have run into people using this glitch and I always have a stinger with me so i take down most of the things they bring. It also makes it a bit easier because their whole team tries to get the packages and makes it easy kills.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I'm loving them throwing shit up in the air every minute. It just makes my Cold-Blooded challenge go that much quicker.

[quote name='enufs8d']i must have tried the glitch 30 times. and i gotten it to work once or twice. i suck.

grenade in hand, find ledge, push x, r->r, gun!!![/QUOTE]

[quote name='Jam424']The care package glitch is easy to do, but I only use it when other people are exploiting it. It doesn't make it right, but sure makes some of the challenges easier.[/QUOTE]I did it my first try, but now I can only seem to do it every ~20 tries.

[quote name='jbrun85']I know this is a dumb question, but I just got the game this week, and want to participate tonight, how to i get invited to the party? (the group leader has added me already)[/QUOTE]Just play a game like you normally would. Then when you see a PSN message that has "Modern Warfare 2" as the subject, go to your inbox & hit accept. You will then be put into my party, and I will take care of the rest.


:whee: BFGN! :whee:

Also, I won't be doing so well, since I'm currently in the process of sending in my headset to get it replaced.


Patch should release sometime tonight.
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i didnt play the beta. and i was afraid of the PA comic. but my experience has been quite the opposite. sure i get the occasional death by sniper. its annoying but not that bad and often.
okay the router reset worked long enough for me to be the game winning

looks like Im SOL. When all else fails, blame Comcast
[quote name='metrognome']okay the router reset worked long enough for me to be the game winning

looks like Im SOL. When all else fails, blame Comcast[/QUOTE]

I have Comcast and have no issues at all. I didn't do anything special at all.

[quote name='Hostile']First time playing HQ and CTF. I still prefer plain ol' TD and Domination more.[/QUOTE]

I don't really care for HQ's. CTF is decent but more fun when playing as a party, too many times you end up with camper's and never win when not playing as a party.

I enjoy demolition, sabotage, and CTF the most.

I also think we should play some of the PRO games on Cag night. Pretty fun when playing with limited hud. Makes it seem more realistic not to mention the surround sound is handy for knowing where people are cming from when you hear them.
[quote name='Hostile']Demolition is pretty good but I think it's a cluster**** like HQ and CTF.[/QUOTE]
Agreed but the points you earn are great. Especially in a good even match.
[quote name='rmb']I also think we should play some of the PRO games on Cag night. Pretty fun when playing with limited hud. Makes it seem more realistic not to mention the surround sound is handy for knowing where people are cming from when you hear them.[/QUOTE]Sounds good. But I hate Hardcore modes, since it's just a campfest (no killcam), 1 bullet kills, noobtubers delight, respawn delay, & teamkilling (if not ricochet).


Mad's dream.
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Hardcore team deathmatch is a campfest but is a nice change of pace. I rarely play it but every now and then it isn't bad. Personally, I prefer objective based games with the exception of HQ's. Seems like anytime I see anyone on they are playing demo, TD, or free4all.
Had some good matches tonight. We had a steady group of 6-7 for the later half of the day. Then slowly lost everybody till midnight PST.
i kept pushing the wrong buttons. mag! the weapon swap button and squat buttons are switched. and mw2 is definitely a more twitchy ocd style play. plus, i kept want to hit the keys for my medic gun. lol. And when you on mag, you show up as a red dot.
[quote name='rmb']Hardcore team deathmatch is a campfest but is a nice change of pace. I rarely play it but every now and then it isn't bad. Personally, I prefer objective based games with the exception of HQ's. Seems like anytime I see anyone on they are playing demo, TD, or free4all.[/QUOTE]

I only played for a bit last night and not with the group....played in some regular team DM and they were campfests....out of the 7 people playing, 4 were camping with sniper rifles. Did manage to finish out the commando perk by knifing several of those guys. I just have to (better) learn the distance for my grenade launcher at longer distances.

For as rusty as I still am, my stats say I'm improving.....which at least keeps me coming back for more punishment. :)

Oh, and I agree....I hated HQ....we really need everyone with mics for that one.
[quote name='LordKefka06']Had some good matches tonight. We had a steady group of 6-7 for the later half of the day. Then slowly lost everybody till midnight PST.[/QUOTE]

I had my best match last night! I think it was demo...forget the map. must have gotten 3 or 4 UAV's, only died 11 times, finished a few challenges...I think I ended the match with something like 5000xp...Woo hoo! improvement is possible!

then i got separated from the group:cry:
bread's done