Modern Warfare 2 CAG Clan - Wednesday/Friday @ 7PST/10EST

[quote name='Jam424']PS Borris... Stop acting like Sam!![/QUOTE]

To elaborate on what Skydive wrote. Borris you don't want to be Sam. Sam is the paragon of futility. But then again your actions are showing that you are truly the son of Sam. :shame:

See I can use fancy words too :D
who's sam? is he like leeroy jenkins of mw2?

i was planning on dropping in for double xp. but ylod playing rdr earlier this week.
[quote name='enufs8d']who's sam? is he like leeroy jenkins of mw2?

i was planning on dropping in for double xp. but ylod playing rdr earlier this week.[/QUOTE]

Well you could always just play with John to get double xp... or triple, or whatever
Noob: *Laugh**Laugh*
Noob: *Cough**Cough*

5 minutes later.....

Noob: I think I just laughed so hard that I coughed so hard, that I barfed.....
[quote name='LordKefka06']Noob: *Laugh**Laugh*
Noob: *Cough**Cough*

5 minutes later.....

Noob: I think I just laughed so hard that I coughed so hard, that I barfed.....[/QUOTE]

Jam: See, we knew you had a gag reflex!
Oscar: Around the corner bitch... I've got just the thing for you.
Hostile who is watching Oscar like a stalker: Watch out, there is a guy camping down there.
Oscar: I know, that's why I've got my noob tube.
Hostile: Look out!
Oscar: Try as they might, they can't kill the Weiner.
Morinphen = Morinphen88
Experience: Beginner
Availablity: Sun/Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat (nights)
Timezone: EST
Mic: Yes
Additional Info:
Another video I uploaded before crashing last night. Note my "impressive" 1-12 start (skip to the 4:50 mark if you don't want to witness that) - don't think too many of you could do that. :) I was much better after switching to their tactics and my full-time tube class. I think my downfall in not keeping the streak alive is that I should've planted another claymore before calling in the Attack Heli (~6:50 mark).
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[quote name='rmb']Boris, I was wondering if you hppen to play WOW? If so I am not shocked.[/QUOTE]

Since he probably won't come back on (he said he was just trolling), nah, he doesn't.

But, I don't like how my friends always think they should just join my session if I'm not playing with them. I mean, I see them at school and play with them almost all the time. Whatever, that was pretty funny.

[quote name='Jam424']Well you could always just play with John to get double xp... or triple, or whatever[/QUOTE]

Oscar: Hey stay here I need someone to help with the care package.
Fred: Ok. The sentry is my package.
Oscar: Uhhh you better move or else you might die.

*Death befell Fred via care package falling on head*

Oscar: I told you.
Fred: Remember the sentry is mine!!!!

*Fred respawns only to find sentry gone and remaining airstrike*

Oscar: Hey stop trying to take my airstrike AND my sentry.
Fred: *facepalm*
Originally Posted by Jam424
Well you could always just play with John to get double xp... or triple, or whatever

[quote name='Jmclark']




some of my favorite nubekill quotes, I may not be remembering them all correctly, so I'll paraphrase:

"Come on guys!"
"Cap something!"
"Do I have to do everything around here!"
OMG I feel so bad for John. Borris on the other hand got schooled by me of all people this morning/noon time. In our top ten killers, I'd say maybe I'm a 6 or a 7th placer.

I will however get on with the story. I picked up JohnsAwesome and Kaiser for a couple early easy warm ups. Warm ups of all things, nothing complicated, TDM just to kill people. Borris joins session against us mid session and makes his entry known by killing me in our first match in Salvage. After that it was awn til the break of dawn.

Borris got his kills, went like 31 and 18, which anybody can do, no big feat but he was killed in the Game Winning Cam by Kaiser von Muffintop(zing!). I told him he was crappy, he was talking a lot of crap, I told him he didn't even go 2 to 1, it's not that special considering I ended the match 4 to 1.

He was bragging how he nearly carried his team to a win and we were camping... but they camped the stupid 2 story house half the match, go figure. Oh yes, he complained about Kaiser's heartbeat sensor too.

Anyway, the next match was on Quarry and he said my favorite line which signed his painful loss in blood, "This should be interesting." By this time I messaged Oscar because John hopped out sometime in the matches, I forget when. Told Oscar that Borris wants to fite. So Oscar came flying in with his shitkickers and started mucking people up and I was like Yay Weiner!

I don't know if Kefka just pissed off the EAD gods but mine have been pretty good to me lately, I scored an AC130, Stealth Bomber and another goodie I didn't get to use. Popped my AC130, got to shooting around and I thought I'd run out of AC130 time/ammo. Turns out the last kill I got was the Game Winner with nobody other than Borris camping in a corner like a little girl and me blowing his pansy ass up. I finished the match 22 and 1. 1 death was due to a martyrdom grenade.

Borris was suitably upset, I told him that this was bye and that he had no chance against 1 vs 3 of us, there's no way he could take 9 of us on. I cursed a lil, mostly because he was being a girl about the whole thing. If he just said 'you guys kicked my ass and called my bull' I'd have considered feeling bad for him for a second or two. Him not having any sense of sportsmanship really just made my day and I don't regret all the colorful language I threw at and probably introduced him to. He's a quickscoping noob that got pimp smacked by Oscar, Kaiser and myself.
Just one question - is it Borris or Bare-ass?

I thought the EAD gods only dropped ammo for his lord. I need a nap, because I thought I read "pooped" my AC130. Maybe if you would've slowed down Bare-ass could've nuked it. Maybe Bare-ass just need a :grouphug: from some Riot Shields.
[quote name='Mad39er']OMG I feel so bad for John. Borris on the other hand got schooled by me of all people this morning/noon time.[/QUOTE]

Boo, I missed all of this. I left in the Salvage match because I had to go help my dad unload some stuff he just bought. That's just funny though. And he's still talking crap about you guys, calling you campers. And he's an alright person, he's just jealous that I'm playing with you guys and not him. At least he's not spamming me with invites like he used to.

[quote name='jmbreci']Just one question - is it Borris or Bare-ass?

It's pronounced "Bare-Ass." :lol:
[quote name='barris1024']LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Go sit in the corner with your silenced tar-21 with heartbeat sensor. $$$ needs some friends.[/QUOTE]

To be honest your comprehension of common English diction and other things is plain horrible. First of all Borris you list commands without a real subject. Sure "you" is the subject of your sentences but the person who you direct your statements to is not known. Second you list dollars signs for a three letter word. Unfortunately that could mean a multitude of things. I presume that you are trying to use the word ass but then again it could also mean You as in Borris. So by your writing you Borris need some friends due to the lack of a real subject.
Third I saw that game that you got your ass handed to you. I believe you were the best person on your team, but then again you are a quick scope sniper which requires no skill at all. The only skill you need is to be able to rely on IW's broken aim assist and shoot. And you mock the heart beat sensor. The only problem with that there is a perk called ninja to counter act it. So then again your statements are falling apart due to faulty claims and lack of English comprehension.
Borris you place some general claims without substance, but then again what would a snot nose brat who probably is not old enough to buy M rated games know. Then again you probably still have a bed time you still need to abide by so good night and check your ego at the door. You may be part of this forum but that does not give you the right to be part of game night.
Actually, the word that your corny forum swear blocker blocked was "$$$."

I love how you all think you're MLG Pro and you're really all poor people who live in their parents basement. Go yard saling you scrub.
[quote name='barris1024']Actually, the word that your corny forum swear blocker blocked was "$$$."

I love how you all think you're MLG Pro and you're really all poor people who live in their parents basement. Go yard saling you scrub.[/QUOTE]
I love how these kids think they're tough because they're on the intarwebs. Go back to your bed with your security blanket and hide from the big bad CAG clan that wouldn't let you play with them. Unlike dipshits like you, most of us play to have fun, bust each others balls and not rage at their junior high school friends for not playing with them. Come back after you've played a contact sport and gotten some color to your pasty emo skintone because you're just like every other tough guy 12 year old, you cry when an adult spanks you.
[quote name='Mad39er']I love how these kids think they're tough because they're on the intarwebs. Go back to your bed with your security blanket and hide from the big bad CAG clan that wouldn't let you play with them. Unlike dipshits like you, most of us play to have fun, bust each others balls and not rage at their junior high school friends for not playing with them. Come back after you've played a contact sport and gotten some color to your pasty emo skintone because you're just like every other tough guy 12 year old, you cry when an adult spanks you.[/QUOTE]

P.S. Barris is better than your mama.
[quote name='LordKefka06']Aww for fucking sakes.

Keep all your High School (Grade School?) buddies out of here.[/QUOTE]
What are you going to tell on us? Now go away before you make a fucking fool of yourself.
Wow this place is gay. Censoring the "f-word" with a freaking shaqfu picture? That's homosexual.

By the way. LordKefta06 is a pretty cool guy. I mean, he's a grown man, who plays video games 24/7 and there's a very high chance that he lives in his mothers basement. Just sayin.
[quote name='barris1024']Wow this place is gay. Censoring the "f-word" with a freaking shaqfu picture? That's homosexual.

By the way. LordKefta06 is a pretty cool guy. I mean, he's a grown man, who plays video games 24/7 and there's a very high chance that he lives in his mothers basement. Just sayin.[/QUOTE]
Exactly where as we are teenagers, who have a social life, attend school, get good grades, hope to amount to something, and have a future.

Wow fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay, fake and gay.
[quote name='KETS51711']Exactly where as we are teenagers, who have a social life, attend school, get good grades, hope to amount to something, and have a future.[/QUOTE]

Don't worry. You won't.
Barris - You're the one who joined a private match. It would have been no big deal but the fact of the matter is your persisted in breaking the house rules then wouldn't go away when it was clear that the match was private. If you had left it at that, then none of this flaming would have ensued. Instead, you chose to instigate matters by calling people out. The actions thereafter are warranted.

Kets - GTFO.

There. I've attempted to address these people in a dignified manner. Please don't feed the trolls henceforth.

The end.
[quote name='pogipinoy27']Barris - You're the one who joined a private match. It would have been no big deal but the fact of the matter is your persisted in breaking the house rules then wouldn't go away when it was clear that the match was private. If you had left it at that, then none of this flaming would have ensued. Instead, you chose to instigate matters by calling people out. The actions thereafter are warranted.

Kets - GTFO.

There. I've attempted to address these people in a dignified manner. Please don't feed the trolls henceforth.

The end.[/QUOTE]
HMMMMM. A. Listen to BKRandy Scrubcake on the internet b. troll.
[quote name='KETS51711']Hey, Dyhaakfjpwraobn, go meet the sun.[/QUOTE]

If that is some misguided attempt at telling me to go outside, it may have worked better if this conversation had not taken place at midNIGHT.

Plus, that is a horrible way of telling somebody to sod off. If that's the best you can do, you may as well drop out now and get on the fast-track for your town's sanitation department.

Seriously, though? Why would you even bother posting on a forum to cry about a video game? There are already forums dedicated to that... they are called the World of Warcraft forums... but you are required to masturbate to night elves as you post.

Side note. I will have to start playing on GN in the future too, but if I don't take up an invite... it's not personal or malicious... just already playing with people I know IRL.
All I can say is wow...and the world is in trouble if that is how kids these days prove they have a social life.

If you cannot come up with something non-derogatory to say or witty, just say more incomprehensible jibberish that no one will understand. Do you know we were hammering Bare-ass because he could not comprehend what "shotgun only" means and took it personally. If you have a quarter of the intellect that your mind thinks it has, you might understand was written and figure out a heartbeat sensor on an assault rifle does not equate to a shotgun. Then again, you do have hope and think you have a future...go get 'em kid.

Back to the topic at hand - I should be on tomorrow night and hopefully will be able to have my laptop ready to record more.
Question: Why do you kids even bother owning a PS3. Is not a X360 more suited for your kind. Go back to your Halo jumping.


EDIT: Evil, be sure to record this future beat down of these 15/10? year olds.
[quote name='LordKefka06']Question: Why do you kids even bother owning a PS3. Is not a X360 more suited for your kind. Go back to your Halo jumping.


EDIT: Evil, be sure to record this future beat down of these 15/10? year olds.[/QUOTE]
Halo = gay. WTF is a X360 I know of a XBOX360 and that is also gay. A future beat down could happen at any given time, do you really want to put the pressure on another CAGian to be there to record? Volunteering another means your volunteering yourself.
much ado about nothing.

barris - i havent met you. but you need to use words besides gay. everyone else has conveyed thought and meaning in their malice.
on in a few....need to clean the laptop off to record...actually since I see no one playing, send me a PM and I'll stop playing Prototype..borrowed it from a friend who says it is good.
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My PS3 is YLODing. I'll be picking up a Slim and shelling out a buck fitty for the Sony repair but it'll be dedicated towards PS2 games rather than PS3 since it uses more energy to run than the slim.
I hope you guys are on later tonight. Guests staying at my house so I cannot play til late night... damn double xp weekend on the weekend I have guests. I hope to play a lot on monday.
Just got called a spawn camping whore after a game of CTF. I came into the game after the intermission and went 18-3. Wasn't exactly camping the spawn though. Just hovering around their flag.
bread's done