Modern Warfare 3 Discussion Thread - Out 11/8/11. New Multiplayer Trailer!

MW3 is lagging severely in match making for me, I'm not even going to try. Hopping off. I played one match and the gameplay is fine but the matchmaking was painful and threatened the health of my PS3.
It's always fun with you & Hito. That match in Fallen with all the campers. fuck them guys. I was 1-7 and ended up 9-7. Damn camp fest. The best was my triple knife kill in the same room. Asshat snipers.
Yeah I have a daughter. She is 18 months going on teenager. I played quite a few games last night, but 32 minutes after Mad and Hito logged off. I could not join NOONE13 no matter what I tried, but had no problems joining Velo's party, go figure. Went from level 62 to 71 in a matter of hours. I still need to figure out a good assault strike set up with corresponding game play strategy (other than don't die).

Anyone getting problems getting in to the website. I have 12 codes I need to enter but the website is down for me.

[quote name='jmbreci']It's always fun with you & Hito. That match in Fallen with all the campers. fuck them guys. I was 1-7 and ended up 9-7. Damn camp fest. The best was my triple knife kill in the same room. Asshat snipers.[/QUOTE]

I ran into a KC match on intersection where the whole other team was snipers, camping all the entrances/exits from Domination point A. It was retarded as the idiot randoms kept running right down the corridors without first throwing at least a flashbang or smoke. I also ran into a team during Domination on Fallen, that seemed like their whole team was lag switching. And they had every airstrike in the air that could be in the air, it was disastrous.
[quote name='nakanenui']Yeah I have a daughter. She is 18 months going on teenager. I played quite a few games last night, but 32 minutes after Mad and Hito logged off. I could not join NOONE13 no matter what I tried, but had no problems joining Velo's party, go figure. Went from level 62 to 71 in a matter of hours. I still need to figure out a good assault strike set up with corresponding game play strategy (other than don't die).

I ran into a KC match on intersection where the whole other team was snipers, camping all the entrances/exits from Domination point A. It was retarded as the idiot randoms kept running right down the corridors without first throwing at least a flashbang or smoke. I also ran into a team during Domination on Fallen, that seemed like their whole team was lag switching. And they had every airstrike in the air that could be in the air, it was disastrous.[/QUOTE]FWIW, I think clown has such bad connection issues that he's probably not a good choice to host a party. I know I tried it once on DSL and gave up.

My personal preference for the Assault Strike Package is Predator + whatever else I feel like aiming for. The AH6 is pretty awesome for a progressive player like myself but for somebody rushing it tends to lag behind a hair. I can usually hit anywhere between 5-12 kills fairly easily, so 5/7/12 is not too hard if you camp out after releasing 7. With the Assault Strike package the rule of thumb really is don't die. Each killstreak called in chains to the next until the third. I've hit my Attack Helicoptor twice, not being able to call it in again because the previous one is still up.

AH6 can be up during an Attack Helicoptor, Pavelow can't be up at the same time as an Attack Helicoptor or the Osprey. Strike runs I believe are done with AH6s, since I haven't had both up I wouldn't know if they can mix.
I played my first Drop Zone game last night with Toxic. Got lucky the second game and got EMP, AH6 overwatch, and Strafe Run. It was freaking amazing. I went from a 1.12 K/D to a 1.01 K/D after too many games of Drop Zone. Too many people not playing the objective and just Javelin/camping/c4/etc the defenders. Seems a good way to boost your kills if you hang back and do the same.

One game of Team Deathmatch I think it was, I stole someones care package AC130. After we won I graciously thanked him for it in the lobby... hahaha.
Kaiser - wasn't trying to ignore you....had something crazy come up and then I only played 2 matches & got your message on the last match. Horrible lag but went 1.5 K/D in it. The other match was in Dome and I jacked an AH6 overwatch.

I am completely with Mad on the perk layout. You must have Assassin & Dead Silence. I do generally do better with Blind Eye as well, but there is a load where slight of hand is helpful.
[quote name='jmbreci']I am completely with Mad on the perk layout. You must have Assassin & Dead Silence. I do generally do better with Blind Eye as well, but there is a load where slight of hand is helpful.[/QUOTE]
The only reason why I use Blind Eye is because Predators, AC130, Reapers and other stuff can see you with the red box around you. I've used Predators as quick glimpse UAVs to see where people are on the map and it's a great tool when you're on the hunt.
I am not sure what was going on that night when we couldn't get in a party. It's happened before when I try to pla y it my brother. My connection does indeed suck which sometimes works in my favor. I can really tll when I'm getting the lag compensation, those are my best games.

I like using the UAV, predator, and airstrike for assault. I play mostly domination so I find those most useful. If anyone sees me on send me an invite.
Too bad no one was on tonight trolling with me. Got into a KC room where I went 15-3 and I started out when there were already 20 kills.
i didnt even think of checking this thread.
yeah iv been trying some assaults lately after weeks of support.
i like gambling, so care package/predator/attack chopper
or attack chopper/overwatch/pavelow if im feeling good.
i got lucky and got 3 attack copters in a row the other day with overlapping, went 3/4/6, 3/4/6/ 3/4/6 and died. was hoping to get a MOAB but no luck.
i got 23 /1 the other day but that is rare cuz i like to rush like mad.

i dont know why i used a prestige token on xm25, i just hate campers, so i like to airburst them lately.

i need to take a break from mw3 and work on my flippable backlog, it seems every nite i come home and play mw3 from 11:30-2 after i get my toke/drink on. lol

peace all and kaiser ;)
[quote name='Velo214']i didnt even think of checking this thread.
yeah iv been trying some assaults lately after weeks of support.
i like gambling, so care package/predator/attack chopper
or attack chopper/overwatch/pavelow if im feeling good.
i got lucky and got 3 attack copters in a row the other day with overlapping, went 3/4/6, 3/4/6/ 3/4/6 and died. was hoping to get a MOAB but no luck.
i got 23 /1 the other day but that is rare cuz i like to rush like mad.[/QUOTE]
I don't find going for the MOAB as thrilling as going for the Nuke but that's largely because the maps suck. I mean I counted every single kill going for the Nuke, the MOAB I might accidentally get lucky and hit it but it's not something I think to myself 'Okay, 12-13-14... fuck 161718, god damn it, I lost count'. The rage quits, the announcer on the Russian side, loved that nuke button.

I hope Estate makes it back in, I loved that map, loved pretty much every map in MW2. Even Wasteland... as much as everybody else hated it, I learned to love and live that map. I play this game with a heavy heart that it doesn't hold a candle to my cherished MW2.
Just wondering if a patch came out to solve the problems with lag and other things? Really frustrating how buggy the MP is at the moment. Will not be around my ps3 for a week so I'll see guys sometime after the 27th. Happy Holidays!
[quote name='Mad39er'] I'll grab some codes from my truck that I haven't entered and send them your way.[/QUOTE]

sooo, about how many of those extra codes do you have, anyway...hmmmm ;)
I'll take the code, but managed to get my last card needed with entering the codes for my last four 12 packs. I did have one bottle cap that came up invalid today. Anyone have that on a Dew 20oz?

I'll be on Thursday night for sure and maybe tomorrow night.
Hmmmm....guess I'm willing to set something up for Thursday night. However my lack of rage with the lagging is growing. This last patch seems to have made things worse for me - if that is possible with my Cox Internet connection. So, while I do not mind hosting / sending out the invites - it may be your lag we are talking about. :)
Probably not going to be on tonight....or at least not playing any. Got in on the Diablo 3 beta and am downloading that 16GB hog now. Should probably queue it up for when I go to bed....but I'm greedy and want to see it. Wait, it said 16GB and all that is showing up is a little over 3GB to download....
about to log on, have not been on the site for a while since the computer was at work (and Im on vacation) and now I have my wife's laptop now that she is on vacation, haha.

I found my new favorite game mode, HC RIC KC. No team kills, and not as many campers. I need to run an assault class as my KD has been noticeably dropping cause I have focused on support with UAV, ADV UAV, and EMP. I hit EMP frequently, but still not enough kills frequently to rival Mad.
[quote name='nakanenui']I found my new favorite game mode, HC RIC KC. No team kills, and not as many campers. I need to run an assault class as my KD has been noticeably dropping cause I have focused on support with UAV, ADV UAV, and EMP. I hit EMP frequently, but still not enough kills frequently to rival Mad.[/QUOTE]
Don't worry about rivaling me, I have an almost preternatural set of skills I developed over the course of MW2 that randomly let me flip out and kill scores of people while cackling like an evil villain. Quite frankly, yeah, it's pretty damned close to cheating, which is why I laugh because while there is some explanation for it, there isn't a sufficiently good one. If I were Asian it'd make much more sense.

Besides, I always have an off game or two but regardless of anything else it's just a matter of playing the players and the map, rushers are going to rush, campers are going to camp and there really isn't as many progressive types to really worry about. Sharpen the FFA skills, sharpen the Hardcore skills and you'll be fine. The only reason to do FFA is just to build twitch and hunting skills, Hardcore is to build overall awareness and sneaking skills.
[quote name='pbnate88']What are you guys doing with your prestige tokens? Almost hitting the first one[/QUOTE]
Strongly, strongly suggest unlucking Perks or higher level Equipment that will make your life easier. I have yet to need to expand to extra class slots since I don't stay L80 long.
Okay, trolling for noobs tonight. HC was okay last night.....would've been better if I would have had people who knew what a silencer was or who used Dead Silence. It's hardcore, no map for fuck sake. The only way people know where you are is if you are not using a silencer or if they can hear your footsteps.
anyone having an issue with the PS3 version showing as NAT: STRICT
since day one I have had the NAT: OPEN on the MP page, now it's changed to 'STRICT'
I checked out my router all is fine, I even had UPnp enabled, the ps3's network status shows my NAT: Type 2 which it has been that for quite awhile. But now MW3 has changed, I also have a MW3 on my 360 and it is still listed as NAT: OPEN ?? anyone else have this happening?
I have been doing good but my problem is my son ;) I have to play with him on my lap lately or he will try to smack the tv/change channel/etc, lol.

I was doing great with Kaiser the other day and then my controller would just stare into the air, apparently i set it down, got a drink, came back and he had sucked/bit the right stick so it was all wet and would only go up, doh! so i had to switch that controller out(worked fine when dried out) but it is a liability when im one kill off a killstreak and he changes my weapons, lol.

iv been having fun 4/5/7 care package/predator/attack copter.
i was even thinking of going uav/carepack/predator cuz i could really stack them and then rain predator hell in the last minute, but idk, i like that copter for easy kills...

n mad, yeah those mw2 maps are killer. they need to bring those back in.
holy shit i was on fire last nite. ran 23/7, 18/1, and a perfect 16/0 with 2 stacked attack copters. i have had the video recording turned off tho, so no vaults, but i checked out that elite app and it was sweet to see my recent game kills/etc.

that 16/0 was a fire round too, i was running out of ammo everywhere(i know i should use scavenger) so i picked up someone's p90s and got a kill and picked up their sniper gun and was like oh shit but got lucky and no scope headshot a dude, lol, my girl was like wtf, then i got in a knife fight with a striker shotgunner and took him down and stole his shotgun and rocked it.

i also had a dome round with 3 sentry guns, and it is hilarious cuz i love that you can hear the enemy's mics now on, which destroys any strategic talking but you can hear them yelling, oh my god those sentry guns are killing us!

i played a round of domination this morning and tore it up 55/25, haha, lots of deaths but almost 4000 in points, wish i was running x2 xp. good stuff ;) i even finished with an attack copter and ims without being used cuz no air space and didn't have time to toss it out

im switching out my reaper for an ac130 cuz i cant do shit with my reaper except tear up the building, but my ac130 actually gets multikills. im trying to get to my attack chopper without using my predator so i can save it to take out enemy copters/ospreys/etc. i used to run support to tear up their escort airdrops but i could only do it once a round, whereas with a predator it only takes like 4/5 kills and ospreys go down with 1 hit still. that must suck. lol

i think im finally gonna switch out my xm25 for an akimbo machine pistol, any suggestions for skorpion or g18 or those fm9s or something. i know lots were playing those fm's but didnt they nerf them? iv been all acr/xm25, but im becoming much more aggressive/rush player and id rather have a spraynpray then a camperbuster. might eventually switch my acr for pp90 whatevs, but idk... i like my range and noobtoobs./

peace all
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[quote name='Velo214']
i also had a dome round with 3 sentry guns, and it is hilarious cuz i love that you can hear the enemy's mics now on, which destroys any strategic talking but you can hear them yelling, oh my god those sentry guns are killing us!

It is funny to hear the enemy. I had some whiny person yell "that p*ssy knifed me!" as he was camping in Lockdown. So I left the area and knifed him again on the way down the stairs and said "that's what you get for camping". He was raging at that time and talking all sorts of trash after they got wiped.
Played last night for a little while, the game is nowhere near as rage inducing as mw2/blops ever were. Got into a lot of great games and a lot of bad games. I also had a hilarious situation where i stabbed someone, and they went into final stand (wtf) and then killed me. It was so ridiculous i just had to laugh at it.
Now I remember why I really don't play S&D without people I have played with before. I think I was even or positive on all matches, but you are severely hindered with people who are not using dead silence and/or run around shooting into the wind without silencers. I also noticed that I lost a couple of 1 on 1's due to being against someone with rapid fire.

I was the only one with a mic and had to comment to the person (after a round) when they were the last one left and ask them why they felt compelled to run (literally) with a sniper rifle when it was 1 on 3? That and I asked why they were crouching in an off corner of the map with little hope of anyone running by them.
Sorry to everyone I have ignored lately....I've been playing with some stuff and did not feel like dragging everyone else down. That and decided to play some S&D, which unless we have 4-6 is not worth dragging others into (IMO).

Anyway, going to play around for a bit tonight and will probably invite some people after 9pm CST. Tomorrow night after 9:30-10 CST. Nothing on Saturday, then again on Sunday.
I won't be around much for the next two weeks. Real life happened and somebody I know got into a spot of trouble which just means a heavier load on me. Hopefully it'll all resolve it's self by then. Granted nobody will probably notice any difference.
We will....or at least I won't be helping me stay alive...or killing those who kill me. ;) Best wishes you to...I know that life happens....
[quote name='jmbreci']We will....or at least I won't be helping me stay alive...or killing those who kill me. ;) Best wishes you to...I know that life happens....[/QUOTE]
Dude, this one is an awesome story. When the legalities settle down, who knows but you're top on my list for hearing it whether you want to or not, lol.
[quote name='Mad39er']I won't be around much for the next two weeks. Real life happened and somebody I know got into a spot of trouble which just means a heavier load on me. Hopefully it'll all resolve it's self by then. Granted nobody will probably notice any difference.[/QUOTE]

O no. Who am I gonna race against to get pablo. Best of luck and see you when you return.
got into a bunch of horendous games tonight. LAG like crazy. Still had quite a few matches like 26-6, 20-4, etc, but a lot of matches were more 11-11, 13-12, etc. If it wasnt for the akimbo fmg9s i'd do a lot worse since i am leveling up my guns to get gold on every one, and its a nightmare.
I know you get a title for unlocking all attachments for a gun, but do you get another title for leveling all of them up? if so, does that include headshots? (I'm really close on p90 and m36, on everything but headshots)
[quote name='langdon_alger']I know you get a title for unlocking all attachments for a gun, but do you get another title for leveling all of them up? if so, does that include headshots? (I'm really close on p90 and m36, on everything but headshots)[/QUOTE]

You get a title for: unlocking all attachments, 500 kills, 2500 kills, 250 headshots. You get an emblem for 1000 kills.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']You get a title for: unlocking all attachments, 500 kills, 2500 kills, 250 headshots. You get an emblem for 1000 kills.[/QUOTE]

so I don't necessarily need to worry about maxing the attachments...good to know. thanks.
Jonesing for some mw3 but with company over I cannot get any time in. Sunday night I should be on after people leave and go back home. Happy new year.
bread's done