Modern Warfare 3 Discussion Thread - Out 11/8/11. New Multiplayer Trailer!

so 'stige time is almost upon me...I think I'll have 3 tokens to use on unlocking stuff. assuming I can use them all at once.

1) AK was a lock; until I unlocked the FAD and went 14-6 (shut up, it's good for me) on my first match with it...not sure what to do now...

2) p90 was my 'most used' this round. thought about pp90, but that unlocks at 28. So probably P90, if anything.

3) Stinger. because not enough people go after the free 50xp any time 'enemy UAV spotted.'
4) Dead Slience (stupidly easy to level up, jump out windows!)

what have you repeat 'stigers found to be the best/most useful things to unlock?
While I have not, I would say Dead Silence would be my first choice. Silence is golden. Meh for me on the others. I'm actually tired of using the stinger after a match a couple of nights ago. Think I took down 3 attack copters and 1 pablo and the intelligent people on my team were still running around like headless chickens getting shot by them. I don't even bother with the UAVs since I'm generally unseen by them as it is.
[quote name='langdon_alger']so 'stige time is almost upon me...I think I'll have 3 tokens to use on unlocking stuff. assuming I can use them all at once.

1) AK was a lock; until I unlocked the FAD and went 14-6 (shut up, it's good for me) on my first match with it...not sure what to do now...

2) p90 was my 'most used' this round. thought about pp90, but that unlocks at 28. So probably P90, if anything.

3) Stinger. because not enough people go after the free 50xp any time 'enemy UAV spotted.'
4) Dead Slience (stupidly easy to level up, jump out windows!)

what have you repeat 'stigers found to be the best/most useful things to unlock?[/QUOTE]I've said it before, Blind Eye Pro adds tons extra damage to your gunfire against air support, you don't need a Stinger when a single mag from an AR/SMG will take out a helicoptor/pavelow/osprey. Use the default launcher to get you up to BEPro by taking out UAVs and such, it's not that many "kills" if you're supporting. BEPro makes any class an anti-air class and it's way easier to be more versatile now than before since it really encourages you to pick up the guns of people you kill.

FAD is like the MW2 ACR, the AK feels like the old traditional AK, both are good but the FAD takes an extra bullet or so to kill. I like the magazine capacity for the FAD, since you have more bullets left over when shooting shit out of the air with BEPro.

[quote name='jmbreci']While I have not, I would say Dead Silence would be my first choice. Silence is golden. Meh for me on the others. I'm actually tired of using the stinger after a match a couple of nights ago. Think I took down 3 attack copters and 1 pablo and the intelligent people on my team were still running around like headless chickens getting shot by them. I don't even bother with the UAVs since I'm generally unseen by them as it is.[/QUOTE]Dead Silence is the highest level perk, Assassin and Blind Eye unlock relatively early. Can't go wrong with picking the highest level unlocks first really. If it's stuff you like to use, use it from the start.
Almost at Prestige #2. Been playing with a bunch of Toxic's friends and most often by myself. Sucks that our time schedules do not sync.
[quote name='nakanenui']Almost at Prestige #2. Been playing with a bunch of Toxic's friends and most often by myself. Sucks that our time schedules do not sync.[/QUOTE]

Are ou guys playing TDM?
[quote name='Thomas96']Are ou guys playing TDM?[/QUOTE]

When playing by myself I am jumping into many different game types. I like the Hardcore Ricochet types because an idiot random cannot team kill, and it allows you to level up weaker guns (handguns especially). And in hardcore there is no kill cam so you can sort of hide easier if you are less of a twitch player (like me).

I have not checked our CAG Central clan stats yet, so how are we doing? Has anyone entered any of the elite 'lone wolf' competitions?

I hit level 80 last night so only about 40k xp from Prestige 2 level 1. I might spend a token to unlock the FAD as it is growing on me. And about the RPG, is it better to aim at the person so it does not explode at all (I have been trying to aim at their feet or the wall next to them to get the explosion to kill them, but I have been killed by the rpg as it zooms right through me after it went through the guy in front of me)?
I still haven't used any of my tokens. I was going to get the FAD, but I began this run with the starting 3-round burst AR; I'm really getting used to it. Paired with Marksman I can get some crazy-ass longshots.

And I forgot how crappy the fmg's were before you can akimbo them.
just prestiged again last nite, i already miss my green emblem...
i used my tokens on acr and xm25, i know i should get a real secondary, but i love camperbusting, especially with my recon... hehe, keep hiding behind that cover for me to pull out and adjust my xm25, pow.
my only problem is rushers and akimbos cuz my cqc is spraynpray with acr.

iv been tearing it up tho, 44 n 7 last nite, seemed that way every round.
i also had a pavelow and assault drone eating people up.
i also got a new message, iv seen air space is full, but i got a 'too many vehicles' message when i tried to do a strafe run with some other stuff in the air. good stuff.

n doh, i had like 3 hours x2 xp and didnt enter it in in time, oh wellz
feel free to add me when you guys play...anyone have any idea what the 4 small circles(pins?) what they are for or how you get them?
[quote name='nakanenui']When playing by myself I am jumping into many different game types. I like the Hardcore Ricochet types because an idiot random cannot team kill, and it allows you to level up weaker guns (handguns especially). And in hardcore there is no kill cam so you can sort of hide easier if you are less of a twitch player (like me).

I have not checked our CAG Central clan stats yet, so how are we doing? Has anyone entered any of the elite 'lone wolf' competitions?

I hit level 80 last night so only about 40k xp from Prestige 2 level 1. I might spend a token to unlock the FAD as it is growing on me. And about the RPG, is it better to aim at the person so it does not explode at all (I have been trying to aim at their feet or the wall next to them to get the explosion to kill them, but I have been killed by the rpg as it zooms right through me after it went through the guy in front of me)?[/QUOTE]

Add me and I'll play with you,.... I need to play more than TDM

Psn: thomaticus
Is it just me or are there a lot more people with the cheater controllers now than in MW2? Ran into it in all but a single game last night. Funny how people use those and get offended when you call them out on it. Except for one person, I think the entire other team had them in the last game I played. Wish I would have had the recording on for that.
[quote name='jmbreci']Is it just me or are there a lot more people with the cheater controllers now than in MW2? Ran into it in all but a single game last night. Funny how people use those and get offended when you call them out on it. Except for one person, I think the entire other team had them in the last game I played. Wish I would have had the recording on for that.[/QUOTE]

I have ran into quite a few drop shots, and saw a video of a jump shot controller mod too. WTH do people feel the need to spend good money on cheating devices just for an ego boost.

Sorry bout last night ZSNOREZ I was running with a group already.

Thomas I will hit you up with a friend request tonight.

I just hit level 21-22 on my 2nd prestige (green emblem?), and level 1-20 was painful (went 0.5 or worse on most games). I noticed a lot of lag lately even though the connection bars are either 3 or 4. Going to focus now on specialist killstreak strategy. Maybe next round I will try assault (which I cant stay alive long enough to get higher than attack chopper). I love the stinger as it will 1-shot most air vehicles.

I love when someone calls in a strafe run and I have a stinger out, so I can shoot 3/4/5 of them out in one go.
oh man, tonight was one of those Mw2-esqe nights. Nothing was going my way, my usual 3+ k/d ratio was like 0.7 if even that. Everyone was drop shotting, hiding in a corner somewhere waiting for you to run past them, random grandes all over the map killing me as i spawned, etc. Basically, it doesnt get worse then what i experienced tonight. Pure, unadulterated trash players over and over, lobby after lobby. Astonishingly horrific experience.

Calladoody living up to its name.
i finally found mw3 for 30. i remember reading that you get a prestige token for each prestige from previous mw's. i was looking forward to unlocking dead silence. but i didnt get any tokens. how does unlocking by prestige token work - specifically does it get unlocked "permanently" and doesnt get reset upon a new prestige?

i love being poor and having to scavenge pimped out guns. any advice to get through my 1st prestige? what classes/guns/etc to get choose? thanks.

on the modded controllers, i like how bf3 implemented a cursor lag when you dropped to prone that gave you instant disadvantage.
enuf, you get 1 token for each of the COD games that you did prestige in (max 1 per game). I think you have to play a MW3 game online for it to register, then it should show up in the barracks/prestige_shop. You could spend the token on double xp or double weapon xp but those are 1x use only, so it is a waste. Save your tokens until your first prestige to unlock any weapons/perks you really like so that you can access them after you hit level 5 and can create custom classes.

I hit my first 5-7-9 assault streak last night and was just in awe at my attack chopper and overwatch going to work. Ended up 30-5 or something like that. Then the next round I hit my 5-7 but couldnt call in my attack chopper because airspace was crowded so I missed out on my overwatch. Those copters can do some damage, especially if the other team is too stupid to shoot them down.

Thomas, you are already on my friends list. I will be playing for a longer session tonight if anyone is on and wants to throw me an invite.
This game is going to give me cancer. Had a string of awesome games, having a blast, then non-stop mexicans (mexican flag titles, MEXI*** usernames) all showed up out of nowhere and camping in the dumbest places on their stomachs shooting you as you walk by. I wish i could find these people IRL, i really do.
thanks for the info kaiser.

[quote name='blitz6speed']This game is going to give me cancer. Had a string of awesome games, having a blast, then non-stop mexicans (mexican flag titles, MEXI*** usernames) all showed up out of nowhere and camping in the dumbest places on their stomachs shooting you as you walk by. I wish i could find these people IRL, i really do.[/QUOTE]

i almost expect paco to respond to you.

i dont know how guys get those high kills counts/killstreaks. i had trouble reaching two or three. recently, ive vastly improved with silenced p90 and "run" that im able to occasionally reach the care/predator/heli combo or the 7 in specialist. and yeah for the finally unlocking the stinger.

drop zone was great up to a point. its the pure surprise of care packages. then i realized the killstreak rewards dont count your towards quests.
Been stuck in swtor lol, so when do we get our new maps for elite? It's a rip off if 360 gets then 1 month before the people who actually PAID for the stupid subscription -_- at least I got the hardened edition so it's about $40
[quote name='Gannikus']Been stuck in swtor lol, so when do we get our new maps for elite? It's a rip off if 360 gets then 1 month before the people who actually PAID for the stupid subscription -_- at least I got the hardened edition so it's about $40[/QUOTE]

GREAT question. It's absolute bullshit if we have to wait until February to get our first Elite stuff. We better at least get a Prestige token and some double xp...
i dont even want the new maps. im bout done on mw3.
i did awesome last nite on a few rounds, hit my 4/5/7 twice in a row.
yeah i love it when the other team doesnt shoot my stuff out of the air.
it makes a huge difference, you play against a good team and they knock my attack chopper out even before i get a kill.
you play against some novices and you get kills all over and respawn and it is still flying around racking up kills for ya, as long as they don't shoot it down ;)
n yeah i like that overwatch can lap with attack chopper.

i run recon/hardline/marksman but w care packages/predator(also anti osprey), and attack chopper. I love the randomness of care packages and getting an ac130/osprey/jugs etc.

in blops, pre patch, i could flip the care packages of sams/cp's/sentrys. im a gambler at heart so it was great to get 3 shots at upgrading my crap/dogs/chopper gunner.

i could run chopper gunner every round tho (9 kills, and without killstreaks stacking) in blops, but i feel good when i get my 7 kills attack chopper here. idk

and i still love my xm25, i can't give it up.
Been playing Dropzone and having an absolute blast with it. Played for hours in fact and most of the time i had fun matches and minimal lag. Then of course, the mexicans showed up. Mexican flags and MEXI usernames in tow, these guys were all on their stomachs and hiding in corners every single effing match over and over. I would pay 150 a year to have a way to never play online with another mexican person again in COD. Actually, make it 200.
Been playing some Dropzone and man its so fun. Played for hours, having a blast and really enjoying not having the stress of "zomg need 1 more kill for that predator!". My cousins and i played for hours, having a great time, till the you know whos showed up. On their stomachs and hiding in every corner imaginable, the killcams tend to look like paintings of them having their sights up and not moving an inch till you run past. When playing with non-trash people, COD is an absolute blast. When playing with these people, it makes the game trash, because they lower the game to their level. Horrible.
Drop Zone is a nice and fresh mode to play (no killstreaks so campers are only in it for their K/D ratio). You will always have people who play for kills (grass campers) and rely on their team to win the game while they grow their K/D ratio. Now if majority of their team has lit the campfire, then all the better for those who play the objective can have fun and win the game easily. I noticed that Drop Zone does have a bunch of Toobers though as usually the whole of one team is trying to get the care packages so they make easy targets for the toobers, nade tossers, and launchers for easy kills (or at least an easy way to level up recon perk). I tried using trophy system but that only blocks the first 2 incoming before it is used up (but an easy way to complete the trophy systeym challenge). Do they DZ care packages count towards their respective kill challenges (like kill w predator, ac130, reaper?) or the call in challenges (call in x choppers, stealth bombers?). My guess is no since they were not "earned" through kill/support streak.
[quote name='nakanenui']Drop Zone is a nice and fresh mode to play (no killstreaks so campers are only in it for their K/D ratio). You will always have people who play for kills (grass campers) and rely on their team to win the game while they grow their K/D ratio. Now if majority of their team has lit the campfire, then all the better for those who play the objective can have fun and win the game easily. I noticed that Drop Zone does have a bunch of Toobers though as usually the whole of one team is trying to get the care packages so they make easy targets for the toobers, nade tossers, and launchers for easy kills (or at least an easy way to level up recon perk). I tried using trophy system but that only blocks the first 2 incoming before it is used up (but an easy way to complete the trophy systeym challenge). Do they DZ care packages count towards their respective kill challenges (like kill w predator, ac130, reaper?) or the call in challenges (call in x choppers, stealth bombers?). My guess is no since they were not "earned" through kill/support streak.[/QUOTE]

I have played Drop Zone exclusively from the middle of my 2nd prestige thru to where i am now in my 4th prestige. It is the only mode of the game where I actually seem to have any fun playing. Like you said fewer campers and even then they have to move around to keep up with the drop zones. The RPG and Javelin are a blast to use in this mode. I maxed out Recon and Blast Shield almost immediately. Also I think that the Riot Shield is useful in this mode as well. Using the shield I have gotten 5000 xp in one match several times. If anyone wants to play Drop Zone and I would definitely be up for it. I can't play TDM anymore, the spawns and horrible lag I seem to get every time ruin it for me.

Also no those killstreaks don't count towards the challenges, though I think the kills you get from them might count for the prestige challenges. I only saw that because I have kills in there from a pavelow, AC130, etc. and the only way I would have gotten those would be through a care package.
I may have to try some drop zone. I'm tired of the cheater controllers and grass campers in TDM and KC. If I can get Mad to join back on we may need a night of S&D to get back into the swing of things. I know, S&D is sometimes a camp fest, but you know that going in and tend to stay with your team more - exploring every corner. Get NoKill back and I'll run Riot Shield in S&D. :)
im always looking for people to play with....add me....

started playin dropzone last night...definitely a nice change of pace fast moving...still get in the occasional game where people just camp but nowhere nearly as much
Pinched a nerve in my neck on Sunday and this Winter, while it hasn't been cold, it's been frustrating with long hours. More of the same, I'm checking the boards but otherwise I've been trying every bit of hustle to get more hours in at work.
[quote name='Mad39er']Pinched a nerve in my neck on Sunday and this Winter, while it hasn't been cold, it's been frustrating with long hours. More of the same, I'm checking the boards but otherwise I've been trying every bit of hustle to get more hours in at work.[/QUOTE]

No problem Mad, though things just are not the same as MW2 days, when things settle down we know you will be back. WITH A VENGEANCE. Life gets in the way and SHOULD take priority over any videogames. I for one am lucky I have time to game now a days, and understand if anyone drops off for a while.
[quote name='Mad39er']Pinched a nerve in my neck on Sunday and this Winter, while it hasn't been cold, it's been frustrating with long hours. More of the same, I'm checking the boards but otherwise I've been trying every bit of hustle to get more hours in at work.[/QUOTE]

That sucks my friend. Hope to see you soon and hope the pinch nerve feels better. But apologies to folks for not being on lately. Didn't realized teaching responsibilities requires so much time. Hope to be on in a couple of weeks and hopefully DLC may drop by then. See you guys soon.
Anybody going to be up for the 14th? Saturday starts the Lone Wolf operation for highest total TDM kills for an iPad. I'd like to think I could pull in a few peeps and try to hit a new personal best and try to win an iPad. It starts and runs 5pm PST(8pm EST) to 8pm PST(11pm EST).
Sorry to hear about the pinched nerve...those suck no matter where they are at. I cannot be your sacrificial lamb to draw people in on Saturday as I have a commitment that would cause me great pain from the wife if I cancel.
I'm convinced that this is the worst online experience I've ever had, yet I can't help but go back to it every time. I was never this frustrated with Black Ops or Modern Warfare 2 or any other COD for that matter. I just truly cannot stand this game or the community anymore.
[quote name='kagekiri']I should be around for the 14th. Hit me up whenever you get the chance Mad.[/QUOTE]
Most definitely, I'm aiming to get some practice in tomorrow night. I am tempted to play tonight but the install I did has pain now shooting across my lungs and the pain is making me a lil nauseous.

Looking forward to the 14th, I'm sure we'll have to work out the details of our theatrics. I'd like one of us to win it if possible.
Well to be honest it is most likely gonna be you. I am so rusty at the game it is probably not gonna be funny. If you want I can go full support and keep enemy killstreaks to a min. We should have a plan before things start rolling!
[quote name='SnorE']i take it you have to have "elite" status for the ipad tourny?[/QUOTE]
I believe all Elite competitions should require premium membership. Anybody can register for a free Elite account though, to compete they need to buy Elite status or at least should have to.

Trying to muster up the energy to hop on now.

This has to be the funniest video of mw3 ive ever seen. It really captures what happens when you get into a lagged lobby with a bunch of people hiding on their stomachs and in corners. Freakin hilarious. The part where he
goes to destroy the IMS and then gets sniped by the same sniper again
, i spit my drink all over my 3dtv, just absolutely HILARIOUS.
[quote name='blitz6speed']
This has to be the funniest video of mw3 ive ever seen. It really captures what happens when you get into a lagged lobby with a bunch of people hiding on their stomachs and in corners. Freakin hilarious. The part where he
goes to destroy the IMS and then gets sniped by the same sniper again
, i spit my drink all over my 3dtv, just absolutely HILARIOUS.[/QUOTE]
I've said it before in the 360 thread about another hit detection video, I'll say it again. The guy is trash, plays like trash and expects to be rewarded for it. The hit detection was spot on except he wasn't ADSing, he took the chance that hipfiring would score kills.

I do enjoy nubstomping and he'd probably get killed by me the most. Screenshot of nub-abuse.
Looks like I missed the "fun" games, although I think I recall us winning one where the other team didn't have 4000 points. Some of those last night were frustrating due to the lag. I'll leave out any camping complaints....guess you can play like that, but wow is that boring.
We make a great team. The only problem is that you guys kill everyone and I cant find anyone to kill. When you on a team where you have people who are really good the best thing you can do is not die. I didn't realize it while playing but I had the game mode off on my TV which created some input lag. I'm positive that I would have played better if I had turned it on.
I just got home but anybody that may be available and wants to help me out, feel free to hit me up for an invite. Any help or witnesses would be welcome, the event runs from now til 11pm EST, so 2 1/2 hours left.
[quote name='jmbreci']Just got home from a work party. Hope you did well....let us know.[/QUOTE]
I was playing with my Boss and his son but the best I did was 31 kills. The nub of his son kept doing shit to distract me, like shooting at me and being dumb. Could I have done better without the distraction? Maybe. When I was left alone I went 31 and 5, so who knows. I wish Hito would have made it, I think I could have taken the event at 35-38 kills.

Edit: I'm not quite sure how this event works. The previous one counted kills up until completion. I missed maybe 20 minutes worth of play time. Elite is being a little f'ed up with their match tracking too, so I don't know how I really did.
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