Monado: Beginning of the World / Xenoblade (Wii) Pre-Order @ amazon ($59.99)

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Before coming in here to complain MSRP isn't a deal, please listen for a bit!

There is an increasingly growing campaign, spanning multiple forums and gaming sites (NeoGaf, IGN, GoNintendo, Kotaku, Destructoid, Gamefaqs, Nintendoeverything, and more), trying to get Nintendo to listen up and release this (+The Last Story and Pandora's Tower) in the U.S.

The campaign includes snail mail writing, e-mail, phone calls, facebook, and twitter and the turn-out has been beyond all expectations thus far. Comments on Nintendo's Facebook had passed 1,300 in just 24 hours.

But actions speak louder than words, so to convey that Nintendo fans really want this, people have decided to show for it by pre-ordering on amazon -- hoping to get it to the #1 sales rank in video games from #12,000+


Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #30 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#5 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

See this too:

So the deal is this, please pre-order it to help get it released in the U.S. Remember: actions speak louder than words.


It costs nothing to pre-order! also, if the game does come out, the MSRP will surely drop to $49.99.

Edit -- Update #1:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #25 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#4 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

Edit: Update #2:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #24 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#3 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

Edit: Update #3 on amazon sales rank:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank:
#16 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#3 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

Edit: Update #4 on amazon sales rank:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank:
#9 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#1 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

Edit: Update #5 on amazon sales rank:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank:
#4 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#1 in Video Games > Wii > All Games
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[quote name='JanusZeal2']I can think of at least 3 ways Nintendo could make this work. (But they don't like money, so they probably won't do any of them):

1.) Release the 3 games as a "swan song" for the Wii in North America, and a gesture of good faith that they actually do intend to make the Wii U a more "core" friendly gaming system.

2.) Port the 3 games to the Wii U for North America. Strengthens their launch or near launch lineup, and also signals that they intend to make the Wii U a more "core" friendly gaming system.

3.) Let one of the last system updates for the Wii be one that strips out the region lock, so that interested gamers can then import the European versions. We know Xenoblade is coming out there, and I've heard that Last Story may be headed there as well. Not sure about Pandora's Tower though. They're probably planning to bury the Wii anyway as soon as the Wii U hits shelves, and an imported game is still a sold game, so what's the harm?

So there's at least 4 ways for North American gamers to play these games, and the choice is Nintendo's. (That last line wasn't a typo).[/QUOTE]

Good list and 1 and 2 can sort of be combined with the Wii U being backwards compatible. New Play Control Wii U maybe? A man can dream.

In the mean time, I'll be taking a look behind door number four.
[quote name='Vortextk']I'd like to ask someone like him to find some jrpg released worldwide recently that didn't sell better outside of japan.[/QUOTE]

I don't know if you meant him as in me or him as in jer7583, but let's play the numbers game anyway... If you are to believe VGChartz numbers, you should look up Dragon Quest DS titles, Ys PSP titles, Trails in the Sky, and recent Pokemon DS titles. Even for the Final Fantasy games, Japanese sales are higher (surprise to me actually), and Japan has higher numbers for these games despite their smaller gaming population. (I think most people have a misperception of otakus and gamers in Japan being a large group, but in reality it's a niche.) There aren't very many games that even get close to one million sellers in Japan unless it's a Final Fantasy game, a Nintendo game, a Dragon Quest game, or a Monster Hunter game from my quick browsing of titles. Actually looking at Dragon Quest IX, a Nintendo published RPG, the numbers are quite telling why Nintendo may not want to risk another JRPG stateside. The European numbers are a bit more respectable and probably were enough for Nintendo to take the risk.

I'm not going to knock anyone for playing JRPGs, but it's still a niche genre. You can bitch and whine at Nintendo all you want, but looking at the numbers, it doesn't seem economical.

Like others mentioned, Atlus, Aksys, or XSeed would have been much better publishing partners since this would likely be a niche title here, but I doubt Nintendo would be willing to sell the publishing rights.
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[quote name='nervousxtian']There's a reason the trade-in value at Gamestop for a Wii is $15. There hasn't been a truly interesting release in forever.. the only reason I had it was for these 3 games.[/QUOTE]
Wow, $15. For that price I will just keep my Wii and do things to it, things that are not allowed to be discussed here :lol:. I mean I had intentions of reselling the damn thing when the Wii-U came close to launch but not now, $15 is just no.
You're looking up handheld titles? I'd say that's an immediate unfair disconnect, without reason. Look up console titles, since that is what we are talking about, console games, and get back to me. Yes handhelds are huge in japan, yet console sales relatively suck compared to the rest of the world. So why make a console game for a tiny fraction of people in japan and not bring it to the rest of the world? If you look up the same kinds of games for ANY OF THE THREE MAJOR CONSOLES TODAY you will find the results completely backwards to all of your examples, guaranteed.
[quote name='uthoria']Im currently exploring the forth option... fellow CAGs can feel free to PM me with any suggestions or tips[/QUOTE]

What's to explore? It takes literally less than 5 minutes.

I have had "option #4" for years. I did it for reasons like Disaster (meh) and earlier this year I was able to fire up TLS to see how much better it looked than in videos (I'm still waiting on the U.S. version to buy though). I also enjoy other legal things like being able to use my old Quake PC .pak file to run Quake on the Wii. So awesome. Modding=/=piracy. Over the years I have also bought games like Madworld, NMH 1 & 2, The Conduit, Monster Hunter Tri and all 1st party titles on day 1 at full price, even with the ability to play these titles for free. I also have Monado pre-ordered at Amazon. I own well over 50 Wii games and would be willing to buy more. This crap does little to help nuture that feeling though.

You all do what you want. If these games come out here, I will buy them. If they don't I will still play them. Screw you, Reggie.

[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Wow, $15. For that price I will just keep my Wii and do things to it, things that are not allowed to be discussed here :lol:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Vortextk']You're looking up handheld titles? I'd say that's an immediate unfair disconnect, without reason. Look up console titles, since that is what we are talking about, console games, and get back to me. Yes handhelds are huge in japan, yet console sales relatively suck compared to the rest of the world. So why make a console game for a tiny fraction of people in japan and not bring it to the rest of the world? If you look up the same kinds of games for ANY OF THE THREE MAJOR CONSOLES TODAY you will find the results completely backwards to all of your examples, guaranteed.[/QUOTE]

First off, calm down. Like I said, I'm not a JRPG fanboy, and the last few JRPG's I've played/bought have been handheld ones. So let's throw away my previous argument.

Second, it appears you're right (except for every Final Fantasy since VII, which I did point out earlier), but the numbers for most RPG's are still low no matter how you cut it. Just look at the Wii specifically since we are talking about a Wii game here. Only two "RPG's" in VGChartz's database sold over 1 million worldwide and that's Monster Hunter Tri and Pokemon Battle Revolution (I put RPG's in quotes because I don't think Battle Revolution had much RPG to it...) Okay, so 1 million is great for a runaway hit. I can concede that. But there isn't a lot of games that get to 200K in sales in the Americas or break 500K worldwide in that list.

People are saying NoA doesn't like money, but it appears they love money and don't want to make a translation that would cause them to lose money. The Wii RPG sales trend, especially in North America aren't exactly instilling confidence. Clearly if this was a game for the DS, the story would be different considering how much better sales are on that platform for Nintendo.

The real problem was Monolith choosing Nintendo as their publishing partner (or I heard Nintendo invested in Monolith and hence the Wii exclusive?). Judging by the numbers, JRPG's definitely had better luck on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Most of the sales can actual match the Japanese numbers or quite often beat them.

TL;DR: JRPG's on the Wii are risky business, and Nintendo loves money. Hence, no Monado/Xenoblade, North America.
Nintendo owns Monolith Soft, they're first party. Xenoblade is not getting published by anyone but Nintendo. Ever.

Localizing a game doesn't take that much money (even text-heavy RPGs). They sell maybe 50K units, their costs are recouped. There's another reason they're not bringing them here.
[quote name='imacgod']TL;DR: JRPG's on the Wii are risky business, and Nintendo loves money. Hence, no Monado/Xenoblade, North America.[/QUOTE]

Lol I love the "calm down" over the internet when you use any form of caps or exclamation marks for emphasis. Again, when you or anyone says "well they sell crappy regardless" I am NOT disagreeing, but if you spend (made up numbers) 6 million dollars to deliver this product, sell 150k copies to your native consumers, and then spend an additional 500k dollars to sell 350k more copies world wide it doesn't matter if that number is "low" compared to other games or how much you put in.

I have no idea what a wii game costs to make and I have no idea how much localization costs for a text/dialogue heavy game, but I'm willing to bet that it's a small fraction(even good VAs) compared to full development since it is infact a small fraction of the costs for the original japanese version anyway.

I'm waiting for someone to beat me over the head with the math with something really simple that I just don't know. When I think about it myself the only argument I can think of is that a lot of these sales everywhere else are at discounted prices and in japan they're at regular price(or technically higher as a lot of their media is) and maybe second hand games/msrp price cuts aren't as common there.

If that's the point I'm missing which no one can give us an accurate average of price per game anyway(as to my argument, possible discounts and msrp cuts) except the people making money off it, then I would atleast be satiated with a logical answer as to why they would be hesitant. Even in that case, there are a lot of companies marketing tiny niche jrpgs to the west and continue to do business so I have to imagine someone in the world understands and makes money off this, even if it's not COD money.

As to prinny, are you alluding to something specifically or just reasoning out that fact?
From a business side, it is Nintendo only having enough resources to release X number of games the rest of the year. From their marketing and focus group people decide that this isn't the best game to release.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']
Localizing a game doesn't take that much money (even text-heavy RPGs). They sell maybe 50K units, their costs are recouped. There's another reason they're not bringing them here.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. If Atlus and all those other companies can afford to localize super niche games and still make profits, then I don't see how a relatively less niche game like this could possibly be too hard or expensive to localize.
[quote name='62t']From a business side, it is Nintendo only having enough resources to release X number of games the rest of the year. From their marketing and focus group people decide that this isn't the best game to release.[/QUOTE]

not true, if nintendo wanted to, it could release these games without any issue.

If you think nintendos financial situation is that bad wait til next gen when they lose the casual market to the ios/android/facebook market and then come in third place to ms/sony.

they need to be proactive now. I dont even want these games personally but I recognize why they are making a mistake in not releasing them.

The release cost isn't greater than the fan backlash they are receiving.
[quote name='retrad']not true, if nintendo wanted to, it could release these games without any issue.

If you think nintendos financial situation is that bad wait til next gen when they lose the casual market to the ios/android/facebook market and then come in third place to ms/sony.

they need to be proactive now. I dont even want these games personally but I recognize why they are making a mistake in not releasing them.

The release cost isn't greater than the fan backlash they are receiving.[/QUOTE]

The backlash is no more than Capcom not releasing Ace Attorney Investigations 2, Sega not releasing Valkyria Chronicles 3, or Nintendo not releasing Mother 3. Social Media has lead you to think this is a bigger deal than it really is.
[quote name='62t']The backlash is no more than Capcom not releasing Ace Attorney Investigations 2, Sega not releasing Valkyria Chronicles 3, or Nintendo not releasing Mother 3. Social Media has lead you to think this is a bigger deal than it really is.[/QUOTE]

So how big a deal is it then? Since social media hasn't had the same effect on you that is has anyone that wanted this game.

All those games you mentioned are for handheld systems. And again, in case you weren't aware, Xenoblade already has an English translation. So that usual excuse is Bullshit.

The fact is its a dick move by nintendo. A very stupid dick move, at a very inopportune time, when they are supposed to be wrapping up the Wii's pathetic lifecycle on a better note, and showing they care about the hardcore fans that have been gaming with them since the 80s. This drastically lowered my interest in whatever the fuck the Wii U is supposed to be. On the off chance it gets good RPGs, we won't be able to play em
Joystiq made a very good point in regards to Nintendo having "no plans" to bring these games out here:
Not that we want to give false hope regarding the actions of a company who is always pragmatic to the point of angering dedicated fans, but "no plans right now" is far from a death knell, especially for Nintendo. Some things that there were "no plans" for in America: the black Wii, the Classic Controller Pro, the Wii Sports Resort hardware bundle. Basically, there are "no plans" until the company decides to tell people its plans.

[quote name='Xenogears']And again, in case you weren't aware, Xenoblade already has an English translation. So that usual excuse is Bullshit.[/QUOTE]
Which makes it all the more likely we'll eventually get these games regardless of what they're saying now.
[quote name='Xenogears']So how big a deal is it then? Since social media hasn't had the same effect on you that is has anyone that wanted this game.

All those games you mentioned are for handheld systems. And again, in case you weren't aware, Xenoblade already has an English translation. So that usual excuse is Bullshit.

The fact is its a dick move by nintendo. A very stupid dick move, at a very inopportune time, when they are supposed to be wrapping up the Wii's pathetic lifecycle on a better note, and showing they care about the hardcore fans that have been gaming with them since the 80s. This drastically lowered my interest in whatever the fuck the Wii U is supposed to be. On the off chance it gets good RPGs, we won't be able to play em[/QUOTE]

Other games has gotten full translation without release, most notable being the original Mother.

I personally will be playing this game in September, as well others who plan to import. Seems to be better than wasting time begging Nintendo.

[quote name='Thrinn']Joystiq made a very good point in regards to Nintendo having "no plans" to bring these games out here:[/QUOTE]

They also had "no plans" to bring Mother 3 to the US
Despite my feelings of cynicism, I went ahead and preordered. Can't hurt.

It's sad; I was so excited when I got the Wii a little more than a year ago because I kept hearing about all these great-sounding RPGs finally coming out (Tales of Graces, Xenoblade, The Last Story), and it seems like none of them will make it over here. (Yes, Graces is coming, but on PS3 -- as it should be for the extra content, but nonetheless another RPG loss for the Wii.)
Thrinn, joystiq has a valid point but I'm not sure if it's good. Hardware and a hardware + mini game compilation is much different than we are talking about, both in reality and considering nintendo's primary focus this generation.
[quote name='JSiggy']fuck[/QUOTE]

best post in the whole thread, lol simple and to the point =P

one thing i see people mentioning. They compare this to mother 3.. well if im not mistaken Mother 3 wasn't already localized. There was a fan translation, sure, but nho offical translation. This game fucking HAS a UK localization. Honestly how hard would it be to make an NTSC version?

fuck Nintendo

[quote name='jer7583']This is not 1994. North American gamers are not ignorant of the JRPG genre. North American gamers can play games that involve text.[/QUOTE]

I dont know about that. I specifically remember reading some reviews, I think it was psm or oxm, or something, maybe IGN, that specifically bashed JRP releases for having text instead of just fully voiced sequences for everything. People hate to fucking read

[quote name='JanusZeal2']Companies like Atlus would probably love to bring these games over. Problem is, Nintendo won't let them. If they decide not to publish a game, they tend to refuse to let other companies do it either.

Even though letting another company have the rights to publish a game would give Nintendo guaranteed money regardless of how the game sells.[/QUOTE]

this is one of the many reasons I hate Nintendo. They have a very elitist 'take my ball and go home' kinda mentality, yeesh. I think your right and i wouldn't be surprised at all if they would refuse another 3rd party the publishing rights.

Anyone remember the NES days where they put fucking limits on how many games other companies could publish? Nintendo has always been a bunch of dicks
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Wow, $15. For that price I will just keep my Wii and do things to it, things that are not allowed to be discussed here :lol:. I mean I had intentions of reselling the damn thing when the Wii-U came close to launch but not now, $15 is just no.[/QUOTE]

Hey, don't forget -- you can play GameCube games on your Wii. I have probably 25 GameCube games, and that is practically the only thing I have used my Wii for in the past year. That, and HOTD Overkill. That game is awesome.

Nintendo stopped making games for me (and people who play games) a long time ago. I bought the console because I love 2D Mario titles, and NSMB Wii got me to buy the console. But, from a guy who replays SMB3 start to finish at least once a year (every single level!), I couldn't bring myself to play all the way through NSMBW -- If I have to waggle the damn controller to do an important part of the game, I'm not going to play it.

So why should they bother bringing this game out here? They need to focus on getting the Wii U out, since I'm sure that playing hide-and-go-seek with friends digitally is the thing that will make me go back to playing Nintendo games. *blah*
[quote name='Vortextk']Thrinn, joystiq has a valid point but I'm not sure if it's good. Hardware and a hardware + mini game compilation is much different than we are talking about, both in reality and considering nintendo's primary focus this generation.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I just noticed that after posting it. Regardless, hope springs eternal. ;)
Hey np, I had to read it again to see what they said. Lol that they would put wii resort into the same argument. I don't know of that stage in the wii's life off hand but it's kind of funny we would ever have doubt a mini-game compilation + hardware bundle would not come out to the US.

I'm not sure if these games will ever come out here, but it seems like I want to take a more active role doing something than I initially thought, just to make myself feel better that I tried. I'm not quite sure if that is true hope or not lol.
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I just don't get it. Xenoblade has a translation. All they had to do was print copies of the game for the NA region lock to avoid bad press. They would have made a profit, the fact that it doesn't make as much as mario and pokemon shouldn't matter.

A buck is a buck, and no bad press is better then bad press.
[quote name='lutz']I just don't get it. Xenoblade has a translation. All they had to do was print copies of the game for the NA region lock to avoid bad press. They would have made a profit, the fact that it doesn't make as much as mario and pokemon shouldn't matter.

A buck is a buck, and no bad press is better then bad press.[/QUOTE]

NOE did localization for a few games now that NOA had no faith in, including Another Code: R (aka Trace Memory 2), Last Window (aka Hotel Dusk 2) and Jam With The Band. Considering the localization was mostly done for them, it's hard to believe they still pass these great games up for release in the Americas... they each would undoubtedly have made money & reached users they weren't already catering to.
[quote name='goatdan']I couldn't bring myself to play all the way through NSMBW -- If I have to waggle the damn controller to do an important part of the game, I'm not going to play it.[/QUOTE]

wow, that's a shame.
[quote name='gkrykewy']wow, that's a shame.[/QUOTE]

Its not a shame, i couldnt get myself to finish NSMB Wii as well, forced waggle for no reason other then to say the game has waggle is ludicrous.

About this thread, it seems a lot of people are realizing what some of us realized a while back, nintendo absolutely hates you and wants the soccer mom money, they wont go out of their way to get good games into hardcore gamers hands, since they're worth nothing in comparison to the wii sports crowd. If you want proper games, you have to buy a proper system. Wii is far from a proper system.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Its not a shame, i couldnt get myself to finish NSMB Wii as well, forced waggle for no reason other then to say the game has waggle is ludicrous.

About this thread, it seems a lot of people are realizing what some of us realized a while back, nintendo absolutely hates you and wants the soccer mom money, they wont go out of their way to get good games into hardcore gamers hands, since they're worth nothing in comparison to the wii sports crowd. If you want proper games, you have to buy a proper system. Wii is far from a proper system.[/QUOTE]

Again, I see the argument and don't disagree in theory, but until developers stop making games I want to play on the wii and then letting nintendo publish(and in this case, not publish) your "solution" is not helpful. I own a strong gaming pc, 360 and ps3 as well but I can't buy xenoblade for any of those either.
[quote name='Vortextk']I own a strong gaming pc, 360 and ps3 as well but I can't buy xenoblade for any of those either.[/QUOTE]

Dolphin emulator.
If the game's aren't going to be in english, it won't matter regardless, which is what I truly care about. If they're all released in the UK with english, then there would be some way to play them, yes.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Its not a shame, i couldnt get myself to finish NSMB Wii as well, forced waggle for no reason other then to say the game has waggle is ludicrous.

About this thread, it seems a lot of people are realizing what some of us realized a while back, nintendo absolutely hates you and wants the soccer mom money, they wont go out of their way to get good games into hardcore gamers hands, since they're worth nothing in comparison to the wii sports crowd. If you want proper games, you have to buy a proper system. Wii is far from a proper system.[/QUOTE]
I never bet NSMBW either. I never liked the NSMB Series. It felt like a cheap cash in instead of a Grade-A Mario Title. I already knew Nintendo hated the hadcore crowd, but I still had faith that they would at least do something for us. Now I am about done with NOA. The Wii-U has promise, like using the screens as a method of easily navigating menus and spells but overall yeah, I thought the same thing about Wii (for some things) and was dissapointed.

Anyway I found out I didn't need to do anything naughty to my Wii, it is already good to go :lol:. Also dumb question, but will the CC included in the European Version of this game work on American Controllers?
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I never bet NSMBW either. I never liked the NSMB Series. It felt like a cheap cash in instead of a Grade-A Mario Title. I already knew Nintendo hated the hadcore crowd, but I still had faith that they would at least do something for us. Now I am about done with NOA. The Wii-U has promise, like using the screens as a method of easily navigating menus and spells but overall yeah, I thought the same thing about Wii (for some things) and was dissapointed.

Anyway I found out I didn't need to do anything naughty to my Wii, it is already good to go :lol:. Also dumb question, but will the CC included in the European Version of this game work on American Controllers?[/QUOTE]

Yes it will work.
[quote name='Vortextk']Lol I love the "calm down" over the internet when you use any form of caps or exclamation marks for emphasis.[/QUOTE]

You were dismissive of my handheld titles, so I was taken aback. But we're cool. :cool:

I really don't want to push this argument further because the nerd rage will still go on, but let me put out my one last economic argument:

Even if you had information about costs per unit and profit margins, the story doesn't change. The sales numbers alone tell the story. Just compare Nintendo's mainstream IP's like Mario, Zelda, Wii Whatever, etc. Those get to millions of copies sold easy peasey in any market. JRPG's? A runaway hit can sell 500K worldwide. You don't even have to look at just Wii RPGs. It's the same story across all three platforms with only Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Monster Hunter being exceptions that can hit one million worldwide. All this says is there aren't many JRPG fans (even in Japan!). No matter what the budgets are on these games or what the games cost per unit, the profits will never compare, if there's even profit to compare.

Nintendo already tried a few niche titles such as Sin and Punishment and sales were dismal. That game dropped waaaay fast in price. The fact still stands Monado is a niche game. We all know JRPG's just don't make crazy money nearly anywhere unless it's Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, or Monster Hunter. It's obviously not going to be CoD money like you said, but this is Nintendo. They still like making profits; and the bigger the better. They have shareholders to answer to. Allow me to remind you that the 3DS was unfortunately announced through a shareholders meeting because of the pressure from the shareholders. They just aren't in the business trying to break even on software sales. We know there's publishers that would be happy to do that, but unfortunately Nintendo bought Monolith.

But, I still think there will be some news at the next Nintendo media event. There just isn't anything left to release in 2012! They're going to need some games to get to the Wii's probable end of life next year.

That and I would like a red Classic Controller. :cool:
The whole point was that it wouldn't have cost NOA to release a game like Monado since all the localization work has been done. NOA literally just have to start the printing press for a conservative number with US region lock instead of UK.

Money was guaranteed regardless of sales. And who knows, since there's zero Wii games besides Zelda coming out, it may actually sell well because there's nothing else.
OMG I'M NERD RAGING GUYS, NNNEEEERRD RAGING to some other gaming nerd on a forum.

You keep speaking about shareholders and buying monolith, well fucking guess what

OpRainfall Operation Rainfall

FYI: #Xenoblade, #TheLastStory, & #PandorasTower all officially confirmed for Europe! That leaves one major region... @NintendoAmerica
NOE did NOT make or talk about the 3ds to shareholders, NOJ did. NOE did NOT buy out monolith, NOJ once again. While I'm not sure where this confirmation is coming from, assuming it is true, what's your witty come back?

And you're still arguing against developing jrpgs rather than localizing them, you just don't realize it.
[quote name='lutz']The whole point was that it wouldn't have cost NOA to release a game like Monado since all the localization work has been done. NOA literally just have to start the printing press for a conservative number with US region lock instead of UK.

Money was guaranteed regardless of sales. And who knows, since there's zero Wii games besides Zelda coming out, it may actually sell well because there's nothing else.[/QUOTE]

Simply incorrect and a naive understanding of how game publishing works. NOA would have to pay royalties and licensing fees to the developer, likely up front as an advance against sales. They also would need to pay to have the cover art made for the US, a barcode assigned, an ESRB rating done, the sales staff set up orders with distributors and retailers, etc...and that's all before they even start whatever limited advertising they would do including store promo, magazine ads, press releases to websites and magazines, as well as other media, etc...Then they still have to estimate a press run and hope that they don't overproduce resulting in a significant financial loss, even at a few bucks a unit since unsold stock needs to be warehoused or clearanced all at additional cost to the publisher. Even with their in-house staffing and resources, Nintendo (like many other large entertainment companies) likely sees this as a distraction from other products that will sell in far more significant numbers and not worth the effort. I would love to see this released, but I fully understand the business side of why Nintendo may not think it's worth it.
Once again, the titles released in japan with similar figures(advertising, discs, shipping) including years of development but have yet to sell well. Are you arguing that these games should never have made been in the first place because of their return on investment? Or are you arguing against localization even though it will cost a fraction of what it cost for japan and sell better numbers? It's already coming out in europe in english, it already came out in japan.
The chance that nintendo would lose money by bringing these to the US is almost zero. The chance they would lose money by allowing someone else to bring them over is absolutely zero. They have enough money to take this slight risk on "niche" jrpgs. It would be good to get a more robust line up for the system, and show they will attempt to do so for the Wii U. So it is good for fan relations, at least hardcore fan relations. But maybe nintendo's strategy has gone from dismissing the hardcore to actively fucking with them to prove they are a system for "the casual."

Your just trying to play devils advocate here, right imacgod? Your just as much of a joke as nintendo right now if you think they made the "right" decision here
From what I understand, this is a first party game, what royalties and licensing fees? I won't argue that there's a lot of bureaucracy involved, but it's not like nintendo has anything to do. I don't need to know all the finer details of it to know that it could be done for extremely low cost compared to other titles.

Is nintendo paying reggie and other execs to just twiddle their thumbs while having nothing to release? If a small company like Atlus can make a profit on a game that isn't actually theirs, then nintendo can do when its already their property to begin with.

Edit: guess you beat me to it Xenogears. Also would like to add that bojay isn't factoring in the negative income Nintendo generates from not releasing anything. Brand trust is important. Just look at Sega when they screwed themselves over with the 32X and lack of Saturn software. Dreamcast was great, but nobody believed in them anymore.
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[quote name='bojay1997']Simply incorrect and a naive understanding of how game publishing works. NOA would have to pay royalties and licensing fees to the developer, likely up front as an advance against sales. They also would need to pay to have the cover art made for the US, a barcode assigned, an ESRB rating done, the sales staff set up orders with distributors and retailers, etc...and that's all before they even start whatever limited advertising they would do including store promo, magazine ads, press releases to websites and magazines, as well as other media, etc...Then they still have to estimate a press run and hope that they don't overproduce resulting in a significant financial loss, even at a few bucks a unit since unsold stock needs to be warehoused or clearanced all at additional cost to the publisher. Even with their in-house staffing and resources, Nintendo (like many other large entertainment companies) likely sees this as a distraction from other products that will sell in far more significant numbers and not worth the effort. I would love to see this released, but I fully understand the business side of why Nintendo may not think it's worth it.[/QUOTE]

Money in from US sales >>>> Cost of development >>>> than that chump change for nintendo

Plus, you have a simply incorrect and naive understanding of the situation. Nintendo owns the developer.

Regardless, i don't give a shit about the business side of nintendo's decision. They make and release games. Do it, or else they are just a fucking bank that spews shovelware and crappy double screen systems
[quote name='lutz']From what I understand, this is a first party game, what royalties and licensing fees? I won't argue that there's a lot of bureaucracy involved, but it's not like nintendo has anything to do. I don't need to know all the finer details of it to know that it could be done for extremely low cost compared to other titles.

Is nintendo paying reggie and other execs to just twiddle their thumbs while having nothing to release? If a small company like Atlus can make a profit on a game that isn't actually theirs, then nintendo can do when its already their property to begin with.[/QUOTE]

Anything to do? They are preparing a launch of a brand new console in 18 months or less, they have a massive release slate of first party DS and 3DS games in the next six months, as well as a handful of first party Wii games the biggest of which is the new Zelda before the holidays. Their plate is more than full.

While the game was created by a "first party developer", Nintendo does not own 100% of the company (in fact, they own about 76%) and therefore, royalties and other payments still must be made to the other investors including Namco Bandai and several small private equity funds. Atlus does not make a profit on every release and frankly, their overhead is a fraction of what Nintendo's is. In addition, Nintendo is a publicly traded company. They are accountable to shareholders and a board of directors and fan service, while it's awesome, is not necessarily profitable. Like I said, I want this game and if it doesn't get released over here, I will import the UK version. I will not, however claim that it will cost Nintendo nothing to release it here or that it's guaranteed to make money either in Europe or here.
They have a year and a half to prepare for the WiiU, don't state it like their hands are full. Companies release two generations of hardware successfully in that timespan before. Also, as stated before, it cost Nintendo chum change to release this game. It's all about using resources already spent. It's like baking a cake and then throwing it away instead of eating it.
[quote name='lutz']They have a year and a half to prepare for the WiiU, don't state it like their hands are full. Companies release two generations of hardware successfully in that timespan before. Also, as stated before, it cost Nintendo chum change to release this game. It's all about using resources already spent. It's like baking a cake and then throwing it away instead of eating it.[/QUOTE]

Launching a major electronic product internationally at the same time you're supporting several other platforms including one that just launched three months ago is a massive undertaking for any corporation. 18 months is a short time period considering all of the logistical issues they need to deal with including actually planning for building the units, distribution, support to developers, etc...

I would agree with you that in the overall scheme of things, releasing this game and the other two would be "chump change" to a large corporation like Nintendo. The fact that they might also receive chump change level profits from the releases or even lose money is unfortunately a very real possibility, especially given the high proportion of people posting in this thread that they would cancel and buy it once it hit $20 or so. Frankly, I really want them to release the games. Having said that, I can fully understand why they might not want to even bother. You can argue all you want, but Nintendo is a smart corporation that turned a very gimmicky product into a worldwide hit with the Wii. I think they know a few things about business decisions.
However, they have a localization already for Europe! How hard would it be to just run through and change minor thing like "colour" to "color" then just release it here as is. They are essentially doing all the work for only half (if even) the possible return. If they weren't localizing it at all, it would make a lot of sense. They are though, so it remains stupid! lol
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