Monster Madness 360 $19.99 at Target


19 (100%)
I just got back from Target during lunch they had a new display for cheap games, YMMV.

They had a few good ones for $19.99

Monster Madness - I always wanted to pick this up cheap for some co-op play.
Virtua Tennis 360
Virtua Tennis PS3
Cars - 360

Ball of Fury Wii - This game sucks but I thought I mention it.
and a bunch of crappy DS and GBA games I think for either $9.99 or $14.99
Nothing worth mentioning.
Those were all dropped from Black Friday, guess they kept them at that price. Or just didn't remove the display. Either one.
YMMV but Monster Madness has been marked down to $9 on the sale racks at target store here in Milwaukee, WI but only for the PC version. It's also been showing up as low as $3.99 sealed new at Goodwill stores which have a contract around here to get Target's leftover sale items.
[quote name='cleaver']I don't think this is YMMV. FF4 for 360 is $9[/QUOTE]

It might not be YMMV but not all stores may have them available. I was unaware about these games being part of black friday. I just popped in today to get some degree and mouth wash and noticed them so I picked up Monster Madness. :D
Those games were NOT advertised BF deals.

And Cars 360 you can get as part of the 3 for 1 charity pack at Amazon at that same price.
[quote name='ryanflucas']YMMV but Monster Madness has been marked down to $9 on the sale racks at target store here in Milwaukee, WI but only for the PC version. It's also been showing up as low as $3.99 sealed new at Goodwill stores which have a contract around here to get Target's leftover sale items.[/quote]

MM on PC is a clearance game that was salvaged about a month or so ago at the Targets around here.

I don't think this is YMMV. FF4 for 360 is $9
FF4 is Fantastic Four? If so, that's a clearance game that is at 75% off and most likely will be salvaged sometime soon and ALSo a part of this 19.99 deal if it has the FL sticker.

EDIT: Sorry, I saw F4 is one of the 19.99 games. Another target I went to on break had both the clearanced copy and some FL copies!

Those games were NOT advertised BF deals.

And Cars 360 you can get as part of the 3 for 1 charity pack at Amazon at that same price.
They weren't ADVERTISED for BF, but like Scorch pointed out they were set out at many Targets including in my area and other posters' area targets just before or on BF. I wonder if this is a temporary thing or the start of a Target frontlane like BB, KMart, TRU and Sears. These games do have FL type barcode stickers and if you find a VT3 360 without the FL barcode it will be on clearance at 30% off of 50 so 34.98 (or 50%=24.98 off if it dropped today). So get it for 19.99 now (great buy) or wait for a better deal if they hang around. If you're sneaky you could stash the clearance VT3s at the back of the FL type VT3s and hope the FL cases don't dissappear. I've got it already, but recommend it for 19.99.

Good point on the Cars deal.
[quote name='turls']Those games were NOT advertised BF deals.

And Cars 360 you can get as part of the 3 for 1 charity pack at Amazon at that same price.[/quote]

They were not in the bf add but they were part of the sale. They had them loaded up in the same type of displays as the cheap DVD's. The barcodes on the display even said something like 'bf promo'.
[quote name='legs1986']Is charging money for Monster Madness really a deal? :lol:[/quote]

LOL it's not a bad game.. I picked my copy up a while back for $30 and I've had fun with it so I fell like I got my money's worth. :D
They just released the "big" patch about a week or so ago that fixed a lot of bugs and tweaked control and gameplay balance that a lot of people were complaining out when it first came out. Still no online co-op adventure mode, though. :(
Hmm, I didn't know there was a Monster Madness patch. That makes it more tempting as the controls is what I had problems with in the demo.
This was mismarked at my Target on BF - the entire endcap of games had a big sign over it saying $9, so they honored it and adjusted the price for me. Actually, they adjusted it to $9.99, but still considerable savings.

This is probably the price had it stayed a XBLA game, so I feel I got my money's worth. Time to find other players online...
[quote name='graf1k']Hmm, I didn't know there was a Monster Madness patch. That makes it more tempting as the controls is what I had problems with in the demo.[/quote]

Oh and here's a thread from gameFAQs on what the patch fixed

(copy/pasted in case the thread there gets closed/deleted)
“Ok, guys, we just shipped the title update off to our publisher for final testing, and then compliance testing at Microsoft. Once the update has passed compliance testing, you can all enjoy the update. Here is an abridged list of the changes we made. The big glaring feature you'll notice missing is a quick save option, which we spent a great deal of time on but eventually proved too technically difficult to be worth our time. The game just was not built to easily support that kind of feature.

That being said, we've added "Leave Your Console On" functionality that behaves just like we intended the quick save to... er.. almost.

1. Controls - Left stick will now move AND turn, but you can use the right stick to override the turn, so basically the same if you've been using both sticks, but alot simpler for noobies to get used to. A and B will now both jump and dodge respectively, but you can still press the sticks. In particular, the run ability is now much much easier since all you have to do is hold down B rather than hold the stick down. Controller vibration has been toned down.

2. Camera - You can now enter chase camera in the majority of the special camera sequences. The topdown camera's movement has been fine tuned quite a bit to remove the constant zooming and twisting it did before. The first downtown sequence camera was entirely redone so its much less annoying.

3. Player Movement - Players now turn a bit faster, making the game feel more arcade-like. The autoaim has been tweaked up to all hell and it feels quite a bit more natural to aim and hit enemies. Player movement speed has been increased slightly.
You can now reload while dodging and can jump while coughing.

4. Weapon Tweaks - We made quite a few weapon tweaks to balance weaponry and make holding on to ammo a little easier. The level 1 nailguns will now autofire. All nailguns consume less ammo. The level 1 rocket launcher holds two rockets instead of one. The bee mine launcher consume half the ammo it did before. The grenade launcher has more splash damage but less direct hit damage. Bombs will not blow up when directly damaged. The radioactive flashlight was downgraded from ludicrously powerful to ridiculously powerful. The sonic shield no longer consumes any ammo. The glue cannon no longer sticks allies.

5. Grades - All grade-related (and achievement) bugs were fixed, including non-checked off weapons and overwriting better grades. Also, getting a grade on a higher difficulty level will replace any of the lower grades for that level on lower difficulty levels. Most boss related bugs were fixed. The game is beatable on Madness now (sorry 'bout that). The required weapon parts percentage for each level was knocked down from 70% to 45%. Weapon parts no longer checkpoint. That's a big one, no having to recollect weapon parts.

6. Enemies - All of the boss-related bugs were fixed. Lots of enemies tweaked, stun attacks removed or toned down (one was turned up, the martian abduction). In particular healths were decreased on some of the absurd enemies, such as the clown, big foot, undead samurai, etc. A semi-transparent health bar was added to all of the tougher enemies when you damage them (they aren't always on). This has proven very useful in our playtesting and should have been included from the start.”

7. Coop Dojo - The cooperative dojo went through a massive overhaul. Its waves have been tweaked and balanced to be a bit more natural and not just plain silly. Also you are periodically awarded health.

8. SonicDude's Cheat - You'll see! Feel free to guess though...

9. Game Options - "In-game Monsters" - any of the maps that support dojo now feature this option, which will add monsters to the game world for any of the game types. You can optionally also set this to "ghouls" which will only spawn the members of the ghoul squad. Bingo, quasi-Bots! "Autotargeting" - you can now turn autotargetting on enemies in the arena map levels, making the mode a little more strategy-based. "Dojo Wave" - you can now select the starting wave for the Dojo on any of the supported maps. "Weapons - Random" - select the random weapons option to completely randomize the weapons that spawn on the map, makes for quite a few different situations. Monster Hunter stun times of 15, 30, and 60 seconds were added, which should make that oft-played game mode quite a bit more interesting.

10. Performance Optimizations - The game was optimized a bit for 3-4 players on coop. Invite friends over and play coop, its quite a bit of fun!

Overall, I feel the game now feels more refreshing and fun, and chase camera is totally overrated with the tweaked auto-aim. See for yourselves in the coming weeks. Keep your eyes peeled for a Southpeak press release announcing the date, though I'll probably come online and let you guys now the moment I know something.

Thomas Williamson
Technical Director
Artificial Studios, Inc.”
I'm tempted by this one. I did enjoy the demo but the reviews put me off to picking up the title. At $20 though....

just mebbie...
[quote name='Scorch']Those were all dropped from Black Friday, guess they kept them at that price. Or just didn't remove the display. Either one.[/quote]

they had those games here in ny, but they also had stickers on them saying "2 days only" and I never saw any more copies after that...either they sold out, or the sale ended.

Monster madness in my opinion was UBER LAME
I enjoyed this game, but it's pretty much a multiplayer experience. $20 is cheap. Go for it if you enjoyed the demo and like the genre.
Just picked this up @ Target in Clifton, NJ. Looks like they had one more copy left but possibly more as the endcap was a mess.

thanks OP!
bread's done