Montreal Game Shops?

If you were heading to Toronto I would recommend Game Centre.

Sixaxxis controllers there are $49 CAD and they usually discount the top selling games by at least $5 off of new titles.

Otherwise I think you'll be running into a lot of EB Games, Best Buys, Futureshops and few independent stores.
There's a buddy of mine who owns a game shop on the east part of the Montreal Island. It's called L'Enjeux Jr 6287 Sherbrooke East (between the metro station Cadillac and Langelier). Mostly used games and a few recent release. Contary to most shop in Montreal, if you buy a few games, you can haggle a bit on the price. I obviously recommend that shop :p

There's obvious places like EBgames which can be found pretty much everywhere throughout Montreal.

Downtown there's two shop, both are named Gamebuzz. They're WAY WAY overpriced for the used stuff. (ie: Castlevania Snes loose 80+tx, Lunar 1 and 2 for PSX both 250 each.). They're pretty much just a bunch of theives. For new games, prices are allright. One is in the Eaton Center and the other one on Ste-Catherine streets near the McGill metro.

Apart from that there's the Microplay which are located inside video rental chains Videotron. There's a few of them throughout the Island.
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