More 3d fighters on the way?


Tekken: DR is a brilliant game I've been playing heavily recently... which made me think about the possibility of other 3d fighters coming to the system and the PSP's ability to handle them.

Have you heard of any plans for a rendition of Soul Caliber, or with all the Sega love lately, Virtua Fighter? Personally, I've been waiting for an update to Fighter's Megamix forever... and this would be a great format for it.

-Dr. Ugly
I always wanted to import Bleach for the psp...that looks like a good fighter..they are releasing another dragon ball for the psp as well.
well, Tekken 2 is available from the Playstation store if you got a PS3, but other than that... not for a while.

Yes, the PSP needs more fighters and the one company that will probably make another one will be namco. expect a port or variation of soul calibur sometime as SEGA wont put a scaled down VF for a while.
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