More Republican corruption -- Ney pleads guilty


I love the fact that even though he's pled guilty in federal court, and is now an admitted felon, the Republican leadership will allow him to keep his job until after the election. Why not kick his ass out now, if they're trying to make it look like they can clean up their own house?

By Susan Schmidt
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, October 13, 2006; 2:02 PM

Congressman Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio) pleaded guilty today to corruption charges arising from the influence-peddling investigation of lobbyist Jack Abramoff, becoming the first elected official caught up in a scandal that may damage his party's chances in next month's midterm elections.

Ney emerged from a month in alcohol rehabilitation to appear in federal court in Washington, where he admitted he performed official acts in Congress for lobbyists in exchange for campaign contributions, expensive meals, luxury travel and skybox sports tickets.

Ney also admitted to taking thousands of dollars in gambling chips from an international businessman who sought his help with the U.S. State Department.

House Republican leaders immediately vowed to expel Ney in a post-election session if he has not resigned by then.
[quote name='dennis_t']I love the fact that even though he's pled guilty in federal court, and is now an admitted felon, the Republican leadership will allow him to keep his job until after the election. Why not kick his ass out now, if they're trying to make it look like they can clean up their own house?[/QUOTE]

but... BUT....


*head asplodes*
bread's done