Morrowind or Rise of Nations?


Heh, kind of an odd question, but I'm going through all the older PC games I'd missed. Morrowind is $20 and RON is $30 at Best Buy (both come with their expansions). Any preferences?
Ron plays a lot like Age of Empires. It was cool when people were still playing online but it seems that there aren't as many ppl online now. Ron is a good RTS game but Morrowind will give you more hours of play.
Different games, though both are excellent. I prefer strategy games over RPG's not because I don't like RPG's - in fact, I love RPG's but they suck my little free time away. Over the past years I have played lots of RTS games and RON is in my top 3 for several reasons...
1. Game balance
2. Units - good AI pathing and easy to get workers workin'
3. Graphics
4. FAST GAMES - finish a battle in 30 - 60 minutes.

Both games are awesome. Perhaps with the holidays you'll have time to RPG.
Rise of Nations. It's an amazing game and it's very unfortunate that it never developed a significant online community.
I like to LAN with Rise of Nations. A few months back, my friends and I would play Rise of Nations as a drinking game. That would get quite out of hand very quickly.

However, I've since fallen out with them and don't drink anymore, so I haven't played in a long time, but when I did it was tons of fun.
Since its for the PC I say Morrowind. So many user created expansions, basically unlimited gameplay. I tried RoN with my friend and it just seemed like AoE with ability to upgrade to a modern age. Oh, and the whole territory border thing is hella annoying.
Morrowind is in a league of its own, I beat it with manny hours on the xbox, and I got the PC version too, thats how much I liked it. Haven't played RON, but RTS are all fairly similiar, Morrowind will give you a totally different experience from most games.
I have played Rise of Nations Gold Edition - which comes with the expansion. Fun game but similar to most RTS games - good graphics, modern units in later stages and good balance. You can use the $10 off BB coupon to get it for $19.99
Rise of Nations since Oblivion is coming soon and once you get that game, Morrowind will be obsolete. Plus, as great as Morrowind is, it's one of the buggier games I own.
Both games are aging.... but Morrowind holds a special place in my heart. Beat it multiple times in a variety of ways, training through different missions with different factions using a different type of build (warrior, mage, thief). A completely customizable combat system with free-roaming world explanation and an open ended story? Sold. You can probably pick it up for like $5 new (or $15 with all the expansions). Enjoy it!
rise of nations + expansion = one of the best RTS' ever :) pick it up, and find some friends to play with online, loads of fun..ill play with u too if u get it :D!, kind of had a more realistic (using the term loosely) but fun
Morrowind was a bit too large and open ended for me. It took me a while to get the initiative to finish it. When I mean open ended I mean OMGWTF big. The quest system is the main problem, it is not very clear and you might solve quest before you get them. Anyway the game is still pretty amazing, if you get it then get it with the expansions. The PC version has many mods for it.

Rise of Nations one of my favorite RTS games. It has a very refined interface and gameplay style. It is an excellent combination of Age of Empires and Civilization. Ver fun in multiplayer and has a very excellent Conquer the World mode.

I suggest you buy Morrowind first as it is a better investment if you can get into it. But then again.....

Flip a coin.
I couldn't finish morrowind because it kept crashing every 10 minutes. Hopefully Oblivion will be more stable. I'm also glad they seem to be doing a better job of not making you walk all over the map for just one quest and keeping information better organized.
bread's done