Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. Purchased at GS today. Good fun game thus far!

A Happy Panda

61 (100%)
Is anyone interested in this game? I just recently started to research it and what not. It looks pretty interesting, the gameplay looks a bit bizarre, but interesting nonetheless. The cinematics and story line also look great. However, I'm waiting for the reviews to see if I'll bite, the co-op option sounds awesome. Anyone else on the same boat as me?

Well, to my suprise while taking advantage of the trade 4 get 40% deal at Gamestop, they had copies of MK: SM for sale. I picked up the Xbox copy and just playing it on Ko-Op with a friend. It's been really fun so far, the controls are pretty damn good (I like the multi-directional Kombat). The game has environmental kills, which is awesome, you're able to throw enemies into spikes, catapaults, fire, etc. The test your might challenges have been a bit repetitive, the game required me to do 5 in a row, which seemed unnecessary. The opening CG cut scene was pretty awesome and well done IMO. Also, it's cool to go through the MK 1 and 2 environments. I've been to the pit and Goro's lair thus far. Those brought back some memories. The ability to upgrade and buy moves/fatalities is pretty sweet as well. So far, I'd give this game about an 8.5/10. We'll see if the score changes the more I play.

IGN review is up!
[quote name='shipwreck']I've had it reserved for months, but I'm also a big fan of the MK series, so it was a no brainer for me.[/QUOTE]

Same here... huge fan of the MK series, and this looks to not only be a game that is awesome on gameplay, but really incorporates the whole legend of Mortal Kombat into it.

Being set in between MK 1 and 2 makes it even sweeter, but what sealed the deal was those two free action figures you get when you preorder it.

That reminds me, need to throw down a preorder this Friday to make sure I get them.
[quote name='shipwreck']I saw the figures at GameRush today and they were pretty nice.[/QUOTE]

Yea, the pics online are kind of blah, but these figures seem to have plenty of articulation and detail - definately a nice preorder bonus.
Loved the demo but was going to wait on a price drop until I seen the action figures at EB and GS. EB even has $10 voucher for the game which makes it even sweeter.
I've been wanting to play a good beat 'em up for ages... not to mention I loves me some Mortal Kombat. So, yeah; I'm gonna grab it.
I'll be picking it up after a few price drops. Haven't heard much about it, but I'm a fan of MK, even liked Mythologies (which, from things I've heard, put me in the minority). I've liked just about everything except Special Forces. A pox on the designers of Special Forces.....
Waiting on reviews myself. Doubt it'll be worth more than $20 to me though. Does look very promising though.

Now I have to order it online to get the preorder bonus, since the local GS is probably out of them already. I don't get paid until Monday, was going to throw down a preorder at the last minute for the figures :(
It looks like a solid, mindless beat-em-up. I think every good game collection needs a couple of these, just for those times when you don't want to think at all and just feel the need to implode someone's rectum with your digital foot. Not to sure about full-price for this one, though.

An 8.0 from IGN.
Got it today... the figures are coming into EB either Monday or Tuesday, everything got messed up because the release date got thrust forward.

I bought it today, the EB guy put my name on the reserve list to get the last set, awesome!
Grabbed this today at the local Gamestop and played a good hour to 2 hours of Co-Op with Greetard.

Pretty fun... very reppetitive but it has that fun co-op/versus competiton element where you need to work together to eventually just royally fuck your ally over.

good times
Ugh; so many good games coming out, this past week and the next couple of weeks to come. I have to manage my money over all of the titles I wanna get. This is one of them, though. I'll probably get it tomorrow or Monday.
This game just keeps getting better and better. This game is just sheer fun, every new thing you unlock and do makes me drop my jaw. Now I'm dual wielding these sickles and just keep chopping off arms and legs, and every once in awhile Johnny Cage will throw up a shadow kick or uppercut someone's head clean off.

Not to mention the Intro CG almost made me cream my pants.

I can definately see replay value here... I'm playing through as Kung Lao right now, and I can definately see Liu Kang playing completely different, and then there are two secret story characters on top of that to go back through with.

This game makes Mortal Kombat proud, definately... such nostalgia in it for old school MK fans. Plus it has an unlockable MK 2!
[quote name='AlbinoNinja']wow! does sound really good. Mybe ill rent this and give this badboy a try

tell me though, how long is it?[/QUOTE]

It looks like it's 6 or 7 hours for one character... the game has 4 characters though, all which play differently, so if you're going to replay it with all 4 you're looking at roughly 20 + hours?

I mean, I already want to go back and try it with Liu Kang, and I can't wait to unlock the hidden two (everyones favorite ninjas). I mean, I was bummed at first that it might have seemed short like God of War, but there's lot of stuff to go back and do.

Sadly, I don't know how Ko-op mode is, no one to try it out with. Single player mode is still awesome enough, sadly I'll never get to find some of the game's secrets that require a 2 player game. Would have been cool if they let the AI handle the second player, but no big deal.
This game sounds like something my girlfriend and I could have some fun with. 2 questions though, can the blood be turned down? And does anyone know if there are playable female characters to be unlocked?
[quote name='bostonfrontier']All 3-d MKs are all the same[/QUOTE]

You have absolutely no idea what this game is about, do you?

I've got to go pick up my copy of this game from GameRush today. I can't wait to play some co-op with my wife.
bread's done