Most Disappointing game you thought would be incredibly fun?

[quote name='H.Cornerstone']
NG: Sigma: Just way too difficult

That's like not liking puzzle games because they require you to think.
Crusin USA on N64. The arcade version was a lot of fun for the time. Nintendo said it was going to be a 100% perfect arcade port with added modes such as a bumper car mode. They lied.

The game was censored (all animals removed from the game, in the arcade you could run into deer on the Iowa track, instead of removing that, they took out all animals out of the game), there were no extra modes like bumper cars, you needed a controller pack to save your game, the frame rate was horrible as were the graphics.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']Crusin USA on N64. The arcade version was a lot of fun for the time. Nintendo said it was going to be a 100% perfect arcade port with added modes such as a bumper car mode. They lied.

The game was censored (all animals removed from the game, in the arcade you could run into deer on the Iowa track, instead of removing that, they took out all animals out of the game), there were no extra modes like bumper cars, you needed a controller pack to save your game, the frame rate was horrible as were the graphics.[/quote]
At least it wasn't the worst in the series. *cough* Cruis'n *cough*
[quote name='rx111']I'm gonna say Halo 3 also. I played Halo 2 all the time and I was so hyped about 3 coming out.
It felt just like Halo 2 to me. After TF2 and COD4 came out, i never really went back to Halo 3.[/QUOTE]

That is exactly how I felt. Halo 3 was a complete let down.

Other games that didn't live up to my hype: No More Heroes.

Traded this to a fellow CAG for Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction. Now, this is a game. Fun, hard to put down. Just like the other R&C games released on the PS2.
SaGa Frontier.

I had just gotten into RPGs because of FF7, and had found Chrono Trigger and FF3 for the SNES and played through those, convincing me that Square (it was called that at the time, kids) could do no wrong. So, hearing about this Square game coming to America, I was psyched for months and months and bought it day 1.

Literally a tear came down my face in shame and anger. I shit you not.

At least FFTactics came out very soon in there somewhere and saved my opinion of the company.
Kingdom Hearts 2.

I never played the first one, but I always heard nothing but praise for it. After the amazing advertising blitz for the second game, my wife got it for me for my birthday.

I got about 15 hours in before I gave up. And I only got that far cos my wife was watching me play, and I didnt want to let on how much I thought the game sucked. Once she stopped caring about watching it, I never touched it again. Imo, it was total crap.
NBA Showtime was easily my favorite party game ever. When NBA Hoopz was announced as a sequel, I went out on release day to pick it up.

Adding a third person to each side fucking destroyed the gameplay. Put it on Ebay the next day.

I read an article by one of the producers extolling the advances in ai and how they spent a lot of time on the single player experience, citing a statistic showing more than half do not get online with the game. The ai is worst than 2004. The single player campaign is bad, even when playing it co-op. It's even worst now that I can compare it to SSBBs fun campaign and surprisingly good storyline even with no dialogue.

Rayman Raving Rabbids 2

The first was a fun casual type game, great with the kids. I expected the second to be at the very least just new content. Instead the sequel has an entirely different feel, the art direction is not as good. I didn't think the storyline could get less coherent than the original but it did.
I regret trading the first away in anticipation for the second. Which I traded away after three days.

I really wanted to continue with it and I really love it but I just totally lost interest in it...

Jade Empire

Same way I feel about Okami...
Kingdom Hearts 1, man I heard soooo much about the game and everyone was telling me how great it was. Plus was always hoping for something Final Fantasy non-turn based and prayers seem answered! Then I played it: boring, bored...Donald Duck landing finishing blow to Cloud (pre-Advent Children overblown crap) I was done.

Any Halo. It's odd we bitch and complain about backtracking and repetitive looking levels yet NO ONE comes out and says it about Halo and this game has done it THREE TIMES! Each time people make it sound like the coming of God, but same goddamn mistakes over and over again!

Killzone, Sony should've just shut up about hyping a mediocre shooter...

Donkey Konga, thank you Nintendo for giving me the hopes and dreams of playing Bingo on KONGAS!
I really liked FFCC. :[ Oh well.

In recent memory, I'd say MGS Portable Ops. I get the feeling it would be a decent game but I could never come to terms with the awful camera and trying to shoot at all accurately with the analog nub. Plus they kept hyping up how the game would be a significant, canon entry to the series and it turned out to have a total throwaway storyline.

The same camera prevented me from getting into Monster Hunter Portable 2, which seemed like it had huge potential.

In previous generations: God of War, Chrono Cross, and Star Control 3. I was happy to learn that the original Star Control creators eventually disavowed SC3, which was done by another team.
Oblivion and Dead Rising. Oblivion bore me to sleep, literally. Dead Rising was just too hard to play on my 27" SDTV. I had no idea what was going on(text wise) and the Clown boss knocked me off the platform, that took half my life and then before I could get up he teleported onto my face and chainsawed me. That was the last time I put that game in my 360.
[quote name='metaly']I really liked FFCC. :[ Oh well.
I liked FFCC (though for me it was more awkward because I was the only one in our group with no GBA, but instead a GBA Player for Gamecube and so everytime we play I had to bring my Gamecube, small TV and link cable to play with them). More so because the game gave me such awkward, fond multiplayer memories...

"OH SHIT our healers are dead!"
"WAIT!! Who has the chalice?!"

To this day we never beat it...
[quote name='scuba t']I agree with whoever said Red Steel then. nuff said[/quote]

Red Steel had so much potential but it's wonky controls and the way the character held the weapon on screen kinda pushed me away..
[quote name='bardockkun']I liked FFCC (though for me it was more awkward because I was the only one in our group with no GBA, but instead a GBA Player for Gamecube and so everytime we play I had to bring my Gamecube, small TV and link cable to play with them). More so because the game gave me such awkward, fond multiplayer memories...

"OH SHIT our healers are dead!"
"WAIT!! Who has the chalice?!"

To this day we never beat it...[/quote]

Wait, am I understanding you right? You played FFCC with the GBA Player instead of a GBA? That is amazing.

The end battle was pretty clever, and I was impressed that they managed to link it with the game's whole "memories" theme. It actually quizzes you about people you met and places you went, etc., and the boss throws extra enemies at you if you answer incorrectly. Or something like that, anyway. It was great because we played that game off-and-on over almost a year and our recollection wasn't too great by the end, so that fight probably ended up being tougher than it should have.
[quote name='metaly']Wait, am I understanding you right? You played FFCC with the GBA Player instead of a GBA? That is amazing.

The end battle was pretty clever, and I was impressed that they managed to link it with the game's whole "memories" theme. It actually quizzes you about people you met and places you went, etc., and the boss throws extra enemies at you if you answer incorrectly. Or something like that, anyway. It was great because we played that game off-and-on over almost a year and our recollection wasn't too great by the end, so that fight probably ended up being tougher than it should have.[/quote]
I also did the whole GBA Player thing with Zelda: Four Swords, man, multiplayer really used to suck for me back then...

Also I remember me and my friends got good portion of questions right, but by the final dungeon...Man, enemies were everywhere and each time we went for some kinda strategy it would immediatly fail as enemies would come from behind and kill our healers and before we knew it we were down to two people and hence panic sets in and we run and scream (both in game and IRL).
[quote name='bardockkun']Also I remember me and my friends got good portion of questions right, but by the final dungeon...Man, enemies were everywhere and each time we went for some kinda strategy it would immediatly fail as enemies would come from behind and kill our healers and before we knew it we were down to two people and hence panic sets in and we run and scream (both in game and IRL).[/quote]

Sadly, we only ever had two players for this, and I imagine three or four would change the game's dynamics dramatically, since one of us was on bucket duty most of the time. We were never really able to designate someone as a healer, for instance. I had a lot of hope that the DS version would let me get a four-person party together (plus alleviate the awkwardness of having to cycle through commands), but it sounds like the story mode isn't even co-op. It's a real shame.

So uh, I guess I can add FFCC DS to my disappointing games list. At least I didn't have to find that out the hard way.
Gears of War. I've loved Epic since the mid 90s, and was really looking forward to Gears of War. I loved it to death for about two weeks, single, co op, and multi... but after those two weeks I just lost interest in it. Rather play TF2, Vegas, Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, Shadowrun(hey I'm an old CS fan, it's super CS =)... any other triple A shooter. Gears just isn't for me.
Gears of War, I bought my 360 cuz this game looked so awesome, now it sits on the shelf while Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 feel the warm embrace inside the 360.

oh yea
Perfect Dark Zero
Zelda Majoras Mask
Dead or Alive 4
Prince of Persia Warrior Within
Bomberman Act Zero

and for those who say the Wii, whats wrong with u guys?
I love my wii, eventhough all i got is 1st party games, i dont care, thats what i bought it for
These are some of the games that I thought would be awesome before they came out. I restricted it to no more than 2 games per system so that the list doesn't go on forever.

Xbox 360
Blue Dragon

Dino Crisis 3
Unreal 2

Red Steel
Escape from Bug Island

Resident Evil Deadly Silence
DS Web Browser (I know it’s not a game, but what was Nintendo thinking?)

Tales of Symphonia
Super Mario Sunshine


Monster Hunter
Gran Turismo 4

Time Crisis: Project Titan (a single player Time Crisis..WTF?)

Untold Legends: Brotherhood
Death Jr
indigo prophecy. i love cinematic games and i heard this game was great in this aspect. i was super enthusiastic during the first three hours, but then the game regressed towards some cop-out bullshit paranormal/supernatural plotline which really pissed me off. to anybody who hasn't played but is curious:

SPOILER: it turns out that the main character has super neo-like powers because he was exposed to some radioactive shit when he was young. also, cybernetic internet beings are trying to take over the earth...yeah.
[quote name='Maklershed']Nintendogs, New Super Mario Bros., Fuzion Frenzy 2, Perfect Dark Zero, Twilight Princess, and Phantom Hourglass.[/QUOTE]


Dead Rising is the top.
Army of Two for me. I got so frustrated that everytime I went to rent it it was sold out. When I finally got to rent it I play it for about 2 hrs and went back to bully and haven't looked back since.
Wind Waker- I love all of the nintendo console Zelda games (never played the CDI ones) but Wind Waker just was too boring. And it is not the graphic style, as I love Phantom Hourglass, which I am currently playing. I just can't believe the high ratings this game received.
I'm going to echo some of the sentiments for Perfect Dark Zero...I had such high hopes, loved the original N64 games...and was completely underwhelmed by the PSZ experience.

Also, Oblivion was boring.
Bioshock wasn't the most disappointing but I was disappointed. It got so much hype but I beat it and it was a good game but not that special.
Deus-ex Invisible War:took every thing good from the first game and threw it out.

MK double dash: Took everything fun from the first 2 and replaced them with stupid super wepons that took up half the fucking track.
Bleach for Wii, my GF and I are fans of the anime. I wasn't expecting it to be Street Fighter or virtual fighter, I wanted it to be just a fun party game where we can swing our Wiimotes around like couple of idiots. But boy that game really fail at the most basic aspect of gaming, it wasn't even remotely fun even when compared with other anime games. Played it for a total of 5 hours. Then traded it in at Goozex.
Personally I bought a 360 after playing Bioshock on my friends' box for about 3 hours, I completely loved that game.

Most recently however was Assassin's Creed. Its sitting on my TV and I can't bring myself to play it. Just not at all interested in it. I played about 3-4 hours worth and it just didn't grab me in the least.
Dead Rising
It was the game that made me get the 360. But I could never get past the one save file per console, the horrible mission structure that forced me to go from mission to mission with little free time to explore and I HATED those convicts in the courtyard. Those thing pretty much ruined something that should have been a great game...

Zelda: Windwaker
It not that it was a bad game or anything. What disappointed me was the fact it was too easy(which is saying alot for a 3D Zelda game...) and I didn't find sailing to be any fun. Oh yeah there was that Triforce fetch quest towards the end of the game...

Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Again the sailing is the part that really made me not like this game at all. Sure all you had to do now was plot a course, but you still had to sail...and sail...and sail. And the Ocean Temple didn't help at all...
Any Mortal Kombat game since MK2. I lost interest in the franchise after playing MK3. They took the combat, art style, characters, fatalities.... well just about everything in a direction that I just didn't like. MK: Armageddon & Shoalin Monks were both meh, but good enough to play for awhile.

RPG's can be pretty hit or miss for me. Some of them I absolutely love and can't put down, but there are others I just can't force myself to play.
My all-time biggest disappointment is a tie between Brute Force and Twisted metal 3
So much hype, so much epic failure in both titles.

On a console by console basis:

Twisted Metal 3 (I was so excited about this titles as I had logged literally thousands of hours on two in college)

State of Emergency

I thought RFoM was extremely derivative of H2 and other MoH/CoD titles.

Original Xbox
Brute Squad- oh what could have been, gutting all the live killed this title.

The Simpson's game (I had such high hopes, and really enjoyed the xbox 1 Simpson's titles and even the futurama game)

PC (Tie)
Diakatana (by the time it was released everyone knew it was probably going to suck)
Counter-Strike CZ (While CS is probably my fav PC multi-player title of all time, the CZ sequel was terrible and I had such high hopes)

PC/360 note:
People who post Bioshock as the MOST disappointing game they thought would be fun are FOS and make me want to punch them in the face. I guess to each his own.

Sega Saturn:
Quarterback Attack (so terrible)

Crazy Taxi 2

Atari Jaguar:
Actually I can't decide now so many

I honest to god remember playing ET at my friend Ben's house.

Mountainking (ahh giant enemy spiders)

Worldclass baseball

Deadly Towers (my brother, Lee, spent a fortune on this turd)

Super NES:


Jak and Daxter - spent $50, played it once, few months later traded it in to GameStop for $10...

Twisted Metal Black- defeating minion was IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Final Fantasy CC - just WTF happened there!?!?!

Moto Maniacs (GBA) - you tap on button and you win...

Dungeons and Dragons (eye of the beholder - GBA) - like DOOM, lol a 3-D ish gba game

HALF LIFE 2 ! .... nah just joking, half life 2 is perfect!
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']Dead Rising
It was the game that made me get the 360. But I could never get past the one save file per console, the horrible mission structure that forced me to go from mission to mission with little free time to explore and I HATED those convicts in the courtyard. Those thing pretty much ruined something that should have been a great game...

Really? But you're free to explore as much as you like so long as you complete the case files on time. All the other scoops are optional unless you're going for achievements. Granted, the convicts are annoying at first, but once the shortcut between Wonderland Plaza and Paradise Plaza is unlocked they're a non-issue. (In addition, with the proper weapons (hello sniper rifle, small chainsaw, real mega buster) the Convicts are fun to take out.)

You might want to give it another shot. I actually had a similar experience. I bought the game in the summer and was so frustrated with it that I gave up after a week and didn't touch it until February. When I gave up trying to do everything in a single run, found out where to pick up the stronger weapons, and that survivors could be armed(I was so frustrated before I learned this!), the game became a lot more fun.
[quote name='trunks982']Mario is Missing. I was a kid and thought it's a Mario World sequel.[/QUOTE]

I remember renting this as a child and not being able to figure out what the hell to do.

Most recent for me, though, is Halo 3. I played more than 2,000 hours of Halo 2 (I know, I know) and less than 20 of Halo 3 (story mode and multi combined).
Kessen III - I liked the mostly on-rails narritive driven gameplay of Kessen II. Kessen III added a wonky and confusing menu-driven RPG element and free-form gameplay that was frequently frustrating due to my inability to accurately gauge troop distances.

Indigo Prophecy - talk about a wasted opportunity, even Uwe Boll would be embarrassed to put his name on a story this dopey.
[quote name='rabbitt']I remember renting this as a child and not being able to figure out what the hell to do.

Most recent for me, though, is Halo 3. I played more than 2,000 hours of Halo 2 (I know, I know) and less than 20 of Halo 3 (story mode and multi combined).[/QUOTE]

I got Mario is Missing a couple of years ago and couldn't figure out what to do.
bread's done