Most Overrated Games of 2008

gta 4 and mgs 4. they were ok games but in the end they never caught up to the hype. especially gta 4 al that talk about huge worlds and they are huge and mulitplayer is fun ( which may account for why the story mode was so lame) but shit its a sad world when you can compare this games to san andreas and san andreas is still a much better game. if they could add in some of the san andreas stuff ( harrier jets and airplanes , parachutes , more weapons ect) the game could be alot better. still wondering when or if the ps3 will ever get any dlc.

as for metal gear the story hasnt been interesting since mgs on the ps1. kojima started to buy into his own hype the same way miyamoto did and the game series suffered for it.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Well was actually coming to the General gaming forums just to create a thread asking if anyone else thinks GTA IV is horribly overated. Seriously I dont understand how this game is even a contender for GotY let alone chosen time and time again FOR GotY. The controls are horrid and far too lose, the physics are off, the character models look like ass even if the city looks good, the game tries to fucking explain how to play WHILE your fucking pausing the action so hope you can fucking drive a car and read at the same time! I seriously am not even going to finish this game nor even reach a mile stone in it. Crackdown and Saint's Row get a lot of shit for not being GTA and I just dont get it.....even if they dont offer the same depth as GTA at least they do well what they do!

Outside GTA not sure what to say, havnt played a number of the big releases yet. MGS and Zelda for the DS stand out....but their always overated...then again so is GTA. Edit- Just thought of another I can add. Castle Crashers! I know that everyone else thought it was the be all end all but I really dont understand why. All the charcters play almost exactly the same damn way offering you little incentive to replay the different characters and the game even released buggy and in need of a patch.[/quote]

its good to see im not the only one annoyed with how the game controlls. ive died way to many times because of them whether youre trying to run and stop only to keep going or that annoying cover system which decides to work for you when it wants to and not when you need it to. its easy to deal with when doing the single player stuff since the game ai is retarted at best but in multiplayer it gets you killed way too often.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']
Soul Calibur 4 is greatly reduced from Soul Calibur 3 in it's story mode. Soul Calibur 4 does include Online Multiplayer, and allows you to customize characters from Soul Calibur 4. However you can't customize the Star Wars characters which was pretty much a let down, sure you can change their skills and weaps but that's really it. I felt this was a major stepdown compared to Soul Calibur 3. Soul Calibur 3 really shined with it's story mode, especially with its Create A Soul story.[/quote]

SC3 was an absolutely broken game, SC4 is not.
Grand Theft Auto IV - BY A MILE
Mirror's Edge
Resistance 2
Fallout 3
Megaman 9
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Soul Calibur IV
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[quote name='bardockkun']Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I'm surprised it's not really being brought up, but was expecting more from the game since I loved the N64 and Gamecube versions. Instead the most hack job of an online multiplayer ruined it for me.[/quote]

Yeah, review wise it was definitely overrated. I really think it's unwise and plain unprofessional for reviewers to rush out reviews of games with online play. They really needed to see the game populated with some users to make a fair assessment.

I think SSBB delivered on everything I had hoped, except online. It's unplayable unless you have the patience of a saint. That might have been excusable around the time SSBM came out, but not now.
I don't get where all the hate for GTA4 is coming from. I played it, beat the story, and still play it occasionally, and I think that it's an excellent game. Driving controls are much improved from the old GTAs (feels a lot more like Forza than NFS, which I like). I thought that the multiplayer was garbage for it though. Every single match consisted of spawn-camping, autoaim enabled, racist/vulgar idiots.
[quote name='SNAKE EYES EX']Grand Theft Auto IV - BY A MILE
Mirror's Edge
Resistance 2
Fallout 3
Megaman 9
Super Smash Bros Melee
Soul Calibur IV[/quote]
Melee was the Gamecube one...
Fable 2

I knew GH would suck, but I put it here moreso for the solid reviews it got. fuck those reviewers, RB2 is better in every possible way.

Peter Molyneux can eat a dick for telling me Fable 2 would be good.
[quote name='Danil ACE']I don't get where all the hate for GTA4 is coming from. I played it, beat the story, and still play it occasionally, and I think that it's an excellent game. Driving controls are much improved from the old GTAs (feels a lot more like Forza than NFS, which I like). I thought that the multiplayer was garbage for it though. Every single match consisted of spawn-camping, autoaim enabled, racist/vulgar idiots.[/QUOTE]

The controls alone would make me nominate it. Add in the charcter graphics and the way tutorials are tossed it you mid action and bam overated.
I'd probably have to go with Braid even though I enjoyed it a lot. The amazing part of the experience that reviewers raved about never really kicked in for me.
Yeah, I was dissappointed with Braid either. Great graphics and sound for a d/l game. Level design was brilliant at times, but some of the puzzles were just too obtuse and I'd have never figured them out without gamefaqs.
I find it hilarious that anyone uses "repetitive" as an excuse. All games are repetitive, you do the same things OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again. That's called a game. By what you're saying, RB2 is the most repetitive game of all time, no matter what you do, you're pretty much just pressing the same notes over and over and over and over and over again, just in a different order; or for singing, you're just saying different words... over and over and over and over and over again.

Seriously people, stop using repetitive as an excuse, just say you didn't enjoy it. Not that hard to-do, you don't have to make up a frivolous excuse that shouldn't even be a vaild / liable excuse.

As for over-rated, my vote goes to Fallout 3. I like the game, but haven't felt the need to really play it much. It hasn't sucked me into the world, like Oblivion did. I'm sure I just need to spend more time with it, but I just don't find it that interesting.

Or wait, maybe I just find it repetitive! You know, walking around a map constantly, reading text constantly, and shooting and killing things constantly. It's the entire game. How repetitive! [/end sarcasm]
COD 4 - good game, just not as good as people say.
GTA 4 - Great game, just repetitive, and the story faltered at the end.
Agree with Gears 2 (I still haven't finished it, to be fair though I don't have LiVE and I bet it's a lot more fun online), mirrors edge, GTA 4, and SC4. I was especially disappointed with SC4 though.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']I find it hilarious that anyone uses "repetitive" as an excuse. All games are repetitive, you do the same things OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again. That's called a game. By what you're saying, RB2 is the most repetitive game of all time, no matter what you do, you're pretty much just pressing the same notes over and over and over and over and over again, just in a different order; or for singing, you're just saying different words... over and over and over and over and over again.

Seriously people, stop using repetitive as an excuse, just say you didn't enjoy it. Not that hard to-do, you don't have to make up a frivolous excuse that shouldn't even be a vaild / liable excuse.

When you boil everything down to that, then yeah, every game is repetitive. However, it's human nature to define things by what they aren't just as much as by what they are. Sure, each song in Rock Band consists of hitting one of five buttons at the right time, but each song is different...different tempos, beats, note progression, difficulty. When people use repetitive as an excuse, it's because each gameplay task/mission isn't different enough.
Yeah I agree with infinite all games have some repetitiveness (as do most things, ever heard of a book that changes it's whole story in an instant?)

But sometimes you see pure laziness like the same damn corridor or objectives with a different enemy skin put over the bad guys...
[quote name='help1']COD 4 - good game, just not as good as people say.
GTA 4 - Great game, just repetitive, and the story faltered at the end.[/quote]

COD4 was 2007, and it was as good as people say.
If GTA4 had gotten 9s or 8.5s... hell, even 9.5s, I wouldn't call it overrated. The problem I have is that nearly EVERY review gave it a 10, or their own version of such. It had a LOT of problems, and I also don't think the review format really made them apparent. If you had to power through the game to get a review in, things like the incessant phone calls wouldn't be an issue if you're ignoring them. I guess part of my other problem is that it's garnering a lot of GOTYs... which, I guess, it has to, considering that it's, by far, the highest rated game for most sites/magazines/etc this year. If it didn't get GOTY, it'd be a bit of a mark on their previous judgement.

So, yeah, GTA4, by far. It's not even really a debate. People liked GTA4, but it's tough to seriously believe it deserved the perfect scores it universally received.

Others: Fable 2, Smash Bros... these pain me to say, since they were the games I looked forward to the most. They weren't bad, but they lacked the spark that previous games did. I didn't hate them, but I didn't *love* them, which, for me, is nearly as bad.

Not yet mentioned: Smackdown 2009... it seemed like they were finally going to get it right this year, and they did in a lot of ways. However, after about 2 days, it seemed like there was no reason to KEEP playing. Extremely disappointing, and I'll never forgive the lack of GM mode.
Reality's Fringe;5326931 said:
Little Big Planet. A million user created levels that are all incredibly boring.

I havnt played it yet but when I do I bet that I am going to agree with you. Every review I have read gives it a AAA score and rants about how innovative and cute it is but then adds but the gameplay itself could have been better. The videos I have watched just again show a game where the creative tools and style look amazing but the gameplay looks close to non existent.
Reality's Fringe;5326931 said:
Little Big Planet. A million user created levels that are all incredibly boring.

The first month that this came out the levels were pretty bland, but honestly what do you expect? The creativity takes time. With that said, the singeplayer was always great.

Ever since December hit there have been some incredible levels, and the best thing about the game is that it can only get better as the community grows. I think in a couple of months more and more gamers will catch on.

Have you played it recently?
[quote name='Trakan']COD4 was 2007, and it was as good as people say.[/quote]

How did I forget that? My bad. Im not saying its a bad game, It is a great game, just not as flawless as some would have you believe.
I know a lot of peeps liked it, but i played Dead Space for about fifteen minutes, put it back in its case, and immediately resold it on ebay. Not interested at all, basically just a fuzzy mess from what little i saw...
GTA4 is now the 2nd highest reviewed game of all time on Gamerankings.

Clearly it's the most overrated game of 2008. I don't care how good you think that game is, it's not the 2nd best game ever made.

Given the length of that game, coupled with the weekend most of the enthusiast press outlets had to review it - how did they manage to write and post 4-10 page reviews in the same weekend they played through a 20-40hr game?
Overrated = Grand Theft Auto IV. Those must be some lonely ass journalists who thought a fake computer rocked. I think it's pretty obvious the series should use regenerative health to combat the missions that are long and tedious to redo when you fail them and to avoid going to burger joints and hot dog stands (so annoying!). Should allow for custom controls, confusing to go back to it after months (how do I whistle for a taxi again?!). They put all those skyscapers to taunt players as they took out parachutes. They didn't even add in the fun cheats like AI drive in invisible cars and they took out the tank. But technically, the graphics did awe me that a free roam could look that good.
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']Overrated = Grand Theft Auto IV. Those must be some lonely ass journalists who thought a fake computer rocked. I think it's pretty obvious the series should use regenerative health to combat the missions that are long and tedious to redo when you fail them and to avoid going to burger joints and hot dog stands (so annoying!). Should allow for custom controls, confusing to go back to it after months (how do I whistle for a taxi again?!). They put all those skyscapers to taunt players as they took out parachutes. They didn't even add in the fun cheats like AI drive in invisible cars and they took out the tank. But technically, the graphics did awe me that a free roam could look that good.[/quote]I agree with you that the game was way overrated but regenerating health would be stupid in GTA IV IMO. The game is supposed to be more realistic which is also why there was no tank. I think R* did a great job with it.
I have seen GTA IV about a billion times in this thread and I played literally 20 minutes (the first mission where you are waiting outside while some guy plays cards) and I literally couldn't see a damn thing when I was turning the car while driving. I quit.

I haven't ever like any of the GTA games though but I don't ever remember not being able to see while I was turning. Maybe I was doing something wrong.

I did see one person say Fallout 3. Are you nuts? That game is electronic crack and my wife hates me for having it in the house
I feel compelled to say that I loved GTA4 and thought it was worth all the praise. I don't understand the hate.

Most overrated (and in my not so humble opinion ***bad***) game is MGS4. I almost bought a PS3 for one. Thankfully my friend let me borrow his PS3. I loved every minute of MGS1-3 and I suffered through every minute of MGS4 hoping it would get better. It sadly just got worse.
[quote name='Trakan'] RB2 is better in every possible way.[/quote]

Except for the inferior on-disc track list.

[quote name='Trakan']COD4 was 2007, and it was as good as people say.[/quote]

It was like a big-ass mod for COD2, which was really just an update for COD1. COD has essentially been the same game for 5 years. The gameplay hasn't really changed.
[quote name='MaskedPlague']The most overhyped game is easily GTAIV, and I like the game. I have nothing else to add that people haven't already said.[/QUOTE]

The thread is OVERRATED, not overhyped. Though I suppose the game is both.
[quote name='farfus']I know a lot of peeps liked it, but i played Dead Space for about fifteen minutes, put it back in its case, and immediately resold it on ebay. Not interested at all, basically just a fuzzy mess from what little i saw...[/quote]

its an ok game but what i dont get is all the people who go on and on about how scary it is. i havent been really scared by a survival horror game since silent hill.
You guys are all expecting the ultimate perfect game apparently.

I loved Mirror's Edge, i loved Dead Space, i loved Fallout 3, i loved Little BigPlanet, i loved GTA IV, i have an unhealthy obsession with MGS4.

If anything was disappointing, it was Resistance 2 and, to a lesser degree, Gears of War 2. R2 was flat-out embarassing in the beginning, but it got slightly better. No narrative really made the game awful. It just felt like a boring shooter most of the time, nothing really special about it. Gears 2 was what i expected it to be, but that's not really a good thing. I felt liek the game wasn't even close to being ready to release. The multiplayer is beyond glitched, and the single player on insane is glitched as well. Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a hard game becuase it requires skill and precision to beat. Gears of War 2 on insane is a glitched half-assed attempt to make something hard by giving all enemies a one-shot pistol, and the worst possible checkpoint system that forces you to watch/sit through conversations millions of times. UGH. The only GOOD thing about GoW2 was that the LE had a code i sold for $50 on ebay >.
Left 4 Dead - While it was fun the first couple times I played it, I quickly grew bored with it.

Braid - I just don't see what people liked about this game. The art style was hideous, and the gameplay bored me.
[quote name='ninja dog']so basically, anything that got over an 8 from anywhere or had more than 1 person like it.[/quote]

Someone said Haze so no.
bread's done