MS Extends Warranty To 3 Years


2 (100%)
...extending the warranty to three years.

Microsoft Corp. today announced that it will expand its global Xbox 360 warranty coverage. Any Xbox 360 customer who experiences a general hardware failure indicated by three flashing red lights will now be covered by a three year warranty from date of purchase. All other existing Xbox 360 warranty policies remain in place.

Full article:
holy fuck, that shouts "omg omg omg we're gonna get sued if they find out the truth omg omg omg" :lol:
I don't think they could have handled the PR in this matter much worse.

Sure they're fixing the issues, and as a person who hasn't had this issue... yet.... I'm happy about that, but man they're going to get hammered about failure rates now.
For any customer who has previously paid for repair expenses related to the three flashing lights error message on the Xbox 360 console, Microsoft will retroactively reimburse them.
Good news.
[quote name='shieryda']fuckers. They should just extend all warranties by 1 year. I purchased the 2-year warranty, and I feel slighted.[/QUOTE]

good call. I bought a 2 year contract on my first 360, which I don't own anymore, but hey, if they're going to throw a free three year warranty out there, I want my $$$ back. bastards sucked about getting people the warranty literature too-- I asked for it like 3 times.
Also, lets make a way to migrate XBLA games from one console to another (maybe once every 6 mos) without having to delete the games and redownload them ,create a new Live account, or any other lame procedure. If you can write Windows, you can write a program that patches the serial # on the downloaded Live games to that of the new console.
It's pretty much the perfect time for them to do this. Because in 2 weeks, everyone will forget about it. They'll be responding to E3.
[quote name='Apossum']good call. I bought a 2 year contract on my first 360, which I don't own anymore, but hey, if they're going to throw a free three year warranty out there, I want my $$$ back. bastards sucked about getting people the warranty literature too-- I asked for it like 3 times.[/quote] I think they will reimburse you, or at least that's what the letter says.
Thats cool. Now I can buy one without worrying that much. I really hope they refund everyone who is screwed by the new policy though.
we are announcing today a three-year warranty that covers any console that displays a three flashing red lights error message.
I just wanted to clarify, but does this include launch 360 units?
[quote name='Ma12kez']I just wanted to clarify, but does this include launch 360 units?[/QUOTE]

Yes, the article says it is "retroactive" and refunds will apply if you had to pay for repair.
I hope I'm getting my money back, since I paid for the two year warranty sometime last year.

It sounds like they are giving money back to people that had to have repairs done. I don't see anythng for those of us that purchased a warranty and haven't used it yet. Anyone know what's what?
[quote name='dallow']Hope they're also trying to make sure future boxes don't actually break down in the first place.[/quote]
Well sure they are. I know they like throwing money away and all, but continuing to offer such a robust warranty while not fixing the problem would be unimaginable.
Very impressed. Too bad I bought a 3 year warrantee from BB.... actually... does this extension apply to systems already sold? What about repairs paid for previously?

EDIT: yes, retroactive, that's the word I was looking for.
[quote name='tarouza']i got 70 bucks coming back to me after haggling repair price down from 140[/QUOTE]

actually you might be getting $140, I haggled MS down to $30 when my first launch 360 died (on 3rd one now) and they sent me back $140 refund...

Now about extended warranty... I sure as hell hope this adds onto that OR they refund the money I paid for that.
This may sound stupid so take it easy. Do you think they actually know how to REPAIR the 360s now in a way that will make their lifetime longer (statically speaking)? Or do you think now, all repaired and replaced xboxs will come with those new, almost mythical, 65nm chips that (I guess) are more reliable.
1stly, good job MS, doing what you should have done in the first place - offering a decent warranty as standard. An honest apolgy can do wonders, and show your character. The video game media should be applauded for getting this done by keeping the pressure up on MS. This pleases me as an MS customer and lightens my criticism of the dictatorial nature of MS.

However, I must echo Rig's comments. What of us who have purchased an extended official MS warraty of two more years of coverage on top of the previous standard 1 year warranty. It cost me 50 bucks! Now it is being given away to everyone for free? That leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I deserve a refund, or an extension of my warranty of the first free 3 years + the 2 years I paid for. I bought this due to the RRoD rumblings that were happening, and the crappy MS coverage. This had better be addressed properly. Imagine trying to get a refund for this from the E. Indian reps, it will take weeks to explain it to them. My only RRoD happened in the first 6 months, I have only been covered by the extended warranty for a few months now.

3rdly, This only addresses RRoD issues. What about the disc scratching that has been proven to happen without anyone accidentally moving the console. What about the Update bricking. These issues are no less severe than the RRoD, just more difficult to prove as being the fault of MS. These problems seem to be less prevelant than RRoD, but are serious to those who it has affected.
It doesn't seem like you'd get your money back if you purchased a warranty. They mention that the new "extended warranty" will only apply to the 3 red lights problem, not other ones. If you ask for a refund, you'll probably be told that your paid warranty covers EVERYTHING.
The best part about this whole announcement is: "...and would reimburse customers who had previously paid for repairs related to the three-flashing-lights error message."

Props to M$ for making this retroactive.
Holy fuck, this news may just get me to go out and buy a 360 NOW....

I have to admit, cudos to MS for owning up to it, and dear GOD, is that an apology?

I'm flattered, and I don't even OWN a 360 yet.

[quote name='jughead']This may sound stupid so take it easy. Do you think they actually know how to REPAIR the 360s now in a way that will make their lifetime longer (statically speaking)? Or do you think now, all repaired and replaced xboxs will come with those new, almost mythical, 65nm chips that (I guess) are more reliable.[/QUOTE]
There have been reports microsoft has been beefing up cooling on some units sent in for repair.
[quote name='NWgamer666']
3rdly, This only addresses RRoD issues. What about the disc scratching that has been proven to happen without anyone accidentally moving the console. What about the Update bricking. These issues are no less severe than the RRoD, just more difficult to prove as being the fault of MS. These problems seem to be less prevelant than RRoD, but are serious to those who it has affected.[/quote]

Take a blowdryer to the damn thing and hope for a halo. :)
[quote name='PyroGamer']11/22/2008, to be fair ;)[/quote]

Yep, but still, i'm covered til 2010 so i guess that $427.xx purchase isn't as bad now :)
I love that they are at least saying "Hey we messed up and certain failures happen more frequently so here is 3 years warranty" but I now wonder if Sony will match the length of warranty. Could this just be microsoft really turning the screw on Sony. I mean they really seem to be trying to hammer Sony and what better way than giving people 3 years warranty on their console. Now all the Xbox fanboys can say hah ! our console comes with a 3 year warranty ! I love it
[quote name='mcroa7']I love that they are at least saying "Hey we messed up and certain failures happen more frequently so here is 3 years warranty" but I now wonder if Sony will match the length of warranty. Could this just be microsoft really turning the screw on Sony. I mean they really seem to be trying to hammer Sony and what better way than giving people 3 years warranty on their console. Now all the Xbox fanboys can say hah ! our console comes with a 3 year warranty ! I love it[/quote]

Last i checked, Sony's PS3 wasn't failing anywhere close to as much as the 360...
So, now my recently purchased 2 year extension lasts until 2012? Any chance I can just get my money back on that one?
I have no receipt for my purchase, didn't think to keep it after my initial store warranty expired. Hopefully this won't matter when my 360 inevitably bites the dust... for a second time.
[quote name='mcroa7']I love that they are at least saying "Hey we messed up and certain failures happen more frequently so here is 3 years warranty" but I now wonder if Sony will match the length of warranty. Could this just be microsoft really turning the screw on Sony. I mean they really seem to be trying to hammer Sony and what better way than giving people 3 years warranty on their console. Now all the Xbox fanboys can say hah ! our console comes with a 3 year warranty ! I love it[/QUOTE]
Failure rates of the PS3 is very very low, not the ridiculous ~30% of the 360.

PS3 comes with a year warranty. Fine with me since the hardware seems to be solidly built.
[quote name='mcroa7']I love that they are at least saying "Hey we messed up and certain failures happen more frequently so here is 3 years warranty" but I now wonder if Sony will match the length of warranty. Could this just be microsoft really turning the screw on Sony. I mean they really seem to be trying to hammer Sony and what better way than giving people 3 years warranty on their console. Now all the Xbox fanboys can say hah ! our console comes with a 3 year warranty ! I love it[/QUOTE]
I hardly think a public apology to your customers qualifies as "hammering Sony".
bread's done