MS: Gears of War disks are ruining 360 DVD drives

[quote name='SpecTrE3353']Does Costco offer some sort of warranty? I bought mine there too but I don't remember being offered anything when I bought it.[/quote]

no its just assumed to be extremely easy to return/exchange there. even years after buying something there.
I've only had a DRE at one instance, and it involved Dead Rising. I took the game back and exchanged it for another copy, same result. Turns out that the HDD transfer kit I had connected somehow corrupted several files, causing Dead Rising to give a DRE when loading/starting a game. I had to format the HDD and the problem was fixed.
[quote name='porieux']
Oh please. You don't need a source for this one, any site you visit that discusses the 360 has countless stories of them failing, what to do to prevent it, coolers being sold (even if they make problems worse), and EVERYONE saying to buy the warranty. That simply is not the case with most electronics items or even video game systems.[/quote]

Sorry, but I find fault with this logic. The only people who are going to post about problems are the people with the issues, not the ones that don't have problems. That makes the results way skewed.

So there should be a study of falure rate XBOX 360's, taking into account people with actual (not reportedly) faulty 360's and actual (not reportedly) non-faulty 360's (50%). I'm sure there is one, I'm just too lazy to google it.
Here's an interesting link listing error codes, for those of you getting flashing lights out of the DRE or other issues:

I saw a pic of the 360's Mobo, and it looks to me that it might be replaceable for those out of warranty. From what I saw, it uses a Hitachi-LG dual layer drive (but that's only from one source, I'm willing to bet they use different drives similiar to the original box).
[quote name='screwkick']Some people have had a problem in general with their 360s after the November system update.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like my case. I've been getting random freezing issues since that update with three different games: about 4 times in N3, probably close to 10 so far in GOW, and it happened last with M:UA while my friends were playing it off a different hard drive.

I'm calling MS later this week to get it sent it, since I now have a Wii to keep me occupied. This is why I bought the warrenty...
[quote name='Sarang01']Thanks to everyone for giving me the go ahead not to bother buying GoW. I wanted to try it but if this bs is happening I'll pass. Have these problems only been heard of on American discs or what?
Hopefully "Blue Dragon" won't suffer these problems as well as rest of the Mistwalker games.[/QUOTE]

Some random dude, who heard from a friend, that talked to a CSR making up some bullshit, plus a few people here and there don't make for an epidemic that should cause you to skip out on a great game. considering that gow has sold more than a million copies and these few reports are trickling in should show that clearly this is a situation that effects the minority not the majority.

I've played through the game 3 times now on all difficulties and I'm finally at RAAM on Insane, and i've never had the game freeze on me, not once.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']Does Costco offer some sort of warranty? I bought mine there too but I don't remember being offered anything when I bought it.[/QUOTE]

They don't offer anything, it's just their policy and its the best in the business. Free lifetime warranties on all products sold.
[quote name='Chacrana']I like anime, nonsensical shit, and little girls...[/quote]email sent to F.B.I.
little more info: My 360 has always been in the horizontal position, so positioning isn't the issue, plenty of air circulation (what is this, a plant of contraband?), I'm just basically scared of the noise it makes now, as opposed to when it was purchased. It seems to sound louder and much more abrasive than playing oblivion or when I first got Gears. Granted, one persons opinion. As far as warranty goes - I bought the MS one when I first heard of launch system we craping out, despite my console being a newer issue, so the fear tactic worked on me. Is it right? prolly not, but I am no longer living in fear. Main thing I think is shitty is that If my console was to go out, I would be sent a referb by MS, not a brand new console like the one which I bought. How is that fair?
[quote name='NWgamer666']Main thing I think is shitty is that If my console was to go out, I would be sent a referb by MS, not a brand new console like the one which I bought. How is that fair?[/quote]

If it does happen, which it won't, refuse it. If you accept it, it becomes yours which would suck. Make sure the serial number matches up with your original serial number. Take pictures before you send it in. They will not send you a refurb if they cannot repair your original console. They have to provide you with a new one because that is the condition they set. And they will never attempt to take off your serial number sticker or something like that - they are not that stupid.. That is grounds for a heavy lawsuit (if they did it to one console, how do we know they didn't do it to thousands other to sell as new?) and no one would risk that just to compensate for repairing one console.

EDIT: or they will refund you up to the amount in I'm not sure which: 1) amount you paid for or 2) the current at-the-moment MSRP
[quote name='nintendokid']If it does happen, which it won't, refuse it. If you accept it, it becomes yours which would suck. Make sure the serial number matches up with your original serial number. Take pictures before you send it in. They will not send you a refurb if they cannot repair your original console. They have to provide you with a new one because that is the condition they set. And they will never attempt to take off your serial number sticker or something like that - they are not that stupid.. That is grounds for a heavy lawsuit (if they did it to one console, how do we know they didn't do it to thousands other to sell as new?) and no one would risk that just to compensate for repairing one console.[/QUOTE]

You guys know that if MS "fixes" your console, your console has basically become a refurb?
I have had my Xbox 360 since launch day and have had zero problems with it. It plays GoW fine and every other game fine. As a matter of fact i bought 2 360's at launch one as a gift for my cousin and his has zero problems with GoW or anything else either, and lord knows he hasn't stopped playing GoW since it came out...:roll: !!! The only thing is that he and i both have the systems set up horizontal like the original Xbox, none of that stand it on its side vertically. Maybe standing it on its side has something to do with the disc being effected? The disc slips down when in the verticle or something.
[quote name='OGHowie']You guys know that if MS "fixes" your console, your console has basically become a refurb?[/quote]

Yes. If you send in your XBOX360 and the serial number was 0000-0000-0001, you'd want the same one back, wouldn't you? It matters to me because I got it as a gift so I would always want the same one back. Plus, your serial number is tied to your warranty anyway.
I *just* opened my new 360 and started playing GoW this morning. I bought my console at Costco, so meh... if it craps out on me I'll just return it.
[quote name='nintendokid']Yes. If you send in your XBOX360 and the serial number was 0000-0000-0001, you'd want the same one back, wouldn't you? It matters to me because I got it as a gift so I would always want the same one back. Plus, your serial number is tied to your warranty anyway.[/quote]

I think he means that MS sends you a refurbed unit instead of fixing yours.
Didn't they say Madden was screwing up 360s too?

Or was that just a lie to cover up the fact that 2007 was very unpolished, leading to frequent crashes and stutters.

[quote name='Diiz']I *just* opened my new 360 and started playing GoW this morning. I bought my console at Costco, so meh... if it craps out on me I'll just return it.[/quote]

Oh, I bought mine at Costco too. I lost the receipt, but I hear they're good at looking that stuff up.
I bought it in March, how long do you think I have on Costco's return policy?
[quote name='invinceable104']Oh, I bought mine at Costco too. I lost the receipt, but I hear they're good at looking that stuff up.
I bought it in March, how long do you think I have on Costco's return policy?[/QUOTE]

Pretty much however long you want. I wouldn't personally try and push it more than 2 years, but that's just me.
I just bought a 360 because to me its the best current gen console, but its also true that MS hardware is absolute shit and I'd prefer to not deal with them. But now I wont be buying Gears of War, at least not until this shit gets resolved and I can confidently buy a flawless disc. :roll:
[quote name='Rozz']I just bought a 360 because to me its the best current gen console, but its also true that MS hardware is absolute shit and I'd prefer to not deal with them. But now I wont be buying Gears of War, at least not until this shit gets resolved and I can confidently buy a flawless disc. :roll:[/QUOTE]

You do realize MS reps said the same thing about Dead Rising, right? And that over a million copies of Gears have been solved and we've only heard, what, 3 or 4 people in this thread with a problem that may or may not have been caused by Gears?

MS reps are notorious for blaming anything OTHER than their system when it breaks. I highly doubt there is some kind of evil batch of Gears of War ruining 360's, and even if there was, we would have known about it a long long time ago.
[quote name='Roufuss']You do realize MS reps said the same thing about Dead Rising, right? And that over a million copies of Gears have been solved and we've only heard, what, 3 or 4 people in this thread with a problem that may or may not have been caused by Gears?

MS reps are notorious for blaming anything OTHER than their system when it breaks. I highly doubt there is some kind of evil batch of Gears of War ruining 360's, and even if there was, we would have known about it a long long time ago.[/quote]

Actually, I didnt know about them blaming Dead Rising as I just got into 360 and have recently been reading more into the system as of late than before. Slightly off subject though, I cant wait to receive Dead Rising as a gift this holiday season ;)
[quote name='Rozz']I just bought a 360 because to me its the best current gen console, but its also true that MS hardware is absolute shit and I'd prefer to not deal with them. But now I wont be buying Gears of War, at least not until this shit gets resolved and I can confidently buy a flawless disc. :roll:[/QUOTE]

It's my cousin who was told this information to begin with. It's bs, the reps are retarded. Disks can't physically break consoles.
Mine has been running fine with GOW. Now granted, it seems the drive is a little louder with this game, but it hasn't done anything out of the ordinary.
[quote name='thrustbucket']It's my cousin who was told this information to begin with. It's bs, the reps are retarded. Disks can't physically break consoles.[/QUOTE]

I dunno, the strain on a cheap disc drive can. Playing CD-R's in a Dreamcast will throw the laser off of calibration. However.. that's a totally different issue :)
I think we should start a thread for ppl with 360's who have experienced no problems.. then we would have a more rounded perspective. Count me as an owner since May with no major issues thus far. *knocks on wood* ;)
[quote name='Rozz']Actually, I didnt know about them blaming Dead Rising as I just got into 360 and have recently been reading more into the system as of late than before. Slightly off subject though, I cant wait to receive Dead Rising as a gift this holiday season ;)[/QUOTE]

Well, I didn't want to seem like I was attacking you, but I just didn't want you to pass out on a great game because of some stupid rumor that isn't true.
I just bought a 360 and Gears of War with a major credit card. Should I get the extra MS warranty or should I just ride with the extended warranty that my credit card provides. I know my card only gives me a year and MS gives two years but I don't see any reason to double up warranties. Is there any way to get a MS warranty after the warranty on my card runs out?
[quote name='Number83']Sorry, but I find fault with this logic. The only people who are going to post about problems are the people with the issues, not the ones that don't have problems. That makes the results way skewed. [/QUOTE]

Not really, because that also holds true for other systems and electronic devices. Therefore if there are a lot more complaints about 360s failing, especially vs. the amount that have been sold, a conclusion can still be drawn about their reliability.

I'm not sure why anyone is arguing this point, are you just being pedantic?

Hopefully the new 360s are better. But MS certainly acknowledged a problem by extending the warranties of early adopters....kinda hard to argue with that one.

My 360 has been fine and I keep it in a cabinet and leave it on for many hours at a time, even when I'm not playing it. But mine is really new I just got it less than 3 weeks ago. And again, I think it's a great system and recommend it to people, but I recommend they buy it at Costco if possible.
[quote name='Skylander7']
Theoretically speaking... couldn't you just replace the 360's disc drive? If they're connected via IDE or SATA to the system's mobo, it should be just a standard drive with a shiny plastic molding in front of the disc tray.[/QUOTE]

It's a SATA connection, but you can't swap a new one in. Each individual 360 disc drive is paired to that specific motherboard; if the identification is off, it won't work.

There are ways to rewrite the firmware to let you do all kinds of stuff, but we're getting into pirate territory here.
My 360 drive has stopped working. 360 still boots up fine, but whenver I put in any game, movie, or cd it says the disc is unplayable. No ring of red lights or anything like that, it sounds like the drive isn't even attempting to run the disc.

Not sure if it's GoW's fault, but that is the only game I've been playing for the past month. It is a launch 360 though, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

Is there any update about this problem? I'm wondering when I get my new 360 if I should replace my current GoW disc. Glad I have the warranty.
[quote name='javeryh']Shit. So this is what happened... I bought GoW around release and played it until the second mission and it kept freezing. I tried cleaning the disc but no luck at all so I finally exchanged it about a two weeks ago. My 360 then decided to not connect to Live or run anything connected to USB (Camera, iPod and HD-DVD drive). The next thing to go was the DVD drive - I get weird video on the screen during playback (like red dots everywhere) on everything until the disc freezes. Now I get the red rings of death and the system won't boot - it's on its way to MS right now but I wonder if GoW was the beginning of the end - my system worked relatively perfectly (occasional freezes during games - maybe 10 or so times in the last year) until I played it.

Oh well... I'm definitely buying the warranty on the refurb unit but I can't help think that MS manufactures crap.[/QUOTE]

That is exactly what happened when I started playing Dead Rising on my launch 360. Haven't played the game much since I got my 360 replaced through BB warranty. A friend of mine told me last night he is starting to get this problem when he plays Gears.
From what I've read, complaining to MS sometimes helps. More often than not, however, you need to pursue other options. See the Federal Trade Commission website ( for ideas. When I had an issue with AT&T that they wouldn't resolve, I went to the Better Business Bureau, state attorney general's office and finally the Federal Communications Commission before AT&T did the right thing.

Know your rights and exercise them. Direct your anger and frustration in a productive manner and you'll get results. It might seem like it takes more effort than it's worth, but that's what some corporations count on! But believe me, they don't want attention drawn to a problem, so if you make your voice heard far and wide they're much more likely to do what's right. Also, if enough consumers pursue it, certain agencies or organizations might investigate.

Regarding an extended warranty, consumer watchdog groups warn against this investment as it's typically a scam by retailers and manufacturers to make more money off your purchase. That said, Consumer Reports suggests it's OK to get one but only if it's less than 15% of the product cost. My wife didn't get one when she bought the 360 for me and is against getting one now for the above reasons. So hopefully we won't regret it.

With regard to Gears, I've played through it on my 360 that I've had since October (and in the verticle position) with no problems. For others, it might just be a random compatibility issue where some software won't function properly with some individual consoles. Whatever the reason, I too think it's a minority affected and encourage you to get one of the great next-gen titles.
[quote name='klew']From what I've read, complaining to MS sometimes helps. More often than not, however, you need to pursue other options. See the Federal Trade Commission website ( for ideas. When I had an issue with AT&T that they wouldn't resolve, I went to the Better Business Bureau, state attorney general's office and finally the Federal Communications Commission before AT&T did the right thing.

Know your rights and exercise them. Direct your anger and frustration in a productive manner and you'll get results. It might seem like it takes more effort than it's worth, but that's what some corporations count on! But believe me, they don't want attention drawn to a problem, so if you make your voice heard far and wide they're much more likely to do what's right. Also, if enough consumers pursue it, certain agencies or organizations might investigate.

Regarding an extended warranty, consumer watchdog groups warn against this investment as it's typically a scam by retailers and manufacturers to make more money off your purchase. That said, Consumer Reports suggests it's OK to get one but only if it's less than 15% of the product cost. My wife didn't get one when she bought the 360 for me and is against getting one now for the above reasons. So hopefully we won't regret it.

With regard to Gears, I've played through it on my 360 that I've had since October (and in the verticle position) with no problems. For others, it might just be a random compatibility issue where some software won't function properly with some individual consoles. Whatever the reason, I too think it's a minority affected and encourage you to get one of the great next-gen titles.[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping MS will listen to my complaints. I've heard that they'll knock the repair fee down to $120 or so, and then down to $69 if you complain enough. I've e-mailed 2 of their support addresses, called them twice, and filed a report with the BBB. MS e-mailed me and said to call the customer service line with complaints. I did that and they basically said I was out of luck. I haven't heard anything from the BBB yet, but I only filed the report last week and MS has 30 days to respond, so I'll keep everyone updated.
[quote name='gofishn']I'm hoping MS will listen to my complaints. I've heard that they'll knock the repair fee down to $120 or so, and then down to $69 if you complain enough. I've e-mailed 2 of their support addresses, called them twice, and filed a report with the BBB. MS e-mailed me and said to call the customer service line with complaints. I did that and they basically said I was out of luck. I haven't heard anything from the BBB yet, but I only filed the report last week and MS has 30 days to respond, so I'll keep everyone updated.[/QUOTE]

DOWN to $120?? What was it before (I might have heard as much as $140, but still, $120 is a lot to fork over)? I guess MS's reluctance to be held accountable likely has something to do with the fact they NEVER saw a cent in profit from Xbox. But really, if they want to compete they need a better quality product and service.

Anyway, sorry for your trouble. I've been grateful my PS2, with all its reported DRE problems, has lasted for four years despite starting to show its age. I can only hope my 360 has a similar track record in spite of its respective issues. Sounds like you've got the right idea though. Good luck, and definitely keep up the pressure!
[quote name='klew']DOWN to $120?? What was it before (I might have heard as much as $140, but still, $120 is a lot to fork over)? I guess MS's reluctance to be held accountable likely has something to do with the fact they NEVER saw a cent in profit from Xbox. But really, if they want to compete they need a better quality product and service.

Anyway, sorry for your trouble. I've been grateful my PS2, with all its reported DRE problems, has lasted for four years despite starting to show its age. I can only hope my 360 has a similar track record in spite of its respective issues. Sounds like you've got the right idea though. Good luck, and definitely keep up the pressure![/QUOTE]

Yeah the price they quoted me for repair was $139.90 + shipping. It's an absolute scam, no matter what is wrong with it they always charge you $140. I mean really, what if it's a bad ribbon cable or something that costs them $2 to fix? You would think you'd pay for the actual cost of the repair, but no, you're stuck with their repair fee. Rest assured, I'm going to make my presence known to them and I'm not going down without a fight (although I already bought another one ;))
[quote name='gofishn']Yeah the price they quoted me for repair was $139.90 + shipping. It's an absolute scam, no matter what is wrong with it they always charge you $140. I mean really, what if it's a bad ribbon cable or something that costs them $2 to fix? You would think you'd pay for the actual cost of the repair, but no, you're stuck with their repair fee. Rest assured, I'm going to make my presence known to them and I'm not going down without a fight (although I already bought another one ;))[/QUOTE]

You've got my support. When did you buy another? If mine suddenly quit (God forbid) I don't know that I'd buy another before resolving the issue, but even if I did I'd likely wait till January when supposedly the revamped version will be released and hopefully the overheat issues will be addressed. Even IF that's wishful thinking!
[quote name='gofishn']Yeah the price they quoted me for repair was $139.90 + shipping. It's an absolute scam, no matter what is wrong with it they always charge you $140. I mean really, what if it's a bad ribbon cable or something that costs them $2 to fix? You would think you'd pay for the actual cost of the repair, but no, you're stuck with their repair fee. Rest assured, I'm going to make my presence known to them and I'm not going down without a fight (although I already bought another one ;))[/QUOTE]

Because they aren't repairing your Xbox, to my knowledge. They are sending you a refurb.

You are basically paying 140 bones to trade yours for one that works. They send your broken one to the big pile where some gang in China fixes them and puts them back in the queue for swapping out with defectives.
[quote name='klew']You've got my support. When did you buy another? If mine suddenly quit (God forbid) I don't know that I'd buy another before resolving the issue, but even if I did I'd likely wait till January when supposedly the revamped version will be released and hopefully the overheat issues will be addressed. Even IF that's wishful thinking![/QUOTE]

I bought it last week as part of the 20% off Overstock deal. Ended up getting it for about $320 shipped. My rationale was at that price if I do succeed in getting MS to fix mine for cheap I can just eBay the brand new one for basically what I paid for it if not more. If MS refuses to budge on the price, selling my broken one with the new HD, cables, and controller should bring in at least $200 (or at least that's what my eBay research indicates). If I get only $200, even after eBay fees I'm still below MS's repair price and I have a brand new 360 as opposed to some refurb. It's a roll of the dice but we'll see how it works out.
[quote name='gofishn']I bought it last week as part of the 20% off Overstock deal. Ended up getting it for about $320 shipped. My rationale was at that price if I do succeed in getting MS to fix mine for cheap I can just eBay the brand new one for basically what I paid for it if not more. If MS refuses to budge on the price, selling my broken one with the new HD, cables, and controller should bring in at least $200 (or at least that's what my eBay research indicates). If I get only $200, even after eBay fees I'm still below MS's repair price and I have a brand new 360 as opposed to some refurb. It's a roll of the dice but we'll see how it works out.[/QUOTE]

It does indeed sound like you've done your research. Hope it works out according to plan! BTW, is it true that you're supposed to hold on to your HD when you send the console in for repairs? Just curious.

[quote name='thrustbucket']Because they aren't repairing your Xbox, to my knowledge. They are sending you a refurb.

You are basically paying 140 bones to trade yours for one that works. They send your broken one to the big pile where some gang in China fixes them and puts them back in the queue for swapping out with defectives.[/QUOTE]

I thought, theoretically at least, they're supposed to try to fix your console and return it to you but if they're unsuccessful than they send you a refurbished? Any way to guarantee you get yours back?
[quote name='Ub3rChief']
Anyway, Gears has messed up a few times for me, but I think that's normal.[/quote]

Just curious why this is "normal"? Not trying to be a fanboy, but I never expect that with a Nintendo console.
[quote name='soonersfan60']Just curious why this is "normal"? Not trying to be a fanboy, but I never expect that with a Nintendo console.[/QUOTE]

You must not have heard about people having problems with their Wii? Percentages might be lower but electronic devices are bound to have some defects.
[quote name='OGHowie']You must not have heard about people having problems with their Wii? Percentages might be lower but electronic devices are bound to have some defects.[/QUOTE]

True. The more advanced these devices get, the more there is that can go wrong with them. Complicated code creates more bugs.

This is why, historically, Nintendo machines have had less problems than their competitors, they usually aren't as technically advanced.
Is gears of war disk creating problems on the xbox360? I ask because I was playing gears when I got a static screen and then when I rebooted I got nothing but green lines. Would microsoft fix this for free (I had the system over a 7 months)?
[quote name='thrustbucket']True. The more advanced these devices get, the more there is that can go wrong with them. Complicated code creates more bugs.

This is why, historically, Nintendo machines have had less problems than their competitors, they usually aren't as technically advanced.[/QUOTE]

That is absolutely ludicrous. Nintendo simply have have better Quality Control.
(And yeah the Wii has a wrist strap problem but at least they are standing behind
their product and replacing them free of charge.)
[quote name='porieux']That is absolutely ludicrous. Nintendo simply have have better Quality Control.
(And yeah the Wii has a wrist strap problem but at least they are standing behind
their product and replacing them free of charge.)[/QUOTE]

Horse shit. I use to make games for gameboy advance. 3 games total. We didn't even have a QA for them, no need. Occasionally we'd pull someone off another project to QA the game part time towards the end of development, but that's all that was needed, because the games were so simple, the tech was so simple, there was little that could go wrong.

Contrast that with the PS2/Xbox games I worked on where we had entire teams of QA. Not only that but Sony and Microsoft have a second tier of QA from the beginning of development. This is required because the technology and games were very complicated.

I'm merely saying that historically, Nintendos devices, in comparison with it's competitors, don't need as much QA, they aren't as advanced.
[quote name='porieux']That is absolutely ludicrous. Nintendo simply have have better Quality Control.
(And yeah the Wii has a wrist strap problem but at least they are standing behind
their product and replacing them free of charge.)[/QUOTE]

Don't forget the cracked hinges on the DS Lites.

Now they're recalling ALL the Wii straps since it has become a major problem.
Anecdotes aside, Nintendo have better QC.

Not as advanced, I'm still laughing about that one. Hah!
[quote name='porieux']Anecdotes aside, Nintendo have better QC. [/quote]
Opinions are like..... well you know....

Not as advanced, I'm still laughing about that one. Hah!

Has there been a time since the Super Nintendo that a Nintendo game system was more technically advanced overall than it's competition?
[quote name='OGHowie']Don't forget the cracked hinges on the DS Lites.

Now they're recalling ALL the Wii straps since it has become a major problem.[/quote]

You might want to get your facts straight about the Wii straps. They haven't told anyone to stop using the original straps, nor are they asking people to send in the original straps. Not one strap has been recalled.
bread's done