MS pulls another Blinx or Brute Force if you will

[quote name='RelentlessRolento']How the hell is vampires rain related to Blinx?[/QUOTE]

I'm not to sure. Because MS is publishing it?

Is Vampires Rain the one based off both Buffy games (style wise)?
[quote name='gizmogc']I'm not to sure. Because MS is publishing it?

Is Vampires Rain the one based off both Buffy games (style wise)?[/QUOTE]

I hear it's alot... ALOT like splinter cell but with the whole vampire twist... plus throw in a bit of metal gear... maybe too much.

video of it in action:

[quote name='RelentlessRolento']How the hell is vampires rain related to Blinx?[/quote]Microsoft-published. See also: Brute Force, hence the OP. ;)
other than this being an MS published game, it has nothing to do w/ Brute Force, which people were extremely hyped up about (Including me).

But why are you angry at them for publishing games?
We could go through a whole list of what they "could" publish.
Brute Force...good times. I remember my store had 30 pre-orders for it and we received 90 copies. Sold out of all the pre-orders and only a few additional copies. 3 days later we have 6 used copies. Up until my departure from the store we had close to 200 NEW copies of Brute Force. INSANE.
Looks like Metal Gear + FPS + Really bad AI.

Thanks for the warning (I suck at FPS games and was never much of a fan of the Metal Gear sneaking around).
[quote name='Sarang01']Yet they won't publish "Everyparty", "Diario" or "Spectral Force 3". Shakes head.[/QUOTE]
The thing is, a game like Vampire's Rain is a hell of a lot easier to market to American audiences than S-RPGs and odd party games. I'm not saying I wouldn't love to see all 3 of those get a stateside release, but I understand why MS isn't interested, at least. What the 360 needs is a good "quirky" publisher, something along the lines of a Mastiff or a Working Designs (except, maybe one that can stay in business)?

Also, MS picked up Square-Enix's Project Sylpheed for a US release. I think that's worth mentioning as well.

Also, I really don't get the Brute Force comparison. Microsoft owned Brute Force's developer, Digital Anvil, so of course they published it themselves.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']The thing is, a game like Vampire's Rain is a hell of a lot easier to market to American audiences than S-RPGs and odd party games. [/QUOTE]

Ding, ding. Winner.

[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Also, I really don't get the Brute Force comparison. Microsoft owned Brute Force's developer, Digital Anvil, so of course they published it themselves.[/QUOTE]

There isn't a comparison. My guess is the OP tried to link it by saying "Oh. Brute Force wasn't good and Microsoft shouldn't have released it" But as you, and several others pointed out, Microsoft owned Digital Anvil so them publishing it was a no brainer.

The funny thing is that Brute Force was a solid enough title. 9 months too late when it was released, but still solid.
[quote name='terribledeli']Ding, ding. Winner.

There isn't a comparison. My guess is the OP tried to link it by saying "Oh. Brute Force wasn't good and Microsoft shouldn't have released it" But as you, and several others pointed out, Microsoft owned Digital Anvil so them publishing it was a no brainer.

The funny thing is that Brute Force was a solid enough title. 9 months too late when it was released, but still solid.[/QUOTE]

I mentioned it because "Brute Force" was hyped so much and fell short of expectations. Also "Blinx" was considered to be a disappointment by most, if not very much disliked by most. I'm not saying it doesn't have it's fans but it's considered a failure.
I've seen the video of "Vampire's Rain" and it looks disappointing to me. On the other hand I'm sure ANY of the games I've mentioned, while they have typical gameplay, it's solid for a S-RPG, if not enjoyable for some while I question the enjoyability of this game.
Now I will credit MS for publishing Sylpheed, stepping up to the plate when EnixSquare wouldn't which I can't understand for the life of me. Capcom has proven you CAN be a Japanese company and make money off the 360. I mean jeez, even Sylpheed isn't an RPG, it's a shoot em' up in the vein of Wing Commander from what I've been told and I guess those users are on the 360 as Namco is releasing Ace Combat 5 on it.
[quote name='Sarang01']I've seen the video of "Vampire's Rain" and it looks disappointing to me. On the other hand I'm sure ANY of the games I've mentioned, while they have typical gameplay, it's solid for a S-RPG, if not enjoyable for some while I question the enjoyability of this game.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but we're not talking about the quality of these games, as examples of their respective genres. What we're talking about their marketability to American audiences. You could have, for example, the best damned text-adventure dating sim the Japanese market has ever seen, and for all that's worth in Japan, it'll still be a cold day in hell when you convince a company like Microsoft to personally pick it up and localize it themselves.

There are several publishers that have built solid reputations and businesses based around localizing more "niche" (as in, niche in America) titles such as the more obscure S-RPGs and the like, and Microsoft simply isn't one of them. I really don't think it's fair to criticize them for not picking up titles like Spectral Force 3 or Diario, as that simply isn't their sector. Same goes for Every Party.

As I said before, a company like Mastiff, Xseed, or perhaps the recently founded Gaijinworks (the company formed in the fallout of Working Designs' closure) really needs to start capitalizing on the potential niche market of the 360. There's definitely some potential there, niche though it may be.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Yeah, but we're not talking about the quality of these games, as examples of their respective genres. What we're talking about their marketability to American audiences. You could have, for example, the best damned text-adventure dating sim the Japanese market has ever seen, and for all that's worth in Japan, it'll still be a cold day in hell when you convince a company like Microsoft to personally pick it up and localize it themselves.

There are several publishers that have built solid reputations and businesses based around localizing more "niche" (as in, niche in America) titles such as the more obscure S-RPGs and the like, and Microsoft simply isn't one of them. I really don't think it's fair to criticize them for not picking up titles like Spectral Force 3 or Diario, as that simply isn't their sector. Same goes for Every Party.

As I said before, a company like Mastiff, Xseed, or perhaps the recently founded Gaijinworks (the company formed in the fallout of Working Designs' closure) really needs to start capitalizing on the potential niche market of the 360. There's definitely some potential there, niche though it may be.[/QUOTE]

Why does that title not surprise me? Too bad Vic is a BAKA Gaijin.

I mentioned "Everyparty" because it's already been translated into English and I've heard it's MS's version of "Mario Party" so I don't see the issue in releasing it here.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Yeah, but we're not talking about the quality of these games, as examples of their respective genres. What we're talking about their marketability to American audiences. You could have, for example, the best damned text-adventure dating sim the Japanese market has ever seen, and for all that's worth in Japan, it'll still be a cold day in hell when you convince a company like Microsoft to personally pick it up and localize it themselves.

Another dead on response.

But I'd just like to add in two cents...

Microsoft doesn't market to us. And by us, I mean informed gamers. We may know Vampire Rain looks/plays like crap, however, the guy who gets his game news from a leisurely walk down the video game aisle at his local wal-mart won't know it. He'll look at it and think "Hmm. I like vampires. I like rain. I'll take this game friendly Wal-mart employee". I wouldn't be surprised if he'd look at a release like Diario, not be able to pronounce the title and move on.

To echo what CoffeeEdge said, these niche companies will show up in time. D3 seems to be the first to the gate, but I wouldn't be surprised if we see Everyparty released in two years time under another small company.
[quote name='terribledeli']Another dead on response.

But I'd just like to add in two cents...

Microsoft doesn't market to us. And by us, I mean informed gamers. We may know Vampire Rain looks/plays like crap, however, the guy who gets his game news from a leisurely walk down the video game aisle at his local wal-mart won't know it. He'll look at it and think "Hmm. I like vampires. I like rain. I'll take this game friendly Wal-mart employee". I wouldn't be surprised if he'd look at a release like Diario, not be able to pronounce the title and move on.

To echo what CoffeeEdge said, these niche companies will show up in time. D3 seems to be the first to the gate, but I wouldn't be surprised if we see Everyparty released in two years time under another small company.[/QUOTE]

Except some of us won't wait if we want it. I already bought "Senko no Rondo Rev X" with no hope it would hit here given how long it had been out. I will also be buying the themes and avatars on XBLM Japan instead of in the U.S. The words "Too little, too late" apply.
[quote name='Sarang01']Except some of us won't wait if we want it. I already bought "Senko no Rondo Rev X" with no hope it would hit here given how long it had been out. I will also be buying the themes and avatars on XBLM Japan instead of in the U.S. The words "Too little, too late" apply.[/QUOTE]
Well, there will always be importers, and there will always be a small market of people who like to import the latest Japanese games as soon as they come out, and this han never really been a deterrent to companies like Atlus and Natsume. I mean, you think the time between the Japan and US releases of Senko no Ronde is bad? Chulip just came out in the US, when it was released in Japan in 2002, and they originally promised we'd have it by late 2004.
I'm glad about that considering the perversion of the game. They kept it right? Coffee you on XBL btw? Sounds like you might be someone I want to add.
It looks somewhat fun. It is Metal Gear Solid meets Splinter Cell however, but what I don't understand is where do the vampires come in? Are you a Vampire hunting prey? Are you a vampire hunter? Where are the vampires in this video lol.
VP looks much more promising then the other titles the OP mentioned. I think this could easily be a game I get, once it hits the bargain bin.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']VP looks much more promising then the other titles the OP mentioned. I think this could easily be a game I get, once it hits the bargain bin.[/QUOTE]

Have you actually LOOKED at the footage of all these games?!
[quote name='Sarang01']Have you actually LOOKED at the footage of all these games?![/QUOTE]
And have you even CONSIDERED that -Never4ever- might not be interested in S-RPGs at all? Look, personally, I too would rather have a game like Diario instead of Vampire's Rain, if I had to choose between the two. But I also am not so snobbish that I think that someone else is wrong because they would rather have a stealth-action game. We all get it, you're a JRPG fan, but as I've explained, your whining is pointless, and in the case of criticizing Microsoft, really not even fair.
bread's done