Multiplayer (on same box) on GOW & RB6: Vegas


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Last weekend I had a friend over and we played GOW (multiplayer) on Xbox Live against some other friends. I was able to add him as a guest by having him hit "Y" (or something like that) once I had gone into the Multiplayer menu. No problems, just like adding a guest to Halo2 or anyone of the many other games out there.

This weekend (Saturday night), another friend came over and we went to get onto multiplayer (on Xbox Live) and I couldn't add him a guest unless he had an account on Xbox Live. Luckily he had an account, and we were able to "Recover" his Xbox Live Gamertag onto my machine and play with our other friends.

Also, later that night we tried to play Rainbow Six: Vegas and the same thing. He couldn't join just as a guest on my account, he needed to be signed onto Xbox Live with a GamerTag in order to join multiplayer. In the Rainbow Six: Vegas instance, it was only to play a local multiplayer game, not even on Xbox Live.

What gives? Is this the way that Xbox is going to force us to play in order to boost their bottom line (more Xbox Live accounts)?
I Can only speak for GOW. But it sounds like you are doing something wrong. As you go through the menus, watch the buttons at the bottom of the screen carefully. Only in certain scenarios you are allowed to sign in a guest. Namely for player matches. If you are trying to do Ranked matches, it won't work.

If I remember correctly (pulling this out of my rusty memory)

From the main menu select versus.
Then select Xbox live player match
THEN you should see at the bottom of the screen that you can press Y.

Also, I don't think it will show up if anyone is signed in on the second controller AT ALL. The controller has to be active, but have nobody signed in.
Thanks for the notes.

I could swear we did it the same way, but I'll re-try again later this week.
I just figured they did some update to shut-out multiple users on the same box unless they had an account (I can see it happening at some point).

Thanks again!
Just make a new account on your system with any gamertag you like and have your friends sign on as that. I have a second gamertag labeled "guest" and my friends use it all the time. I used it for pgr3, and I've been "guest" at a friends house for gears.
bread's done