Music, What are you Listening to right now?


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I thought this might be a good idea for a thread, I'm sure a lot of us gamers list to music pretty regularly (I know I do). Most people these days have ipods or MP3 PLayers, I'm just curious as to what you guys (and girls) out there are listening to.

I don't own an ipod or any mp3 player (I usually only listen to music in my car, which has an in-dash 6 CD changer, and XM radio, so thats about all the music I need)

The 6 CD's currently in my changer are
1. MiniBosses - Brass LP (I'm sure a good amount of you know about these guys, they play original NES songs on rock instruments, pretty awesome

2. System of a Down - Hypnotize (I was never a huge system fan until I heard this album, from top to bottom its fantastic)

3. Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Comatorium (if you've NEVER heard Mars Volta before, you need to do yourself a favor and listen to this album top to bottom, you'll be hooked.

4. Mars Volta - Frances the Mute (their follow up Album to De-Loused, not as good, and a little harder to listen to (they have a spot with 13 minutes of ambient bird noises for example) but the songs are GREAT)

5. Deltron AKA Del the funkee Homosapien - Deltron 3030 (I was never a fan of hiphop as a genre until I heard this album, it opened my eyes to a lot of good underground music)

6. Mr. Lif - Emergency Rations (One of the best lyrcists I've ever hears ,another excellent underground hip hop album)

how about u guys?
there is? all that says is Legend of the SOTM (what the hell is that?) with no description of what the thread is.
[quote name='Drnick']there is? all that says is Legend of the SOTM (what the hell is that?) with no description of what the thread is.[/quote]

"Song Of The Moment" - there's been a ton of these threads and they get to 500 fairly quick... kind of like the OTT and the crazy names people come up with for that one. Get in there and post away!
[quote name='fart_bubble']its a music PR person's wet dream[/quote]

And people are always listening to stuff I've never heard of and it's always fun to check out new bands.
It will be merged but for me its Lupe Fiasco's The Cool... I just picked it up about a week ago and its simply the shit, flat out.
[quote name='javeryh']And people are always listening to stuff I've never heard of and it's always fun to check out new bands.[/QUOTE]

and thats the biggest reason I tend to post in there a lot
Well right now im in iraq , i listen to my zune out on missions doing route clearance. I just keep one earpiece in and and earplug in the other , so dont worry i play it smart over here!!! Anyways i tend to listen to hard rock mostly , dont wanna listen to anything that reminds me of my wife or bak home cuz then its just really depressing!!! I listen to a mix of Ozzy , Pantera , Slipknot , Megadeth , Metallica , well you get the picture anything that gets me pumped!!!!!:bouncy:
[quote name='ninjalunchbox79']Well right now im in iraq , i listen to my zune out on missions doing route clearance. I just keep one earpiece in and and earplug in the other , so dont worry i play it smart over here!!! Anyways i tend to listen to hard rock mostly , dont wanna listen to anything that reminds me of my wife or bak home cuz then its just really depressing!!! I listen to a mix of Ozzy , Pantera , Slipknot , Megadeth , Metallica , well you get the picture anything that gets me pumped!!!!!:bouncy:[/quote]

God bless you and the job you're doing dood! Rock on!
"4. Mars Volta - Frances the Mute (their follow up Album to De-Loused, not as good, and a little harder to listen to (they have a spot with 13 minutes of ambient bird noises for example) but the songs are GREAT)"

while they are ok... they will never be as good as At the Drive in. Why did they have to break up!?
[quote name='Riptard']Daft Punk - Discovery[/quote] Alive 2007 is my favorite daft punk album. But right now? Paul McCartney's latest album, Memory Almost Full, don't knock it till' you've heard it gentlemen. Also, Lupe Fiasco is freaking awesome. I don't remember the last time I listened to rap and actually paid attention to the lyrics. Also Kala M.I.A. is pretty good for anyone who hasn't checked it out yet.
EDIT: Almost forgot, for the love of god if you like rock please check out the white stripes. Icky thump is fucking great.
[quote name='homeland']"4. Mars Volta - Frances the Mute (their follow up Album to De-Loused, not as good, and a little harder to listen to (they have a spot with 13 minutes of ambient bird noises for example) but the songs are GREAT)"

while they are ok... they will never be as good as At the Drive in. Why did they have to break up!?[/QUOTE]

At the Drive in is a VERY tough act to follow. It's crazy to hear the amount of range Cedric has on vocals, when you hear him screaming in an At The Drive In song like One Armed Scissor, and then you hear him belt out some serious notes in a Mars Volta song like "The Widow" or"Televadors", friends of mine don't believe me when I tell them its the same person.
I've been on a Jamiroquai streak for a while but I generally listen to a lot of Radiohead, R.E.M and Daft Punk. It's strange since most of my friends either listen to hardcore, metal, or country music. I guess I'm just odd.

I've also just started listening to Brand New's latest album. It's solid but not my favorite.
This is the kind of thread I always end up discovering new music from.... it's the best thing about the "long tail" and music.... before u had to read in a magazine or hunt around in a record store to find something cool -- which made the choices always subject to the "gatekeeping" of editors and music store buyers and etc... -- which would lead inevitably to mediocrity and the prevalence of "poser music" -- i.e. stuff that you want to like because you think it's cool, not because you really like it. Music journalism especially creates high-profiles for really lame stuff, because journalists are always looking behind their backs, trying to profile something that they think in 2 years people will think they were cool for liking "way back when".... I GREATLY prefer the democratic nature of threads like these, where people simply list their tastes and you can just look something up on itunes or youtube and check it out for yourself....

ANYWAY -- I'm listening to "Revolution On the Dance Floor" by Thomas Falke -- pretty sick song.

I don't usually go for techno but this is sort of like a wierd crossover between rock and techno/trance. It's got the rock guitars but a computer-voice. It sounds like a dude singing but singing through a computer maybe.

I found a link to this song actually on a forum, and then I was in my brother's friend's car and he had it playing! It seems pretty underground but it's actually easy to download online -- here --
Alternating between the new Dresden Dolls and the new Death Cab for Cutie for the last couple of days.

Isn't this the same as the SOTM thread?
Thievery corporation mix of david byrne, Dance on the Vasoline.

I listen to a lot of the same stuff over and over again. And I haven't listened to fm radio in eons so I have no idea what's out these days. My buddy Pedro told me there's a new Portishead album coming out which I'd like to hear when it releases.
Death Cab for Cutie-Transatlaticism. It's on PepsiStuff, and it's supposed to be pretty good, so what the hell? Let's give it the old college try.
[quote name='guinaevere']Thievery corporation mix of david byrne, Dance on the Vasoline.

I listen to a lot of the same stuff over and over again. And I haven't listened to fm radio in eons so I have no idea what's out these days. My buddy Pedro told me there's a new Portishead album coming out which I'd like to hear when it releases.[/quote]

Portishead is out - it's pretty good.
Ive been listening to alot of trance lately... like:

Synaesthesia - The Thrillseekers

Nocturnal Transmission - BT

Race Wars (Night Rave) - BT
bread's done