MVP Baseball 2004


Well it's coming up on the release date for this bad boy and I was wondering what kind of deals we will be seeing on it. I've got a Target raincheck for $38.88, so if nothing else I can get that price, but is anybody offering (or expected to offer) any kind of preorder or trade in bonus? I'm guessing the chain stores will just have it as the standard $49.99 in the ad the week it comes out, but you never know (Circuit City had a $10 gift card with Madden 04).
Well this is a very big decision for me. LOL
I love baseball games, and am really excited.
I'm thinking MVp Baseball 2004, over All-Sar 2005.
I have gamecube so those are my only options.
[quote name='hairston1315']
I'm thinking MVp Baseball 2004, over All-Sar 2005.

When I'm president my first act will be signing the "Truth in Sports Game Years" bill, requiring all sports games with a year in their title to either contain (a) the year the game was released or (b) the year in which that season's championship will be awarded. There would be an exemption for games simulating old-time years.
If you go to the 'Post Your Own Cheap Ass Gaming Deal' forum, you'll see CheapyD has received a rumor that will be selling EA games $49.99 and up at half-price (+ free shipping), starting Tuesday (3/9).

I don't know if it's true....but I know what I'll be trying to order as soon as the calendar turns over. :)
When is ESPN MLB supposed to come out? I always look at ESPN's version first before comparing to EA's offering. From what I've seen of EA's MLB it looks and plays crazy nice.

I tried the beta version of ESPN on the Nina Gaidem OXM and I was really disappointed. But then again, its only the beta.
I've been looking for one too, man, your best bet may be to just use the $5 Best Buy coupon trick and get it for $44.99 :?
bread's done