My Bro: n00b of the year!


2 (100%)
I came home today to find that my brother made the biggest mistake of all mankind:
He bought a PS3. For $500. From Gamestop. FIVE fuckING DAYS BEFORE BF.

For those that haven't heard, Wal-Mart will be GIVING AWAY 10 BR movies on BF when you buy PS3. He got the same exact model and everything (60 GB). I am very, very mad that he didn't consult me, as THIS IS WHAT I DO. I am a cheapass; I am always buying movies and games for cheap, and know about all the deals. And then he drops $500, I come home, and find out we just lost out on getting some free movies.
I nominate him for n00b of the year.

It's opened, so I guess we can't return to GS, and since systems have serials, no rebuy/return. If anyone has ideas on this I'd love to hear them, but it looks like we'll be watching my free Prestige for a good long while.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']I came home today to find that my brother made the biggest mistake of all mankind:
He bought a PS3. For $500. From Gamestop. FIVE fuckING DAYS BEFORE BF.

For those that haven't heard, Wal-Mart will be GIVING AWAY 10 BR movies on BF when you buy PS3. He got the same exact model and everything (60 GB). I am very, very mad that he didn't consult me, as THIS IS WHAT I DO. I am a cheapass; I am always buying movies and games for cheap, and know about all the deals. And then he drops $500, I come home, and find out we just lost out on getting some free movies.
I nominate him for n00b of the year.

It's opened, so I guess we can't return to GS, and since systems have serials, no rebuy/return. If anyone has ideas on this I'd love to hear them, but it looks like we'll be watching my free Prestige for a good long while.[/quote]

The five free movies was for the 80GB model. So unless you were planning to get that one, no free movies.
[quote name='nikelecious91']The five free movies was for the 80GB model. So unless you were planning to get that one, no free movies.[/quote]Wow, I just realized it's worse than I thought; I assumed since he paid $500 for his PS3 it was the 80GB; it's NOT. It's the 60. So for the same price he would have gotten a better model too, if my understanding is correct (hadn't looked into this much since I never planned on buying a PS3).
[quote name='Moxio']Him noob? LOL NO U R NOOB.[/quote]Apparently so since I didn't know the 80gb is less BC ;)
I don't have any interest in the PS3 whatsoever, and see it mainly as a BD player. I didn't realize the smaller HDD model was any different than the WM offering. At least it balances a BIT more... but I would have gladly taken the movies over the better model anyday, since movies are my thing. Heck, even if he had went with WM and sold the system on ebay, he may have been able to go get the better model anyway. Of course I'm sure after BF the market will drop out major like...
I still consider him a n00b for jumping the gun on this.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']Apparently so since I didn't know the 80gb wasn't BC ;)
I don't have any interest in the PS3 whatsoever, and see it mainly as a BD player. I didn't realize the smaller HDD model was any different than the WM offering. At least it balances a BIT more... but I would have gladly taken the movies over the better model anyday, since movies are my thing. Heck, even if he had went with WM and sold the system on ebay, he may have been able to go get the better model anyway. Of course I'm sure after BF the market will drop out major like...
I still consider him a n00b for jumping the gun on this.[/quote]

80gb is BC, just not full BC.
I don't get why everyone is hung up on the free blu-ray movies offer. Most of those pre-selected movies I'd be embarrassed to own.
[quote name='norkusa']I don't get why everyone is hung up on the free blu-ray movies offer. Most of those pre-selected movies I'd be embarrassed to own.[/QUOTE]

But... but free is good, right??
[quote name='norkusa']I don't get why everyone is hung up on the free blu-ray movies offer. Most of those pre-selected movies I'd be embarrassed to own.[/quote]\

Luckily you only have to pick one from each category. There is at least 1 good movie in each.
Well, the WM deal *might* be 5 in-store+5 by mail, or 10 in store and 5 by mail. The rebate dvd's are weak for the most part, but picking any 5-10 BD of your choice in store sounds great to me.
[quote name='Moxio']Him noob? LOL NO U R NOOB.[/QUOTE]


Us hardcore gamers have already played all the old games and don't need it. :D
I'm just amazed at how pissed you seem about not getting any free movies when your brother is one who would have gotten free movies. It's not like they would have been yours, and hell, you even said yourself that you have no rea interest in a PS3.

You sound annoying as hell, and it's really not very surprising that he wouldn't consult you before his purchase. If my brother acted acted like that when I bought my 360, I would have bitch-slapped his ass.
Well he still may not have gotten one of those PS3s on black friday. In fact I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have unless he wants to sleep overnight in the parking lot.

While there are SOME deals to be had on BF you most likely won't get them unless you are one of the first 20 people in line.

He may be a noob but that wasn't that bad of a purchase.
[quote name='Dunvane']I'm just amazed at how pissed you seem about not getting any free movies when your brother is one who would have gotten free movies. It's not like they would have been yours, and hell, you even said yourself that you have no rea interest in a PS3.

You sound annoying as hell, and it's really not very surprising that he wouldn't consult you before his purchase. If my brother acted acted like that when I bought my 360, I would have bitch-slapped his ass.[/quote]I just think it's a bad idea to make quick buying decisions on big ticket items. I was for some reason pretty mad about it, but I got over it: not my money, not my problem. It just bothers me when people pay more than they should for things.

As far as not getting a PS3 on BF at WM, I bet we could have. We're in a small town where no one has the internet; I picked up one of two HD-A2's at the last "secret sale" at about 12:30 PM.
bread's done