My co-worker got a subpoena for p2p


My co-worker got a subpoena address to John Doe with his ip address and also a letter from comcast. It's about downloading files via file sharing/p2p.

Anyone have experience about it. He said the letter was from Millenium tga inc.. He is given 30 days to act or else they would subpoena(?) comcast to give up his information (name).

He is really worried and his next step is to go see a lawyer.

Anyone have similar experiences? This is the first time I heard about it. Usually I hear only about them sending warning emails.
From what I understand, these are usually bullying letters that attempt to scare people into paying small(er) amounts of money in order to avoid going to court. I remember reading a while back that very few of these cases are actually won when taken to court with a competent lawyer and that is why they attempt out of court settlement.

Also, if they have his address, I am sure that they have his name...
If its not addressed to him he should just trash it and not worry about it. Tell him to be smarter about the sites he uses to download stuff from in the future. Demonoid and Pirate Bay arent the best choices.
I wouldnt do or answer anything unless its a summons.

I wouldnt see a lawyer unless its a summons either.

Lawyer is just going to sap u for money at this point.

I definetly wouldnt answer to anything without my name on it.

Sounds to me like they are looking for admittance to anything without a name even!
[quote name='Soodmeg']Well how did they send you a letter if they didnt have your name and address? Unless they send letters out willy nilly hoping to get hits back from it. Thats why I would contact comcast first and see if your account has been flagged.

Then I would stop pirating so much shit like a asshole and choose one of the many free legal services to get know...not like a asshole.[/QUOTE]

You need to grow up. You dont even know what he downloaded. It could be a tv show he missed and wanted to get. I dont know how that makes someone an asshole. I know you are trying to be cool and sit on this imaginary high horse of yours but you dont fool anyone with the way youre acting, you know like an asshole.

If the letter wasnt addressed to him then I wouldnt worry about it. If he got a check in the mail made out to John Doe he wouldnt be able to cash it so a subpoena is no difference. Not in his name, just trash it and be more careful with the trackers he uses. None are guaranteed to be 100% safe but a lot of private ones have a higher safety rate from these "assholes". Haha.
If I remember correctly a judge in New York recently ruled against merely going after people just with their ip address. You should do a bit more research on it and see how that ruling may or may not help you.
[quote name='anbu-black-ops']He is given 30 days to act or else they would subpoena(?) comcast to give up his information (name)[/QUOTE]

30 days to act meaning to do what, exactly? What do they want him to do at this point?

It's for the best to ignore the initial letters until they do their due diligence (homework) by obtaining your true information.

Think of all of the Nigerian Spam being sent out on a daily basis. All they do is wait for someone to reply, then they try their best to do everything they possibly can to get money from the victim. The sucker story always ends with "I never should have answered that first letter."
I downloaded a movie once off of demonoid and got sent a letter from NBC universal and it even stated in the letter what I downloaded and told me to stop. :(
[quote name='Golden Idol']The company subpoenaed Comcast for his information. Comcast forwarded this information to him. Lawyer up.[/QUOTE]

Lawyer up even if he dont have a summons?

Do you work in law?
[quote name='nddave']Lawyer up even if he dont have a summons?

Do you work in law?[/QUOTE]

I know a person who paid $1000 for downloading "The Hurt Locker".
I'm gonna email this to him.

I was wondering how he got his mailing address though, since you can't get your home address with just an IP address.

Anyways, he is worried that if he don't do anything within 30 days, this people would subpoena comcast to give up his name (info) so they can sue him.

I check online yesterday and this is a bullying tactics/trolls where small firms act on behalf of the movie/file being illegally downloaded, so they can make money out of it. I heard you can settle it for $3k and your name/ip address will be dropped off from the list they are gonna sue.

I know NBC universal is strict about their movies and sends email to people who pirate their movies, but never heard about this kind of problem.
I've seen the letter directly from Comcast that accuses you of downloading episodes of The Office, but never anything not from the actual ISP.
Your "co-worker" is probably going to cyber jail. He better butter up his butthole and be prepared for maximum penetration.
[quote name='anbu-black-ops']My co-worker got a subpoena address to John Doe with his ip address and also a letter from comcast. It's about downloading files via file sharing/p2p.

Anyone have experience about it. He said the letter was from Millenium tga inc.. He is given 30 days to act or else they would subpoena(?) comcast to give up his information (name).

He is really worried and his next step is to go see a lawyer.

Anyone have similar experiences? This is the first time I heard about it. Usually I hear only about them sending warning emails.[/QUOTE]

If it came in the mail not a subpoena. Subpoenas have to be served.

2nd there has to be a case to be subpoenaed to. You're co-worker hasn't been arrested & hasn't been sued, so not real.

3rd if your friend is subject to legal proceedings he wouldn't be subpoenaed. In a criminal proceeding he would be required to show up. In a civil proceeding you're not required to show but if you don't you forfeit any defense and lose automatically.

Now back to your question. No I haven't been sued for downloading anything. I don't pirate material.
[quote name='Calipso']Your "co-worker" is probably going to cyber jail. He better butter up his butthole and be prepared for maximum penetration.[/QUOTE]

I know it's inappropriate but this made me laugh out loud at work.
He said the letter was sent by Comcast thru ups. He said there was 2 letters inside, one from comcast and one from the millenium tga inc.

Yesterday, he said he talk to comcast legal dept. and they said it's real and they would give up his info bec. of the subpoena letter they receive.
[quote name='anbu-black-ops']He said the letter was sent by Comcast thru ups. He said there was 2 letters inside, one from comcast and one from the millenium tga inc.

Yesterday, he said he talk to comcast legal dept. and they said it's real and they would give up his info bec. of the subpoena letter they receive.[/QUOTE]

Cool story bro. I feel bad for the real John Doe. Imagine the amount of stuff the police put on him or how many times he dies.

I repeat my earlier advice. His rear orifice will be not be small for long. Best to use this time to prepare.
Without understanding exactly what the original poster is even trying to say (which is often the case in these situations), I figure this might help. Library/Piracy/Letter from ISP.gif?rev=476

There's enough good information here for others despite the inflammatory nature of the gif and the organization where the image is hosted (and no, don't believe everything you read 100% but their aversion to trackers, even private ones, is very sound thinking). The original poster's situation might be different in that it's just another one of those John Doe cases in which they try to get you to cough up a $3,000 settlement once they get your name. Some people who have reported getting those letters say they ignored the request to settle and never heard another word. The scheme is that they are hoping enough people get scared and settle. This might even be the law firm representing the copyright holder in the OP's case.

By the way...

Millennium TGA is "a prominent producer of transgender adult entertainment content," the lawsuit said.
They may find their quests for settlements for be more fruitful considering the embarrassing nature of the content. OP's "friend" was downloading tranny porn and the implication behind the legal threats are that it may become public record.
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I've gotten like 10 of these letters over the course of 2 years, they won't do shit. If you're that worried, stop all the downloadin'! (kudos for reference).
[quote name='therealdanhill']I've gotten like 10 of these letters over the course of 2 years, they won't do shit. If you're that worried, stop all the downloadin'! (kudos for reference).[/QUOTE]

He already stop downloading he said yesterday. But he is waiting till the last minute (30 days) before he decides what to do. I am just helping him out.

Another co-worker said the same thing you said. Just ignore it. It's hard to prove this case is what he said.

So you got a written letter from comcast and was sent via ups too? I'll inform him later today about what you said. Do you still have comcast?

@spokker: yeah I read that one last week before I made this topic. My co-worker also mentioned this that you can settle this for $3k. That's what made him worried, that if he don't do anything, comcast will give his info and this Millenium inc can go after him to harass him.

But I didn't mention the tranny porn though. lol. He said there are 3 other people using his connection though.

I told him to switch isp provider since Comcast always does this.
You should really ask him about the tranny porn. I doubt he would want to go to court over pirating tranny porn. If it was for something else like a hollywood movie, I would suggest he ignore the notice. But porno companies know that most people that pirate there content don't want that information to go public, so most people do settle with them.

This is how content owners find your address.
Content owners hire third party companies to upload fake/poisoned p2p files, when you download from there seed they can see your IP address. They log that IP address along with others who got lured in. They forward that batch of IP addresses to there respective ISPs that lease those IP addresses. The ISP looks up those IP addresses and matches it with the customer that had that IP address being leased at the time of the offense. ISP forwards the warning letter to the customer. Usually nothing happens after that if the customer does not get caught again.

I'm not sure exactly how they show proof in court that your computer was the one doing the pirating. But I think if they possess your laptop and router. They can look for your laptop's mac address and cross reference that with the list of mac addresses that connect to your router. To show that this laptop does connect to this router, which connects to the cable/dsl modem which provides your unique public IP address.
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I wouldn't be embarrassed about downloading tranny porn if the tranny was screwing a bonafide female in the film. I mean, it would be the same as all those penises you see in porn.
[quote name='therealdanhill']I've gotten like 10 of these letters over the course of 2 years, they won't do shit. If you're that worried, stop all the downloadin'! (kudos for reference).[/QUOTE]

Hey kid! I'mah compuuuta!
[quote name='anbu-black-ops'] He said there are 3 other people using his connection though.[/QUOTE]Regardless of it being someone else using his connection, your friend's probably the one with his name on the bill and the one Comcast would have the info on.

I can only hope that these 3 other people are people sharing your friend's residence, otherwise if he's "loaning" out his connection to people outside his residence, he could be in bigger trouble with Comcast for breaking their Terms Of Service.
A couple years back I got one or two of these types of email. Nothing came out of it. Like some others have said, he needs to be careful because sometimes these only start when you initially reply. Wait for subpoena.
I remember warning him about it, since I got the email long time ago. He said he didn't get any warning at all and continue dl movies and shows.

Unfortunately he didn't show up at work. I emailed some of the replies here and some info I've found though.

Last time he said, he didn't get any warning email, just a letter from comcast right away.
hes probably holed up in his house dling all the trany porn he can before the police kick his doors down and drag him away in shame." you in there this is the police...cease and desist from any further dlings of trany porn and come out with your hands up and head down in shame".......
I got one of these once, asking for $200. Roommate downloaded tranny porn. I did not want to know that about him.

Then I got one a few months later for downloading episodes of Spartacus.

Nothing ever came of either one.
I got *I mean I know someone who got* one of those letters about Inception like 2 years ago....who knew a 1080p torrent of Inception would be tracked.

Just told my provider my network was unsecured and someone else was doing it.
I work for a pretty big cable company, on just the regular DMCA violations you get 3 shots. 1st is a warning, 2nd is a soft shutdown until you sign a form stating you won't do it again, 3rd you're blacklisted from your ISP and HSD is shutdown.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Why do people download porn? Don't they know about the streaming sites?[/QUOTE]

save it for later? plus some streaming sites take too damn long to load up but if you have real player you can dl most videos from the streaming sites.....or so i heard..........
[quote name='Golden Idol']I know a person who paid $1000 for downloading "The Hurt Locker".[/QUOTE]

WOW! That really sucks. You would think that watching The Hurt Locker would be enough punishment?
[quote name='mogamer']WOW! That really sucks. You would think that watching The Hurt Locker would be enough punishment?[/QUOTE]

>mfw I actually enjoyed The Hurt Locker.
bread's done