My Collection


I finally realized a dream and now have a room dedicated to my gaming collection. Let's see if I can figure out how to show you my main game shelves... I think most of you will find something you like! :D

A lot of wasted money on CIB games. But if that's what you like to spend your money on to each their own.

All the money you put into boxes like the earthbound box should have been spent on more games that you want IMO.

That is a collectors piece not a gamers piece its nice if that's what you want though. But being praticual you spent a lot of money on a cardboard box that is just for show, ( its not like you had it since release you paid collectors price.) You can tell with all those CIB games your a collector not a gamer.

For display purposes you should of got a gaming neon light to go with the man cave instead.

Nice collection though. Though when I see it I see a monetary collection not a gamers collection. Other wise more games would be cart only. You most likely bought a lot of those CIB games and shelfed them right off the bat.

What you should do now is whatever it takes to get some good reviews on them etc. Then we can call you a gamer more so then a collector.

You're like my dad who collected comics though can barely tell you about them because he don't read them. While his x friends knew all about them because they read theirs.
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Wow, what a nice person you are! And so wrong. Does it bother you to jump to conclusions and wind up wrong? I've played everything I've bought because they are all games I wanted to play. I like my games so I keep them. Damn it must suck to be in that head of yours.

What is in the photograph is the result of over thirty years of gaming. Thirty years. I bought Earthbound in Electronics Boutique pre-owned, loved playing it, and one of the employees gave me an extra display box, free. The Super Nintendo Mario/Yoshi display? Yep, free. (I have an original Dragon's Lair poster too, these are things you can get if you are nice to people, perhaps you should take note of that)

Why the hell should more of the games be cart only? I bought each of them and kept the box. I bought over 90% of those games at EB or other stores for the purpose of playing and owning them. Very rarely do I see people like you who leap to ridiculous conclusions and are so totally wrong.

But I do hope this made you feel good about yourself somehow, that way your little post here won't be a complete waste. I don't mind petty little responses like yours, I figure if people like you are attacking me then you are leaving someone else alone. Perhaps you might redirect that negativity to someone who, I don't know, steals from the elderly or something, rather than troll in gaming forums. Just a thought.
One can be a collector AND a gamer. I used to be a collector, but I just don't have the room/need for them anymore.

I also had my Earthbound from when it was originally released. I bought the game to play and never paid a collector's price for it. The accusations made there are just silly.

To the OP, very cool collection man. It is good to see items that I used to have and cherish as well.
I like how it's a corner collection, neat and with boundaries. Good idea with shelving the systems too.
Nice venturin! I wish I still had my SNES boxes. I'm fairly convinced my mom tossed them when she found all the pron VHS tapes I used to hide in them. lol

You mentioned that the OP pic was the main collection, you got more??

If I could I'd show my collection. I got rid of most of my SNES games, all of my Genesis, NES, and DC games (got CD games backed-up on burns) when I was college and poor. Most of my collection now contains just Wii, PS2, PS3, XBOX, and 360 games.

I had to put almost all of collector's edition boxes in storage since I didn't want to clutter up my room(s); Only the nice boxes are out on display (e.g. Batman AA, AC1/2/B).
Thanks for the comments all.

Thanks Def. Yes not shown in the pic are my Gameboy/Advance/DS games. They are in a separate set of shelves. Also my rather large collection of PS3 games and my just starting to grow collection of 360 games are not shown in the picture. The current gen stuff is in my living room, easily accessible.
bread's done