My daily CAg advice topic: WTF am I gonna do tomorrow!!!


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Ok, let me explain my situation. Im in high school as you guys know. I'm in 11th grade and today in chemistry we got our grades for the quarter. Now, I hate to brag, but I am the smartest kid in the class. I consistently get As on everything in the class and have not gotten less than a 90 on a quiz this quarter. Now, we have a substitute teacher for the next few montrhs because our regular teacher had a baby. Our sub gave us our grades and I got a B. I hate this motherfucker more than any teacher and frequently bust his nuts(he's a jerk, he deserves it). However, there is no excuse for me to not get an A.

Now, onto the juicy part. I got so pissed I literally told him to fuck himself and how he his class is BS. Then I got so mad I ran out of class, and threw my binder and it hit another teacher (who is a total bitch and who I also like to piss off) in the head. I had to go to the principal, blah, blah, blah... but the point is, how do I deal with my teacher tomorrow to get my grade changed? How should I approach the situation with this dickhead? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
You cursed out one teacher and assaulted another. Forget your grade and just be glad you didn't get expelled or even arrested.
True, well the assualt was an accident. I apologized and she understood I was upset. But that's not the point now, ^_^.
[quote name='dcfox']You cursed out one teacher and assaulted another. Forget your grade and just be glad you didn't get expelled or even arrested.[/QUOTE]

You're bitching over a B?

God, cry a bit more, emo kid. I call shens on the story. No one's stupid enough to bitch about an above-average grade.. and if they are, they wouldn't fucking throw a binder and assault a teacher.
Damn... you should be thankful that "total bitch" is so nice not to report you.

That's serious enough you could get expelled over that.
dcfox is right.

Your sub won't even think about changeing your grade unless you apologize and show it. A letter perhaps? Personally, I would just take the B. Another option could be waiting for your regular teacher if she is coming back and if you have a good relationship with her, persuade her to change it. This is of course if you do or don't deserve that B.

Though, I think you have other things to worry about then that grade.
Trust me, a B versus an A in chemistry is not going to count for much of anything in the future. The only thing would be if you were planning on going to an ivy league school, even then there's room. Now, if you got expelled for your antics, that could hurt your future college choices. The lesson here? Grow up and talk to a teacher in a civil manner if you have a problem with their grading. Don't run out of the classroom throwing things like someone in elementary school would do.
Ouch, maybe this was the wrong time to post this... the reason I was upset, was that I was robbed. There was no excuse for the grade other than the fact that, the teacher doesn't like me. the fact that he is a sub and is trying to dick with me made me that much more upset.

Also, i wanna clear up the assualt bit, let's say this, I threw my binder, and it just so happens that another teacher, coincedentaly walked into it. I honestly didn't mean to hit her. But I did...
How about you go in early tomorrow and apologize to both teachers again, without mentioning your grades. That's what you really need to do.

P.S. For those who think a B doesn't matter, maybe a B in an AP level chemistry class can let you slide into an elite university, but try including a B in an honors and regular level class in your transcript. It's hard enough to get into those schools even with straight As.
I must say that allthough not within reason, your outburst is what has you at fault, you must forget any reason why you caused this outburst(dick teacher and all), because defending the reason only makes you look more guilty, you must instead impress upon them, that you are a good student, and that the outburst was not directed at him intentionally, and the binder was all incident, dont have another outburst, make yourself as professional as possible, only fight things when there unjustified would be the key to how you handle yourself tomorrow
[quote name='Jrunt20x']Ouch, maybe this was the wrong time to post this... the reason I was upset, was that I was robbed. There was no excuse for the grade other than the fact that, the teacher doesn't like me. the fact that he is a sub and is trying to dick with me made me that much more upset.

Also, i wanna clear up the assualt bit, let's say this, I threw my binder, and it just so happens that another teacher, coincedentaly walked into it. I honestly didn't mean to hit her. But I did...[/QUOTE]

self-ownage approved
[quote name='Scorch']You're bitching over a B?

God, cry a bit more, emo kid. I call shens on the story. No one's stupid enough to bitch about an above-average grade.. and if they are, they wouldn't fucking throw a binder and assault a teacher.[/QUOTE]

Its probably not so much the grade itself but the idea in question. Its like you made the best tuna fish sandwiches in the world, but then the company who makes the cans of tuna fish decide to change ownership and this new guy starts cutting costs by using less than premium grade tuna fish. Suffice to say, you don't like how america runs bussiness and decide to make second rate peanut butter and honey sandwiches instead. Then when no one wants to eat them you call up the doctor and he says mold is bad for your lungs.
[quote name='Jrunt20x']True, well the assualt was an accident. I apologized and she understood I was upset. But that's not the point now, ^_^.[/QUOTE]

But that is the point. You have no recourse after what you just did. And if you do approach your teacher and he does change your grade, then he's not exactly the jerk you make him out to be. Like a said, the damage has been done and anything else you might do could make the situation worse. Take the B and live with it.

Plus accident or not, that's easily grounds for suspension if not worse. Considering kids these are getting arrested and kicked out of school for writing stories and drawing pictures, you got off extremely easy.
First off, you could try talking with him about your grade... if they're not official yet, he could change them.

If he's a jerk about it... well, then you're screwed, and deal with it.
I agree with just about everyone here. You are lucky to have not been expelled with how touchy everyone is now a days. Just take the B. It won't matter in the long run.
Well, my advice would be to calmly tell the teacher that you feel you earned a higher grade than he gave you, and politely ask him to outline how he arrives at the grades he gives out. Usually, teachers just compile all your test scores, homework, attendance, etc. and arrive at the grade mathematically.

But, I'd say that you pretty much fucked it all up with your childish behavior. All the A's in the world won't bring you jack with an attitude like that.
[quote name='dcfox']You cursed out one teacher and assaulted another. Forget your grade and just be glad you didn't get expelled or even arrested.[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly.

Not to mention that this whole debacle of yours is due to you fealing wronged over a B grade. If you felt that your grade should have been an A than why didn't you first talk to the teacher, or ask for some other adult to be present when you speak to the teacher like a Counselor or Principal or something. Even though you might be smart academically, you're not to bright in the way you act. You blew up over a B grade, a B grade which is extremely good and I'm sure that any other student who wasn't doing as well as you were would have been thrilled to have that grade.
My econ teacher gave me a grade lower than possible and I took mathematical proof to him and it did no good. I only regret not kicking him in the shin when the he stammered "Well, that's the grade I gave you," after i owned his sorry math skils.
Hmmm, I don't see exactly why he should have (or could have) been expelled or arrested in this situation. While cursing out the teacher is certainly a punishable offense, I think that it hardly warrants either of the two aforementioned punishments (unless it's really, really bad.) As far as the "assault" goes, based upon the OP's description it seemed to just be an accident and nothing intentional. Should there still be consequences for his reckless binder tossing? Sure, a suspension for a few days would be an appropriate punishment for the whole incident, IMHO. But I see no reason why expulsion or an arrest should have even been considered here.

And Scorch, as far as his "bitching about an above-average grade" is concerned, please, lay off the kid. I know kind of how he feels; I also get nothing but A's, and I know that if I had received a B grade that I didn't think I had deserved, I would have been shocked and probably at least a little angry too. Does it excuse what he did? Hardly. But I still think you should cut him a little slack. When you get really good grades, expectations are very high, from both others and yourself, and he shouldn't be faulted for being disappointed with what he got.
[quote name='jacobv']How are you certain that you were robbed from an A?[/QUOTE]

Well, my real teacher left about halfway through the quarter at which point. I have a 100 on every quiz test and lab. then we this new guy came in, I still continued with 90s on everything. then we had a huge quarter project which I got a 96 on. then to end up with a B... doesn't add up. Unless he minuses the 20 points for me and a bunch of other kids pissing him off cuz he's an ass. He yells at kids for getting a tissue or opening a window.

i won't deny, my outburst was a bit over the top. But it was sort of the straw that broke the camel's back.
[quote name='Zman310']Hmmm, I don't see exactly why he should have (or could have) been expelled or arrested in this situation. While cursing out the teacher is certainly a punishable offense, I think that it hardly warrants either of the two aforementioned punishments (unless it's really, really bad.) As far as the "assault" goes, based upon the OP's description it seemed to just be an accident and nothing intentional. Should there still bes consequences for his reckless binder tossing? Sure, a suspension for a few days would be an appropriate punishment for the whole incident, IMHO. But I see no reason why expulsion or an arrest should have even been considered here.

And Scorch, as far as his "bitching about an above-average grade" is concerned, please, lay off the kid. I know kind of how he feels; I also get nothing but A's, and I know that if I had received a B grade that I didn't think I had deserved, I would have been shocked and probably at least a little angry too. Does it excuse what he did? Hardly. But I still think you should cut him a little slack. When you get really good grades, expectations are very high, from both others and yourself, and he shouldn't be faulted for being disappointed with what he got.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. That's pretty much the point. I mean, I know this topic comes off as me being a winny, overachieving punk. But honestly, it's like, for example you work at a job and do tons of overtime but only get paid half the money you worked for. You'd want what you deserved. I was tired of this guy trying to walk all over me. So I took a stand.
[quote name='Jrunt20x']Thanks. That's pretty much the point. I mean, I know this topic comes off as me being a winny, overachieving punk. But honestly, it's like, for example you work at a job and do tons of overtime but only get paid half the money you worked for. You'd want what you deserved. I was tired of this guy trying to walk all over me. So I took a stand.[/QUOTE]

I would recommend taking a stand in a little different manner in the future. Just keep your cool and salvage what you can.
[quote name='Jrunt20x']Thanks. That's pretty much the point. I mean, I know this topic comes off as me being a winny, overachieving punk. But honestly, it's like, for example you work at a job and do tons of overtime but only get paid half the money you worked for. You'd want what you deserved. I was tired of this guy trying to walk all over me. So I took a stand.[/QUOTE]
Actually, taking a stand would have been to gather up all your test grades, labs, quarter project, and everything else you can find you were graded on, and then tell him you think you deserved more. If he can justify your grade, then take it like a man and walk away. However, if he says "oh, I don't like you, so I shaved off 20 points" then I'm sure that you can bring your info to the Principal or Superintendent and have your grade adjusted to what it should be, or even have the teacher fired if he's doing it a lot. But, your idea of taking a stand is cursing and throwing things around. Yes, a little anger is understandable, but what you did was, and I think most agree, is far out of line. Maybe you need to work on controlling that anger or something, I don't know you at all, so I don't know if it's an issue. Just try to keep your cool and remember that these people are the authority in school, and you should at least show them some respect, even if you secretly hate their guts.
[quote name='Jrunt20x']Ok, let me explain my situation. Im in high school as you guys know. I'm in 11th grade and today in chemistry we got our grades for the quarter. Now, I hate to brag, but I am the smartest kid in the class. I consistently get As on everything in the class and have not gotten less than a 90 on a quiz this quarter. Now, we have a substitute teacher for the next few montrhs because our regular teacher had a baby. Our sub gave us our grades and I got a B. I hate this motherfucker more than any teacher and frequently bust his nuts(he's a jerk, he deserves it). However, there is no excuse for me to not get an A.

Now, onto the juicy part. I got so pissed I literally told him to fuck himself and how he his class is BS. Then I got so mad I ran out of class, and threw my binder and it hit another teacher (who is a total bitch and who I also like to piss off) in the head. I had to go to the principal, blah, blah, blah... but the point is, how do I deal with my teacher tomorrow to get my grade changed? How should I approach the situation with this dickhead? Any advice would be greatly appreciated![/QUOTE]

Didn't read other responses so don't know where this has headed.

First, you come off as an immature, whiny prick. You threw a hissy fit cause you got a B. Second, all you said is "how dare they give me an A", while no one here has even seen the paper. Maybe you aren't as holy as you think and you actually did B work. Right now it just seems like "it can't be me, it's them, they're all out to get me",

I had one class where I went over a quarter without even getting a question wrong, in an earlier year of that class I got an A first and third quarter, and an F 2nd and 4th quarter (I got range). I've had other classes where I ace everything and then stumble a bit and get a B, usually (but not always) when I go back and read it I saw their point, even if I didn't always agree. I also really didn't care, and pretty much reacted the same to an A as I did an F, then again I also didn't try, which would explain why I aced half my courses (4 ap's in my last 2 years), b's in the rest, but barely passed math and french (sometimes).

Just give the paper to a few friends if it bothers you that much, see if they agree with you.
Walk up to him after class and say:

"I'm sorry about what happened yesterday... I don't know... I just got a little angry because I have no idea how in the world I got a B even though I know that for every grade I got atleast over a 90... could I see why I got a B?"

{At that point he will probably try to show you... but of course he will be a little rough with you while explaining to you why he thinks you got a B.

{If the grade is not justified and he refuses to change it, go to your counselor and speak to him asap.

{If he refuses to talk to you about your grade, again, go to the counselor and speak to him asap.

{If he changes the grade, just thank him once or twice and go on with your buisness.
You could always mix some of those chemicals together and set fire to the school, but your grade tells me you're just so-so at Chemistry, so I wouldn't recommend you try.
[quote name='Scorch']You're bitching over a B?

God, cry a bit more, emo kid. I call shens on the story. No one's stupid enough to bitch about an above-average grade.. and if they are, they wouldn't fucking throw a binder and assault a teacher.[/QUOTE]

i passed chem with a D+ and i was happy :\ was the AP teacher, but err..i think it might be kinda hard to convince ur teacher 2 change ur grade after telling him 2 fuck urself
its like punching a girl in the face, then asking her out on a date
Well, most everything that's important to say has been said except this:

In the grand scheme of things, one A will not matter. If you fail to get into Harvard then it's Harvard's loss - not yours. I don't mean to brag but I was a straight A student as well. Once I got out in the real world however, rare is the employer who cares about the grades I got in 11th grade chemistry... or any class in 11th grade for that matter. What matters is performance... and knowing the right ppl. So what if you got one measly B? Granted you worked hard for it, but I'm telling you, it won't really matter in the overall picture. A 'B' letter grade isn't the end of the world is it? Does it change the fact that, if what you say is true, you're the smartest kid in your class? It probably doesn't and holding grudges against sub teachers is not worth it. Think about it - he's not even fully committed to the idea of being a teacher; he's there to fill in. He has no emotional stake in the well-being of his students unlike a full-fledged teacher. Trust me, karma will balance the scales for you in the end. Be warned though - karma will also balance what you did (angry outburst & hitting the teacher).
I have an interview tomorrow for a teaching position in Culpeper, VA and then I read this....:(

And these posters are right. If you are worried about grades an assault charge on a faculty member will hurt you more than a "B" will. If felony charges were brought and you had to disclose that information with a university it wouldn't help, and furthermore, most of your letters of recommendation are effectively tainted now.
First of all, it's kids like you that make smart kids look horrible. You make such a big scene about getting a B when there are other kids sitting there that are probably ecstatic that they got a B. I consider myself a smart kid, and in high school if I ever thought I didn't get the grade I deserved, I'd go talk to the teacher after class on a one-on-one basis, not throw a tantrum in the middle of the class.

Second, one B isn't going to stop you from getting into a good school. Grades are important for college, but for the most part it's the other things that you do that get you into good schools (i.e. community service, sports, clubs, etc.)

Thirdly, like others have said, you're lucky that you didn't get expelled for hitting that other teacher. I know in my high school, whether intentional or not, they expel a kid for hitting a teacher.

I mean it sucks that you didn't get the grade you thought, but next time just approach it in a more appropriate manner.
I think any chance you have of changing your grade went out the window when you cursed out the teacher. The fact that you got so worked up that you actually threw your binder and stormed out like a little kid says a lot about your character. You come across as a selfish baby. It's hilarious that you dismiss hitting that teacher (accidentally, doesn't matter) because "she's a bitch anyway". Your lucky she wasn't more seriously injured. She accepted your apology - I wouldn't have. I would have made sure you received suspension and faced the consequences. You don't seem to feel any remorse about your actions, as you're on here now asking about how to go back and fix your grade. You have a lot to learn.
[quote name='Jrunt20x']I hate to brag, but I am the smartest kid in the class.![/QUOTE]

You swore at a teacher and threw a binder at another. You're not the smartest kid in class...
Part of being smart is figuring out how to get the A even if it isn't through raw intelligence. Figure out what your teacher is looking for, talk to him after class, etc., just make sure he knows you want an A and are willing to work for it.

It doesn't matter what you think of him, either. Maybe he is a jerk; tough shit, he's your teacher and you can't do anything about it. We've all had them. Again, part of the experience is making the most of it and getting to a college where you won't half to put up with shitty teachers.

And yeah, cursing out a teacher and throwing a tantrum isn't exactly 11th grade-calibur behavior. Don't be a biatch, buck up, deal with the B, and make an A next quarter. For God's sake, man, 3 A's and a B will make an A for your final grade...that's all that shows up on transcripts anyway.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Maybe you should look into anger management classes.[/QUOTE]

And don't get pissed if the teacher gives you a B or less :lol:
[quote name='theq87']Part of being smart is figuring out how to get the A even if it isn't through raw intelligence. Figure out what your teacher is looking for, talk to him after class, etc., just make sure he knows you want an A and are willing to work for it.[/QUOTE]
Absolutely. You'll bump into these teachers from time to time, and it's just easier to play the game and give them what they want, rather than to try to prove yourself right. The earlier you learn this, the easier it'll be for you, not only in school, but in life.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Absolutely. You'll bump into these teachers from time to time, and it's just easier to play the game and give them what they want, rather than to try to prove yourself right. The earlier you learn this, the easier it'll be for you, not only in school, but in life.[/QUOTE]

I disagree, I don't think you should ever give in to a half-assed teacher. True, it's easier to play their game, but theres no honor in that. Sometimes you need to stand up to a teacher because a lot of them simply don't do their job.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Absolutely. You'll bump into these teachers from time to time, and it's just easier to play the game and give them what they want, rather than to try to prove yourself right. The earlier you learn this, the easier it'll be for you, not only in school, but in life.[/QUOTE]

this statement is kind of eerie when you consider your avatar and rank ( I will not be the one responsible for putting it into bad pun form though)
[quote name='mbstuff']How about you go in early tomorrow and apologize to both teachers again, without mentioning your grades. That's what you really need to do.

P.S. For those who think a B doesn't matter, maybe a B in an AP level chemistry class can let you slide into an elite university, but try including a B in an honors and regular level class in your transcript. It's hard enough to get into those schools even with straight As.[/QUOTE]

Yes but if he's running out of chemistry classes and throwing binders like a 2 year old something tells me that a B isn't the only thing keeping him from an elite university.
bread's done