my gift from cold pizza


I actually won a copy of Mario Superstar Baseball from Cold Pizza, this is great, nothing like saving $50 and getting a game early, just felt like sharing
[quote name='Sleepkyng']no doubt about that. But I ain't never seen that shit give me anything, other than indegestion.[/QUOTE]

they had their videogame guys on, talking about a couple games, and mario baseball was one of them. After the segment, they said to enter to win on their website, so i jumped on and signed up, and when i came home today there was a package for me from them, opened it up, and low and behold was a copy of the game
Congratulations. I ahd fun with the game at E3, although it wasn't as awesome as I expected.

Also, your avatar is the same image I use as my AIM buddy icon.
How'd you win it? Were you in the studio or was it some sort of web/phone contest?

I used to watch Cold Pizza quite a bit, but ever since I got Tivo I've just been watching something I've taped in the mornings. This morning I watched a chunk of Prison Break.
Prison Break was actually pretty interesting. Meaning that I'm going to continue to watch it.

So, what was CheapyD featured on the show for? Was it this website? That's kind of odd. But, yeah, I watched Cold Pizza quite a lot over the summer, but nowadays I'll be waking up and leaving before it starts.
bread's done