My God, Soul Calibur III sucks


59 (100%)
(Disclamer: I'm realy frustrated with the game right now, so this is very biased, opinonated, short-sited, and likely to change once I calm down)

Let's take it from the top:

Graphics: Easily the best I've seen on PS2. The stages look fantastic, very, very detailed. The game looks beautiful in 480p with 16x9

Sound: Great good music, great sound effects, etc.

Controls: I'd say damn near perfect (this is were the biased rant starts) but apparently I have either a defective game or controller because my GOD DAMNED BLOCK BUTTON DOESN'T WORK! It doesn't matter what I do I CANNOT block a single attack from the computer. Oh, blocking works alright, because 80-90% of my attacks get blocked, but it seems that maybe the game doesn't recognize that I'm pushing the button.

And this ladies and gentlemen leads to the real problem. It seems that despite the fact that it's pretty much been standard since STREET FIGHTER II for the snes, the single player mode DOESN'T ALLOW YOU TO CHANGE DIFFICULTY. It seems to be preset the the HARDEST fuckING SETTING POSSIBLE. Now, I'm not the greatest player of fighting games, but I'm decent. I can usually beat any game thrown at me on the normal setting in, at most, maybe 3 continues. I am able to beat DOAU on the hardest diffeculty without continuing. 30 fuckING CONTINUES LATER and I still can't beat the fighter I'm stuck on. I mean god damn how does Namco expect casual players to enjoy this? I mean don't get me wrong there is a wealth of other, fantastic modes, but single player story mode should NOT be impossible for a casual player to get through. If I can't beat it once how the HELL am I supposed to play through it with everybody.

Ok I've calmed down now but I do have to say this is easily the single cheapest game I've every played. Now, back to swearing at my tv, fuck this game

"This review makes no sens you keep using made-up words like "pisketti" and "mamato" you make several threatening references to the U.N. and the last three lines just repeat the words "screw Flanders."
I think the game is awesome. Just the right setting for difficulty. It is a must buy for a fighting fan. No way will you be dissapointed.
All the reviews I have read have gone back and forth on this game. While the praise SC for it's basic gameplay they say all the extra features don't add anything to the overall package. All I can say is I will pass my judgement as soon as the release it for the xbox ... argghhhh ... :bomb:
The AI eats throws like fat kids eat cake. Rush in then throw if the block it just do the same one again then while they are on the ground run in throw as they get up. That will work for about 70% of matches I have found. It makes the game pretty boring but its better then throwing the controller when you get demolished repeatedly by Nightmare.
Well, I calmed down, played it a while and I've determined that:

A) for the most part the AI is ok


B) Setsuka is aparently the "Leslie Golem" of the game. I can beat just about anybody else in the game without a problem, but she 1) blocks everything 2) can't be thrown 3) can block during a charge & 4) gets cheaper any time you get the upper hand.

fuckin' stupid game, hate it, grrr, must play for several more hours...
[quote name='dmes65']I think the game is awesome. Just the right setting for difficulty. It is a must buy for a fighting fan. No way will you be dissapointed.[/QUOTE]

I agree 100%.
well im getting my money's worth of Soul Calibur 3.. i am playing it every free moment i get.. and I love the AI.. such a great challenge.
I want the new Tekken 5. I never got into the SC games for some reason or another. I played this already and it seems ok, but I think I will wait for the GH or something. Hopefully a XBOX version.
I agree with others and think it's just right. it doesn't let you rush down very often and forces you to use the fighting engine (guard impacts, counters, side steps etc.) which is more than I can say for most fighters. the modes are cool

still, i really want online play.....
The AI is very smart and unpredictable.. but not invincible =/ If you played SC2 you'd notice a difference, but after a few games you just learn you have to be unpredictable as well
I agree with the OP's point on Setsuka. She is a fucking badass. Always a difficult fight aganist her in Tales of the Soul. She is also a joy to play as; a very deceiving character.
I bought the game from Fry's this week and have been spending every gaming moment I have on it. I think that the OP's controller is broken (or the guard has been changed) and simply sucks at the game.
I have no problem guarding in this game, in fact I rely on it in order to counter attack. My timing for guard impact is off now. I'll have to relearn the timing again. So far I like they game, it seems to have a hell of a lot of stuff to unlock. Any official word that SC 3 will be ported to Xbox and GCN.
I agree with the OP. The difficulty setting for Tales of the Soul is simply too hard for the average player. My wife, who enjoyed the original game (somewhat less so the sequel) had enough of this one after her 15th battle with Kilik.

And I hate excessive light bloom.
I played the Demo that was on the Namco disc, and it's the same lame crap with pretty visuals. I blew through the story demo using forward +Triangle, so I'm not sure where you guys are getting that it's hard, but it's most assuredly a very boring fighter. As a side note, Pac World 3 also sucked. We
Reality's Fringe]I played the [i][b]Demo[/b][/i] that was on the Namco disc.... I blew through the story [i][b]demo[/b][/i]... so I'm not sure where you guys are getting that it's hard said:
Notice that you were playing the demo, the demo NOT being the actual game will vary from the final product.
I got the game and the story mode isn't really any harder than anything else I've played. I guess it just depends on the matchup since some fighters may be at disadvantages to others.
It really depends on what type of player you are and how you match that with a character. SC is ridiculously balanced, so if you're having trouble change your style or pick a different character.
[quote name='peteloaf']Notice that you were playing the demo, the demo NOT being the actual game will vary from the final product.[/QUOTE]

Unless they hired a team of people to balance it so I have to do more than forward+button, then it doesn't matter what they changed. That's a fundamental gameplay flaw. The last two Soulcalibers were the same way. I heard rumors that they were revamping the fighting system, but from the demo(and yes, I'm well aware that it's not the final product) it seems they haven't touched anything. I'm going to make it a point to rent it, unless my friend has already purchased it, and get some real time in with it.
Reality's Fringe said:
Unless they hired a team of people to balance it so I have to do more than forward+button, then it doesn't matter what they changed. That's a fundamental gameplay flaw. The last two Soulcalibers were the same way. I heard rumors that they were revamping the fighting system, but from the demo(and yes, I'm well aware that it's not the final product) it seems they haven't touched anything. I'm going to make it a point to rent it, unless my friend has already purchased it, and get some real time in with it.

Doesn't the demo only let you play like the first three or so fights in Story Mode? If it does, then you can't judge how hard the Tales of the Soul really is, since it has a ramping difficulty. Around the 7th or 8th fight, they turn the difficulty up so that everything you've been doing to whup on the people before no longer works. It's like they turn one character into a super version of them who can kick your ass. I can typically never continue until I get to that super character. Then it'll take multiple fights.
[quote name='evanft']Wasn't it like that in SC1? The mission mode got MUCH harder as time went on.[/QUOTE]

Tales of the Sword isn't Mission Mode though...It's basically the Story/Arcade mode.
i agree that this game is tough, but usually only because I am not familiar with the character I am playing with (unless I'm playing asteroth or seigfred). No game is perfect, and pressing forward+triangle may get you by in a CPU match, but that dosnt say much of how well of a fight you can put up in vs or higher difficultys of 1p mode. And really, no change to the game was needed really. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Namco tried to fix it in SCII, but actually made it worse. Now it plays alot better.
[quote name='Puffa469']considering the fact that SC2 went to $20 soon after it came out, Im in no rush to buy this at $50.[/QUOTE]

If by "soon after", you mean after it had been out about a year - just like every other widely popular game that becomes a GH/PH/PC - then yes, yes it did. :roll:
Did anyone get this $30 dollar limited edition guide?

I know that the Tekken 5 guide was very well done, provided a wealth of information, was wondering if this guide was the same? I saw that the guide also came with a soundtrack, does it also come with an art section?
[quote name='Roufuss']Did anyone get this $30 dollar limited edition guide?

I know that the Tekken 5 guide was very well done, provided a wealth of information, was wondering if this guide was the same? I saw that the guide also came with a soundtrack, does it also come with an art section?[/QUOTE]

I got the limited edition guide. And before you CAGers yell at me, A computer glitch at our work basically lets employees get guides for half off, and my manager didn't care. So Instead of $30, it was the same price as a regular guide.

Anyway I don't think there's an art section, i haven't looked at anything except for practicing Xianhua and Tira's moves. It is very nice because It breaks down all the aspects of a charachter's gameplay. Short range, Medium Range, Long Range, Overall, Weapon unlockables, etc. It also covers all the numerous unlockables in single player. It's a very well done guide, typical of bradygames. I can't stand that cheap Prima shit. The soundtrack is also pretty good. I listened to it writing a paper already, good music to ignore while doing something else.
The only thing that so far has bothered me about the game is that I can't find my stats for the game anywhere. I want to know like int he first how much time I have spent on the game, my character usage, etc. Anybody know where it's at?
I would have to say that the gameplay has improved greatly from SC2 to SC3. SC3 is a much more realistic weapon fighter than SC2 was. One problem in SC2 was that it was very easy to block almost anything thrown at you and it really took away from gameplay. In SC3 you can't just sit and block and then throw an attack. With some characters it is sometimes better to just keep moving then to block. Other characters use counters and so on and so on. It just has a steep learning curve and it frustrated the crap out of me too but going through the training really helped me out and it might not be a bad idea to check it out.
bread's done