My shoulders hurt like hell


CAG Veteran
Do your shoulders hurt at all from gaming? I get burning and gnawing pain around my shoulders, and it seems to get worse when I'm using my arms to pick something up or move forward. Typing on a keyboard isn't helping, and neither is using a controller, but thankfully it's not too bad now. It's gotten to the point that it hurts to sleep on my side.
You should do some of these

You should get that checked out, it sounds pretty serious. I don't think you'll get any expert opinions here.
Having experienced something similar in recent months, you indeed should have it checked out. In my case, I had developed pleurisy and pericarditis after landing a case of Epstein Barr Virus. Basically, I experienced excruciating pain in my upper chest and the fronts of my shoulders. I can only imagine a heart attack feeling anywhere similar to it... as it was that bad. The pain increased while laying down, and at times was so severe that I actually felt like crying (yeah... no joke).

The pain has since subsided... but it's likely because I've been on a Prednisone regiment for the past 20 days. This last time, it sparked back up after I caught the seasonal cold. Not cool. Now I dread catching normal viruses... as my EBV is technically still in effect (and may remain in effect for several more months).

Too much info I'm sure... but if it's not just muscle-skeletal, you should go get looked at. My wife is my Physician... so all of my testing was done from home.
[quote name='munch']Quit playing games and exercise.[/QUOTE]

Try that first. Getting off your ass does wonders. If problems still persist, see a doctor, not CAG.
I had similar pain in my shoulder as you described and it ended up being calcium deposits that built up causing an inpingement in my shoulder. I had surgery on tuesday and recovering pretty quickly and already feeling the relief. get it checked out for sure!
I hope you get better soon, Metaphysical. You too, empyrium. I've told my pain management doctor a couple of times about the pain in my shoulder, and he hasn't paid any attention to it. I guess I need to bring it up again. I have a spinal cord disease, so I'm worried that this is the cause of my shoulder pain. If it is, that is a bad sign for me, because it means the bones in my shoulders are going to literally disintegrate.
[quote name='munch']Quit playing games and exercise.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='kodave']Try that first. Getting off your ass does wonders. If problems still persist, see a doctor, not CAG.[/QUOTE]

I agree with these statements!
Wow Seen, you seriously lack empathy. That's pretty screwed up for someone to say they have a serious disease and you tell them to "get off their ass and exercise." At least the other guys didn't know, but what's your excuse?
I think you're just sore for tedious use. Ice your shoulder and use icy hot. OR Quit stressing your body and go to a doctor before you head to a forum ! (no offense CAG) :p
To the OP, before you start suspecting it's something major, rule out the simplest explanation first: it's the result of poor posture, repetitive motion, or something else directly resulting from playing games. Take a 2-3 day break from sitting in front of your computer/TV unless absolutely necessary and do something else (ex. go walking). After 2-3 days, if it has gotten better, then you're probably fine. If it hasn't gotten better, then it's time to see a doctor. If it gets better, then worse when you start playing again, it's most likely the result of something you're doing subconsciously. Identify and eliminate possibilities one by one until you figure out what the particular cause is.
Start stretching your shoulders. Can you do a bridge? It's a great stretch if you are able and it doesn't hurt your shoulders. Also go to the doctor and see what's up and while you're there get some pain pills. Never hurts to have pain pills.
[quote name='Benyamin']I hope you get better soon, Metaphysical. You too, empyrium. I've told my pain management doctor a couple of times about the pain in my shoulder, and he hasn't paid any attention to it. I guess I need to bring it up again. I have a spinal cord disease, so I'm worried that this is the cause of my shoulder pain. If it is, that is a bad sign for me, because it means the bones in my shoulders are going to literally disintegrate.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the well-wishes. Just ended my Prednisone regiment yesterday, and as fate would have it, experienced pain all night while trying to sleep. However, I spent the better part of Saturday on a ladder working above me head (Xmas lights)... so I'm contributing my current body aches to manual labor.

I just have to try to stay healthy. With a jacked-up immune system thanks to the EBV, even a mild cold can be nearly crippling.
[quote name='Sethra']could be a rotator cuff tear, they can be a nasty piece of work.[/QUOTE]

I can validate that tearing a rotator can be absolutely brutal. I did that a few years ago without even straining anything all that bad and my right arm was almost useless for a couple of months.
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