My take on the Revolution (Reading is FUNdamental!)

*imagines what response VG expected from a page-long anti-Nintendo rant*

"Jolly good show, sir... right on with the speculation and opinionation, my good man!"

Reality's Fringe said:

There you go.

Yeah, you mentioned "Other platforms", but you put emphasis on Nintendo's old consoles first, and then mentioned a sole focus on "firsty party" games. You also claimed "That's how they're planning to make their money".

It's called "Reading between the lines", because sometimes the whole story isn't spelled out for you.

Maybe I put the emphasis on Nintendo's consoles because IT'S A NINTENDO CONSOLE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. I guess you think Nintendo is gonna say "Hey everyone, download Bonk for the Turbografx 16. Then after that, get Crue Ball for the Genesis. Oh, we also have some of our old NES games too." It only makes sense for me to, when talking about a NINTENDO console making NINTENDO games available for download, I would put the NINTENDO games first.
[quote name='whoknows']Wow, I knew exactly who would come to defend the revolution and I was right! I feel special now.[/QUOTE]
Well played! You can get a cookie! If I knew before opening this thread that exactly the content and tone of the posts, can I get a cookie too? Maybe we could all go to the cookie... store... and have some cookies!!
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']So, my opinions that people won't play the older games for long without getting sick of them, 3rd parties being put off by it because their versions of multiconsole games will need to be ported down, and today's modern casual gamer not buying it because it's doesn't look as good as the next generation systems, all those opinions are "jackassery"? I didn't know that only certain people were allowed to post their opinions without them getting bitched about by everyone else. Seems like you people, who will fly off the handle based on one mans opinion, look like the real jackasses.[/QUOTE]

No, no the opinion's aren't jackassery, but your inflamatory tone, and the flaming followups,however, are. You haven't addressed anyone else's counterpoints, you've only been on the defensive and insulting everyone else.

[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Maybe I put the emphasis on Nintendo's consoles because IT'S A NINTENDO CONSOLE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. I guess you think Nintendo is gonna say "Hey everyone, download Bonk for the Turbografx 16. Then after that, get Crue Ball for the Genesis. Oh, we also have some of our old NES games too." It only makes sense for me to, when talking about a NINTENDO console making NINTENDO games available for download, I would put the NINTENDO games first.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but you're point was "I didn't say anything about them focusing on Nintendo games to make their money" and you did. In fact, in that reply, you did it again.
[quote name='botticus']*imagines what response VG expected from a page-long anti-Nintendo rant*

"Jolly good show, sir... right on with the speculation and opinionation, my good man!"


Oh, ok, my original post was "anti-Nintendo". I guess everyone skimmed over "Do I want the Revolution to fail? Of course not." Just because i'm not sold on what Nintendo has said the Revolution will offer, that means I'm anti-Nintendo? Just because I have a hard time understanding what they are trying to do with this Revolution thing, that means I wish each member of their board to suffer a horrible, horrible death, and for every Nintendo product to be burned in a massive pit? Geez, for being so anti-Nintendo, I sure have spent a lot of money on GameCube stuff in the last couple years!
Here we go, thread ending post here:

VanillaGorilla: "The Revolution will suck because of teh old gamez and teh lackz of megaHURTz!!"


I apologize... the IQ of this thread just went below 0 with my post... oh well. ;)
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Oh, ok, my original post was "anti-Nintendo". I guess everyone skimmed over "Do I want the Revolution to fail? Of course not." Just because i'm not sold on what Nintendo has said the Revolution will offer, that means I'm anti-Nintendo? Just because I have a hard time understanding what they are trying to do with this Revolution thing, that means I wish each member of their board to suffer a horrible, horrible death, and for every Nintendo product to be burned in a massive pit? Geez, for being so anti-Nintendo, I sure have spent a lot of money on GameCube stuff in the last couple years![/QUOTE]
Haha, I was starting to feel left out...

I didn't say you hate the company, but since your post was basically, again, "Nintendo is going to fail with the Revolution", that's fairly negative. Would you prefer I said "anti-Revolution"?
Reality's Fringe said:
No, no the opinion's aren't jackassery, but your inflamatory tone, and the flaming followups,however, are. You haven't addressed anyone else's counterpoints, you've only been on the defensive and insulting everyone else.

Yeah, but you're point was "I didn't say anything about them focusing on Nintendo games to make their money" and you did. In fact, in that reply, you did it again.

Well, if I didn't have to fight off ridiculous, "Wannabe hip, clever, message board posters", I could probably get to some of those counterpoints. But everyone is so busying trying to dissect every little syllable of my post, I've been too busy.
Since more than 2/3 of your argument has to do with the Rev's power and Matt's specs, then you should really read this.
I'm still unhappy that he didn't say how uncomparable those Xbox to Rev specs are. It is a step in the right direction though. If you really do think that 'someone that gets paid to write about videogames' is all knowing, then you should really read that and think about it for a minute. He knows what he is talking about compared to a forum(which inlcudes you) according to what you said earlier.

[quote name='daroga'] Maybe we could all go to the cookie... store... and have some cookies!![/quote]

I'm down with that.
[quote name='daroga']Here we go, thread ending post here:

VanillaGorilla: "The Revolution will suck because of teh old gamez and teh lackz of megaHURTz!!"


I apologize... the IQ of this thread just went below 0 with my post... oh well. ;)[/QUOTE]

Didn't take long for some twat to send this into that territory. Again, never once did I use anything close to fanboy speak in my original post. Can't say the same for some of you though.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Well, if I didn't have to fight off ridiculous, "Wannabe hip, clever, message board posters", I could probably get to some of those counterpoints. But everyone is so busying trying to dissect every little syllable of my post, I've been too busy.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure if that's a jab at me or everyone in general, but I'll be working on my midterm paper for a little while longer. I'd like to see what you have to say. As a side note, your subsequent posts (from the OP) hold more insight into what everyone is perceiving to be the tone of this thread so you might want to take it down a notch.
[quote name='daroga']Well played! You can get a cookie! If I knew before opening this thread that exactly the content and tone of the posts, can I get a cookie too? Maybe we could all go to the cookie... store... and have some cookies!![/QUOTE]
Alright, lets all get cookies! I want a uh...well...its so hard to pick a kind, they all taste so good (most anyways).
[quote name='Strell']Hey guys, if I slapped my keyboard randomly with my wang, could I write a more meaningful post?

Cuz I think I could.[/QUOTE]

+1 post love for Strell.

Vanilla just knock off the "OMG Nintendo is teh stoopid with graphics on the Revo so they fail.". I have a 360 and the first game I've played so far I'm not impressed from what I first viewed, nice car but the tree's and people I weren't impressed by. See PGR3. Those are my FIRST impressions.
Btw guess what I AM a collector but don't feel like paying out the ass for those systems because of the eBay douches I have to deal with so I'd like to download some TG-16 games including Drac. X, Y's 1 and 2 and Snatcher to list a few. If Philips CD-i was available with Flashback, Burn Cycle and ummm what's that 3D style shooter that used the video? Oh! Chaos Control! Oh and I heard 3DO mentioned so will "Strahl" and "Daedalus Encounter" be included along with MAYBE a finished D2?! Sorry I'm just hoping there but I want Warp back.
Oh and on a quick other note could someone point me to the unnamed 360 RPG thread because I think I may have a few valid guesses that will tickle everyone's fancy.
Oh and Who I really expected more from you. Much props go to Reality's comments.
[quote name='daroga']Wow... a long flamebait thread. Nice work.

The minute I read that you equated CPU speed with overall system performance I just stopped reading. Any points based off that flawed, uninformed, and just overal wrong idea are invalid. Spend some time studying electronics, learn how systems work together in a machine like a computer and a video game system, then realize you don't have any of the information you need to make an intelligent comment on the Revolution's performance, and then move on to do something else.[/QUOTE]

Umm didn't you and I have a long talk about how you thought I shouldn't perpetuate flame bait threads and that you would practice what you preach?

Or does that only apply when its not Nintendo being hated on?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Umm didn't you and I have a long talk about how you thought I shouldn't perpetuate flame bait threads and that you would practice what you preach?

Or does that only apply when its not Nintendo being hated on?[/QUOTE]
Wasn't the thread in question also flaming Nintendo? I don't recall. Either way, daroga's grounded. Go to your room. After you finish your cookie.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Umm didn't you and I have a long talk about how you thought I shouldn't perpetuate flame bait threads and that you would practice what you preach?

Or does that only apply when its not Nintendo being hated on?[/QUOTE]
You picked the wrong post of mine to quote there. That post wasn't really egging anything on... the rest of my posts have, and thus breaking my own rules because, well, work is driving me insane. But your point stands. Thanks for holding me to my own rules ;)

[quote name='botticus']Wasn't the thread in question also flaming Nintendo? I don't recall. Either way, daroga's grounded. Go to your room. After you finish your cookie.[/QUOTE]
Wait, can I have a few more cookies first?
[quote name='botticus']Hoarder.[/QUOTE]
Gosh, in one thread all of my principles come crashing down around me. Rough night, I guess... ;)
[quote name='daroga']You picked the wrong post of mine to quote there. That post wasn't really egging anything on... the rest of my posts have, and thus breaking my own rules because, well, work is driving me insane. But your point stands. Thanks for holding me to my own rules ;)

Wait, can I have a few more cookies first?[/QUOTE]

Just sayin, your opinion changes when its a system you really like. Personally, I think this is more of the same garbage that we always hear and at this point I just zone it all out. Everyone's pretty much set in their ways as far as systems are concerned so there's no point in bothering anymore. People will only change their mind about a system/company on their own.
For some reason, I am having trouble with replying to messages with quoutes, especially Dr. Mario Kart's on the first page. So here is my response to some of the things he said:

"It is true that casual gamers may end up picking what looks best on the surface before trying it, based on screens or reviews or whatnot. This is the CURRENT state of things, and something that Nintendo wants to CHANGE, by bringing gameplay to the forefront."

My response: And not even Nintendo will be able to change that. When games like Enter the Matrix and 50 Cent: Bulletproof are best sellers, it takes more than just the Nintendo name and the promise of unique gameplay to pull in casual gamers.

"Developing a second or third version of a multiplatform game, depending on the scalability of the engine, probably greatly varies in dificulty. Not having to support High Def will help in running in on a weaker system. And if its really cheap to do so, it might be worth the trouble anyway, regardless of how little or much trouble it may actually be. Games were brought to the PS2 from GC and XBOX1. Some games CURRENTLY coming out on the 360 are still being put on the PS2."

My response: I highly doubt companies like EA or Ubisoft will bother porting their franchises to the Revolution, especially if it's installed base is drastically lower than the 360 and PS3. Notice how a lot of 3rd parties don't even bother with a GameCube version of most of their games? Plus, the Revolution version would need Revolution controller type gameplay mechanics, most likely. And, for games like GRAW, which require every button on the 360 controller, how are you gonna do that on the Revolution's controller?

"Nintendo isnt telling the big multiplatform developers that they dont need their games. You seem to assume this because its a weaker, and much different all around, system. Previously, Nintendo had the idea of having a "Dream Team" of strong 2nd party games, over strong 3rd party support. That really flopped on them and they know it. I think they're working very actively to bring back the 3rd party support, both in exclusives and multiplatform. Though realistically, EVERY REVOLUTION GAME will be an exclusive."

My response: Again, will 3rd parties really wanna spend time and money to make a Revolution game, when the Revolution, according to Nintendo, isn't competing with 2 consoles that people WILL buy their games on? Sure, the Revolution will have some 3rd party games, but not nearly as many as the PS3 or 360. They will face the same problem they faced with the N64 and the GameCube, developers will neglect the Revolution, only occassionally throwing something Nintendo's way.

I suppose my opinions in this thread are just more "jackassery".
So there you have it, my objective look at the Revolution

I suppose my opinions in this thread are just more "jackassery".

Nobody would have such a huge problem with you, if you knew what objectivity actually was.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']
"It is true that casual gamers may end up picking what looks best on the surface before trying it, based on screens or reviews or whatnot. This is the CURRENT state of things, and something that Nintendo wants to CHANGE, by bringing gameplay to the forefront."

My response: And not even Nintendo will be able to change that. When games like Enter the Matrix and 50 Cent: Bulletproof are best sellers, it takes more than just the Nintendo name and the promise of unique gameplay to pull in casual gamers.[/quote]

Maybe, but that goes contrary to your previous arguement of people wanting the best graphics, because if you played either of those two games, you know what I mean. Not to mention those sold best on the "Underpowered" Ps2. Also, you'd be surprised how a "Gimmick" can get someone playing games. DDR? Eyetoy?

[quote name='VanillaGorilla']"Developing a second or third version of a multiplatform game, depending on the scalability of the engine, probably greatly varies in dificulty. Not having to support High Def will help in running in on a weaker system. And if its really cheap to do so, it might be worth the trouble anyway, regardless of how little or much trouble it may actually be. Games were brought to the PS2 from GC and XBOX1. Some games CURRENTLY coming out on the 360 are still being put on the PS2."

My response: I highly doubt companies like EA or Ubisoft will bother porting their franchises to the Revolution, especially if it's installed base is drastically lower than the 360 and PS3. Notice how a lot of 3rd parties don't even bother with a GameCube version of most of their games? Plus, the Revolution version would need Revolution controller type gameplay mechanics, most likely. And, for games like GRAW, which require every button on the 360 controller, how are you gonna do that on the Revolution's controller? [/quote]
This is because..

[quote name='VanillaGorilla']"Nintendo isnt telling the big multiplatform developers that they dont need their games. You seem to assume this because its a weaker, and much different all around, system. Previously, Nintendo had the idea of having a "Dream Team" of strong 2nd party games, over strong 3rd party support. That really flopped on them and they know it. I think they're working very actively to bring back the 3rd party support, both in exclusives and multiplatform. Though realistically, EVERY REVOLUTION GAME will be an exclusive."

My response: Again, will 3rd parties really wanna spend time and money to make a Revolution game, when the Revolution, according to Nintendo, isn't competing with 2 consoles that people WILL buy their games on? Sure, the Revolution will have some 3rd party games, but not nearly as many as the PS3 or 360. They will face the same problem they faced with the N64 and the GameCube, developers will neglect the Revolution, only occassionally throwing something Nintendo's way.[/quote]

Nintendo is planning on being a COMPANION console. I don't know why you refuse to acknowledge that. There were sruveys done on Joystiq, GA, Kotaku, and I think even IGN(you can do a search) that asked what people's console choice would be for this Gen, and wouldn't you know it, a majority of them said Xbox 360orPs3 AND a Revolution. This means that their market penetration would be HIGH, and thus (according to plan), 3rd parties will develop Revo specific games. I don't know why you're so focused on ports, because it's a non-issue. The people who are only going to buy a Rev either:
A. Don't want to play those games
B. Are diehard fans.

So, they can already play those other titles.
It might take a while to get started, like with the DS, but given the uniqueness of the platform, you might see third parties opt for exclusives OVER multiplatform. Spiderman 3 is what you would normally call cross or multiplatform, but being developed from the ground up with the new controller, I feel tempted to call it an exclusive. This goes back to how I was saying before that technically, ALL games are exclusive.

It would be quite a trend change indeed if people started buying Nintendo for their multiplatform games over shinier versions. Even I'm not that optimistic. I would rather have NO multiplatform games but thats not how business works.

The initial marketshare is going to sway a lot of developers who are on the fence. This initial marketshare, hasnt been decided yet. Its a momentum heavy industry. A strong launch Christmas, which actual units available, could make a huge difference.

There is an ever-updating cost benefit analysis that developers/publishers are probably thinking about, and we're not privy to what the variable values are. If the price is right, they dont need to sell 1 million or 100k or what have you, units to make it worth the trouble. But since the system and its marketshare doesnt exist yet, its really hard to talk about such things.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I suppose my opinions in this thread are just more "jackassery".[/QUOTE]

No, but from reading other threads you've posted in, it's hard to see your opinions as "objective." 90% of them have some type of anti-Nintendo blather in them.

Take myself for example. I've got a 360. I've got Ghost Recon and Oblivion, two of the best games out for the console right now. And sure, they're pretty and all, but I gotta be honest: I am seriously looking more forward to the Revolution.

I'll be the first to admit that Gamecube didn't bring anything new to the table, other than Pikmin and bongo controllers. The Revolution, on the other hand, provides an entirely new kind of gaming experience. Even if the graphics stayed at Gamecube quality, I'll be having more of a good time taking out space pirates in Metroid Prime 3 or slicing up Ganon in the next Zelda game than I would wandering aimlessly around Tamriel with dual-analog sticks.

If the Revolution turned out to be just a more powerful Gamecube with the same kind of controllers, I'd spend my money elsewhere. Now that the controller works like an extension of the hand, it's like you're actually INVOLVED in the game itself. That's the kind of gaming experience I'm looking for.
Let me say this first: I am, and always will be, a huge Nintendo fan.

With that said, I think you gave a valid criticism of the Revolution, and something that I think many people (outside of CAG and other places) will agree with. I personally think the Revolution will do fine, and believe that many of the "downfalls" of the system will actually be its main selling points.

Some of the things you say aren't exactly "factual," but are still representative of what many believe about the Revolution, and its capabilities (things that most will still believe after E3 and the Revolution's subsequent Fall release).

It will indeed be an up-hill battle for Nintendo, considering its lack of power (when compared to the PS3 and Xbox 360), new form of control, and the bad taste that the Gamecube left in many people's mouths.

...and to be extra honest, I usually dislike many of your posts (sometimes I think they are just too damn negative), but I don't think you deserve all of the flames that are coming your way.
[quote name='2Fast']Let me say this first: I am, and always will be, a huge Nintendo fan.

With that said, I think you gave a valid criticism of the Revolution, and something that I think many people (outside of CAG and other places) will agree with. I personally think the Revolution will do fine, and believe that many of the "downfalls" of the system will actually be its main selling points.

Some of the things you say aren't exactly "factual," but are still representative of what many believe about the Revolution, and its capabilities (things that most will still believe after E3 and the Revolution's subsequent Fall release).

It will indeed be an up-hill battle for Nintendo, considering its lack of power (when compared to the PS3 and Xbox 360), new form of control, and the bad taste that the Gamecube left in many people's mouths.

...and to be extra honest, I usually dislike many of your posts (sometimes I think they are just too damn negative), but I don't think you deserve all of the flames that are coming your way.[/QUOTE]

Yes and this is the SAME stupidity that came out about the DS so don't you think a LITTLE less skepticism is merited now?
And yes evan you're completely good on putting him on ignore.
[quote name='2Fast']
It will indeed be an up-hill battle for Nintendo, considering its lack of power (when compared to the PS3 and Xbox 360), new form of control, and the bad taste that the Gamecube left in many people's mouths.

This is the single biggest reason why I'm not buying a Revolution. The controller is neutral in my opinion to tell you the truth. The real thing that catches me up though is how disappointed I ended up becoming with my gamecube. There was some good games on it but in the end there was very few games that interested me and even less games that I own and I've had the system since about 1 month after launch.

I won't say its going to be as extreme as it was for Sega to try and recover from the Saturn, its not even close, BUT it is still something there for them to overcome.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']OK, what the fuck are your peoples problems? Do you have that much of a nostalgic Nintendo hard-on that, whenever anyone posts something about them that isn't gushing praise, you label it flamebait? [/QUOTE]

How can you not acknowledge that this has absolutely no news value at all? You have been here long enough, you know that this forum is for "General Gaming & Industry News." Not "I have a objective opinion." I am frankly surprised that the mods haven't moved this already.

Honestly, I have no problem with you stating your opinion. I'm glad to see that not everyone is jumping on the Nintendo Bandwagon and of course there will be skeptics out there. Just do so in the approrpiate location.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I also think that, with people already enjoying incredible looking games like GRAW, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, and Resident Evil 4, that the Revolution's technical shortcomings will REALLY end up hurting it.[/quote]

I'm still curious about this makes no sense to me.
[quote name='Shayde']I'm still curious about this makes no sense to me.[/QUOTE]

what doesn't make sense about it? He i saying you won't have good looking games (compared to x360 and ps3) on the revolution....

the gamecube wasn't lacking like the rev. will be so it's a perfectly valid comparison

another thing is the fact that if you want to play the old games you have to buy new shells (or whatever nintendo is going to call them) for your rev. remote. a SNES shell, a N64 Shell, etc...
[quote name='daroga']Wow... a long flamebait thread. Nice work.

The minute I read that you equated CPU speed with overall system performance I just stopped reading. Any points based off that flawed, uninformed, and just overal wrong idea are invalid. Spend some time studying electronics, learn how systems work together in a machine like a computer and a video game system, then realize you don't have any of the information you need to make an intelligent comment on the Revolution's performance, and then move on to do something else.[/quote]

"Hey Kettle! You're Black!"
[quote name='pachi']another thing is the fact that if you want to play the old games you have to buy new shells (or whatever nintendo is going to call them) for your rev. remote. a SNES shell, a N64 Shell, etc...[/QUOTE]

There are rumors that the shells will be included in the console.


Nintendo could sell the shell separately but include 5-10 free downloads to make the purchase easier to swallow. Think that sounds more feasible, honestly.
[quote name='pachi']what doesn't make sense about it? He i saying you won't have good looking games (compared to x360 and ps3) on the revolution....

the gamecube wasn't lacking like the rev. will be so it's a perfectly valid comparison
He was putting a GC game in a list with two 360 games and saying those three are examples what we've come to expect in terms of graphics. So, no, it's not a valid comparison.
[quote name='botticus']He was putting a GC game in a list with two 360 games and saying those three are examples what we've come to expect in terms of graphics. So, no, it's not a valid comparison.[/QUOTE]

What he was saying is that RE4, for its time, was an amazing looking game in comparison with the competition at the time. Now, those 360 games are top of the line (though RE4 still looks good, considering that developers haven't really spent much time optimizing the 360 hardware). The issue is that once developers start really rolling on the 360 and the PS3, presumably the Revolution will fall behind, and the best looking games will be on the other systems, leaving the Revolution looking like the lower-rent console. He has a valid concern, even if he expresses it poorly. True, the DS has outperformed the PSP with lesser graphics, but handhelds have different points of value to consumers than consoles. I think the complementary console idea is a strong one, and the only way Nintendo will be able to compete with the hardware they are advancing, but it's a risky strategy, to be sure.
Seriously though, the new name of the game isnt "graphics". its "accessibility". I'm a Hard-core 360 person, but you gotta realize that in this day and age, people will give up presentation for ease of use and accessibility for all ages. Apple has built their empire on it...

Ferrari for Hardcores - Honda for Everyone
Dolby 5.1 DVD-CDs for Hardcores - .mp3s for Everyone
All Clad Cooking Ware for Hardcores - Pyrex for Everyone
Alienware for Hardcores - iMac for everyone

Honestly, there is big F*ucking money in accessibility.
Ask Honda...

Look at the .mp3 for example, it sounds like shit... but the iPod is the greatest moneymaking music player since the walkman in the 80's...why? Cause people dont like having to have a wall of CD's anymore, people dont want to take a thing of 5 CDs everytime they go out... people want 60 gigs of .mp3's at all times.

Also, the "Go", will be accessible to all ages, and all types. Unfortunatly, Vanilla... this game console wasnt made for you, it was made for the average person. You keep saying its for the hardcore, but you're clearly un-informed. The processor being only 700+ mhz should be the first clue. The second clue should of been the fact that its input controller is a mouse/gyroscope/remote control hybrid... again NOT HARDCORE FAN. This is for grandma to buy for her house and have something she can play with the grandkids. This is so your family finally understands videogames. Its not for leet haxors.

Also, all you guys here saying that 700+ mhz Gamecube Broadway Processor, will compete with the Xbox 360 or PS3 just because the architecture is different, you need to stop pretending you understand processors... Raw Power is Raw Power, its how you use the power that makes it different... everyone is using the Mac mhz vs PC mhz debate on this, that was a different time, and a different situation... and even then, the gap wasnt THAT large. I'm a certified ex-Mac Tech... trust me, I'm not getting into this, but it was MUCH different than this.

Playing the "Go" wont be like playing a PS3, it will be a different experiance altogether... if this wasnt a money-making powerhouse of an idea, and if mhz really mattered... the PSP would actually be selling. Dont worry about the specs, with all the graphic filters and data compression out there, 700+ mhz is gonna go a very long way if done right. Nintendo knows that Mhz, and power mean nothing to a game system... it took them two tries to realize that... IE: Playstation vs N64 - Playstation 2 vs Gamecube. (as you can see, more power means shit)

Game companies will make exclusives for the Gamecube, because people will buy it because of its accessibility to the main market. The industry stopped giving two shits about hardcore gamers when the PS1 came out, get over it already... if you want Mhz and Hardcore gamer dutch rubs -- go PC... that market worries more about stats than actual game playability.

I'm a Xbox fanboy if you catagorize me, but I'll get a "Go"... why? Because I could care less about having 600 carts all over my house... I have a nice place, I work fulltime, I go to school and I have pretty girlfriend. I dont have time to get into collecting like I used to, and personally, I dont care to have my living room look like a shithole. If I wanna get some punch-out action, I dont want to download it (Steal it) and emulate it, I dont want to search eBay and get scammed, I dont want to worry about cart batteries.. I just want drink a soda and download a game and play it with my friends... not dick around with configurations and shit. Im too old, (25) to be wasting my life at configurations... I do it for a living already.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Seriously though, the new name of the game isnt "graphics". its "accessibility". I'm a Hard-core 360 person, but you gotta realize that in this day and age, people will give up presentation for ease of use and accessibility for all ages. Apple has built their empire on it...[/QUOTE]

Great post, Mooky. Bonus points for using colors.

Remember - it's all about the "Blue Ocean" Strategy.
[quote name='Ecofreak']Great post, Mooky. Bonus points for using colors.

Remember - it's all about the "Blue Ocean" Strategy.[/quote]

I like to use colors so its not so boring to read, it looked really long before using colors... its wierd how that is. Whats Blue Ocean Strategy?

It's like Forum Posting Camoflage... now you dont know you're reading this long boring sentence!
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Whats Blue Ocean Strategy?[/QUOTE]

Here it is.

[quote name='Perrin Kaplan']What makes Nintendo's corporate culture and tactics different from its competitors?

Inside Nintendo, we call our strategy “Blue Ocean.” This is in contrast to a “Red Ocean.” Seeing a Blue Ocean is the notion of creating a market where there initially was none--going out where nobody has yet gone. Red Ocean is what our competitors do--heated competition where sales are finite and the product is fairly predictable. We’re making games that are expanding our base of consumers in Japan and America. Yes, those who’ve always played games are still playing, but we’ve got people who’ve never played to start loving it with titles like Nintendogs, Animal Crossing and Brain Games. These games are Blue Ocean in action. [/QUOTE]
Mooky I hope you're referring only to PC gaming as hardcore in terms of specs. because I'm full on gamer in terms of my prefs., liking obscure RPG's, Music games, etc. and I'm not obssessed with constant handjobs from the same flavor of vanilla AMERICAN FPS games. I like my Korean and Japanese PC games.
edit: Sorry I couldn't say hardcore a second time but you know what I meant. That word just sounds so gay and poserlike.
[quote name='pachi']what doesn't make sense about it? He i saying you won't have good looking games (compared to x360 and ps3) on the revolution....

the gamecube wasn't lacking like the rev. will be so it's a perfectly valid comparison

another thing is the fact that if you want to play the old games you have to buy new shells (or whatever nintendo is going to call them) for your rev. remote. a SNES shell, a N64 Shell, etc...[/quote]

Well, the way I interpreted it is he was saying Revolution won't have games that look as great as RE4...a game in which the Revolution can play. And the Revolution is obviously more powerful than the GC.

But, after reading what strummerbs posted I guess it would be a valid point (Don't know if VG really meant it like that...probably not).
I don't think that is what Vanilla was saying, pachi. At least not the way I read it.

[quote name='Mookyjooky']Too long to quote.[/quote]
That was a very nice post. I agree with a good portion of that. It just bothers me that you kept using the name "Go" even after it has been proven fake.
Wow, this thread is still going.

I'll buy a Revolution if this Virtual Console thing can play Saturn games, and SEGA is nice enough to make Panzer Dragoon Saga and Shining Force 3 Scenario 1 downloadable games. That will never happen though, and if it does, hardcore gaming collectors will cry and whine about their sealed copies on eBay plummeting in value.
I'm still on the fence about having games available for download killing the collectors market.

Maybe getting more exposure may even INCREASE the number of people who want to collect an original copy.

There are a lot of high priced snes carts, even though many have secret magical access to those games for free.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I'm still on the fence about having games available for download killing the collectors market.

Maybe getting more exposure may even INCREASE the number of people who want to collect an original copy.

There are a lot of high priced snes carts, even though many have secret magical access to those games for free.[/QUOTE]
It won't do anything to collectors... collectors items have value because there are a limited number of the physical items. Most collectors probably don'tplay the stuff they have. Downloadable copies will not change that, as the people willing to pay $200 for PDS will do so to get the physical game, not the ability to play it.
[quote name='Foolman']I don't think that is what Vanilla was saying, pachi. At least not the way I read it.

That was a very nice post. I agree with a good portion of that. It just bothers me that you kept using the name "Go" even after it has been proven fake.[/quote]

"GO"s not official? Oh.... Im behind the times I guess. I cant see a lot of sites from work so I miss out on a lot. =)
[quote name='Sarang01']Mooky I hope you're referring only to PC gaming as hardcore in terms of specs. because I'm full on gamer in terms of my prefs., liking obscure RPG's, Music games, etc. and I'm not obssessed with constant handjobs from the same flavor of vanilla AMERICAN FPS games. I like my Korean and Japanese PC games.
edit: Sorry I couldn't say hardcore a second time but you know what I meant. That word just sounds so gay and poserlike.[/quote]

I always forget about those 2d/simple 3d RPGs from Korea... =)

I'm speaking more about people who get 4 SLI graphics cards to play the shithole of a game doom 3.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I always forget about those 2d/simple 3d RPGs from Korea... =)

I'm speaking more about people who get 4 SLI graphics cards to play the shithole of a game doom 3.[/QUOTE]

Yeah thank the American jackasses who worship at the altar of Blizzard, iD and the rest. The ONLY truly great American invention in terms of genre's of video games is the Adventure game, like Secret Of Monkey Island and any other text based Lucasarts game you can think of. Thank you Adventure Company for Syberia and the rest.
Only good American RPG's that really stick out to me are "Secret Of Evermore" which feels like a story I've read before and I don't mean that as an insult and "Septerra Core" doesn't seem bad. I've heard Ultima is good so maybe I'll check back on that someday. What else comes to mind? Oh there was one RPG I'd love to play again, American or whoever made it, for the sheer fact the puzzles were hard as fuck, like would ask you shit almost no one, outside of a Jeopardy contestant would know, that was shareware I played back by Software Vault, I think.
Ok got ya about Doom 3. I heard one person say it was a disappointment for Survival Horror but Quake 4 pulls it off.
bread's done