My thoughts on the World Trade Center movie


9 (100%)
Is there not a better reason why terrorists hate us? We have a tragedy occur that kills thousands of people and 5 years later we make 2 movies to entertain us about it. Its the darker side of capitalism.

Heres something to think about. It doesnt matter if they say that they are donating 5% of the profit to charity. Oliver Stone, every actor and stagehand and everyone else involved in this movie did it to make money for themselves. They all exploited the whole event to make cash. They can call it a tribute or whatever, but dont you think its way to early for shit like this?

On the news a few months back, I saw that a widow of one of the cops that died in the WTC was pleading with the movie studio to remove a scene where her husband has a 60 second death scene while under rubble. The studio outright refused to remove it, saying that they want to memorialize her husbands death. The scene ended up looking more like a showcase of it and was blatantly the "tear jerker" scene with him writing his love note to his wife and kids. They wouldnt dare erase a scene out of rspect for a widow, her family and her murdered husband if it meant sweet money for them.

This kind of world is pretty sickening and its pretty embarassing to live in a country that takes advantage of pretty much everything.
I was hoping to see a thread about your thoughts of the movie itself, not its release.

Eh, one day you'll understand the power of culture and the meaning of symbolism; yes, it's crass capitalism, but it's also more than that.
[quote name='daschrier']Why do people bitch about this and not Schindlers List??? WWII movies, video games etc?[/QUOTE]

The obvious answer is 'time heals all wounds,' but you do have a point.
[quote name='daschrier']Why do people bitch about this and not Schindlers List??? WWII movies, video games etc?[/quote]

But people DID bitch about Schidnlers List when it came out. The famous quote from Stanley Kubrick at the time was something along the lines of "Think that was about the Holocaust? That was about success, wasn't it? The Holocaust is about six million people who get killed. 'Schindler's List' was about six hundred people who don't.". This is essentially how I feel about World Trade Center. It wasn't even a good film either.
I saw this movie on 8/11/06 (friday)

When I heard Stone was directing this movie, I was like HELL YEA, ABOUT TIME!!!
But finding out it wasn't another conspiracy movie a few days before I saw it was a let down :( but I saw it anyways. For those who haven't seen it and plan to see it, well be prepared for some emotional flashblacks to the actual event 5 years ago. Although they did not show a lot of the crashes into the towers, the sounds of the towers falling was enough to make you remember that day.
[quote name='spmahn']But people DID bitch about Schidnlers List when it came out. The famous quote from Stanley Kubrick at the time was something along the lines of "Think that was about the Holocaust? That was about success, wasn't it? The Holocaust is about six million people who get killed. 'Schindler's List' was about six hundred people who don't.". This is essentially how I feel about World Trade Center. It wasn't even a good film either.[/QUOTE]

Well, that's how I feel about these movies too. People just need a reason to complain about something. In the grand scheme of things, 9/11 isn't that tragic. Dozens of people die daily in other countries.....the USA has never had a war faught on her soil.
[quote name='daschrier']..the USA has never had a war faught on her soil.[/QUOTE]

wow... and some people say I need to go back to high school lol........... there was something called the civil war, the revolutionary war, and so on.......
[quote name='spmahn']But people DID bitch about Schidnlers List when it came out. The famous quote from Stanley Kubrick at the time was something along the lines of "Think that was about the Holocaust? That was about success, wasn't it? The Holocaust is about six million people who get killed. 'Schindler's List' was about six hundred people who don't.". This is essentially how I feel about World Trade Center. It wasn't even a good film either.[/quote]

But, at the time Kubrick was working on a movie abot the holocaust, But gave it up because Spielberg released Schindler's List first and Kubrick felt that the two were too similar!
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']The obvious answer is 'time heals all wounds,' but you do have a point.[/quote]

QFT. It's too soon for a movie like this IMO but if there's money to be made then what the hell, right? I have a feeling things would be different if the planes crashed into Los Angeles or something. As someone who watched in person what happened and being in NYC every day it's a little hard to support these kinds of movies but that's just me.
Why is no one bitching about Snakes on a Plane?! That is so giving terrorists an idea of how to kill us!!!!!
[quote name='David85']Why is no one bitching about Snakes on a Plane?! That is so giving terrorists an idea of how to kill us!!!!![/QUOTE]

you know I am so sick of these posts about Snakes on a plane, that I am not even going to see that movie..
[quote name='danny-o']Is there not a better reason why terrorists hate us? We have a tragedy occur that kills thousands of people and 5 years later we make 2 movies to entertain us about it. Its the darker side of capitalism.[/quote]

This isn't the darker side of capitalism, this is freedom of expression.

The darker side of capitalism is Walmart profiteering off of forced 35-hour 'part-timers' with no benefits and slave labor in China. The darker side of capitalism is a meat industry that tortures animals unto death in deplorable conditions and then hides the fact using slick marketing, all in the name of making that last extra buck.

This is a movie that, to any rational observer, is a dramatization of the events of 9/11. You pay your $9, you get what you expect. If you don't like it, or you think it's just more hysteria over what amounts to little more then a bloody nose in the course of world history, or you want to protest the studio's lack of editing - well, you don't see it. I see in no way how this movie is a reason that the terrorists hate us.
[quote name='ITDEFX']you know I am so sick of these posts about Snakes on a plane, that I am not even going to see that movie..[/QUOTE]

You'll be sorry... Just think, one day you could be on a plane and all of a sudden there's hundreds of snakes. You'll sit there thinking "I'm gonna die" instead of, "I know how to kill these mother fuckers" all because you didn't want to see the movie because of a few message board posts. Hey, its your life man, but I'm taking the route of keeping myself well informed.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']You'll be sorry... Just think, one day you could be on a plane and all of a sudden there's hundreds of snakes. You'll sit there thinking "I'm gonna die" instead of, "I know how to kill these mother fuckers" all because you didn't want to see the movie because of a few message board posts. Hey, its your life man, but I'm taking the route of keeping myself well informed.[/QUOTE]

no offense, but that must be the STUPIDEST REASON why someone should see a movie...oh I better go see this movie because if I don't one day a bunch of snakes are going to let loose and im going to die a horrible death.........oh no!!!! :(

get real.
[quote name='ITDEFX']no offense, but that must be the STUPIDEST REASON why someone should see a movie...oh I better go see this movie because if I don't one day a bunch of snakes are going to let loose and im going to die a horrible death.........oh no!!!! :(

get real.[/QUOTE]

If you can't see the sarcasm in my post then you obviously aren't the type of person that would find Snakes on a Plane amusing.
[quote name='ITDEFX']no offense, but that must be the STUPIDEST REASON why someone should see a movie...oh I better go see this movie because if I don't one day a bunch of snakes are going to let loose and im going to die a horrible death.........oh no!!!! :(

get real.[/quote]

The ironing would be delicious.
I am humored by the snakes on a plane comment. I would rather take my chances with people than snakes.

As for the movie, i dont even think it should have ever been made. It really doesnt heal shit.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']If you can't see the sarcasm in my post then you obviously aren't the type of person that would find Snakes on a Plane amusing.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='ITDEFX']you know I am so sick of these posts about Snakes on a plane, that I am not even going to see that movie..[/QUOTE]

Well it's obvious that you weren't going to see it anyways. The whole reason this movie is so big is because of the lame ass title and the internet.
[quote name='daschrier']Well, that's how I feel about these movies too. People just need a reason to complain about something. In the grand scheme of things, 9/11 isn't that tragic. Dozens of people die daily in other countries.....the USA has never had a war faught on her soil.[/quote]

you think 9/11 wasnt that tragic??????? what planet have you been living on?

first off, why dont you say that to the 5 yr olds who could never see BOTH his/her parents!
second, dont you think because of that there had been ALOT more FREQUENT terrorist activity
third, because of the frequent terrorist activity, we are losing more rights

last but definitly not the least, you want to explain to my godson why his dad cant come home? ever!?
[quote name='MrDemonicAngel']you think 9/11 wasnt that tragic??????? what planet have you been living on?

first off, why dont you say that to the 5 yr olds who could never see BOTH his/her parents!
second, dont you think because of that there had been ALOT more FREQUENT terrorist activity
third, because of the frequent terrorist activity, we are losing more rights

last but definitly not the least, you want to explain to my godson why his dad cant come home? ever!?[/quote]

Theres millions of kids that dont get to see their parents, its called cancer. as well as a million other reasons.
I remember watching the 9/11 stuff on tv in high school and thinking, wow, a building is getting bombed. just like oklahoma city or whatever else has happened.
sure it was a tragedy and all. anyone dying is a tragedy. im not trying to disrespect anyone that lost their life or a loved one. but the number of lives lost and damage done is tiny compared to the damage that america has done to other countrys. everyone shouts war, till something happens here. but what goes around comes around.
personally I think we should all be allowed to carry a gun. unless your a felon etc. but the details arent as important as a 1000 fps barrier around anyone who feels they are being violated.
let the criticizm start, Im sure lots of people are gonna hate this post and im sorry. just my opinion.
[quote name='David85']Well it's obvious that you weren't going to see it anyways. The whole reason this movie is so big is because of the lame ass title and the internet.[/QUOTE]
and Samuel L. Jackson
[quote name='DeathDealer']Theres millions of kids that dont get to see their parents, its called cancer. as well as a million other reasons.
I remember watching the 9/11 stuff on tv in high school and thinking, wow, a building is getting bombed. just like oklahoma city or whatever else has happened.
sure it was a tragedy and all. anyone dying is a tragedy. im not trying to disrespect anyone that lost their life or a loved one. but the number of lives lost and damage done is tiny compared to the damage that america has done to other countrys. everyone shouts war, till something happens here. but what goes around comes around.
personally I think we should all be allowed to carry a gun. unless your a felon etc. but the details arent as important as a 1000 fps barrier around anyone who feels they are being violated.
let the criticizm start, Im sure lots of people are gonna hate this post and im sorry. just my opinion.[/QUOTE]

Well all can carry a gun actually...
[quote name='DeathDealer']Theres millions of kids that dont get to see their parents, its called cancer. as well as a million other reasons.
I remember watching the 9/11 stuff on tv in high school and thinking, wow, a building is getting bombed. just like oklahoma city or whatever else has happened.
sure it was a tragedy and all. anyone dying is a tragedy. im not trying to disrespect anyone that lost their life or a loved one. but the number of lives lost and damage done is tiny compared to the damage that america has done to other countrys. everyone shouts war, till something happens here. but what goes around comes around.
personally I think we should all be allowed to carry a gun. unless your a felon etc. but the details arent as important as a 1000 fps barrier around anyone who feels they are being violated.
let the criticizm start, Im sure lots of people are gonna hate this post and im sorry. just my opinion.[/quote]

You're right. Cancer and terrorism are practically the same thing and if only everyone was carrying a gun on 9/11 we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
[quote name='DeathDealer']Theres millions of kids that dont get to see their parents, its called cancer. as well as a million other reasons.
I remember watching the 9/11 stuff on tv in high school and thinking, wow, a building is getting bombed. just like oklahoma city or whatever else has happened.
sure it was a tragedy and all. anyone dying is a tragedy. im not trying to disrespect anyone that lost their life or a loved one. but the number of lives lost and damage done is tiny compared to the damage that america has done to other countrys. everyone shouts war, till something happens here. but what goes around comes around.
personally I think we should all be allowed to carry a gun. unless your a felon etc. but the details arent as important as a 1000 fps barrier around anyone who feels they are being violated.
let the criticizm start, Im sure lots of people are gonna hate this post and im sorry. just my opinion.[/quote]

dont get me opinion is similar to yours in that i believe America is always instigating with other nations...America ruins lives worldwide...not saying that 9/11 was the worst in american you mentioned ... Oklahoma was also horrible...but my post was in regards to the guy i quoted...stating that "9/11 wasn't a big tragedy"...well the fact is every incident involving innocent deaths/manslaughter is a huge tragedy
[quote name='javeryh']You're right. Cancer and terrorism are practically the same thing and if only everyone was carrying a gun on 9/11 we wouldn't even be having this discussion.[/quote]

If thats what you get from my post I feel sorry for you. but I believe you are smarter than that. I think you know what I meant.
also gotta remember, other countries have tragedies, deaths, and so on ALMOST EVERYDAY..and no one gives a shit about it :(

Don't believe me? Go to North Korea, the Middle East, Africa, Cuba, and so on for a week or two and no i don't mean stay at there local Holiday Inn and then you will see how your life would be diffrent from a diffrent point of view.
[quote name='javeryh']You're right. Cancer and terrorism are practically the same thing and if only everyone was carrying a gun on 9/11 we wouldn't even be having this discussion.[/QUOTE]

oh yea? So your saying that if everyone on those planes had guns, the people in the towers and the pentagon had guns and all the new yorkers who watched in horror from ground level as the planes crashed into the building, tossing out endless amounts of office supplies (the flying papers/memos), two buildings on fire that can be seen from space, people jumping out of the building to there deaths and so on would have prevented 9/11??? Nope don't think so, most likely lead to mass sucicide following the psychological impact while watching the horror unfold either on location or on TV.
[quote name='DeathDealer']If thats what you get from my post I feel sorry for you. but I believe you are smarter than that. I think you know what I meant.[/quote]

I know what you meant and it's completely insane.
[quote name='ITDEFX']oh yea? So your saying that if everyone on those planes had guns, the people in the towers and the pentagon had guns and all the new yorkers who watched in horror from ground level as the planes crashed into the building, tossing out endless amounts of office supplies (the flying papers/memos), two buildings on fire that can be seen from space, people jumping out of the building to there deaths and so on would have prevented 9/11??? Nope don't think so, most likely lead to mass sucicide following the psychological impact while watching the horror unfold either on location or on TV.[/QUOTE]

You really don't seem to grasp the concept of sarcasm do you?
[quote name='Quillion']And becuase of the Snakes. On a Plane.[/QUOTE]

im going to laugh so hard when this movie becomes a box office bomb due to the fact that the snakes chewed on the power cables near the fuel lines causing an explosion causing all on board to die a flaming death, including SLJ!!!! Its probibly going to be like what the hulk did at the box office...did good the first weekend, and by the second weekend, it dropped off 70% :O
[quote name='ITDEFX']oh yea? So your saying that if everyone on those planes had guns, the people in the towers and the pentagon had guns and all the new yorkers who watched in horror from ground level as the planes crashed into the building, tossing out endless amounts of office supplies (the flying papers/memos), two buildings on fire that can be seen from space, people jumping out of the building to there deaths and so on would have prevented 9/11??? Nope don't think so, most likely lead to mass sucicide following the psychological impact while watching the horror unfold either on location or on TV.[/quote]

Um, I was being sarcastic...
The whole reason Samuel L. Jackson is doing Snakes on a Plane is because of the lame ass title. He understands that it's a joke, I don't think the studio has gotten that yet.
First of all there's already something not accurate because one of the men were actually black in real life (But the man just stepped up and started talking about it).
They also need to say that this is based on a true story, because from the commercials I've seen, it seemed like fiction before I read up on it.
bread's done