My Ultimate Guide To FREE GIFT CARDS


3 (100%)
SwagBucks ($15-$50 Amazon Gift Cards per month)

This by far is my favorite, I've earned about $60 in Amazon Gift Cards since I joined ( 6 Weeks ago)

This website is pretty simple, things you can do to win -
* SwagBucksTV Mobile- If you have an Android, you can get the SBTV mobile app, you can earn 50 SB/day, so if this the only thing you use is SBTV you can get a $5 Amazon Gift Card every 8 days. The videos also auto refresh and are about 20 seconds each under the comedy section.
*Daily Polls - 1 SB a day (very easy)
*Toolbar - Install on a browser you don't use and open it daily for 1 SB.
*NOSO - skip through a bunch of ad's and get 2 SB a day.
*Daily Surveys (25 min) - You can do these surveys daily, worth 60 SB.
*Trusted Survey- Different surveys, you can do as many as you want. Some of these surveys are pretty interesting as well, I did a video game one for 113 SB.
*Searching - search three times a day, morning, noon and at night for SB's .You can get anywhere from 7 SB's to 1000 SB's a search.

Links -
Ref link ( You don't have to use but it'll help me) -
Non ref link -

SuperPoints ( $10-$50, depends how much work you put into it)

I haven't used this site a lot but I've earned $ 20 in Amazon Gift Cards in 2 weeks.
Things to help boost your earnings -
*SuperLucky Button - spin 30-100 times a day and get points ( I've gotten 300 of my points from this)
*Superlucky Email - They send you email with points in them 2 a day( Many are usually 2 points but I have gotten a 25 point one before.
*Offers and Surveys - Just like Swagbucks

Links -

Ref link -
Non ref link -

JunoWallet (Android/iOS)

JunoWallet is a phone app that lets you earn money by downloading and running apps.
Each app install pays $0.08 - $0.35.
You can uninstall apps after you are rewarded.
Make sure to open the app after you install.
Each person you invite gets you $0.50.
Sometimes they have Reward Per Like, like a company on Facebook and get like $0.50.
If you don't have an Android or an iDevice, you can use Youwave or Bluestack, they are android emulators.

You can get this app from the Android Market or the App store by searching "JunoWallet"

If you do use this method please use my invite code : "XX947530"
Using the invite code will get you $0.25 to start off and will give me $0.50 when you get to $0.50.

Share your invite links with other people who may hopefully join under you, its a win-win situation for everyone.


These methods will not get you rich but they do generate some extra pocket cash for the next game you might plan on buying.

I earned a total of $105 total since the past few weeks.

Whats left of it:


If you have any questions, post below.
bread's done