My world my way


106 (100%)
comes out tuesday..

anyone know any major info about this game (like the length of the game)

Many screen shots look just like MASTER OF MONSTER LAIR

i loved that game and wonder if i will love this one.

Tempted to run out and buy it since i put over 100 hours into to MASTER and still am only 70% done
Wiki says:

[quote name='Wiki'] My World, My Way features two key game-play elements. One of which is Princess Elise's ability to pout, which prompts enemies and the game's landscape alike to change to her will through the usage of "pout points" [/quote]

And I say:

[quote name='Jesus S. Preston'] No. [/quote]
*looks at videos and pics of this online, and raises his eyebrows so high they disappear into his hair*
From the description of the plot, it would probably make a very amusing anime in the way of Rune Soldier Louie, but not a very good game
Elise is a beautiful princess who has been given everything she's ever wanted. Upon turning 15, she realizes there's only one thing in the world she lacks -- a handsome boyfriend. She sets out to remedy this by asking her father to hold a ball in her honor, to which every prince from every kingdom is invited to come and try their hand at wooing her. However, only one young man catches Elise's eye, and, as it turns out, he is no prince, but an adventurer. Knowing that fate itself has ordained him as her true love, she confesses her desire to share in his life ... Only to be flat out rejected, unless she can proves herself to be a worthy adventurer on her own. And so, much to the Kingdom's shock and dismay, Elise, the clueless princess, sets out on her adventure! It's her world, her way, and as long as she can help the weak, slay the monsters, and win enough fame, she'll get her happily ever after! source
It's basically a girly version of Master of the Monster Lair (they actually recycle monster models from that game), so if you like Master of the Monster Lair and lots of pink, this might just be the game for you.
That is what i wonder. Is it the same (meaning 20 floors) where you build dungons If so then the game will be a major long game


Dont know to get this or Dragon quest 5

GAMESTOP just told me today they do not even know if they will carry the game IN STORES so it might be hard to come by
heads up on this game

2 gamestops i went to today both said the Game has been pulled from their List (meaning they will probally NOT CARRY IT)

Gamecrazy has stated today they will not be getting any copies in as well.......

If i buy it off amazon it says I should have it by FRIDAY BUT i dont know to order it Now just incase gamestop does not know what they are talking about and will get it in tomorrow or weds ... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i dont know what to do..

gamefly still shows a SHIP DATE FOR THURSDAY BUT 99.99999% sure this will ship from Cali meaning a 5 day wait (meaning i wont have it till the 12th

ALSO after more revies it sounds like this game MIGHT Be a very hard Level grinding RPG game
9 times out of 10, slidecage is the template of the person you should think of when you ask, "what on God's green earth would convince someone to [something dumb with poor grammar]"

[quote name='cochesecochese']I always wondered who bought this crap[/quote]
[quote name='slidecage']heads up on this game

2 gamestops i went to today both said the Game has been pulled from their List (meaning they will probally NOT CARRY IT)

Gamecrazy has stated today they will not be getting any copies in as well.......


I'm pretty sure Gamestop is carrying it because it's right there on their website. I think maybe they were telling you that you could no longer preorder it since the release date was so soon in the future.
[quote name='Kayden']9 times out of 10, slidecage is the template of the person you should think of when you ask, "what on God's green earth would convince someone to [something dumb with poor grammar]"[/QUOTE]

I would take


any day over a ton of other so called RPG games that come out today.

Hell i would rather play this then star ocean 1 or 2 ... and a ton of other games


Josef about gamestop.

they said they can not even find the listing for the game in the stores computer meaning it might be an online only title ... I will check back tomorrow
only one gamestop in town got it

one review i found

Elise's journey can easily take you more than 40 hours to complete, but unfortunately there isn't much in the way of secondary features or objectives to add some much-needed depth. Most of your time will be wasted on mind-numbing quests and frustrating filler, which act as a pitiful backdrop for Elise's pouting mechanic. The irony of My World, My Way is that the unique feature the game struggles to focus on is eventually overshadowed by its feeble mediocrity. There are just too many better, more captivating games on the market to make this princess adventure worth more than a glance.

since i loved MASTER LAIR and since this is Very hard to find locally i grabbed it
got to say I love this game ... not as much as Master of monster lair BUT its a good RPG game

I put around 7 hours into the game and probally 25 to 30 % done with the main story

There are around 20 side quest you can do and i only got 4 of those down so it could be up to 40+ hours if you wanted to do all side quest and fill in all item and monster guides

Amazon has it for 28 shipped and worth every penny

hopefully i can have this beat before fire el. comes out on the Ds and can trade it for it..

i doubti will have it beat that fast though
Randomly stopped by a GS today and they had gotten in a whole one copy of this game. I quickly snatched it up. :)
[quote name='slidecage']got to say I love this game ... not as much as Master of monster lair BUT its a good RPG game

I put around 7 hours into the game and probally 25 to 30 % done with the main story

There are around 20 side quest you can do and i only got 4 of those down so it could be up to 40+ hours if you wanted to do all side quest and fill in all item and monster guides

Amazon has it for 28 shipped and worth every penny

hopefully i can have this beat before fire el. comes out on the Ds and can trade it for it..

i doubti will have it beat that fast though[/QUOTE]

Thanks for your thoughts on the game. I'm definitely interested at this point, but can't see myself spending more than $20 on it right now.
right now im 8 1/2 hours into it and just got to Fire mountain

sort of getting burned out on it ... played it 2 1/2 per night from weds to Friday and only and hour last night

I was hoping to beat the game and then trade it off for Fire em. for the ds but how hard it is to find this game i might just keep it in my collection. Locally here Gamestops only got 1 to 2 copies each and most of the places got 0

about the
sub quest im just 20% done since i just got 4 done out of 20... (you get the subquest in towns)

my level is 28 .... its just too easy to level up since you can say GIVE ME DOUBLE EXP and Rank up about every 10 to 20 fights

I got to wonder if this game is something like Master of monster lair (where the first 10 quest will take place during the first play though then the second 10 quest take place after you beat the normal game)

if not this has to be a very long game or The sub quest reallly start picking up soon cause i still have 16 open slots
[quote name='62t']Another good tip is to make your enemies stronger and hope that your monster will minic them.[/QUOTE]

i tried that in the first part of the game (when i was level 5 or 6) made monster level 18 and i got pounded. Never tried it again... Though when i play it tonight i might

Fire mountain im like level 28 but monster level is 27 so if i push up 10 might be in the same boat
I have to buy a lot of bombs in the beginning but I am able to mimic some humanoid enemies. My monster's attack power is almost double of my main character
well im around 15 hours into the game. over on gamefaqs it seems many people are beating the game between

20 to 24 hours and their person around level 62 to 67

im 15 hours into it and only like level 40 so maybe in another 10 hours i should have this beat ...

still tempted to dump it off and see if i could switch it out to someone for fire emblem.
seems the game might be 20 hours or so long

i just hit hour 16 and 80% though the quest....

one major problem i had with this game was it was way too easy.

maybe only got killed 3 times and the 20 PP you can use to lose nothing when you die just makes it even more easier
I picked this up yesterday. I'll play it later tonight to see what I think of it. I like really niche games like this that have humor. I didn't know anything about it until last week! I'm glad I got it now. My GS only got ONE copy. So if you have any intention on getting it now's the time to try to do that before you can't find it at all. I realize you can get most games months after the release but this one doesn't look like one of those games. They didn't give me any hassle or make fun of me for wanting the game. I think they understand it's gonna be hard to get later. Anyway it should be good from what I've read about it.
28 hours into the game LEVEL 71

Final spot and expect to get your butt kicked

it has 5 floors to get to the boss

the boss has 999hp and your attacks do less then 20 per hit

and expect to spend 60 to 90 mins working your way up those 5 floors just to get to the final boss

Great game now to see if i can find someone who would be willing to trade it off for the new fire elblem game that comes out this week.
after looking at some sites found out im
making the final boss 1000x harder then i need to ..

1st do make monsters 10 levels lower

2.. use the chic to cast REFLECT and then when you have reflect down use her as a main healer

3. use the pink thing to attack with fire

the main thing is to keep your HP up and Keep REFLECT on your party.

when the boss casts spells they will bounce off you and hit the boss for around 70 Hp of damage (so it will still take awhile to kill them off)

There is no NEW GAME + or nothing the game is just over after you beat the last boss and some very lame #$#$# ending .

if you follow this way you will have no problem with beating the final boss....

Just an update GAMESTOP only give 8 bucks for this game LOL i was going to trade it in towards
FE but i think i just keep it in my collection
That's how you know how bad a game is, if it just came out and Gamestop is giving crap in trade in credit for it, then its a crappy game, they did the same thing with the first spectrobes that I mistakenly bought, thankfully, I put it up on and it sold within a few days for $24 (after half took out their cut) so it was a minimal loss. No one's selling it on there, and they would take about $3 from it charge them $4 shipping, and it would really only cost you $2 to ship it. (so you would most likely gain back what little you lose). One last thing, if you don't know if you trust half, its run by Ebay, its basically amazon's seller's done by ebay, instead.
[quote name='Gden']That's how you know how bad a game is, if it just came out and Gamestop is giving crap in trade in credit for it, then its a crappy game, they did the same thing with the first spectrobes that I mistakenly bought, thankfully, I put it up on and it sold within a few days for $24 (after half took out their cut) so it was a minimal loss. No one's selling it on there, and they would take about $3 from it charge them $4 shipping, and it would really only cost you $2 to ship it. (so you would most likely gain back what little you lose). One last thing, if you don't know if you trust half, its run by Ebay, its basically amazon's seller's done by ebay, instead.[/QUOTE]

i used to use half a long long time ago. i listed it up on ebay and amazon for 27 but doubt i will sell when for 3 bucks more you can get it new...

trade in credit does not mean a thing about how bad of a game it is . they have already said they will only give 10 bucks for the new FE game and 13 for Dragon quest 5

gamestop is just a cheap #$#$ buying games LOL
[quote name='slidecage']game is sort of getting Very hard to find .... only 1 seller on amazon now gamestop has them and it seems about the only place[/quote]

A couple of other places like Buy and Newegg has it in stock, but yeah, it's very odd Amazon is sold out. The games only been out for like what, two weeks? And I've been checking for a few days to see if it would pop back in stock, but so far it hasn't.
i just dumped my copy off for 22 bucks (after shipping ebay fees)

thinking about runing over to gamestop tomorrow and rebuying it and keeping it sealed just cause it seems so rare

Its a great game to keep you buzzy (around 30 hours with 95% of quest done)

it was way too easy of a game.... YOu can just pout all the time and keep any boss from attacking

the final boss you just cast reflect on yourself ( where the boss magic bounces off you but not your own?)

now hopefully this weekend i will be playing

Ys book 1 and 2 and blue dragon plus

was thinking about buying ys off gamefly but 27 bucks is way too much for this game
Just an update, I used the trick to check the inventory of, and they've only got 11 copies of this left. So order now as it looks like this may be really rare in the future. There aren't even any available from Amazon sellers right now.
[quote name='rainking187']Just an update, I used the trick to check the inventory of, and they've only got 11 copies of this left. So order now as it looks like this may be really rare in the future. There aren't even any available from Amazon sellers right now.[/QUOTE]

I'm a little bit surprised about it not being available at Amazon. Ever since Amazon became the preferred seller by Atlus they have always had large quantities of Atlus games available, even obscure stuff like Master of Monster Lair and Dokapon Kingdom. But not so far with this title.
[quote name='Josef']I'm a little bit surprised about it not being available at Amazon. Ever since Amazon became the preferred seller by Atlus they have always had large quantities of Atlus games available, even obscure stuff like Master of Monster Lair and Dokapon Kingdom. But not so far with this title.[/QUOTE]

when i picked mine up on the first day one person behind me said something about it was just a 10,000 print run but i did not belive it.... With so few places selling it got to wonder if it was really that low
[quote name='slidecage']NO sellers on ebay.

2 Sellers on AMAZON

can you say VERY RARE.... Tempted to buy it again and keep it sealed[/QUOTE]

It is, however, still in stock at Gamestop's website.
Amazon, being Atlus' storefront partner, states this under the Product Details:

Discontinued by manufacturer: Yes

Looks like there won't be new shipment of it. Apparently, the only store that still has it is Gamestop and they only got 1 copy per store which means it's most likely gutted. still has 4 left in stock, right after I ordered my copy.

I can't believe I paid full price on this game. It's so un-CAG like. I was hoping I could pick it up when it drops to $20 level like the other Atlus' DS games (Etrian Odyssey 2, Summon Nights 2, etc).
Well, crap, I couldn't resist putting in a GS order as well. It is in stock at a lot of GS near me, but as eau says they will almost surely be gutted copies. I might as well get one sent via free shipping that I know will be sealed.

By the way, when I looked tonight (late on the 8th) there were 3 copies left - 2 after my purchase I guess. It seems weird there would be so few of these out there, but there you go.
[quote name='eau']Amazon, being Atlus' storefront partner, states this under the Product Details:

Discontinued by manufacturer: Yes

Looks like there won't be new shipment of it. Apparently, the only store that still has it is Gamestop and they only got 1 copy per store which means it's most likely gutted. still has 4 left in stock, right after I ordered my copy.

I can't believe I paid full price on this game. It's so un-CAG like. I was hoping I could pick it up when it drops to $20 level like the other Atlus' DS games (Etrian Odyssey 2, Summon Nights 2, etc).[/quote]

I've been trying to hunt this game down through all the retailers and looks like no one is getting this.

I'll have to order one through... very un-cag like to pay full retail, but with this low of a print, one may not even see it used anywhere.
Yeah, apparently it is not as limited as I thought it was when I bought the 3rd to last copy. Now has 11 of them :roll:.
[quote name='io']Yeah, apparently it is not as limited as I thought it was when I bought the 3rd to last copy. Now has 11 of them :roll:.[/quote]

Considering Amazon doesn't have any, and I haven't seen it at WM/Kmart/Target I don't know if I'll get it cheaper.

Guess they all went to Gamestop, all 100,000?
bread's done