Name a Wii game and how you would improve it


8 (100%)
This is something I often do in my head as I play through a game. Even if it's a great game, I can't help but think of ways that would make it even better. I'm curious if other people do the same thing, and would love to hear their ideas.

Ok, here's the rules:

1. Pick a game that you either liked, or you thought had a lot of potential, but you see things that would make it better.

2. Do NOT pick a game from a genre you generally dislike or a game that you feel has no hope whatsoever.

3. Don't be vague. "It needs more multiplayer modes." That's great, now name which modes it needs.

4. Let's avoid "This game would be way better if its graphics looked like a 360/PS3 game." That doesn't mean graphics can't play a role, but try to keep it to graphic styles. For example, "Zelda would feel more immersive if it had the same style as Wind Waker, rather than trying for realism."
I'll try to get the ball rolling.

Rayman Raving Rabbids

1. You shouldn't have to play through every single minigame to unlock them in multiplayer. They should either all be available off the bat or unlockable by playing the games in multiplayer mode.

2. Multiplayer should have persistent profiles. There is absolutely no reason that I should have to type in my name and choose an outfit each time I play multiplayer. This way, it would also keep track of my stats for more than one session.

3. All multiplayer games should be simultaneous. I don't want to take turns playing against computers for the high score in a multiplayer mode.

1. Remove the time limit

2. Make the game a level by level FPS

3. Put the focus on exploration and the use of the capture gun instead of running around throwing things.

4. Make doors easier to open

5. Make doors stay open unless you close them
[quote name='trip1eX']WEll I would improve some games by not releasing them. You know who you are.[/QUOTE]

I wish I could have worked the same magic on your mom.

But noooooooo.

(I'll go ahead and disclaimer "do not take this seriously," even though I feel it is unneeded.)
[quote name='trip1eX']WEll I would improve some games by not releasing them. You know who you are.[/quote]

Im looking at YOU Farcry.... They took a game known for its beautiful system crushing graphics and they made it look like Goldeneye 64.

I feel genuinely sad for anyone who wasted $50 on that steaming pile of a game.
Super Monkey Ball should have used the Wiimote sideways like excite truck instead of the lengthwise, one handed tilt control.

And the developers should have been forced to actually play the minigames before releasing this piece of garbage.
I would start by replacing the mii's with something that isn't gay.
Then for wii sports i would have made a sequel to superpunchout. Then I would have made tennis somewhat fun by improving the controls. I would put multiple parks in the baseball game or just ported mario baseball and make it wiimote compatible. I would have 86ed golf and worked on the other games to make them shine more.
Speaking of Excite Truck, I would have made the trucks in it have different stats along with a create a truck mode, objective based multiplayer (most air time, most checks, etc), and add in a few Crusin USA inspired tracks (totally unrealistic byut with a variety of somewhat sillier locations).
Agree with both Rendil & bMulligan about Rayman & MonkeyBall.

I'll toss in Excite Truck, it is a great game with a few shortcomings:

1. Lack of tracks. A half dozen locales with variants on those? This is a $50 title, there should be at least a dozen more.

2. More tricks. We get a spin and? hello?

3. A bigger variety in the way trucks handle. For the most part they were all the same.

4. Music. God the music in this game is awful. Fortunately there are custom soundtracks. Unfortunately it limits you to 100 songs. :(
[quote name='Corvin']4. Music. God the music in this game is awful. Fortunately there are custom soundtracks. Unfortunately it limits you to 100 songs. :([/QUOTE]

Only 100 songs? At 3.5minutes a song, thats 5.5 hours of music. If you need more music than that, you could always have a new folder ready to copy over to the SD card. I understand that the need for a song limit probably helps coding that particular feature.

That being said, these are standard MP3s, Excite Truck should be able to ready the standard ID tags embeded in each file.

short answer: replace it with Okami

long answer:

1) Enough fetch quests! Go to the Wild West Village. Go back to Kakariko. Go back to the Wild West Village. Go back to Kakariko. Go back to the fucking village. Go back to fucking Kakariko. Scream, rinse, repeat. Why does the game seem like nothing but fetch quests?

2) Make movement and the context-sensitivity more intuitive. I've had Link dismount when I wanted to gallop, roll into a door when I wanted to open it, and smack into a door instead of open it. There are some complicated combat moves that are virtually impossible because they get interpreted as something else, or the context isn't right, or Link jumps when you want him to roll, or rolls when you want him to jump. It's the result of trying to map too many things to too few discrete and distinguishable methods of control.

Also, if there's a pot or box in front of me and I swing the sword, I don't want to hit the wall, or the other wall, or the door. I want to hit the pot that's right in front of me. Link often seems like a special-needs hero.

4) Why is the range for Z-targeting and the Clawshot about five feet? Why do I feel like the game cheats constantly, in order to prevent me from doing things I "shouldn't" be able to do?

5) "Point the Wii Remote at the screen." Where the fuck do you think I'm pointing it? Why does it take up to 5 seconds to register? Why can't the cursor just be located off screen or the edge of the screen and brought onscreen once it's pointed at the screen, like every other game?

6) No more goddamn rupees. Most of the game, there's nothing to spend them on. Every dungeon/temple, I would fill my wallet before I got half through, and every subsequent chest with 20 rupees in it felt like an insult. Give us something worthwhile. Collectible art, outfits, trading cards, weapons, items, anything.

7) Why do stores sell bombs, arrows, potions, and other useless crap? Most of the stuff can be found for free everywhere. Why are there even stores?

8) Why, when I save in a temple/dungeon, do I have to restart at the beginning when I load the game? The game saves the state of everything I've done, so it can also save the information of what room I saved in. This is not rocket science.

9) I do not need to be told every time I load the game that a blue rupee is 5 rupees, a red rupee is 20 rupees, a yellow rupee is 10 rupees. Even if I didn't know by now, I certainly don't care and don't need to stop everything to be told again.

10) Why are the answers to most of the questions I asked "because it's Zelda and that's the way it's always been done"?
I'll keep it simple when it comes to my pick: Red Steel.

I love the game, just LOVE it. Some aspects of the control are beautiful, and I don't even think the bounding box is the problem here (I like it, actually). The problem is, obviously, how glitchy it is. Turning and the glitch of your perspective automatically forcing itself down when you go off of the sensor range is THE flaw of this game. Elebits proved that FPS controls can be implemented beautifully and smoothly. Give me Red Steel with an Elebits control feel in the maneuvering, and you have an incredible game.
[quote name='blandstalker']
10) Why are the answers to most of the questions I asked "because it's Zelda and that's the way it's always been done"?[/quote]

Because its Zelda and that's the way its always been done ;)

Zelda is one of those games where you have to take the good with the bad, and realize that the sum of the parts is greater than the whole ever thought of being.

On topic, I would make Red Steel not suck so much by reversing the sword and shooting parts. Lots of swordplay, little gunplay. And make the sword register a little faster. And add sword combos.
Wii Play - should have had about twice as many games (then it would awesome for the price instead of merely decent). Make the next collection support 4 players.

WarioWare - echoing previous post: UNLOCKABLES (more of them)

Elebits - improve the framerate (hopefully there is a sequel and they can address this)

Wii Sports - online ;) (I'm sure that's coming at some point in Wii Sports 2 or whatever). Bigger problem - show medals on the games you've got medals on. I have no idea what I have unless I dig through old memos.

Zelda - no problems, really (the ones posted before this are VERY minor annoyances, nothing else - like backtracking through a dungeon to get the last chest and all it has is 20 rupees when your wallet is full)
The ending was pretty shitty, so was the last boss fight.
They completely cheaped out on the twili, there was nothing there to explore, there was only Zants temple, which was cheaped out on too.
Need more temples, a death temple, some twilight temples would be nice.
Too short.
But it was good
Warioware- Online Survival (and there should be no lag either since in theory the only online portion of it is if you won the microgame to continue, lost the game and randomly choose a new person and game).

Red Steel- Can I get a damn multiplayer mode here, not something tacked on in 5 mins. Also make grenades easier to fling.

Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam- Seriously downhill jam is cool, but I would of liked it more classic th 1 ish to the game.
[quote name='jlseal']And add sword combos.[/QUOTE]

This has probably ben picked up on... but did you play it very far? The sword combos are there and they come pretty early in the game.
[quote name='Snake2715']This has probably ben picked up on... but did you play it very far? The sword combos are there and they come pretty early in the game.[/quote]
I'm only a couple hours in, at the airport or something
[quote name='blandstalker']Zelda

8) Why, when I save in a temple/dungeon, do I have to restart at the beginning when I load the game? The game saves the state of everything I've done, so it can also save the information of what room I saved in. This is not rocket science.

That's what Oocoo is for. Warp out, save, and then warp right back in to where you were. Awesome stuff.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']*Trademarks concept with Congress*[/quote]

trademarks are for logos and it would be the USPTO not Congress...
Not specific to any game, but mostly would affect any first person game. Take one of those wireless bluetooth headsets that go on your ear, attach the same wii-mote sensor on the front of it, and use your head to control your movement in the game.

Depending on the game, it could control movement instead of an analog stick, or it could control which way you are looking. Slight movements are fine, not necessary to whip your head around a ton, and because you are pretty much guaranteed to have your head facing the tv the sensor should always be on screen anyway.
[quote name='tiktok0']Not specific to any game, but mostly would affect any first person game. Take one of those wireless bluetooth headsets that go on your ear, attach the same wii-mote sensor on the front of it, and use your head to control your movement in the game.

Depending on the game, it could control movement instead of an analog stick, or it could control which way you are looking. Slight movements are fine, not necessary to whip your head around a ton, and because you are pretty much guaranteed to have your head facing the tv the sensor should always be on screen anyway.[/QUOTE]

That's an awesome idea. Rebirth of the NEScope !!
Any improvements making use of the word "online" are fantasies.

I would improve the Wii Play shooting game by changing the clay targets to disembodied heads from your Mii collection.

I would improve the Wii Sports bowling game by adding a pelvic thrusting animation for your Mii after any and all strikes. Any turkeys get a b-boy toprock followed by a classic freeze mimicking the Mario "peace" pose.
[quote name='dothog']Any improvements making use of the word "online" are fantasies.

I would improve the Wii Play shooting game by changing the clay targets to disembodied heads from your Mii collection.

I would improve the Wii Sports bowling game by adding a pelvic thrusting animation for your Mii after any and all strikes. Any turkeys get a b-boy toprock followed by a classic freeze mimicking the Mario "peace" pose.[/QUOTE]

I like these ideas. Also, in Golf, the Miis should break their club over their knee and throw it into the woods if they make too many shots and are forced to give up!

Wii Play Billiards is awesome, but I want more game modes other than 9-ball, and although the physics of the game are great IMO, the only thing you can't do is jump the cue ball, a necessity in tight places.

Overall, we need more 4 player games. I have yet to use my 3rd remote yet because there aren't many games where it's possible...which makes Wii Play a $50 investment so far!!!
I think Wii Golf needs a Mii Bob Barker. He will be my partner, will make snide remarks, and I will kick his ass Wii Boxing style in the middle of our round.

Unfortunately his power level will go over 9000 and he will beat the shit out of me, no matter what my pro level is reading on the scouter.
Don't know if this has been mentioned before, buy Wii Bowling needs those cheesy animations for strikes/spares/splits/gutterballs that they show on the tv screens at bowling alleys. How hard would that have been?
bread's done