Name some commercials that you hate.

Everyone should watch this, specially those that hated the McDonalds commercials.

We Be loving it!

Name some commercials that you hate.

All I really need to say is:


fuck Chad, fuck Alltel, fuck their ad agency, and fuck the dorks who he effortlessly 'foils' about five hundred times a day. Seriously, I think they play their ads that often.

Also, even by domestic beer commercial standards, Coors Lite is going for some new sub-Neanderthal low with their 'humor'. The 'NFL press conference' concept could be funny, but the jokes make even Family Circus fans squirm uncomfortably.

P.S. Let's not kid ourselves: McDonald's is and has been all about the 'urban' and 'brokeass college student' demographics for years now. They're just less apologetic about it than ever these days.

P.P.S. I wonder how much the Verizon guy makes for no longer even saying "Can you hear me now? Good!" in his apparently mandatory appearances.
I am tired of the ugly peanuts girl one. also, Chevy 'this is our country' commercials every break during the NFL season was pretty terrible.
I can't stand the car commercial where the valet/parking staff for the team starts talking to the player when he pulls into the lot. There are two different ones that feature a winter scene and a summer scene. The guy also appears in a different commercial for the same car company. I think It's a GMC commercial and they show it every commercial break during the NBA games.
Oh, oh!--almost forgot one!

"I still hate those fuckin' dumbass, annoying Navy ads!"--Petulant, adolescent-minded, spoiled-ass CAG(s).
Anything involving Jared Fogel
Anything involving McDonalds
Anything involving any product that supposedly makes women fawn all over you (Axe, etc)
oh and also those "Its my money, and I need it now!" commercials for some cash advance places... HATE those ones
[quote name='Halo05']All those McDonalds commercials that show black people getting all excited about the two new chicken sandwiches. They might as well just put some white actors in blackface and have them dance around with watermelons.[/quote]

No, the Dwayne Wade Gatorade G2 commercial is racist, and should be offensive to most black people.
"My mamma like it, and if my momma like it. I be liking it."
MF. You went to college, right? Do you not understand grammar. (pause for someone to criticize the grammar in this post).
Surely a more eloquent representation of black people or even just the basketball culture could be found.
Oh god, I almost forgot about this one:


I don't care what anyone says; that dance is fucking stupid and that woman is fucking ugly.
[quote name='VioletArrows']One, who is she, and two, what does Sobe have to do with Thriller?[/QUOTE]

1) Naomi Campbell, an ugly model from England.
2) Senseless marketing.
Those god damn commercials. The worst part is, the songs are damn catchy. I catch myself singing them without even meaning to.
[quote name='Maklershed']They say a man should always dress for the job he wants. So why am I dressed up like a pirate in this restaurant?[/quote]
Its all because some hacker stole my identity,
now I'm in here every evening serving chowder and iced tea
[quote name='freakyzeeky']Its all because some hacker stole my identity,
now I'm in here every evening serving chowder and iced tea[/QUOTE]
Shoulda gone to freeeee credit report dot com
I woulda seen this comin at me like an atom bomb
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Shoulda gone to freeeee credit report dot com
I woulda seen this comin at me like an atom bomb[/quote]

They monitor your credit and send you e-mail alerts!
So you don't end up sellin' fish to tourists in t-shirts!

Good god. All of us need to get out more.
I bought the Saul Williams CD because of the Nike/Gatorade? commercial with his song "List of demands" in it.

Kind of a backfire on the sponser.
[quote name='Maklershed']They say a man should always dress for the job he wants. So why am I dressed up like a pirate in this restaurant?[/quote]

Hate you.

[quote name='freakyzeeky']Its all because some hacker stole my identity,
now I'm in here every evening serving chowder and iced tea[/quote]

Hate you.

[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Shoulda gone to freeeee credit report dot com
I woulda seen this comin at me like an atom bomb[/quote]

Hate you.

[quote name='Sofa King Kool']They monitor your credit and send you e-mail alerts!
So you don't end up sellin' fish to tourists in t-shirts!

Good god. All of us need to get out more.

And hate you.

Now i'm singing this shit!!! ARGH!!!!:bomb::applause:
Verizon Wireless Commericals because it has the same guy in the multiple commericals over and over and over again. The dude looks gay and they the need to find a new slogan.

Any Video Game For Xbox 360, Wii, and PS3 For FREE
[quote name='greencandyman']Verizon Wireless Commericals because it has the same guy in the multiple commericals over and over and over again. The dude looks gay and they the need to find a new slogan.

Any Video Game For Xbox 360, Wii, and PS3 For FREE[/quote]

Reported. And fuck off please. Thank you.
this thred is giving me a good chuckle, as i work on commercials for a living, and have worked on several that have been mentioned here. commercials. I'm sick and fucking tired of that one.

Also any commercial for Viagra (especially the "Viva" ones). Any erectile disfunction commercials...they are all stupid.

I'm sure there are more....

[quote name='mang9432']this thred is giving me a good chuckle, as i work on commercials for a living, and have worked on several that have been mentioned here.[/quote]

Please Tell me its not "Head On"
[quote name='mang9432']i work on commercials for a living, and have worked on several that have been mentioned here.[/quote]

List. Now.

There's a good chance I'm going to hate you once I find out.

[quote name='VioletArrows']Thing about Head/Activ On is, it's repeated so much, I'm now curious to see if any of them actually work.[/quote]

It doesn't. Its a placebo effect. I saw this on some show (I think its 20/20 or something).
I know a lot of these have been mentioned already, but eh.

1. Relicbane mentioned the Mentos commercial with the woman sipping "water" out of the guy's mouth. Absolutely gross as hell.

2. Any of the Butterfinger commercials where they basically act like someone will go out of their way to get some if they sense it on someone's breath. There was one where a chick is with her boyfriend at a movie, and she ATTACKS him after he eats a bite. She comes back and has it smeared all over her face. It seriously looks like vomit and shit. She has this wonderful smile on her face, as if to say "I love having vomit and shit on my face."

3. The current Jack in the Box commercial with Jack arguing with some douchebag director about wearing a hat. I HATE the look/motion Jack does when he ends his little speech about horns, and sort of shrugs his shoulders in this very dominate-eat-my-shit smug sort of way. I have a friend that does that EXACT shit whenever he's being an assclown.

4. All Axe commercials, especially the bow-chicka bullshit ones. All Axe-wannabe commercials, such as Tag. Also hate how a lot of shaving commercials have adopted this schtick, as there's one with a bunch of women shooting shaving cream all over a dude's face? Lame as shit.

5a. The extremely racist commercial that featured every racial stereotype in the book that run DURING THE SUPER BOWL, HOLY SHIT, HOW THE fuck DID IT GET PAST SCREENING? The douchebag CEO wrote it himself, and was on record as saying he was PROUD of it. Now all of their commercials feature sweet little kids saying things like "I love my daddy and the money he gets from!" That whole site can go die in a fire.

5b. Addendum: ANY commercial where little kids are used as blatant shitstorms of cuteness, and basically say dumb shit only kids could get away with saying. Kind of like in that Futurama episode where they talk about global warming, and the little girl in the education video talks about how her dad putting ice in his drink - "Just like daddy does in the morning!...And then he gets mad." Except where that bit was funny, this shit is just annoying.

6. Suddenlink commercials tend to be annoying, even if they have Mike Birbiglia, who I actually sort of like. Annoying jingle song, parodies of other shitty commercials (like e-Harmony).

7. There's a bunch from a nation burger place...I think it's Red Robin. They center around a really annoying tour lady taking people around this sort of test factory place, and one by one the people go crazy and try to get the burgers. So in one instance, a guy puts on a VR helmet and screams about "Monkey wants my burger!" while the tour guide lady has this arrogant smile and fires of smartass comments.

8. Any commercial for Sex in the City. I hate that show enough, and can't stand that every time it is advertised, it basically reinforces the idea that killing women randomly might not be so bad, especially if the woman is Sarah Jessica Parker or the one that places the horny old flabby bitch on the show. Now that I think about it, any commercial with Parker in it, since she looks like an emaciated alien with a forehead I could land jets on. And since she does a lot of work for make-up companies, it's like she's rubbing it in my face that her forehead spans the length of eighteen football fields and has twice as much chalk on it.

9. Any of the "Are you gellin'?" commercials from Dr. Scholl's.

10. Anything made by the local ad agencies here. Good god are they horrid. I wish I could expose them to you people, so as to share the pain, and thereby alleviate some of my own torture. Generally they are nonsensical. There's some for car dealerships that just show the owner "talking" to the camera, like it was his best friend. They have horrible lighting, bad scripts, and the guy comes off like a douche. "I wouldn't sell a bad car to my neighbor....and he lives next door to me." Thank you.

11. Apple, or any commercial where it's just some looped indie song as background music to show people doing bullshit with whatever product being advertised. The songs suck.

12. Any commercial for....womanly products that shows women doing things they apparently can't/shouldn't do when they are on their periods. Use this product...go horse back riding! Take yoga! Do jumping jacks! Don't worry that your vagina is crying a river of blood and things I don't want to think about - ride a bicycle! NO. You know what you DON'T fucking do? You don't ride a fucking bicycle.

13. Any of the Peptobismol ads. Ugh.

14. Anything for STDs that are basically like the period commercials - having a flare up != riding a dune buggy, assholes.

15. For every good beer commercial, there's ten thousand bad ones.

My treasure trove of hate is depleted for the moment.
We sorta always have the TV on at our house, so I'll name so more.

1. Any of the Valtrex (genital herpes?) meds. "I have genital herpes" Wife, to TV: "Because I'm a whore."

2. The Volkswagen commercial with the white dude and his Asian gf trying to buy the Volkswagen, but the alarm keeps going off. Her 'sotto voice' of "what's happening" just bothers me. just seems to be playing to this demure Asian stereotype.

3. Ad for Diego "the magic flute DVD. The bad guy's name (or for some reason he shouts this during the ad) is "Trani Mal!". Which for some reason makes me think of transvestites.

4. Either the flomax ad or the other drug that shrinks your prostate. (Or as my dad says, Prostrate). Both ads feature model makers who crush a lump of clay to show you how your prostate shrinks. Thanks for the mental image.
[quote name='VioletArrows']Thing about Head/Activ On is, it's repeated so much, I'm now curious to see if any of them actually work.[/QUOTE]

Indeed, it's just the placebo effect. Head/whateveron is basically nothing but a tube of wax. The company that makes it is really taking people for a ride.
All... and is the reason I don't watch Tv anymore. Sadly though, I think Reality tv is more irritating and worthless than these commercials now.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']List. Now.

There's a good chance I'm going to hate you once I find out.


4. All Axe commercials, especially the bow-chicka bullshit ones. All Axe-wannabe commercials, such as Tag. Also hate how a lot of shaving commercials have adopted this schtick, as there's one with a bunch of women shooting shaving cream all over a dude's face? Lame as shit.
worked on some of these

9. Any of the "Are you gellin'?" commercials from Dr. Scholl's.
these too

13. Any of the Peptobismol ads. Ugh.
yup... haha... terrible

And the Dunkin' Donuts 'welders' spot mentioned earlier.

And no... I Didn't work on head on. thank god.

And plenty of far worse ones.

In summary... if you guys think you hate these commercials after seeing them a few (or a few dozen times) imagine having to watch them hundreds of times.
Skin care product commercials. Their so annoying it's horrible. It doesn't matter if it's for acne, or for wrinkles, or for "revitalizing ointment" their just bad. Especially the acne ones. For some reason I just think their fake.

Car insurance commercials. There are so many different insurance companies trying to make you save money. And saving money is a good thing, but if you're already saving money with another company, why would you want to jump ship and go to another company? I don't get it... Also, they try to win you over with little bonuses. Little bonuses are good, but once again, so many different companies are making commercials with the SAME THINGS! Jeez...

Lawyer commercials... ugh.

Health care commercials. Like, getting an electric wheelchair, or health insurance stuff... those are just annoying. And is it just me, or do they use old people only in these commercials?

House commercials. No, not the show, but the ones that tell you that the mortgage rate in your house is lowering, or rising, or whatever. Jeez, they take up so much time to try and explain something, and they've made so many of them.

There's probably more, but that's all I can think of for right now.
Any of those dumbass superdeluxe commercials on AdultSwim, or any commercials advertising anything by Tim and Eric. Those two absolutey suck.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Any of those dumbass superdeluxe commercials on AdultSwim, or any commercials advertising anything by Tim and Eric. Those two absolutey suck.[/quote]

I agree with that. Those two are not funny.

They were mentioned, but any Axe/Tag-ish commercials are horrible. I cringe everytime I realize that some guys do buy those products thinking women are going to be all over them. :roll:

Oh, and any "GET THE HOTTEST REALTONES ON YOUR PHONE NOW!" commercials. I think after 10:00 at night, at least two of these air every commercial break on some stations.
I cant believe nobody has mentioned those annoying hardees commercials (known as Carls Jr on the west coast) with footage of people eating big sloppy greasy burgers... it is so gross... when they start licking and sucking the goo off their fingers I want to gag... and the smart ass announcer on those commercials should be taken out back and beaten...

One of the reasons I havent set foot in a hardees for years (that and HORRID service)

I also hate ANY drug commercials.. the ones you need doctors prescriptions to get... they are ALL annoying
I know I mentioned Suddenlink earlier, but there's one in particular that is unbelievable.

It starts by showing 4-5 young girls - think 8-10 year olds - all gathered by a TV. They have popcorn and are in pajamas, so it's obvious it's a slumber party.

The doorbell rings and a fatherly figure goes to answer it. Outside - the pouring rain - is another man, around the same age as the father, so probably both 40+. This new guy is holding an umbrella, his eyes wide with anticipation, and a long grin from ear to ear. He excitedly lets himself in before the father can object, and begins to talk about how the weather has knocked out his satellite TV (Suddenlink, in case it's not in other areas, is a cable company).

He continues to explain how he is missing a lot on tv - I think he mentions "the big game" or something else cliched. The father - somewhat begrudgingly and anxiously - explains that his Suddenlink is still running 100%. The neighbor then takes a huge survey at the living room, complete with his pedo smile, as if he's licking his lips in his mind.

He thrusts the umbrella into the father's hands, looks at the girls again, and then marches up stairs, proclaiming "Oh don't mind me, I'll be watching the game up in your room!" The father objects and says that - as can be clearly seen - his daughter is having a slumber party. "Oh that doesn't bother me!" the neighbor replies as he continues upward.

I just want to know who in the f*ck greenlit the commercial, especially with the obvious overly-creepy shenanigans of the neighbor. It screams out "I really came over to look at little girls in their jammies" the entire time - the standing out in the rain, the creepy smiles, the wide eyes, and the pedo smile. It's all there.
*Walks into thread*

I dunno, some of these commercials made me laugh...I wouldn't mind seeing them on TV. Then again, I don't watch much TV.

*Puts up flame shield and leaves*
[quote name='y2kenjination']*Walks into thread*

I dunno, some of these commercials made me laugh...I wouldn't mind seeing them on TV. Then again, I don't watch much TV.

*Puts up flame shield and leaves*[/quote]

What's to flame?

other than your sig, which is....all kinds of busy and distracting. Less is more

Seeing it for the first time, it scared the shit outta me... I initially thought she was a man in drag! :hot:
bread's done