Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution - Best Wii Fighter of the Year - IGN: 8.4 - Oct. 23


36 (100%)

Before we tell you what it is, let us tell you what Clash of Ninja Revolution isn't. It is not a port of Clash of Ninja 3 or 4, which released for GameCube in Japan. Neither is it a port of Taisen EX (which released in the homeland in February). Revolution uses the same gameplay engine as Taisen EX, but it features a brand new storyline designed to stay current with the U.S. television show; it boasts new characters, many of which have never before appeared in a Clash of Ninja game; it includes a wealth of new 3D fighting environments; and if developer Eighting has enough time, it may even change up the fundamental gameplay mechanics of the series. In short, Revolution is a very different beast altogether.

Included in the cast of at least 14 playable characters are Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura, naturally, but there will be more than just the usual suspects. According to Tomy and D3Publisher, each of the fighters will come to life with new animations on Wii. Revolution is set to feature six dynamic stages with two environmental combat zones; basically, gamers will be able to start fighting in one arena and bust into a second one as the brawl wages on.

Revolution will feature a wealth of gameplay modes, from story, score attack, time attack and survival to two-player versus, two-player score attack, two-player survival and, of course, 1-4 multiplayer. Although vague on specifics, a representative for Tomy/D3Publisher did confirm that the title will be controlled with the nunchuk and Wii remote; we presume the former's analog stick will allow direct manipulation of the fighters while the latter will control special and power moves. A number of mini-games have also been designed to take advantage of the Wii remote, such as Shuriken Throw, Rasengan Training and Shadow Clone Trick.

IGN - 8.4
Gamer 2.0 - 8.2

Kiba (from Wiki)
Rock Lee
Tsunade (from Wiki)
Kisame (from Wiki)
and more!


Jeeze, there sure is a plethora of new Naruto games being developed. I don't have nearly as much confidence in this as I do for Rise of a Ninja or Path of the Ninja.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Man, that doesnt screenshot well at all[/quote]

So there are a couple jaggies, stop being a graphics whore. :roll:
[quote name='yukine']Jeeze, there sure is a plethora of new Naruto games being developed. I don't have nearly as much confidence in this as I do for Rise of a Ninja or Path of the Ninja.[/quote]
I not sure why you wouldn't. The last two on GameCube are the best multiplayer fighters on the Cube.
this should be great, did EX support gamecube/classic controls? or just the wiimote+nunchuck?

so this is basically EX with characters from 3 and 4, meaning we will not get 3 and 4 here?
[quote name='jonlubbe']this should be great, did EX support gamecube/classic controls? or just the wiimote+nunchuck?

so this is basically EX with characters from 3 and 4, meaning we will not get 3 and 4 here?[/quote]
I think it may have supported GC controllers, but I'm not completely sure. I'd love to see the support for it, but I've also heard that you can change the controls to either use motion controls or just the remote/nunchuck's buttons for fighting.

It should be basically EX's engine with 3's characters and levels, with some new stuff for the US crowd. I'd bet on more being shown next month at E3, so look out then.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I not sure why you wouldn't. The last two on GameCube are the best multiplayer fighters on the Cube.[/quote]
Wow, you actually liked those games? I thought they were terrible, the second game was a bit better but they both lacked variety and were just pretty shallow overall.
[quote name='yukine']Wow, you actually liked those games? I thought they were terrible, the second game was a bit better but they both lacked variety and were just pretty shallow overall.[/quote]
The best ones never came out in the US (3 and 4). I wouldn't judge this game based on the lower class versions in the series.
[quote name='yukine']Wow, you actually liked those games? I thought they were terrible, the second game was a bit better but they both lacked variety and were just pretty shallow overall.[/quote]Naruto 4 was perhaps the fightning game I had the most fun with out of any I've ever played. Even apart from the tie-in with the anime/manga, it was just a well balanced and fun fighter.

Of coruse, we never saw it stateside.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The last two on GameCube are the best multiplayer fighters on the Cube.[/QUOTE]
Objection. Smash Bros > Naruto garbage.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Objection. Smash Bros > Naruto garbage.[/quote]This statement is false. Not that SSBM isn't great, but Naruto 4 is better.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The best ones never came out in the US (3 and 4). I wouldn't judge this game based on the lower class versions in the series.[/quote]
Sorry, I thought we were talking about games that have actually been released in the U.S. ;)

I only played the first two games and lost interest in the series altogether. I suppose it's time to jump on the import train?
I loved GNT3. Didn't like GNT4 much due to its lack of d-pad support, so I couldn't use my Hori controller with it. But if that doesn't matter to you, 4 is the best of the Cube versions because of all the improvements overall.

I think I'd probably rent Revolution just to see what it's like. I got the demo of Clash of Ninja 2 and couldn't stand the voices in it.
I couldn't stand using the d-pad for GNT4. I've always been a analog user. Made using Gai and Chouji feel smooth as ice.
[quote name='daroga']This statement is false. Not that SSBM isn't great, but Naruto 4 is better.[/QUOTE]

I highly doubt that, CoN 1 & 2 were pretty mediocre, minus the Naruto license. I just can't believe N4 would be so much improved as to compete with hands-down one of the greatest fighting games of all time, on any system.


August 23, 2007

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At this point you already know of the Naruto: Clash of Ninja series. If not, feel free to trade in your rock for a proper living space right about now, and feel free to perk up now, as we've gone hands-on with Clash of Ninja Revolution yet again, and this time we can dig deeper into the things you may not know about the game. Interested?

With just a few weeks since our last hands-on with the game there isn't an amazing amount we can say about it - aside from the fact that we still like it, still play it, and still enjoy the experience enough to update you yet again and some more media and impressions. As we dive deeper into what the Wii's first Naruto effort has to offer it's becoming increasingly apparent that it isn't necessarily a ton of new additions to the world that make it an impressive Wii title, but that it's the mix of old and new that comes together in a still-entertaining experience. So many times games will either fail to progress forward, or instead morph away from the core gameplay that made them fun in the first place, and if you take nothing else away from our impressions let this one point drive home: Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution isn't some blowout upgrade from its predecessors; it's just another solid step in the right direction.
And you thought fighting one of him was bad...

Take, for example, the new fighting techniques we talked a bit about previously. The core combat is the same, but the in-level obstacles and progressive arenas add just another layer to Clash of Ninja's onion. Alone these additions seem simple, but when put with all the combos, counters, speed, and strategy of the core game it simply fits. Over the last few play hours with Naruto we've gotten far more akin to obstacle fighting, and it really does change up the pace of the normal fighting engine quite nicely. You can see in our first featured video below that, when used correctly, these obstacles can really screw with the pace of a match and add a nice unorthodox feel to your movements. It's a bit difficult to even lock onto the objects at first - especially if this is your first Naruto game - but once you get used to it you'll not only use them to hide, screw with your opponent, or put distance between aggressive players, but also to use context-sensitive attacks from under cover. You can leap up and over them, attack in multiple ways from around the side of them, or obliterate them if your opponent gets cute with hiding.

In addition the obstacles we're also getting used to the super system this time around, which is similar, but more in-depth. For starters players now have multiple ways of cashing in their gauges, starting with the classic warp-away counters that get you out of sticky situations (featured in every Clash of Ninja game since the beginning), but now also including huge quick-attacks and the classic supers. Instead of seeing the same uber-attack animations over and over again you can opt to hold down on the d-pad and initiate the super, unleashing a weaker - but extremely fast - attack on opponents. If you don't think you've got time to go for the full charge attacks, use these instead and throw off your opponent's strategy.

What also makes the super system a bit stronger this year around is the fact that the attacks themselves are context sensitive. Take Naruto, for example. He'll pull off his classic Uzumaki Barrage normally, but whittle him down to 1/3 health and he'll go into his nine-tailed fox mode, changing up his attacks entirely. Transformation happens on the fly, and it's a nice addition to using the same old attacks over and over again.

The cast this year is also pretty impressive, adding in more characters that change the pace of fights - like Zabuza did in the past - by performing extremely quick combos, powerful ranged attacks, or unleashing tons of heavy-hitting attacks. We'll be starting up a character reveal feature soon, so while we can't name names you'll be seeing some really impressive fighters this time around. Sure everyone loves Naruto, Sakura and the gang, but I can say with confidence that I wouldn't use a single starter character if given the chance to rock some of the newer fighters in battle. They're still balanced, but they're also brutal in their own ways.
Four fighters can get pretty intense.

This time around we also went hands-on with every control mode, and we've got some good news for fans of classic play. Of course the game supports Wii-mote/nunchuk play, as that's what you've seen all along, but it's also allows for classic controller, GameCube, and Wii-mote only support. Personally I like the classic controller best, as it has a nice layout and a pretty solid d-pad, but even the Wii-mote alone on its side is a testament to what can be done with simple controls on Wii; even in more complicated fighters such as Naruto. When holding the Wii-mote "NES style" you'll control your player with the d-pad, have light attacks on 1, heavy on 2, super on 1 + 2, 3D slides with the B trigger and A button, and throws on the "-" key. It may sound a bit cramped, but I honestly had no problem using this style, and it really was a nice change from swinging around melee attacks and dealing with the Wii-mote/nunchuk cords all the time.

As a funny little side-note, even when you're using the classic controller or Wii-mote on its own you can still sort of pull off super attack motions. Since the game rewards you with doing motions along with the super attacks this time around you are sacrificing a few hits if you don't use Wii motion and instead opt to rock the classic control types. Still, just for the hell of it we tried doing only the Wii-mote portions of the follow-along supers, and it actually worked. It's more of a funny nuance than it is an actual strategy (technically you're getting more hits though, so you might as well do it), but we thought it worth mentioning. Unfortunately there's no way of doing the moves with just button combinations, but that's the sacrifice for using non-motion on a motion console. If that ruins anyone's day though, just keep in mind we're talking about scoring a 58-hit combo instead of a 62, or a 12-hit instead of a 13. It can add up, but it isn't a life-or-death problem really. And hey, you're always free to go back to motion control at any time.

Clash of Ninja Revolution also has a pretty deep amount of modes this year, including many that you'll remember from GameCube, and a few new ones as well. You've got the classic arcade mode, time trial, survival mode, and story mode, as well as two and four player bouts, and the ability to do free-for-all, team, or even 3-on-1 (which we've shown in the video above; brutal). In addition you've also got two player arcade mode now, which is a level-by-level 2-on-2 bout against teams of CPU fighters, and Wii-enhanced mini-games including quick gesture-based games and an IR arcade shooter clone that has you throwing shuriken at plywood cutouts. It isn't an astonishingly big change over last year, but it's still a pretty solid offering, and for fans of the story mode this year's is a bit more in-depth, including an up-front tutorial mode and new characters from the show. Not bad.
Thanks for the video, it's looking decent but I'm holding off on it as I'd rather spend my cash on Rise of a Ninja, and Path of the Ninja as well.
Wow...that is...surprising from IGN. First Rise of a Ninja winning th fighting game award from IGN at this years E3 ( was a pretty slow year) and now this? Its surprising to say the least, but I for have enjoyed Clash of Ninja's fighting system. Yes it is simplistic but within the easy to graspness is a depth and complexity that makes the game infinitely replayable to see what can be chained together in some of the best combos in fighting games today.

I just paid off my preorder today thanks to the BB screw up and I for onecan't wait for this one. The frame rate looks great, the animation is smooth and fluid, it just sucks that they couldn't have kept the Shippuuden engine in the Shippuuden game for us instead of ripping out the timeskip content. Still I think its gonna be a great game for anyone who loves fighting games.
Anybody know how many characters are in the game? IGN's review doesn't mention it at all, so I'm wondering who I should expect to see. All I need is Shino, Chouji, and Gaara and I'm set.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Anybody know how many characters are in the game? IGN's review doesn't mention it at all, so I'm wondering who I should expect to see. All I need is Shino, Chouji, and Gaara and I'm set.[/quote]

I'll see if I can find out. You should add the score to the thread title.
I'm know for a fact Gaara is in. He's been in many of the gameplay videos around the net. Shino I don't know but I should damn well think so considering they said that they wanted to focus on earlier characters ie the rookie 9 and Shino was terribly missing from Clash of Ninja 2. Choji is in the same boat but I am pretty sure they will both be in. I can't confirm either of course but there's my 2
Well I'll wait for the GameSpot review, but damn this is troublesome. On one hand, I'd be happy for it being good, on the other I now have three Naruto games to buy in close proximity. Rise of a Ninja, Path of the Ninja, and then possibly this.
[quote name='Legendaryhedgehog06']I'm know for a fact Gaara is in. He's been in many of the gameplay videos around the net. Shino I don't know but I should damn well think so considering they said that they wanted to focus on earlier characters ie the rookie 9 and Shino was terribly missing from Clash of Ninja 2. Choji is in the same boat but I am pretty sure they will both be in. I can't confirm either of course but there's my 2[/quote]
Looking at the wiki for the series, Shino's in, but Chouji's a question mark. I'll just go through IGN's screens and make a preliminary list for now.

Edit: Looks like Shino is in!

Edit 2: Got a list going from IGN and GameSpot's screens. 18 at the moment and counting.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Looking at the wiki for the series, Shino's in, but Chouji's a question mark. I'll just go through IGN's screens and make a preliminary list for now.

Edit: Looks like Shino is in!

Edit 2: Got a list going from IGN and GameSpot's screens. 18 at the moment and counting.[/quote]
You know that this thread is going to be overlooked until make a mention of the fact that IGN has said this is going to be the best fighter on Wii for the rest of the year in the title, right?
[quote name='Zen Davis']You know that this thread is going to be overlooked until make a mention of the fact that IGN has said this is going to be the best fighter on Wii for the rest of the year in the title, right?[/quote]
they already did...ign said "take a good, long look at Wii's best fighter"

see, it's reviewed:

they also said that there are no worthy contenders until early 2008 with smash..i think they forgot DBZ...unless they've played it and didn't like it...
[quote name='WiiGame']they already did...ign said "take a long, good look at Wii's best fighter"

see, it's reviewed:[/quote]

I know. I've read the review and I posted the score in the thread. I'm just saying the score should be added to the title so people can know whether the game is any good.
[quote name='Zen Davis']You know that this thread is going to be overlooked until make a mention of the fact that IGN has said this is going to be the best fighter on Wii for the rest of the year in the title, right?[/quote]
Why? To lure in all the Smash fanboys that would turn this into a bitchfest thread?
[quote name='Zen Davis']I know. I've read the review and I posted the score in the thread. I'm just saying the score should be added to the title so people can know whether the game is any good.[/quote]
oh, yeah.. most def. i pre-ordered the game a few days ago since i found it for 31 bucks, it seemed like it was going to be good, and since smash was delayed 2 months.

this review helps me feel better about my pre-order. hopefully gamespot and a bunch of other sites say its good too.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Why? To lure in all the Smash fanboys that would turn this into a bitchfest thread?[/quote]

sounds fun. i was going to get smash, dbz, and mario galaxy this year. with smash delayed, my money went to naruto.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Why? To lure in all the Smash fanboys that would turn this into a bitchfest thread?[/quote]

Because trying to keep this game your little secret is silly. Just throw up the score so that people can know that at least the game doesn't suck.
[quote name='Zen Davis']Because trying to keep this game your little secret is silly. Just throw up the score so that people can know that at least the game doesn't suck.[/quote]
I'm not trying to keep it my little secret. There are a few things that keep it from being as popular as it should be: A) It's not Smash, B)It's Naruto, and C)It needs to be played for people to believe that it's a great fighter.

Hell, I'd say it's the best Wii fighter of the year, Smash or no Smash. IGN's statement is only fact because it's the default winner. The Naruto license is just a bonus for Naruto fans, but anybody can enjoy it and I've seen people enjoy it that originally avoided it because it's a Naruto game.

Spiced up the title just for Zen.
Technicality, but... Guilty Gear's the best Wii fighter of the year.

Ahem, but still, this is a surprisingly good score for the game.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I'm not trying to keep it my little secret. There are a few things that keep it from being as popular as it should be: A) It's not Smash, B)It's Naruto, and C)It needs to be played for people to believe that it's a great fighter.

Hell, I'd say it's the best Wii fighter of the year, Smash or no Smash. IGN's statement is only fact because it's the default winner. The Naruto license is just a bonus for Naruto fans, but anybody can enjoy it and I've seen people enjoy it that originally avoided it because it's a Naruto game.

Spiced up the title just for Zen.[/quote]

Domo Arigato Mr. Tanuki. ::Bows::
How does this conflict with Smash Bros nerds? It's not even coming out until next year.

So technically, this is one of the best fighters for the Wii this year. :lol:

I'm still waiting for the GameSpot review, I don't like IGN.
[quote name='yukine']How does this conflict with Smash Bros nerds? It's not even coming out until next year.

So technically, this is one of the best fighters for the Wii this year. :lol:

I'm still waiting for the GameSpot review, I don't like IGN.[/quote]
Smash just gets a chance to win the award now. ;)
any1 get this game yet? are there more then the announced 20-21 characters? and how did you like this game?

stupid toysrus put backordered so it seems like i wont get it for 2-3 weeks.
I've been a very active player of the GNT series since GNT2. If this game has anywhere close to the number of characters as GNT4, then i just might pick it up.
[quote name='KhaosX']I've been a very active player of the GNT series since GNT2. If this game has anywhere close to the number of characters as GNT4, then i just might pick it up.[/quote]
There aren't enough characters to draw from to get that many, but it'll be around GNT3's roster size.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']There aren't enough characters to draw from to get that many, but it'll be around GNT3's roster size.[/quote]

GNT3 had i think 28 characters? Rev has 21 confirmed so far.

these characters have all been confirmed
1. Naruto Uzumaki
2. Kisame Hoshigaki
3. Sasuke Uchiha
4. Itachi Uchiha
5. Sakura Haruno
6. Kakashi Hatake
7. Orochimaru
8. Neji Hyuga
9. Rock Lee
10. Tenten
11. Might Guy
12. Shikamaru Nara
13. Ino Yamanaka
14. Kiba Inuzuka
15. Hinata Hyuga
16. Shino Aburame
17. Gaara
18. Kankuro
19. Temari
20. Jiraiya
21. Tsunade

They could also include the following characters to be within the first 100 episodes for a total of 29 characters
1. Chouji
2. Kabuto
3. Mizuki
4. Anko
5. Zabuza
6. Haku
7. The Third Hokage
8. Iruka
Chouji, Kabuto and the Third Hokage. Everyone else can go take a flying shit. Well...not literally of course but I think they are by far the most important of the list seeing as they haven't been included as playable characters in the US games yet and are essential to the story arcs contained within the story mode.
[quote name='WiiGame']GNT3 had i think 28 characters? Rev has 21 confirmed so far.

these characters have all been confirmed
1. Naruto Uzumaki
2. Kisame Hoshigaki
3. Sasuke Uchiha
4. Itachi Uchiha
5. Sakura Haruno
6. Kakashi Hatake
7. Orochimaru
8. Neji Hyuga
9. Rock Lee
10. Tenten
11. Might Guy
12. Shikamaru Nara
13. Ino Yamanaka
14. Kiba Inuzuka
15. Hinata Hyuga
16. Shino Aburame
17. Gaara
18. Kankuro
19. Temari
20. Jiraiya
21. Tsunade

They could also include the following characters to be within the first 100 episodes for a total of 29 characters
1. Chouji
2. Kabuto
3. Mizuki
4. Anko
5. Zabuza
6. Haku
7. The Third Hokage
8. Iruka[/quote]
Yeah, that's the best situation the roster would have. We'll have to wait for someone to get the game to see how many characters are on the roster in total.
bread's done